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Logistics Glossary Version 1.2 Revision History Date Issue Description Author 23/Mar/2001 V1.0 初始创建,参考了Exe(全球领先的仓库管理系统软件供应商)的物流术语表Luke 20/Sep/2001 V1.1 增补了国家标准物流术语GB/T183542001 的部分内容Luke Table of Contents 1. Introduction 6 2. Definitions 7 2.1 Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) 7 2.2 Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) 7 2.3 Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS) 7 2.4 Back Order 7 2.5 Batch Picking (Batch Selection) 7 2.6 Bill of Lading 7 2.7 Carrier 7 2.8 Cart 8 2.9 Case 8 2.10 Case Pack 8 2.11 Code-Dated 8 2.12 Consolidation 9 2.13 Conveyor 9 2.14 Cross Docking 9 2.15 Distribution 9 2.16 Distribution Center 9 2.17 Distribution Channel 10 2.18 Distribution logistics 10 2.19 Distribution Planning 10 2.20 Distribution Processing 10 2.21 Distribution requirement planning(DRP)10 2.22 Distribution resource planning(DRP)10 2.23 Distributor 10 2.24 Dock 10 2.25 Dock Door 11 2.26 Dry Grocery 11 2.27 Dunnage 11 2.28 ECR(Efficient Customer Response) 11 2.29 EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) 11 2.30 Enterprise resource planning(ERP)11 2.31 FIFO(First In First Out) 11 2.32 Fixed Slot 11 2.33 Floating Slot 12 2.34 Floor Slot 12 2.35 Flow Thru 12 2.36 ForkLift 12 2.37 Forward Location 12 2.38 Freight Charges 12 2.39 Full Pallet Select 13 2.40 Gravity-Flow Rack 13 2.41 Handling/carrying 13 2.42 Handling Unit 13 2.43 Harmonized Tariff Code 13 2.44 Harardous Class/Indicator 13 2.45 Inbound 13 2.46 Inner Pack 13 2.47 Inventory 14 2.48 Inventory Adjustment 14 2.49 Inventory Control 14 2.50 Inventory Detail 14 2.51 Invoice 14 2.52 Just in time(JIT) 14 2.53 JIT Delivery System 14 2.54 Label 15 2.55 Lead Time 15 2.56 LTL(Less-Than-Truckload) 15 2.57 Let Down(Replenishment) 15 2.58 License Plate 15 2.59 Loading and unloading 15 2.60 Logistics 15 2.61 Logistics center 16 2.62 Lot Number 16 2.63 Material requirements planning(MRP)16 2.64 Manufacturing resource planning(MRP)16 2.65 Minimum Order Requirements 16 2.66 Mixed Load 16 2.67 Narrow Aisle 17 2.68 Numbering System 17 2.69 Order picking 17 2.70 Order Selection 17 2.71 Out-Of-Stock 17 2.72 Outbound 17 2.73 Package/packaging 17 2.74 Pallet 17 2.75 Pallet Cube 18 2.76 Physical Inventory 18 2.77 Pick Rate 18 2.78 Production Detail 18 2.79 Production ID 18 2.80 Production logistics 18 2.81 Purchase Order 18 2.82 Put-away 18 2.83 Quick response(QR)19 2.84 Rack 19 2.85 Rack Bay 19 2.86 Receiving 19 2.87 Replenishment 19 2.88 Replenishment Level 19 2.89 Retail Unit 19 2.90 RF Unit 19 2.91 Safety Stock 20 2.92 Sales Order 20 2.93 Service Level 20 2.94 Shipping 20 2.95 Shipping Unit/Shipping Case 20 2.96 Slot(Location) 20 2.97 Sorting 20 2.98 Split-Case(Broken-Case) 21 2.99 Staging Area 21 2.100 Stereoscopic warehouse 21 2.101 SKU(Stock Keeping Unit) 21 2.102 Storage and Replenishment 21 2.103 Storing 21 2.104 Storage 21 2.105 Straight Load 21 2.106 Supplier(Vendor) 22 2.107 Supply Chain 22 2.108 SCE(Supply Chain Execution) 22 2.109 Suply Chain Inventory Visibility 22 2.110 SCM(Suply Chain Management) 23 2.111 SCP(Supply Chain Planning) 23 2.112 Supply logistics 23 2.113 Transportation 23 2.114 Third Party Logistics(TPL) 24 2.115 TMS(Transporation Management System) 24 2.116 Transportation Planning and Scheduling 24 2.117 UPC(Universal Product Code) 24 2.118 Virtual logistics 24 2.119 VMI(Vendor-Managed Inventory) 24 2.120 Warehouse 24 2.121 WMS(Warehouse Management System) 25 2.122 Warehouse Point 25 2.123 Zero-inventory technology 25 2.124 25 2.125 25 2.126 25 2.127 25 2.128 25 2.129 25 2.130 25 2.131 25 2.132 26 2.133 26 2.134 26 2.135 26 2.136 26 2.137 26 2.138 26 2.139 26 2.140 26 Logistics Glossary 1. Introduction 本文档定义了物流领域中的一些术语。