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外研版高考英语一轮复习必修53Module3知能演练(带答案)+高中优秀作文:独善其身 阅读理解ADont have plenty of time for reading?If you are interested in nonfiction books,here are good choices for you.A Room of Ones OwnThis essay by English writer Virginia Woolf is based on her several lectures given to two womens colleges at Cambridge University in 1928. In it,Woolf describes that its circumstance not talent alone that allows men to be more successful at writing.Women,in other words,spend so much time cooking,cleaning,and tending to their children that they have no time left for art. To write well,therefore,a woman must have “a room of her own”. While on its surface,this essay appears to be only about writing,it is actually about wealth and class,freedom and imprisonment,and the power struggle between sexes.The Art of WarWritten by ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Zi,The Art of War is widely considered to be one of the best books about military strategy(军事战略) in human history. Consisting of 13 chapters,each dealing with a separate aspect about how to fight a war,the book has been translated into many languages and has thousands of editions. For centuries,it has been used to train military leaders for its detailed study of military strategy and effective leadership.Letter to My DaughterThis book of essays and poems by Maya Angelou,a respectable American poet,is written for “the daughter she never had”the millions of women,both young and old,who she considers to be her “family”. From the viewpoint of a caring,older relative,this book contains lessons selected from her own life experiences,including the birth of her only child,a son,as well as the development and loss of friendship.A Brief History of TimeIf youre short on time,then why not read about,well,the creation of time?This book,first published in 1998 from brilliant scientist and mathematician Stephen Hawking,explores mindbending questions about the creation of the universe,including if and when it will end,and if so,how. Despite its heavy subject matter,Hawking addresses these questions in a way thats easy to understand,even for those who know little about physics.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了四本纪实类文学作品。1What can we learn about the four books?AA Brief History of Time mainly focuses on the matter of time.BLetter to My Daughter is actually a common family letter.CThe Art of War gives advice on how to be military leaders.DA Room of Ones Own is more than about writing.D解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“While on its.between sexes.”可知,虽然表面上这篇文章只跟写作有关,但是实际上它是有关财富和社会等级,自由和监禁以及两性之间的权力之争的,所以D项正确。more than意思是“不仅仅”。2What can be inferred from the passage?AAs a physicist,Hawking is equally famous for writing.BMaya devotes herself to fighting for womens rights.CThe book by Sun Zi is helpful in policymaking.DWoolf looks down upon men in writing.C解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The Art of War.to fight a war”可知,The Art of War对政策的制定有帮助。所以选项C正确。3What is the purpose of the passage?ATo make comparisons between the four books.BTo recommend the four books to readers.CTo make comments on the four books.DTo promote sales of the four books.B解析:写作意图题。根据第一段可知,写作本文的目的是向读者介绍文中提到的四本作品。所以选项B正确。