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企业宣传资料翻译(Translation of Corporate Promotional Material),1.汉英企业宣传资料的差异及翻译原则,Who We Are (公司概括) What We Do(主营业务) How We Do It(业务流程) Our People(公司员工) Our Client(主要客户) Our Culture and Mission(公司宗旨与文化) Our Goal and Commitment(奋斗目标),2. 翻译要点,1)套用英语习见结构 陈述句: Things go better with Coca-Cola.畅饮可口可乐,保您万事如意。 If you can dream it, we can make it happen. 您能梦想到的,我们都能使之成真。,祈使句 Just do it. 想做就做 Take a better car. 买辆好车 Go with the flow. 紧随潮流(时尚) Dont miss the largest Internet and 因特网暨万维网 World-Wide Web conference and exhibition 规模史无前例,良机切莫错过 Explore your world. 探索您的世界,Begin your own tradition.代代相传,由您开始。 Think different (Apple) 不同凡“想” Take your data network to the next level with STEP STEP电脑在手,数据网更进一步 Dont just get onto it, get into it. 不仅仅是登陆互联网,而是真正畅游其中。,疑问句 Is your data piling up? 您的资料是否堆积如山? Have you driven a Ford lately? 您最近开过福特车吗? Are you going grey too early? 您的乌发是否过早变白? How can something so small be so smart? 体积虽小,功效惊人?,名词短语 Ideas for life (Panasonic) 实现您的梦想 World Money旅游必备,全球通用 Human Technology (Nokia) 科技以人为本 Advancement through technology 突破科技,启迪未来 The timeless fibre thats more modern than ever. 无论任何时代都引导时尚的纺织品料,形容词短语 Easy In and Easy Out- swivel cushion 旋转坐垫,进出自由 Too good to eat just one (LAYS) 吃了还想吃 Fresh, clean, crisp, never too sweet. 新鲜、干净、脆香、含糖量低 Best for family use, close to schools. 最适合家庭居住,就读方便 介词短语 In Touch with Tomorrow (Toshiba) 沟通未来,超越时空,汉语广告,绿色好心情 Feel it now. 一生相伴。Its for a lifetime. 因材施教,祝您迈向美好明天。The “Just Right” study level will help you on the road to a brighter future. 购买500元以上奖100元Want to earn a bonus? 100 yuan bonus on purchases over 500 yuan. 印刷服务,一步到位The one-step printing destination.,肌肤姣好,年年岁岁Better skin year after year. 没有最好,只有更好To make the best even better. 绝对质量保证,12年独家享有An exclusive 12 years no non-sense guarantee. 追求美的真谛,创造美的事业,奉献美的至诚,共建美的世界(丝宝集团) Challenge, Creation, Contribution, cooperation 使用安全,操作简便,高效便捷,乐在其中Safe, easy, quick, enjoyable,2)修辞手段在英语广告中的应用,双关pun 如:Twogether Im More satisfied. OIC Golden Seal The coats for every wear, everywhere.,夸张 hyperbole Theres no place like Spiegel. There is no place like home to shop. The best a man can get. (Gillette) Arthritis pains? All you need is Bayer Aspirin. Enjoy the flavour of the worlds No. 1. Too good to forget.,隐喻metaphor EAR FOOD Give a listen to Sanyos newest CD players. Theyre moveable feasts for music-hungry ears. Taste that beats the other colds. (Pepsi),排比antithesis A legendary Star. A Timeless Classic. My Fair Lady The CORDIA: Shaped by the wind; born for the road. The Milk Chocolate melts in your month not in your hand. 头韵alliteration Choosy mothers choose Jiff. 尾韵rhyme Compact impact Fresh up with Seven-Up.,仿拟parody One mans disaster is another mans delight. The Sale is now on. A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. If you are what you eat, a visit to North Carolina could make you a very interesting person.,重复repetition Give yourself a NIKKAX and see what it gives you. Any bar that serves Remy Martin XO is not just any bar. Stops static before static stops you. (Bounce) Home away from home Clean your breath while it cleans your teeth. 反衬contrast One Stop Shopping For All Your Party Needs Othello is a game that takes only a minute to learn but a lifetime to master.,“顶尖之夏”展销会 2000年5月7日至9日 伦敦,伯爵府2号大厦 “顶尖之夏”展销会是今年夏季最大的时尚家用饰品和个人珍藏礼品展销会。我们不断关注着市场,寻找符合“顶尖”展销会高水准的公司和高质量的产品。,5月里连续3天,伯爵府2号大厦将成为创造力的中心,欧洲最具创新精神的550家参展商将在这里展示为其博得声望的各种创意。参展的每一家公司都在才华和原创力方面经过精心挑选。150多家参展商将首次在“顶尖之夏”展销会上亮相,它将为客户提供独特机会,结识有望在未来成为媒体关注焦点的成功商家。,不论是夏季或是秋季展销会都吸引了英国和国际上的高水准的2万家客户,他们踊跃前来参观,是因为了解“顶尖”展销会将为他们提供新颖有趣的产品。对客户来说,这是一个重要的能使他们在竞争中处于领先地位的展销会。 你舍得放弃这个展示自己的绝好机会吗?,新奇士牌开心果,古往今来,香脆可口的开心果以其令人难忘的口味作为坚果中的 深受人们喜爱。如今,新奇士牌开心果诚邀您亲身体验新鲜一流的加利福利亚开心果。它们生长在我们自家的果园,在树上成熟并自然开裂,从而以最佳状态获得新奇士的特有风味。新鲜带壳的新奇士牌开心果,是您选择的最佳美味。 无论何时何地,新奇士牌开心果是您健康、美味的伙伴。,3)修辞手段在汉语广告中的应用,仿拟 随身携带,有备无患。 随身携带,有惊无险。(速效救心丸) A heart reliever in need is a heart reliever indeed. 谁跑到最后,谁笑得最好。