人们在沟通中出现的很多障碍或误解往往是由于对于一些基本概念没有统一认识而造成的,因此术语的标准化是非常重要的,术语标准化是有效沟通的基础。本文档采用中英文对照的形式,本人依据原文并结合自己的理解进行了意译,期望使用本文档的同事能对文档内容进行勘误和丰富,以便更好的为大家的工作带来方便。. 2. Definitions 本文档定义了物流领域中的一些术语. 2.1 Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) 高级计划和调度A subcomponent of supply chain planning, typically contextually describing manufacturing planning and scheduling. 供应链计划的子模块,典型的包括了制造计划和调度2.2 Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) 提前到货通知Electronic message, including electronic data interchange (EDI) or Extensible Markup Language (XML), giving notification of product due prior to receipt. 以EDI 或XML 电子报文形式发给仓库的提前到货通知,仓库将据此安排收货计划2.3 Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS) Computer-driven highrise system used to store and select cases or items automatically. A system typically consists of highrise shelving, multi-level conveyors, and highrise industrial truck equipment. 2.4 Back Order The automatic addition of the out-of-stocks listed on one order to another shipment being delivered to a retail store. There are two types of back orders: 1) receiving coming from a supplier or vendor (the back order is sent with the next order), and 2) shipping going to a customer (send the back order with the next order). The process a company uses when a customer orders an item that is not in inventory; the company fills the order when the item becomes available. 2.5 Batch Picking (Batch Selection) 批量拣货A method of order selection in which several orders for different cus-tomers, or a batch of them, are picked together. Generally, a number of selectors work at the same time in different sections of the facility to pick the batch. 拣货的一种方法,具体指同时拣取不同客户的若干张定单或一批定单2.6 Bill of Lading 提单A document issued by a carrier that records the receipt of goods for shipment and the contract terms. It is not an invoice. 由承运人签发给委托方记录货物收到及运输合同条款的单证,提单是有价证券,可转让、抵押,但不是商业发票2.7 Carrier 承运人Any individual, company, or corporation engaged in transporting goods. 从事货物运输的个人或公司2.8 Cart 手推车A manually pushed or pulled platform that has a handle and four wheels. It is used to move merchandise in the facility. 具有把手和四轮可手工推拉的平台,用于在仓库中移动货物2.9 Case 箱The storage case that is taken in at receiving. This can vary from a ven-dor case when it is split during receiving. The column in a table repre-sents the number of retail units in a case. Example: Product: 12 oz. Cola cans Case: 24 cans in a master case Inner Pack: 6 cans tied together with plastic (a six-pack) Retail Unit: A single can In this example, if the customer orders by six-packs, the shipping unit would be set to 6. If the customer orders by the case, the shipping unit would be set to 24. If the customer orders by the retail unit, the shipping unit would be set to 1. Note: This is only one example of the many different ways that a product can be set up. A single products shipping unit can be set differently on different product details. 收货时的存储容器,因供应商而异,例如:产品:可乐箱:24 罐/主箱内包装:6 罐用塑料膜捆起来(6 罐包)零售单位:1 罐在上面的例子中,如果客户按6 罐包来定,则发运单位将设置为6,若客户按箱来定,则发运单位设置为24,假如客户按零售单位来定,则发运单位设置为1 2.10 Case Pack The number of selling units in a shipping case. 2.11 Code-Dated 日期编码Merchandise bearing a date code indicating when a product was pack-aged, placed on display, or should be sold. Code dates facilitate rotation and help prevent the sale of off-quality items. 