B(2018昆明高三复习适应性检测)Spider monkeys have long,thin arms with hooklike hands that allow them to swing through the trees. They do not have opposable thumbs(对生拇指)The brownheaded spider monkey has a prehensile(缠绕性的) tail,which means it can grasp and can be used like a fifth leg to grab trees. During the day,the spider monkey searches for fruits,which make up the main part of its diet. They will also eat flowers,seeds,leaves,and small insects during the dry season when fruits arent available. They spend most of the daylight hours climbing and swinging through the high branches of trees.The brownheaded spider monkey lives in a large community of about 20 to 100 male and female monkeys. They split into smaller groups for feeding. Females usually give birth to only a single baby each year or two. Young monkeys are carried on their mothers stomachs until about 16 weeks old. Then they are strong enough to ride on their mothers backs. All brownheaded spider monkey babies are born with pink faces and ears.Spider monkeys hug each other and wrap their tails around each other. They are very intelligent and have strong memories. They were named spider monkeys because they look like spiders as they hang upside down from their tails with their arms and legs swinging. Their genus(属) name is Ateles,which means “imperfect”. This refers to the fact that they dont have thumbs.Hunting the brownheaded spider monkey is now barred in Ecuador,a country in northwestern South America,but humans have killed them for their meat for hundreds of years.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了蜘蛛猴的特征和生活习性。4Spider monkeys live mostly on _AinsectsBfruitsCflowers DleavesB解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“During the day,the spider monkey searches for fruits,which make up the main part of its diet.”可知,在白天,蜘蛛猴寻找水果,这是它们饮食的主要成分。据此可知,它们以水果为主食。live on意思是“以为主食”。5What can we learn about spider monkeys?AThey have five legs.BThey live in small groups.CTheir tails can take their weight.DTheir genus is the same as spidersC解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“They were named . their arms and legs swinging.”可知,它们可以靠尾巴倒挂在树上,让四肢(在空中)摇摆着。由此推断,蜘蛛猴的尾巴可以承担体重。所以选C。6What does the underlined word “barred” in the last paragraph refer to?APermitted. BForbidden.CEncouraged. DIgnored.B解析:词义猜测题。根据最后一段内容可知,厄瓜多尔是南美洲西北部的一个国家,那里的居民虽然几百年来猎杀蜘蛛猴以获取肉食,但是现在这种行为已经被禁止。此句采用but一词前后对比介绍蜘蛛猴在这个国家的今昔不同状况,forbid意思是“禁止”。所以B选项正确。7Where do newlyborn spider monkeys stay?AIn a large community.BIn trees with high branches.COn their mothers backs.DOn their mothers stomachs.D解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“Young monkeys are carried on their mothers stomachs until about 16 weeks old. Then they are strong enough to ride on their mothers backs.”可知,刚出生的小猴大约前16周生活在母猴肚子上。故选D。 完形填空(2018云南检测)I used to believe courtesy(礼仪) was a thing of the past.Very seldom have I come across_1_human beings in this modern era of the socalled Generation X.Recently,I had to change my thinking,when I came_2_with just such a human being.I had gone to a fashionable_3_place,with my two_4_. The place was crowded with the usual_5_crowd and we had to climb a steep flight of stairs in order to find a(n)_6_table.After enjoying coffee and snacks,we were at the steep descent(下来) down the stairs,where the_7_space made climbing down very difficult,with hardly any space for another person to climb up or come down._8_I was in the middle of my descent,a man_9_the main entrance of the restaurant which was right in front of the_10_. I was sure I would be_11_roughly by this man who wanted to go up in a hurry.I_12_coming down as fast as I could,holding onto the banister(栏杆)My daughters were already down,_13_me