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毕 业 论 文The Translation of Automobile Brand-names and The Principle of Equivalence汽车品牌名称的翻译与等效原则 学院 专业 级 班学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 日 Abstract:The translation of automobile brand-names, as a kind of translation, is also a form of intercultural communication. With the improvement of the consuming level of people, automobile product rushes into peoples life and the automobile brand name has become an important topic for everyone. The principle of equivalence is very important to the translation of automobile brand-names. Under the principle of equivalence, the reactions of the receptors should be similar to the receptors of the source language in the original place. In the premise of understanding the sources and the features of automobile brand-name, translator should have a brief recognition on the definition and influence of the principle of equivalence, and then try to master and use it.Key words: brand names, principle of equivalence, translation methods【摘要】汽车品牌名称的翻译作为翻译中的一种形式,同样也是跨文化交际的一种形式。随着人们的消费水平的提高,汽车闯入了人们的生活,汽车品牌成为了大家关心的一个重要话题。对于汽车品牌名称的翻译来说等效原则是很重要的。在等效原则下,接受者的行为应该与原语地方接受者的行为相似。在掌握好汽车品牌名称的来源及其特征的前提下,译者应当了解等效原则对翻译的重大影响和意义,然后试着去掌握它并且运用它。【关键词】汽车品牌、等效原则、翻译方法ContentsIntroduction- 1 -1.Introduction of Automobile Brand Names- 1 -1.1 A Simple Introduction of Brand- 1 -1.2 The Origination of Automobile Brand Names- 1 -1.3 The Characteristics of Automobile Brand-names- 2 -2.A Brief Introduction of the Principle of Equivalence- 3 -2.1 The Concept and Development oftThe Principle of Equivalence- 3 -2.2 The Influence of The Principle of Equivalence to Translation- 4 -2.3 The Significance of The Principle of Equivalence- 4 -3.The Translation of Automobile Brand Names Under The Principle of Equivalence- 5 -3.1 The Translation Principle of Automobile Brand Names- 5 -3.1.1 The Equivalence of Words- 5 -3.1.2 The Equivalence of Information- 6 -3.1.3 The Equivalence of Function- 6 -3.1.4 The Equivalence of Culture- 7 -3.2 The Translation Methods of Automobile Names under The Principle of Equivalence.- 7 -3.2.1 Transliteration- 8 -3.2.2 Literal Translation- 9 -3.2.3 Free Translation- 9 -3.2.4 Transliteration Combined with Literal Translation- 10 -Conclusion- 11 -Bibliography- 13 -Acknowledgements- 14 -IntroductionWith the development of globalization of the economy, a large number of things need to be translated. Recently, a survey shows that the living standard of Chinese has improved year by year. So more and more families can afford automobile. In this condition, a good and suitable translation is very important.However, the translation of automobile brand names is a very difficult job. The receptors of the brand names in the receptors language should respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors of the brand-names in the source language. According to the principle of equivalence, the translated automobile brand names should achieve a perfect linguistic unity in sound, form and meaning. At the same time, cultural obstacles in the receptors language should be overcome. The translation of the automobiles should be simple and easy to understand.1. Introduction of Automobile Brand NamesJust like human being, commodities have their own names. Maybe these names are only a symbol, but it can reflect a lot of information, such as quality, function and performance and so on. For us, this is the most direct and simplest means. As is known to all, a good automobile brand name can bring great benefit to the company. So an excellent name is wealth for the enterprise.1.1 A Simple Introduction of BrandA brand, which is the image of the commodity and enterprise, can deliver the information of goods to customers. The function of the brand is to identify products or services of a particular seller or a group of sellers and to make a distinction between sellers and their competitors with their commodities and services. In other words, brand not only is unique and specific, but also has the feature of association, and other characteristics which also determine the specificity of brand translation: it is different from the literature translation, as it should be the most accurate and concise way to convey the goods basic information; it is also different from a simple science and technology translation, because it has to consider the aesthetic psychology of consumers and the culture in the target place where goods are sold. At the same time, as a symbol of commodity, a brand name shows the wisdom of manufacturers. So the translation of automobile brand name is not merely the simple conversion of language, but also a combination of various factors. Brand name should reflect the language and cultural implication of the source language and give full consideration to the concerned information of the target language.Brand name may determine the success or failure of a commodity. Along with the globalization of economy, especially with Chinas entry into the WTO, more and more people have realized the importance of goods brand names and international brand names in promoting sales.1.2 The Origination of Automobile Brand NamesIn order to translate the name of automobile, the translator must understand the sources of the original automobile brand name. Through learning, we know that different automobiles have their own origination:1) Some brand names are according to peoples name. for instance, BENZ(奔驰),it comes from the name of Carl Friedrich Benz who the founder of the company; FERRARI(法拉利), it is from the great automobile designers name of EnzoFerrari. FORD(福特), it is also from the name of Henry Ford who the founder of the firm. Others are just like MAZDA(马自达),Lincoln(林肯), and so on.2) Some names come from something. Such as Blue Bird(蓝鸟), Jaquar(美洲豹), Fox(狐狸), and Rose(玫瑰) and so on. These names make the product full of vitality, and