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关于牛津初中英语8A第一单元 Reading部分教学的一点思考,一、教学内容分析,中心话题:朋友朋友的外貌、 朋友的个性品质等,单元各部分具体内容分析,1、Welcome to this unit 内容:Eddie和Hobo的对话,作用:热身练习,铺垫,激发兴趣,2、Reading,内容:作文竞赛的三篇来稿,Betty、 Max、May,作用:单元核心,阅读能力,3、Grammar,内容: Daniel想写信给网友介绍自 己的同学,班级同学的个人 档案,作用:在情境中学习形容词、形容 词的比较级、最高级和同级 比较,4、Integrated Skills,内容:Millie和Sandy写信给青少 年杂志的编辑周先生,讲 述自己未来的希望。,作用:针对性地训练学生的听说能 力。,5、Study Skills,内容:一封青少年杂志上的信, Cindy在信中诉说了自己在新 学校的苦恼。,作用:培养学生通过找关键词,迅 速抓住文章中主要信息的能 力。,6、Main Task,内容:Daniel想参加青少年杂志 的作文竞赛,他写了一篇文章 介绍他最好的朋友Kate。,作用:培养学生的写作能力。,7、Checkout,作用:复习本单元出现的一些主要 语法和重要的语言现象。,二、单元目标及要求,1. 能够用形容词描写人的外貌。,2. 能够用形容词描写人的个性品质。,3. 掌握形容词的比较级、最高级的变化规则 并能正确运用比较级、最高级及同级比较。,4. 能用would like这个句型和别人谈论自己未来 的计划。,5. 学会在文章中捕捉关键词的技巧。,6. 能写一篇文章介绍自己的好朋友。,7. 对于“什么是好朋友?” “如何交朋友?”能从 思想上有进一步的认识。,三、Reading部分的目标及要求,Part 1 Welcome to the unit 1. New words: nothing, bowl, honest, secret, joy, problem, magazine, good-looking, *teenager, musical, competition, editor, quality, advertisement, generous, handsome 2. Useful expressions: Do you want some? Can I have some more food? Can I have something to drink? in your bowl, nothing else, keep secrets, make sb. happy, share ones joy, have problems, clean and tidy, believe what he says, be willing to do sth., in need 3. Functional item: After finishing this part, the students can talk about the qualities of a good friend.,Part 2 Reading 1. New words: slim, willing, ready, seat, singer, wonderful, almost, poor, eyesight, smart, bored, unhappy, joke, fit, knock, advertisement, true, thin, square, handsome *generous, sense, humour, shoulder-length, vote 2. Useful expressions: asas, be willing to do sth., be ready to do sth., do sth. any time, give seats to people in need, travel around the world, get to see each other often, a wonderful friend named Max, have poor eyesight, because of too much computer work, make sb. do sth., have a sense of humour, never feel bored or unhappy, be with sb., tell funny jokes, walk past, knock over, think of, have straight, shoulder-length hair, a true friend, never say a bad word about anyone 3. Functional item: Students can talk about their best friends, including describing their appearances and personalities.,四、Reading 部分的教学方法建议,1. 阅读前Welcome to this unit,1)话题的提出,a. Free talk What is your friend like?(teach “good-looking, handsome”) Why do you choose him/her as your good friend? (Teach “secret, honest, joy, problem, quality”),b. Questionnaire,Who will you talk to when you are in such situations?,2)词汇的铺垫,a.语境中学词汇,培养英语思维 b.直观性,趣味性,交际性,c.适当提前 Do you think Eddie and Hobo are good friends? Why? ( teach “generous ,be willing to do sth., in need”),d. 在任务型的活动中运用学过的词汇。,活动形式:,个人活动:制订初稿 小组活动:交流观点并设计制定小组标准 班级活动:各小组选一人向全班汇报,任务:制定“好朋友”的标准,2. 阅读中,1)把握文章大意-关键词和关键词组,What makes Betty, Max and May become their best friends?,Betty: Max: May:,generous and helpful,have a sense of humour,keep a secret,2)抓住文章细节准精读(在阅读过程中将自己 认为重要的词标出并学会运用),3. 词汇的处理,a. 铺垫:为 reading 做准备,b. 猜测词义:poor eyesight, look smart, sense of humour, knock over,c. 建构词汇:bored, boring knock over, knock at the door think of , think about unhappy, happy,d. 难点词汇的处理:,His legs are very long and they do not fit under the school desks.,Yao ming is very tall. Will he fit in this car?,This pencil is very long. It doesnt in this pencil-box.,The ship is very high. It doesnt fit under the bridge.,The shoes fit me well. You must keep fit.,4)关于Reading的背诵,a. 语音、语调的养成,b. 背诵的前提,c. 围绕背诵的课堂活动,3. 阅读后,1)阅读后的扩展练习课内指导课外,课外 加强课内,目的:综合运用语言的能力,合作精神,创新 精神,形式: a. 值日汇报 a) guess work b) ask questions c) summary,b. 小报比赛 个人活动:收集、设计、介绍 小组活动:介绍、猜测、推选 班级活动:展示,c. 小组讨论 Is he my best friend? Why?,1. We are having an English exam. I cant spell one word, then I ask my best friend , but he doesnt tell me.,2. Yesterday I played computer games in a net bar. I only told my best friend about it. But today, my teacher and my parents knew it and they all got very angry.,d. 辩论,e. 调查 老师:布置任务 学生:分组设计,进行采访 小组:交流,完成 全班:交流,2)阅读后的评价,Learner log After reading, how comfortable do you feel doing each of the skills below? 1 = Not comfortable 2 = Need more practice 3 = Comfortable 4 = Very comfortable Comfort level Describe a friends appearance 1 2 3 4 Talk about the friends qualities 1 2 3 4 Use new words and ex


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