每件货品给一个日期编码表示何时被包装、展示、应该被销售,应用日期编码可防止销售已经变质的商品2.12 Consolidation 集货The act of assembling less-than-truckload (LTL) shipments into truck-load (TL) shipments. 将不够一个整车或整柜的货拼成一个整车或整柜,目前海、陆、空、铁都有集货操作2.13 Conveyor 传送带A flexible band or belt used to transport cases or products from one place in a facility to another. 仓储中用来传送箱子或产品的带子2.14 Cross Docking 越库管理Product (usually in pallet quantities) is designated for certain customers before or at the time of delivery. The product is taken directly from the inbound dock to the outbound dock. Note: The received quantity is not added into the inventory. 货物从入口站台收货后,直接运到出口站台装车出运(收到的数量不计入库存)2.15 Distribution 配送、分销The movement of products from where they are made to where they are used. There are four levels of food store distribution: manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing, and consuming. 在经济合理区域范围内,根据用户要求,对物品进行拣选、加工、包装、分割、组配等作业,并按时送达指定地点的物流活动。(GB/T18354-2001)2.16 Distribution Center 配送中心Wholesale facility of a chain-store company or distributor. (GB/T18354-2001)从事配送业务的物流场所或组织,应符合下列要求:a)主要为特定的用户服务b)配送功能健全c)完善的信息网络d)辐射范围小e)多品种、小批量f)以配送为主,储存为辅2.17 Distribution Channel 分销渠道The selling channels supported by an enterprise. These may include retail sales, distribution partner (e.g., wholesale) sales, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) sales, Internet exchange or marketplace sales, and Internet auction or reverse auctions sales. 2.18 Distribution logistics 销售物流(GB/T18354-2001)生产企业、流通企业出售商品时,物品在供方与需方之间的实体流动。2.19 Distribution Planning 配送计划The ability to assess where products and services should be deployed and determine the stock-keeping unit/location-level replenishment plan. 决定在多仓库环境下每个仓库的补货计划2.20 Distribution Processing 流通加工(GB/T18354-2001)物品在从生产地到使用地的过程中,根据需要施加包装、分割、计量、分拣、刷标志、栓标签、组装等简单作业的总称。2.21 Distribution requirement planning(DRP)配送需求计划(GB/T18354-2001)一种既保证有效地满足市场需要,又能使得物流资源配置费用最省的计划方法,是MRP 原理与方法在物品配送中的运用。2.22 Distribution resource planning(DRP)配送资源计划(GB/T18354-2001)一种企业内物品配送计划系统管理模式。是在DRP 的基础上提高各环节的物流能力,达到系统优化运行的目的。2.23 Distributor 分销商Generally refers to a wholesaler. However, it also refers to a specialized wholesaler who handles one brand or category of product (e.g., appliances, automotives, and glassware). 通常指批发商,有时也指经营某一品牌或某一类产品(如汽车、玻璃制品等)的专业批发商2.24 Dock 码头、站台A collection of dock doors where trucks or rail cars are loaded (shipping) or unloaded (receiving). 卡车或火车可进行装卸货作业的场所,有很多门2.25 Dock Door 站台门Used to load or unload trailers or vans. Each dock door is identified individually within the system. 用于车辆装卸,在系统中将会标识每一个门2.26 Dry Grocery 干货Non-perishable, unrefrigerated packaged products found in food stores 非易腐的、非冷冻的包装产品2.27 Dunnage Loose material used around cargo to prevent damage 包在货物周围用于防止破损的疏松材料2.28 ECR(Efficient Customer Response) 快速客户反应A consumer goods (primarily grocery) initiative aimed at reducing inefficient practices and waste in the supply chain 2.29 EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) 电子数据交换A computer system developed in 1982 that enables companies to communicate electronically using Uniform Communications Standards (UCS). EDI can be used for order entry, invoices, and correspondence which eliminates the need for typewritten documents. 2.30 Enterprise resource planning(ERP)企业资源计划(GB/T18354-2001)在MRP基础上,通过前馈的物流和反馈的信息流、资金流,把客户需求和企业内部的生产经营活动以及供应商的资源整合在一起,体现完全按用户需求进行经营管理的一种全新的管理方法。