



Section Writing影评影评写作属于记叙文范畴,要包括影片的背景,故事梗概,观众最有印象的部分,以及对影片的评论。写影评时要注意紧扣“电影”与“评论”两点,评论可以从多方面进行,但一篇评论中心观点只能有一个。在写作手法上要注意两点:一是点面结合;二是观点与材料的统一。点面结合就是要对你所评论的电影先做一个总体介绍,如导演、主要演员、主要情节等,这是“面”的介绍。然后结合某一情节,或某一段对话,某一个场面,某一细节,某一事物做具体分析,这是“点”的评论。观点和材料的统一就是要树立明确的观点,然后引用电影中的具体情节加以分析。影视评论适宜用“三段式”写法。第一段:简介背景(setting)。对电影的名称、特点、导演等做简单介绍。第二段:情节概述(main plot of the film)。包括主要演员及故事梗概。电影简介不宜太长,只需把自己要评论的内容突出即可。第三段:观后感受,发表评论(making comments/review in some way)。可以选择性地从不同角度对电影的主题、情节、人物形象的塑造、语言风格、演员的演技、画面特点、环境、颜色的搭配及拍摄理念的使用等方面有针对性地发表个人看法,但不要面面俱到。最后对电影总体评价。如果认为有必要,也可鼓动其他人观看。1.won an Oscar.2It was directed by.3It was based on.4Sb.is sent to.5Sb.is living in.6Sb.is one of the daughters/sons/soldiers.7The film is very realistic.8It shows us.9The film deals with.10The film also uses other clever special effects.11It is a historical film.12It speaks to.好莱坞电影阿凡达(Hollywood Film Avatar)已上映。请根据下面内容写篇短文,介绍该电影的有关情况及你的观后感。短文内容包括:1阿凡达已在大陆上映,超过泰坦尼克号(Titanic)创票房新纪录。2该电影拍摄历时五年多,是最昂贵的电影之一,赢得了金球奖(Golden Globe),获得了九项奥斯卡提名(Oscar nomination)。3该电影以2154年为背景,讲述了一个残疾(disabled)军人被派往潘多拉星球(Pandora)去说服那里的人们让地球人到他们的星球开采自然资源的故事。4你的感想。体裁影评时态一般现在时为主主题阿凡达人称第三人称为主结构第一段:介绍电影阿凡达基本情况;第二段:叙述自己的感受.对接单元词汇1. be shown/be on show上映 2. set a new record 创纪录 3. be set in 以为背景 4. besides/in addition 此外 5. be especially impressed by 给留下很深的印象 6. inhabitant 居住者 7. harmony 和谐 .巧用单元句式、语法(一)完成句子1据报道,这部电影制作耗时五年,可能是电影史上最昂贵的一部电影。It is reported that the film takes more than five years to make and is perhaps one of the most expensive ones in the film history. 2从这部电影我们可以学到不同种族应该相互尊重,和谐相处,而不是战争。From it we learn that different races should respect each other and live in harmony, instead of being at war(二)句式升级3Avatar, a Hollywood film, has been showed on the Chinese mainland. It has broken the record set by Titanic to become the highest boxoffice film so far.(用定语从句合并句子)Avatar, a Hollywood film, has been showed on the Chinese mainland, which has broken the record set by Titanic to become the highest boxoffice film so far.4The film is set in 2154 and tells a story of a disabled soldier. He is sent to Pandora to persuade the inhabitants to let his mates mine their homeland for natural resources.(用定语从句合并句子)The film is set in 2154 and tells a story of a disabled soldier, who is sent to Pandora to persuade the inhabitants to let his mates mine their homeland for natural resources. 【参考范文】Avatar,a Hollywood film,has been showed on the Chinese mainland,which has broken the record set by Titanic to become the highest boxoffice film so far.It is reported that the film takes more than five years to make and is perhaps one of the most expensive ones in the film history.Recently it has been awarded a Golden Globe.Besides,it has got nine Oscar nominations.The film is set in 2154 and tells a story of a disabled soldier,who is sent to Pandora to persuade the inhabitants to let his mates mine their homeland for natural resources.In my eyes,it is one of the favourite films,and the audience


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