stimulate the desire of purchasing of people.3) Some of brand names come from geographical and physical phenomena, such as SANTANA(桑塔纳), Cherokee(切诺基), TOYOTA(丰田), and PONTIAC(庞蒂亚克) and so on. As is known to all, SANTANA is a valley of California of America; Cherokee is the name of the first tribe of Indians; TOYOTA and PONTIAC are a name of a city.4) Some of brand names are from mythology, for example, Mazda(光明之神), the god of the light. Triton(海神), the god of the sea and Apollo(太阳神), the god of the sun in western culture.5) Some of brand names come from the ordinary words that have good images, for instance, Victory(胜利), it represents the wish of human being for good things.And some of the automobile brand name are just a word that not special meaning, such as Lexus (雷克萨斯), Excelle(越野) and so on.1.3 The Characteristics of Automobile Brand-namesAs a good translator, he or she must know how to choose a suitable translation method. In order to make the translation of the brand much better, translators should master the characteristics of the Automobile Brand Names. According to a reach, we know that a good automobile brand name should have the following characteristics:Firstly, from the linguistics angle, the automobile brand names are all simple and easy to understand that make the customers to come up with some relevant association about the automobile when hearing the translation of the name of the automobile. Such as Volvo(沃尔沃), Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯) and Cadillac(凯迪拉克).Secondly, from the aesthetics angle, the automobile brand names give rise to a better association. Most of them are made bases on the characteristics of automobiles. They are all new words which were created by people through combining culture, customs, markets, and so on. Such as Lexus(雷克萨斯), Cruze(科鲁兹), Grandis(格兰迪), and Geely(吉利) and so on.Third, the automobile brand names are always closely connective with culture. From these brand names, we can know a lot of relevant knowledge. Among these names, some of them are from legends and myths. Such as Titan(泰坦), Apollo(阿波罗), Nemesis(复仇女神),and Clio(克里奥), and so on. Most of the automobile brand names have a specific ethnic cultural implication. In the same cultural environment, the designer and consumer of automobile brand names share a common cultural presupposition, so through the literal meaning of the automobile brand names, the consumer can understand the deep cultural significance within it. As a result, automobile brand names have a considerable attraction to the consumers in the target place. However, the translation of automobile brand names is not only the contact of two languages, it is also a bridge of two cultures. In the process of translating the source language into target language, if the automobile brand name does not meet the cultural of language in target country, the company will face a huge amount of losses.2. A Brief Introduction of the Principle of EquivalenceWith the development of globalization economy, the trade between different fields of two countries has become more and more international. So the translation of brand name is very important for the people of the target market. Because it is a bridge to connect the two countries, also we know that a good translation of the automobile brand name can promote the sales of the products. So to choose a good principle is the key step for the translator. The principle of equivalence could be the greatest principle in the translation of automobile brand names.2.1 The Concept and Development of the Principle of EquivalenceIn this theory, Eugene A Nida pointed out that the translation is using the most suitable, natural, and equitable words to express the source language from the meaning of words to the style of the passage(郭建中,200,p65). At the same time, he said translation is not only the equivalence of the meaning of the words, but also the equivalence of semantics, style, and type of writing. Translation delivers the information of the literal and deep meaning. The word of “equivalence” include: words equivalence, sentences equivalence, sections and chapters equivalence, and style equivalence.According to Nida, a minimal, realistic definition of equivalent-effect principle could be stated as “The readers of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it”(Nida,1993:18). The principle of equivalence indicates that an ideal effective translation should be able to produce the equivalence of function, message and response to both the target and the original receptors. That is the effect produced by a translation on its audience should be as close as possible to the effect the original had on the recipients in the source language. Nida(1964) advances the principle of dynamic equivalence that the translator should produce the same effect on his own readers as the source language author produced on the original readers. This principle is restated in many other curtains of linguistic and cultural differences so that people may see clearly the relevance of the original massage(Nida,1986). The equivalent translation does use “anything which might have special impact and appeal for receptors”; it rather “means understanding not only the meaning of the source text but also the manner in which the intended receptors of a text are likely to understand it in the receptor language”Under the influence of the equivalence, the follow principles should be used into the practices of translation: 1) the target language should smooth and natural; 2) To deliver the language and deep meaning of the source language; 3) The form of expression should be suitable and easy understanding; 4) To make the receptors in the target language respond to it in the same manner as the receptors in the source language.2.2 The Influence of the Principle of Equivalence to TranslationTranslation is a kind of form of