He who laughs best who runs longest. 远离喧嚣,幽静宜人。FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD 真诚到永远。Sincerity is forever.,夸张 喝一杯即饮柠檬茶令你怡神醒脑! For refreshment? All you need is a glass of Instant Lemon Tea! 明喻 轻柔绵软,呵护体贴。(内衣广告)Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. 隐喻 清除皱纹,马到成功(化妆品广告)A proven challenge to wrinkles.,排比 当代经典,永久计时(手表广告) A contemporary classic. A timeless timepiece. 实为创业之本,达则兼善天下(实达电脑) Honesty is key to success. A great business wins the world by merits. 拟人 一册在手,纵览全球(环球杂志) The Globe brings you the world in a single copy.,双关 能够成为一流ABLE to be the best. 不求今日拥有,但求天长地久(电视)Choose one and choose for good. 头韵 长思枣 味道好Choillse is the best choice.,尾韵 享有称心满意的服务,全凭此“优质”标记。 Shop and dine with peace of mind wherever you see this sign. 衣食住行,有龙则灵。(龙卡) With a LONG Card, your life will not be so hard. 看得越清,就越觉得我们与众不同。 The clearer you see, the more outstanding well be.,4)本土化策略,美国宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble):美国市场:Pert-Plus;亚洲Rejoice;中国:飘柔 可口可乐:美国(Cant beat the real thing挡不住的诱惑);日本(I feel Coke我喜欢可口可乐的感觉);香港(Coca Cola Is It就是可口可乐);中国内地(Enjoy Coca Cola尽情享受可口可乐) 海尔:美国(Haier and Higher);中国(海尔,永创新高),改写,长思枣 Choillse 风入松书店 Forest Song 美日达(音乐)电脑万年历 Melodate Computer Calender “上好佳”芝士圈 Qishi Cheese Logs-Taste so Rich and Cheesy The Classic Cheese Flavored Corn Logs 为了你,走近你(报纸广告) Were here for you; Were part of your life,学纯正英语,做国际人才(21世纪少年英文报) Speaking Bilingually Think Globally (21 Century TeensKids Edition) 长城电扇,电扇长城 A fan is no comparison to the Great Wall, but the Great Wall Fan is just as cool. 在家靠自己,出国靠国旅 At home youre your own boss. In China your Aladdins Lamp is at CITS.,删减,公司概况 EDS公司为国际上最富经验的外包服务公司,该公司通过其低成本、高质量的服务模式,为客户提供超级回报。EDS的核心业务组合包括信息技术、外包服务业务流程,以及信息技术转化服务。EDS旗下的A. T. Kearney公司,是全球领先的高价值管理顾问公司之一。公司为世界上60个国家的知名大企业和政府机构提供服务。以下是公司的几组数字: 员工数:超过12000 2003年收入:215亿美元 财富500强排名:第80位,删减策略的应用,公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,大中专毕业以上的技术、管理人才占公司总数的30%以上。 The company boasts tremendous technological strengths with a well-qualified management and staff.,团结湖北京烤鸭店为全聚德挂炉烤鸭。为保证宾客品尝精美风味,全部现吃现烤。精选纯北京白鸭,以果木挂炉烤制,只需40分钟就能品尝到为您特别烤制的色泽枣红,香酥脆嫩,浓香四溢的正宗烤鸭。 Tuanjiehu Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant uses only the finest Beijing Ducks which are only roasted after you place your order. Preparation takes 40 minutes after which we will serve you with a delicious, golden red Beijing Duck with crunchy skin.,译例分析,CAAC INFLIGHT MAGAZINE CHINASKIES THE FIRST INFLIGHT MAGAZINE IN CHINA,Circulated in all major airlines On domestic and international flights in China Over 40 million passengers in 1994 60,000 seats 200,000 copies, every 2 months Audited circulation,THE SOLE TARGETED MEDIA IN CHINA To reach Business and decision makers At national level Best cost effective media For the coverage of all the airlines in China,MAKE YOUR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS TAKE OFF IN CHINA WITH CAAC INFLIGHT MAGAZINE CHINASKIES,Shenghua Electric Kettle,Shenghua electric kettle is the most up-to-date household appliance to boil water and make hot drinks fast at home or in the office. Safe and clean, it is your best choice with its excellent design, perfect workmanship, high thermal efficiency, low power consumption, as well as reliable performance.,Cautions Check the capacity of the power supply before use. Do not leave the socket or the plug wet or damp in case of a leakage; never submerge the kettle in water. Never use the kettle with little or no water in it to avoid damage of the electric heater. Beware of the spilling-over of the water when it boils to avoid a leakage of electricity. Never use the kettle on fire. To ensure safety, never use the kettle without grounding.,BEIJING INTERNATIONAL TOURISM EXPO 2004,Venue: Beijing Exhibition Center Show Dates: 22 July to 24 July 2004 Opening Hours: 10:00 am to 5 pm on 22 July 2004 (Open to Trade V


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