2.31 FIFO(First In First Out) 先进先出Using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method to stock and sell merchan-dise; the oldest is sold first to ensure quality and freshness. Rotation is often guided by code-dating 先进先出应用于库存管理和销售中,即先入库的商品应该先出库以保证质量和鲜度2.32 Fixed Slot 固定货槽A preassigned and permanent location on the selection line for a particular item or case(s) of merchandise. See also Floating Slot. 2.33 Floating Slot 流动货槽A random location on the selection line for a particular item or case of merchandise. Inbound pallets are placed in the first available open slot (or in several different, non-adjoining slots). See also Fixed Slot. 2.34 Floor Slot A location on the selection line that consists of floor space for the stacking of merchandise 2.35 Flow Thru Generates shipping instructions at the point of receipt, which eliminates the need for product to be put-away in the warehouse. Instead, the product can be directly transferred from an inbound trailer directly to an outbound trailer 在收货时即产生了发运指令,货物直接从入口的车辆上转移到发运的车辆上,从而减少了产品入库的需求,类似于Cross Docking 2.36 ForkLift 叉车A mechanical device used to transport pallet loads to or from storage. 用于装卸卡板的一种机械设备2.37 Forward Location The primary location from which the specified product is selected (temporary, rack, floor, drive-in, flow, shelf, beltpick, or pick-in-reserve). 2.38 Freight Charges 运费The cost of transporting goods from the sellers warehouse to the buyers warehouse or store. Prepaid usually means freight costs are paid by the seller who forwards no bill to the customer. Full Freight Allowed usually means that the seller will ultimately pay freight costs; however the seller may ship goods collect and require the buyer to pay the freight bill. The buyer may then either invoice the seller or deduct the freight charges from the remittance to the seller for goods received. FOB (Free on Board) specifies payment of freight charges one of two ways. FOB Destination means a shipment is moved free on board to a destination; the seller pays the freight. FOB Factory (the point of ori-gin) means a shipment is loaded free on board at the point of origin; the buyer pays for the freight. Collect on Delivery (COD) means the buyer pays for the freight at the time of receipt 从卖家仓库运输货物到买家仓库的花费。2.39 Full Pallet Select 整板选取A full pallet select occurs when the ordered quantity is the same as the quantity on a full pallet. The selection is usually performed by a fork-lift 当定单的定货数量与整板货物数量相同时就叫做整板选取,通常用叉车操作2.40 Gravity-Flow Rack 重力流料架A series of inclined shelves with rollers replenished from the rear. As one unit is selected, another automatically moves forward 2.41 Handling/carrying 在同一场所内,对物品进行水平移动为主的物流作业。(GB/T18354-2001)2.42 Handling Unit 处理单元Goods or aggregation of goods bundled together for distribution and logistics purposes. May include an individual item in a carton, combined items on pallets and skids, or items transferred in independently identified containers, such as ocean containers, rail cars or trucking trailers 处理单元包括了一个纸箱中的单独货品、卡板上的成组货品、在独立的标识容器中运输的货品2.43 Harmonized Tariff Code A code to numerically describe all articles in international trade managed by the World Customs Organization 由世界海关组织维护的关于国际贸易货品的编码,也就是通常所说的HS Code 2.44 Harardous Class/Indicator 危险品分类/标识Indicates whether the product is a hazard or source of danger. This prevents nonhazardous product from being mixed with hazardous products. The class indicates the category of hazardous material 标识产品是否是危险品,危险品的分类2.45 Inbound 入口The flow of products into a distribution center prior to order selection 2.46 Inner Pack 内包装A unit that is a multiple of a storage case. Normally this is some shrink-wrapped or bundled quantity of retail units within a case. The inner pack is made up of one or many retail units. This quantity is not required to equal the number of retail units in a shipping unit. 