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EBAY客服细节及邮件回复示例邮件格式:Dear Customer-Name,Thank you for your email,.正文.正文.If you have any question please feel free to contact us.(If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us)Best Regards(Sincerely)Your Name售前邮件:1、 议价。我们不接受一般客户议价,除客户需批量够买外,批量购买议价的,需向相关销售人员与部长汇报,由销售人员向采购人员获得批量价格后告知客服,部长同意后最后由客服人员回复客户给予批量价格。针对先前有承诺给予优惠的老客户,则给予相应承诺的优惠价格。婉拒客户讨价示例:Dear Thomas,Thank you for your email,We are sorry that we cant reduce the price for you, The price now is our rock-bottom price.Thank you for your visiting our store, If you have any question please feel free to contact usSincerelyBob给予客户折扣价示例:Dear Thomas,Thank you for your email,We can only offer $9.99 per item for you if you want to buy 50 pieces. If you accept the price please contact us and we will send a invoice to you, Thank you.SincerelyBob注:如果发invoice给客户进行Off ebay交易的话记得不要直接回复客户从ebay后台写来的邮件,应另写信给客户的收信邮箱,因为ebay不允许进行Off ebay交易。2、 咨询发货地区。我们只发美国境内地区(包括Alaska/Hawaii、波多黎哥等美国属地)、PO Box地址 ( 用USPS发送方式,并不可用UPS Return Label收回,因UPS不送PO Box地址 ) 及加拿大境内地区,目前暂不发美国与加拿大以外的国家。示例:Dear Thomas,Thank you for your email,Yes, we do ship to UK, please trust to purchase 或We are sorry that we only ship inside the USA and Canada, Thank you for your visiting our store。 SincerelyBob3、 咨询发货方式公司提供3种发货方式给客户选择,默认情况下采用USPS免费平邮,另有UPS Ground、UPS 2nd Day可供客户选择,当产品价值超过一定金额($80左右)客户并采用了默认发货方式时,公司为避免物品物丢失带来的损失,会转由UPS Ground发货方式,因为USPS平邮没买保险,UPS有购买保险。示例:Dear Thomas,Thank you for your email,We offer there shipping way for buyer to select: USPS First Class Mail、UPS Ground and UPS 2nd Day, By default we usually ship via USPS First Class Mail, its free shipping and this shipping way accept PO Box address, UPS shipping way is not ship to PO Box address.Buy the way we usually ship out the item within 1-2 business days and usually it takes 1-5 day to delivered.If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us, thank you.SincerelyBob4、 技术问题一般产品的使用及产品无法解决的技术问题,直接咨询相关销售人员帮忙解决。售中邮件: 1、 更改地址。产品还未发出前,客户来信要求更改地址的,客服人员需及时将客户提供的新地址通知给做单同事,让做单同事更改发货地址。如果因客户原因未及时或未通知我们更改地址,导致产品发出后无法收回或被他人收走,造成的损失我们一般不负责任。但客户有来信要求更改地址的,客服人员必须优先处理。2、 更换产品。分两种情况,一是产品尚未发出,一是产品已发出。A 产品还未发出时,首先通知做单同事先Hold住订单不发货,然后了解好客户需要更换哪个产品,接着处理好差价(如需补差价,则直接通知客户将差价发到我们的Paypal账号里,如需退差价,则通知RMA同事,再由RMA同事通知财务同事退给客户差价),最后通知做单同事处理好更换产品事宜并发货(如果是补差价的一般等我们收到客户差价后发货,如果是退差价的一般则可以与发货同时进行)。示例:Dear Thomas,Thank you for your email,We can exchange the new item for you, the new item you want to exchange is $35 and you have paid $25, so you need to pay $10 for the difference, please send $10 to our paypal account: XXXXXXX, after we receive the money we will ship out the item ASPS, thank you.If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.SincerelyBobB 产品已经发出时,为售后邮件,走售后流程(查看下面章节) 3、 取消订单。也分两种情况,一是产品未发出,一是产品已发出。A. 产品未发出时,首先Hold住订单并取消该订单进行退款处理,由做单同事通知财务同事退款。然后客服人员进入Ebay后台Cancel订单以便ebay退回Final Fee,最后写信通知客户接收Cancel订单。示例:Dear Thomas,Thank you for your email,We have sent you a request to cancel the order, please check your email and agree to cancel the order. Thank you for your visiting our store.If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact usSincerelyBobCancel订单操作如下:、 进入Resolution Center,选I want to cancel a transaction.然后 Continue.、 输入客户所购买Listing的Item Number,然后 Continue.