worriedly,hoping I would reach them soon.Nearly reaching them,I noticed the man_14_standing near the door.I reached my daughters and_15_the stranger at the entrance door which he kept holding open.I looked back thinking he was still_16_the door,deciding whether to go in or find another less crowded place.I _17_him going up the stairs,two at a time.I told my daughters about it and all three of us felt_18_that we did not even thank the gentleman who was _19_holding the door open for us ladies to pass through before going up.We applauded his good manners for_20_,waiting for us to come down before going up himself and also holding the main entrance door open for us to go out.Till date,I remember this gentleman.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。在拥挤的咖啡馆,一位非常有礼貌的绅士一直在门口等作者下楼并开着门以方便作者她们出去,之后自己才上楼。作者对这一行为表示了感激与赞赏。1A.polite BeducatedCstubborn DhonestA解析:A项意为“有礼貌的”;B项意为“受过教育的”;C项意为“固执的”;D项意为“诚实的”。根据第一段第一句中的“courtesy(礼仪) was a thing of the past”可知,“我”很少遇见有礼貌的人。故选A。2A.neck to neck Bhand in handCface to face Dstep by stepC解析:A项意为“并驾齐驱,不分上下”;B项意为“手挽手”;C项意为“面对面”;D项意为“逐步地,渐渐地”。根据下文内容可知,“我们”是面对面遇见的。故选C。3A.fish BfruitCcoffee DflowerC解析:根据下文中的“After enjoying coffee and snacks”可知,“我”去了一个咖啡馆。故选C。4A.colleagues BdaughtersCfriends DstudentsB解析:根据第三段最后一句中的“My daughters were already down”可知,“我”带着两个女儿。故选B。5A.angry BworriedCnervous DloudD解析:根据上文中的“The place was crowded”可推断,这个地方人多嘈杂。D项意为“喧闹的”,符合语境。故选D。6A.empty BwoodenCclean DwindowA解析:A项意为“空的”;B项意为“木制的”;C项意为“干净的”;D项意为“窗户”。根据上文中的“crowded”以及“我们”上楼梯可知,“我们”是为了寻找一个空桌。故选A。7A.open BvastCprivate DnarrowD解析:A项意为“开阔的”;B项意为“巨大的”;C项意为“私人的”;D项意为“狭窄的”。根据下文中的“made climbing down very difficult,with hardly any space for another person to climb up or come down”可知,楼梯很狭窄,所以下楼很困难。故选D。8A.Unless BWheneverCAs DSinceC解析:句意为:当我下楼梯下到一半时,一个人走进了餐厅根据上下分句之间的关系可知,此处应用as引导时间状语从句,意为“当时”。故选C。9A.left BenteredCnoticed DignoredB解析:根据语境可知,此人应是走进餐厅的正门。故选B。10A.table BcrowdCrestaurant DstairsD解析:根据上下文语境可知,餐厅的正门就在楼梯的前面。故选D。11A.pushed BliftedCpressed DplacedA解析:A项意为“推”;B项意为“举起”;C项意为“挤压”;D项意为“放置”。根据语境可知,因为楼梯很狭窄,所以“我”认为这个男人上楼时肯定会粗鲁地挤“我”。故选A。12A.stopped BkeptCavoided DsuggestedB解析:根据语境可知,为了避免被挤,“我”尽可能地继续下楼梯。keep doing sth.意为“继续做某事”,符合语境。故选B。13A.looking after Blooking aroundClooking down on Dlooking up atD解析:A项意为“照顾”;B项意为“朝四周看”;C项意为“看不起”;D项意为“向上看,抬头看”。根据本句中的“My daughters were already down”可知,女儿们已经下楼,“我”还在楼梯上,因此,女儿们应是抬头看“我”。故选D。14A.often BseldomCstill DevenC解析:根据语境可知,“我”快下完楼时,这个男人还站在门口。故选C。15A.passed BstruckChelped DscoldedA解析:句意为:我来到女儿们旁边,与这个陌生男人在门口擦肩而过,而他一直为我们开着门。故选A。16A.on BatCin DbeyondB解析:此处表示“在门口”,应用介词at。故选B。17A.heard BpreventedCsaw DcaughtC解析:根据上文中的“I looked back”可知,此处表示“我”看到的景象。故选C。18A.ashamed BhappyCrelieved DsurprisedA解析:A项意为“感到愧疚(或遗憾)的”;B项意为“高兴的”;C项意为“松了一口气的”;D项意为“吃惊的”。根据本句中的“we did not even thank the gentleman”可知,“我们”因没有感谢这位先生而感到遗憾。故选A。19A.gradually BactuallyCfinally DimmediatelyB解析:根据上文语境可知,“我”原以为这个男人等在门口是在决定是进去还是寻找另一个人少的地方,现在知道他实际上是在为“我们”开着门,等“我们”出去。B项意为“实际上,事实上”,符合语境。故选B。20A.all BeitherCnone DbothD解析:下文介绍了这个人两个有礼貌的行为,所以此处应用both,意为“两者都”。故选D。高中优秀作文:独善其身“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。”往事越千年,斯人虽已逝,其言独留存。那背后隐藏着的,是中国自古以来无数文人士子为之穷尽一生的理想与追求。是的,我们崇尚英雄,我们渴望站在风口浪尖大展抱负,兼济天下。然而,不是每个人都能有卧龙的经天纬地之才,也不是每个人都能像周瑜那样年纪轻轻就可统率千军万马。梦想一天天在生活的坎坷中磨掉了色彩,淡褪了光华,于是到最后,平凡成了大多数人的归宿。向往巅峰,向往高度,结果巅峰只是一道刚能立足的狭地,不能横行,不能直走,毕竟,高处不胜寒哪!在如今这个浮躁冒进的年代里,不谈兼济天下,能独善其身已属难得;一个人的力量虽然有限,但若人人独善其身,这天下就无须谁来兼济。兼济天下的沸腾理想是从独善其身开始升温的。对于慷慨赠予我们一切的自然,我们怎能不心存感激?我们购买过生之入场券吗?我们预订过阳光、函购过月色吗?对于我们每一秒钟都在享用的空气,我们自始至


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