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China traditional culture of the twelve zodiac animals,中国传统文化之十二生肖,13美术学院 刘燕豆,十二生肖的起源 十二生肖的确定 十二生肖动物的选择 十二生肖的寓意 有关成语 生肖信仰 生肖诗,十二生肖的起源,十二生肖起源于图腾崇拜,而且常由此为姓氏,只是没有鼠姓。 The twelve zodiac originated from the totem worship, and often this is the 牛;虎;龙;蛇;马;羊;鸡; 苟狗;菟兔;豚豕韦 侯;袁猴,The origin of the twelve Chinese Zodiac,十二生肖源于北方民族 The twelve zodiac originated from the northern nationalities 十二生肖源于国外 The twelve zodiac originated abroad 古巴比伦,十二生肖的确定 To determine the twelve zodiac,为何取十二? 十二是多的意思,在中国人的观念里,十二是个不同凡响的数字,甚至十二的倍数也多。 与十二地支有紧密联系。,Why twelve? The twelve is the meaning, in Chinas view, the twelve is a remarkable figure, even many multiples of twelve. There is a close contact with the twelve Earthly branches.,十二生肖动物的选择,鸡司晨 狗看门 兔拜月 牛马耕田 虎猴镇山 龙蛇治水 猪羊供人食用 鼠因为机警,Chicken Secretary morning Watch dog Rabbit worship Cattle farming Tiger and monkey town Snake River harnessing Meat for human consumption Rat because alert,十二生肖为何无猫 The twelve zodiac why no cat,传说猫与老鼠以前是好朋友。但是猫爱睡懒觉。上天选十二生肖时,猫嘱咐老鼠到时间把他叫醒,去参选,但老鼠认为多一个竞争对手,对自己不利,就没有遵守先前.,Moral of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs 十二生肖的寓意,Two two relative the 12 Chinese zodiac animals, reincarnation, reflecting the expectations and requirements of all our ancestors for the Chinese. 中国的十二生肖两两相对,六道轮回,体现了我们祖先对中国人全部的期望及要求。,First group: the rat and ox.,Rat represents wisdom, representative of the cattle industry. Both must work closely together, if only wisdom is not hard work, becomes trickier, just hardworking, no brainer, becomes stupid. So the two must combine, this is the first set of expectations and demands of our ancestors for the Chinese, is also one of the most important groups. 鼠代表智慧,牛代表勤劳。两者一定要紧密的结合在一起,如果只有智慧不勤劳,就变成了小聪明,光是勤劳,不动脑筋,就变成了愚蠢。所以两者一定要结合,这是我们祖先对中国人的第一组期望和要求,也是最重要的一组。,Group II: Tiger and rabbit.,Tiger represents bravery, rabbits on behalf of caution. Both must work closely together, to be called bold talk. If caution is brave to leave, they become reckless, and blindly becomes timid caution. This group is also very important, so put it in second place. 老虎代表勇猛,兔子代表敏捷谨慎。两者一定要紧密的结合在一起,才能做到所谓的大胆心细。如果勇猛离开了谨慎,就变成了卤莽,而一味的谨慎就变成了胆怯。这一组也很重要,所以放在第二位。,The third group is the Dragon and Serpent.,Dragon represents a spirited, snakes represent the flexibility. So-called easy break, too easy to break, but if only the soft side, losing the initiative, so flexible and soft is our ancient teachings from our ancestors. 龙代表刚猛威严,蛇代表柔韧。所谓刚者易折,太刚了容易折断,但是如果只有柔的一面,就易失去主见,所以刚柔并济是我们历代的祖训。,Horses represent the indomitable, went straight to the goal, RAM represents and obedience. If a person is self-absorbed went straight to the goal, heedless, inevitably and continuously around the bump, and finally not be able to achieve this goal. But who patronize and obliging around, then hes no direction, also lost. Heshun so indomitable nature must be tightly bound together. 马代表一往无前,直奔目标,羊代表和顺。如果一个人只顾自己直奔目标,不顾周围,必然会和周围不断磕碰,最后不见得能达到目标。但是一个人如果光顾着和周围和顺,之后他连方向都没有了,目标也失去了。所以一往无前的秉性一定要与和顺紧紧结合在一起。,The fifth group is the monkey and chicken. Representative flexible monkey, chicken crow from time to time, on behalf of the constant. If you are light and flexible, not constant, the good policy finally will not harvest. But if your light is constant, a pool of stagnant water, it will not have todays reform and opening up. Very harmony with only between them, have stability on the one hand, on the other hand and the changing progress,第五组是猴子和鸡。猴子代表灵活,鸡定时打鸣,代表恒定。如果你光灵活,没有恒定,再好的政策最后也得不到收获。但如果说你光是恒定,一潭死水,那就不会有我们今天的改革开放了。只有它们之间非常圆融的结合,一方面具有稳定性,另一方面又能不断变通地前进。,Finally, dogs and pigs. The dog represents loyalty, the pig represents affability. A person who is loyal, not amiable, he will reject others. On the other hand, a too easy-going, no loyalty, that person will lose the principle. So either on a national loyalty, loyalty to the team, or on their own ideal of loyalty, must be closely combined with the easy-going, so easy to maintain real heart of loyalty. This is our Chinese people always adhere to the glove, gentlemen and diversity.,最后是狗和猪。狗是代表忠诚,猪是代表随和。一个人如果太忠诚,不懂得随和,就会排斥他人。而反过来,一个人太随和,没有忠诚,这个人就失去原则。所以无论是对一个民族国家的忠诚、对团队的忠诚,还是对自己理想的忠诚,一定要与随和紧紧结合在一起,这样才容易真正保持内心深处的忠诚。这就是我们中国人一直坚持的外圆内方,君子和而不同。,有关成语 About idioms,鼠:胆小如鼠、过街老鼠 牛:庖丁解牛、喘月吴牛 虎:生龙活虎、龙争虎斗 兔:守株待兔、势若脱兔 龙:鱼跃龙门、卧虎藏龙 蛇:打草惊蛇、画蛇添足 马:一马平川、老马识途 羊:亡羊补牢、顺手牵羊 猴:杀鸡儆猴、沐猴而冠 鸡:牝鸡司晨,闻鸡起舞 狗:偷鸡摸狗、白云苍狗 猪:辽东之猪、一龙一猪,生肖信仰 Zodiac belief,生肖信仰中非常重要的一部分是中国人本命年的观念。每过12年,人们就要遇到自己的本命年,这样依次推出,人生本命年为12岁、24岁、36岁、48岁、60岁民间认为本命年为凶年,需要趋吉避凶,消灾免祸。 A very important part in the Chinese Zodiac belief is Chinese this animal year concept. Every 12 years, people will encounter their own this animal year, followed by the introduction of such a life, this animal year is 12 years old, 24 years old, 36 years old, 48 years old, 60 years old Folk think


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