、 选择需要Cancel订单的客户,然后Continue.、 选择一个Cancel订单原因(根据实际情况选原因),并可在下面输入框里输入额外信息,然后Sent Request完成。B. 产品已发出时,为售后邮件,走售后流程(查看下面章节)4、 Back order。客户下单后,发现无货可发的为Back Order,此时要根据实际情况来及时通知客户。首先向销售人员或采购人员了解Back Order产品的最近到货情况(包括最近是否有货到,什么时候能到),然后及时写信给客户告知情况(1、如果确信25天短期内能到货的,可编个可信的理由-如:产品被海关扣压、供应商发错产品等,会推迟几天发货,问客户是否可接受,如不能接受则退款处理,如接受可承诺客户下次购买给予一定的优惠,等产品到发货时及时通知客户,2、如果产品短期内不能到货的,亦可编个理由或直接说产品sold out,建议客户退款,如客户仍愿意等待,则按客户要求处理。 注:如与客户说sold out 的得与销售人员确认Back order Listing已经下线,以避免客户进一步投诉。、对于写信给客户超过3天未有回复的,再写一封邮件通知,超过个工作日未收到客户回复并且仍未有新库存到货的情况,建议直接退款给客户并Cancel订单。)产品较久不能到货建议客户退款示例:Dear Thomas,We regret to tell you that the item you ordered on 10-25-2011 has run out of stock, and the new items would not arrive until 11-28-2011, so we cant ship out the item on time, we are really sorry for the inconvenience our mistakecause to you. In this case we have to refund to you, I know you are very disappoint with this transaction. But we still advise you can accept the refund, or do you want to wait the new item arrive? Please advise. Thank you.Again we are really sorry for the inconvenience and looking forward to your reply.SincerelyBob产品短期内可到货,询问客户等货还是退款示例:Dear Thomas,We regret to tell you that we cant ship out your item ordered on 10-25-2011 in time, because our goods were temporarilyimpounded by the custom, the custom clearance may takes 3-5 days, we are really sorry for the inconvenience cause to you, would you like to wait or want to get a refund? Please advise.Again we are really sorry for the inconvenience and waiting for your reply.SincerelyBob以上短期可到货理由也可用其它合理理由如:Because of the system problem/rain day等售后邮件:1. 退换货RMAA、卖家原因,如产品描述弄错导致客户买错产品,或我们发错货、迟发货,产品质量问题等因素导致客户需换货、退货的,首先登录UPS网站发Return Label给客户,然后写信给客户表示道歉并让客户用Return Label将产品退回并问清客户是要换产品还是退款(可根据实际情况发一小产品给客户作礼物,客户换货的记得留言时说明与产品一起发出),接着客服人员到远程ERP留言说明收到退回产品后的相应处理方案(如是要退款还是换货,什么原因、换哪个产品、退多少款,并相应留下客服人员名字及时间),收到退回产品后RMA同事则会根据留言作相应处理。产品发出/退款后RMA同事会通知客户处理结果。另:针对一些低价格(如$10以下)未退回的产品需做RMA的,除了以上操作外,还需要通知RMA同事做RMA。此外卖家原因导致的退、换货的,均建议发Return Label让客户退回产品 或 让客户自行先退回产品然后告知我们退回的运费,然后我们直接退回运费给客户,因根据以往的经验,让客户自付运费退回产品,将很大程度上激起客户的不满而留差评,而此种差评也较难去除,即使能去除也可能将会付出更大的代价。总之对于卖家原因造成的问题应充分考虑客户的感受,避免再引起客户的更多不满,充分准备,本着替客户解决问题的立场进行处理。确认了产品因卖家原因导致出了问题,客户要求退换货示例:Dear Thomas,Thank you for your email,We are really sorry that the item was wrong/defective, Please send it back to us for exchange/ refund. Please write RMA # 6018440 on the return package, and send it to the followingaddress:Mambate USA Inc / Novapcs USA Inc / Brainytrade USA Inc7708 18th ave / 7710 18th ave / Ms Ellen WuBrooklyn, NY 11214 / Brooklyn, NY 11214 / 153 Linden st, Passaic NJ 07055-2127Unite StatesPlease inform us after you send the package and tell us the shipping fee you sent back. We will send you a new replacement/full refund to you and the shipping fee after we receive your return package. Thank youIf you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.SincerelyBobB、买家原因,如客户不再需要产品等客户自身原因导致需退货、换货的,首先写信让客户自行将产品退回并了解清楚客户是要换货还是退款,然后根据情况收取客户产品价格的15%为Restocking Fee(一般情况下,产品无质量问题换货的我们是不收客户的Restocking Fee,而无质量问题退货的可视实际客户情况收取,如果客户有表现说是我们原因导致产品不合用的,但实则是客户本身原因未充分了解产品描述导致的退/换货,我们都应谨慎处理)。接着客服人员到远程ERP留言、通知RMA同事(详见如上a所述)。注:、如果客户是换不同产品的,产生了差价,则应先处理好差价:补差价的让客户直接将差价发到我们的Paypal账号,退差价的则通知RMA同事,然后由RMA同事通知财务同事处理退差价。