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语法填空,动词综合运用,1. Being too anxious to help an event often _(result) in the contrary to our destination.(2008年广东高考) 2. China _(be) famous for tea production since ancient times.(2013年惠州模拟) 3. That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation, _(close) my book and walked away. (2008年广州一模) 4. The child _(take) good care of by Grandma Wang in the past 2 years.,closed,has been,results,has been taken,每个句子都有一套主语和谓语,当句子缺少谓语时,括号中的动词就是_,,谓语(verb),总结,Tense(时态),Voice(语态),Subject-verb agreement(主谓一致),steps,passive(被动)/active(主动),single(单数)/plural(复数),5. He saw the stone, _(say) to himself: “The night will be very dark.” 6. The computer _(use) for this purpose is programmed to be friendly. 7. He tried making himself _(understand), but he failed. 8. _ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both young and old.,saying,used,understood,( ),Walking,句中已有谓语动词又没有并列连词与括号中的动词并列,该题考察_。,非谓语动词 non-verb,总结,steps,element(成分),logical subject(逻辑主语),relation(关系),passive(被动) active(主动),The meeting _(hold) tomorrow. _(bring) up by his grandparents, Tom wasnt used to living with his parents. 3. This coastal area _(name) a national wildlife reserve last year. 4. She stared at the painting, wondering where she _(see) it. (2009年重庆),had seen,练习,will be held,Brought,was named,verb: tense, voice, subject-verb agreement non-verb: element, logical subject, relation,verb: tense, voice, subject-verb agreement non-verb: element, logical subject, relation,5. Im calling to enquire about the position _ (advertise) in yesterdays China Daily. 6. Dressed in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself _(notice). 7. This is the first time that we _ (see) a film in the cinema together as a family.(2009年陕西),advertised,( ),noticed,have seen,this/ it is the first/second time (that) sb. have done sth.,8. His fear of failure _(keep) him from classroom games that other children played with joyous abandon.(玩得不亦乐乎) 9. _(speak) out your inner feeling wont make you feel ashamed, 10. The young student did all that he could _ (pass) the examinations.,kept,speaking,to pass,11. When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen present in her bag, her parents were already at table having supper. Her mother was excited, “ Your father has at last decided to stop smoking.” Jane _(inform). (2009年广东高考),was informed,12. I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man _(sit) at the front. (2011年广东高考) 13. Mary will never forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in class one day, _(wear) sunglasses. He walked as if he _(buy) the school.(2012广东高考),sit/sitting,wearing,had bought,verb (谓语),tense(时态) voice(语态) subject-verb agreement(主谓一致),non-verb (非谓语),element(成分) logical subject(逻辑主语) relation(关系),Text A,The early years of the twentieth century were a time of movement for many black Americans. Traditionally, most blacks 1._(live) in the Southeastern states, but in the 1920s, many blacks moved to the cities in the North. Black Americans moved because 2._(live) conditions were so poor in the rural areas of the southeast. But many blacks arrived in other parts of the country only 3._(learn) that life was no easier.,lived,living,to learn,Jobs were often hard 4._(find). Housing was poor. And whites sometimes acted violently against them. The United States also suffered a series of race riots(暴动) in a number of cities during this period. The worst riot was in Chicago. A 5._(swim) incident stated the violence. A black boy 6. _(sail) a small boat entered a part of the beach 7._(use) by white swimmers.,to find,swimming,sailing,used,( ),( ),Some white persons threw stones at the boy. He 8._(fall) into the water and drowned. Black citizens heard that the incident and became extremely angry. Soon, black and white crowds were fighting each other in the streets. The violence lasted for two weeks. Thirty eight people died and more than five hundred 9._ (wound). The violence in Chicago and other cities,fell,were wounded,did not stop black Americans from 10._(move) north or west. They felt that life had to be better than in the South.,moving,Text B,(2009年佛山二模),Valentines Day is the time of the year when couple show their love for each other by sending cards, flowers and chocolates. Its origins are 1._(clear) and hidden in the river of time. Nobody knows exactly 2._ St. Valentine was, although some historians suggest he was 3._ Roman killed in the third century AD by a Roman Emperor.,unclear,who,a,It is said that the first 4._(record) Valentine card was sent by the imprisoned Duke of Orleans in 1425. 5._ is believed that he tried to find comfort from his imprisonment by writing love poems to his wife. Now, Valentines Day 6._(celebrate) in many countries around the world. However, the traditions often differ from place to place. In Japan, for example, it is normal for the woman to send chocolates to the man,recorded,It,is celebrated,7._ in Korea April 14th is known 8. _ “Black Day” and is when the unfortunate men who received nothing on Valentines Day gather to eat noodles and show sympathy for each other. Technological 9._(develop) have also played their part 10._ keeping Valentines Day relevant in the 21st century. Valentines e-cards have been very popular in recent years.,but,as,developments,in,Good Bye!,At school I was a weak student, 1._ (prefer) to spend my time watching the birds outside the classroom. When I was in Class Nine, I 2._(meet) Thilagam Maam, our new Tamil(泰米尔语) teacher. One day, she asked me to read a chapter she 3. _ (teach) the day before. But I lost my nerve and my hands began to tremble. My classmates laughed, and I felt shameful. “Whats the problem?” Thilagam Maam 4._(ask), “Tamil is your mother tongue, isnt it?”,preferring,met,had taught,asked,“Im afraid I will read it wrong,” I admitted, bowing my head. She touched my s


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