delivering information. It expresses the meaning of the original language by using the information of another language, so that the people who dont understand the first language get the same information as its user. This is the function of the translation. So the effect of the translation to its customers should be equivalent to the effect of the original language to its original customers, this is subjected to the essence of translation.According to the principle of equivalence, translation is a reproduction of the information in the source language from the meaning to the style by using the most suitable and most natural corresponding language in the target language. The meaning of the corresponding language is a very important concept, for it involves the principle of equivalence in translation. In fact, translation is not only the change of language form, but also an extremely complex process. That is:The source languagethe translators understanding to the original languagetranslation processtranslated languageThe customers feelingIn the principle of equivalence, the equivalences of words equivalence, logic equivalence, plot equivalence, conception and theme equivalence, aesthetic equivalence (including rhetorical equivalence, verve equivalence and style equivalence) and cultural equivalence should be implemented in the process of translation by the translators.However, translators are not so easy to master it and use it properly. The translators have to loss or sacrifice some item during the process of translation. As for what should be sacrificed and what should be implemented, it depends on different kinds of condition.In conclusion, the principle of equivalence is quite applicable to the translation of the automobile brand names, for the brand names are created to perform certain functions. The functions of the principle of equivalence are listed as follow: expressive, informative, cognitive, interpersonal, imperative, performative, imperative and aesthetic and metalinguistic. Among these functions, the functions of expressive, informative, imperative, and aesthetic are closely related to the automobile brand names. It is obvious that brand name is the symbol of goods quality and strengths of company. Under the influence of the function, the translation of the automobile should attempt to achieve an ideal equivalence in terms of meaning and cultural, and reproduce their functions.2.3 The Significance of the Principle of EquivalenceCompared with the others translation, the translation of the automobile brand name is also very difficult. But a good translation of automobile brand name can help consumers to distinguish the commodities and convey the faith and purpose of manufacturers. They are even a microcosm of the corporate culture. So the translation process of automobile brand name is not so easy.Under the requirement of the aesthetics, the principle of equivalence stresses the importance of creativity of recipient, and emphasizes the regulating mechanism of the needs and the sense of recipients to art works. Thus the “article-center theory” is abandoned. These theories and ideas will undoubtedly provide a positive effect to improve the social function and social benefits of translation activities. Translation is a kind of skill which requires the translator to know lots of knowledge that has a high demand. So in order to make the translation prefect, the translator needs a principle to be a guide. The principle of equivalence provides a much newer view and a better theoretical guide for translators to translate the source language into the target language. If you wants to do something better, you should prepare for it before you do it. The theory of the principle of equivalence, as a kind of the most important rule in translation, provides a theoretical base for the translation. It implies different degrees of adequacy from minimal to maximal effectiveness factors, is defined as “in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the target language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language” (Nida 1969:24). There is only a purpose of the translation, that is, to draw the buyers attention and stimulating them to purchase the goods or service being showed by the manufacturers will never change. From this point of view, the principle of equivalence should be viewed as the principle of automobile brand names translation, also the principle of equivalence is the most suitable guide tool of the translation of the automobile brand names in all aspects. Obviously, it cant be more suitable to use the principle of equivalence to guide the translation of the automobile brand names.Therefore, for the translators, the most important thing is to hold a very serious attitude, master the feature of the automobile brand name, implement the principle of equivalence in the whole translation process and use all kinds of translation strategies. If the translator really did it, the automobile brand would have a great influence and wider selling market in the globalization market. In other words, a good translator must need a good principle, and a good theory will lead to an excellent translation. So that is what the significance of the principle of equivalence is.3 The Translation of Automobile Brand Names under the Principle of EquivalenceAs a kind of product, in order to enjoy a good market, a good translation is very important. As we all know, most of the modern brand names are closely linked with their own national culture, such as religion, literature, philosophy, and the way of thinking and so on. A suitable translation of a brand name should take into account so many factors. So to choose a kind of most fittest principle is necessary. And the principle of equivalence can help the translators to implement this point and reali


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