示例:Dear Thomas,We can exchange the B item for you, but before we ship out the new item you should pay the price difference, you have paid $25 for the A item, The B item is $35, thus you should pay $10 for the price difference, please just sent the money to our paypal account: .As the A item please write RMA#45789945 on the return package, and send it to the following address:Mambate USA Inc / Novapcs USA Inc / Brainytrade USA Inc7708 18th ave / 7710 18th ave / Ms Ellen WuBrooklyn, NY 11214 / Brooklyn, NY 11214 / 153 Linden st, Passaic NJ 07055-2127Unite StatesAfter we received the return item and the price difference we will ship out the new item and inform you the tracking Number.If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.SincerelyBob、有一种情况是我们产品已经发出,但客户尚未收到货,而收到客户退/换货要求的或发现我们发错货的,应及时写信通知客户到时拒收包裹,让快速公司退回产品,这样可免付产品退回运费。示例:Dear Thomas,We have received your email about exchange/return the item, but we are sorry that we have Shipped out your item on 20-5-2011 via usps/ups, the tracking number is 457216799871312,You can track the stat on , if you still want to exchange the new item/get Refund, please just reject the item when the item deliver, after we receive the return packageWe will exchange the new item/full refund the money to you. Than kyou.SincerelyBob换货需补/退差价的,按实际差价情况给予说明、产品退款的须到ebay后台Cancel订单。2. 包裹丢失、较长时间未收到包裹产品发出后,客户长时间未收到包裹而来信时,客服人员应及时根据Tracking Number到USPS/UPS网站上查明产品状况,一般会有两种情况:A、 显示产品已经到货,但客户反映没收到包裹。此时先告知客户产品在网站显示已到货,让客户问家人与邻居是否有人帮他先签收了包裹,如果没人代收包裹且包裹自发出日起超过了个工作日,并且是采用USPS发货方式的,让客户联系USPS supervisor(call 1-800-ASK-USPS )了解包裹情况(包括产品送到了哪里,放在了哪里),如果确认包裹丢失,让客户到当地USPS或警察局开包裹丢失证明然后以电子文档形式发给我们,我们收到证明后根据客户要求可重发或退款。如果采用的是UPS发货方式的,可联系美国同事Tracy ( ),让其联系UPS了解情况,如果包裹确认丢失,可向UPS进行索赔。注:如果客户不愿或表示无法开USPS包裹丢失证明并态度很强硬的,可根据客户所购买产品的价格来决定是否再发货或退款,对于产品价格在$30美金以下的,可以按客户要求重发或退款,对于产品超过$30美金的,可.示例:Dear ThomasThank you for your email,We have tracked your item on and it shows that the item has delivered on 20-8-2011, would you please ask your family and your neighbor if they have picked up the package for you? If you still cant find the package please try to ask the mailman if the package has been delivered and where he left it or please wait a few more days.If you believe the package was lost please email us and we will track your package promptly with the shipping service broker and try to locate the package, but it may take many days. Losses are rare, but they do sometimes happen. We resolved shipping problems as quickly as we can by promptly following up on the shipment tracking and insurance payment. And you are responsible for seeking recourse should your package be lost, thus you need to file a claim for the item is lost from the freight company, or you can get a claim as the package was stolen from the local police station. Then send the claim to , after we receive and confirm the claim we will sent a new replacement to you or full refund to you.We are not responsible for a package that gets lost in shipping. However if the freight company (ex. FedEx or UPS) deems the package as lost, we will ship out a replacement of the same item. Please remember we will only ship out a replacement if the freight company claims it as lost.B、 显示在发货途中,但较长时间未有产品新动态更新。针对30美金以下的产品,


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