内包装通常是收缩包缠或零售单元打包,内包装是由一个或多个零售单元组成,发运单位不一定与零售单位相同2.47 Inventory 库存All stock on hand at any given time, either visibly displayed or in stockrooms and other secured areas. Inventory also refers to compiling an itemized list of all such items 指定时刻所有货品的在库量。处于储存状态的物品。广义的库存还包括处于制造状态和运输状态的物品(GB/T18354-2001)2.48 Inventory Adjustment 库存调整Adjustments made to the inventory created by the physical inventory and cycle counting processes 当盘点出现异动后对库存进行调整2.49 Inventory Control 存量控制Control of current stock (shelf, back room, warehouse, on order, etc.) so that merchandise received conforms to sales demands, and out-of-stocks or over-stocks are avoided 控制当前库存使得收到的货品能满足销售的需求,避免缺货或积压情况的出现2.50 Inventory Detail 存储细节A pallet of a single product located in a warehouse location. When a pallet is put away, the information from the receipt detail is transferred to the inventory detail. The inventory detail is then associated with the location 当一板货放置到存储区后,存储细节被更新,存储细节与存储位置相关2.51 Invoice 发票A bill for goods showing the amount owed to a creditor 2.52 Just in time(JIT) 准时制(GB/T18354-2001)在精确测定生产各工艺环节作业效率的前提下按订单准确的计划,消除一切无效作业与浪费为目的标的一种管理模式。2.53 JIT Delivery System 即时交货系统An inventory management system in which warehouse inventory is maintained at minimum levels because replenishment stock is immedi-ately available from suppliers 即时交货系统保证了库存处于最低水平,因为可以立即地从供应商处补货2.54 Label 标签A pressure-sensitive, adhesive-backed paper (containing product, pric-ing, and other information) affixed to cases or pallets to identify and track them through the distribution process 贴在箱或卡板上的纸条,通常包括包含产品信息,用于在整个配送过程中标识和跟踪这批货2.55 Lead Time Total time from receipt of store order to the scheduled delivery time of the product at the store 从收到门店的定单开始到货交付到门店所花费的时间2.56 LTL(Less-Than-Truckload) A shipment weighing less than the weight required for a truckload rate 运输重量少于整车的额定重量2.57 Let Down(Replenishment) The moving of inventory from reserve storage to the active picking slots below 从后备区移动货物到活动拣货区2.58 License Plate Normally a bar code identifying a pallet or quantity of product; can be generic or system-generated 用来标识一个卡板或若干货品的条形码2.59 Loading and unloading 装卸(GB/T18354-2001)物品在指定地点以人力或机械装入运输设备或卸下。2.60 Logistics 物流Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers requirements. (Definition of Council of Logistics Management)物品从供应地向接收地的实物流动过程。根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本功能实施有机结合。(GB/T18354-2001)2.61 Logistics center 物流中心(GB/T18354-2001)从事物流活动的场所或组织,应基本符合下列条件:a)主要面向社会服务b)物流功能健全c)完善的信息网络d)辐射范围大e)少品种、大批量f)存储、吞吐能力强g)物流业务统一经营、管理2.62 Lot Number 批号The process of tracking production where units are produced in a batch 用于跟踪同一批次产品的编号,批次的编号规则应生产厂商而异例一:某制药企业的批号编码规则:两位年份 + 四位日期 + 两位当天生产批次流水号2.63 Material requirements planning(MRP)物料需求计划(GB/T18354-2001)一种工业制造企业内的物资计划管理模式。根据产品结构个层次物品的从属和数量关系,以每个物品为计划对象,以完工日期为时间基准倒排计划,按提前期长短区别各个物品下达计划时间的先后顺序。2.64 Manufacturing resource planning(MRP)制造需求计划(GB/T18354-2001)从整体最优的角度出发,运用科学的方法,对企业的各种制造资源和企业生产经营各环节实行合理有效地计划、组织、控制和协调,达到既能连续均衡生产,又能有效地降低各种物品的库存两,进而


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