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商英 Unit 11 Trustworthy 可靠的 law-biding 守法的 corrupt 贪污的A slush fund 行贿基金 a sweetener 贿赂 compensation 补偿Insider trading 内幕交易 industrial espionage 工业间谍 disclosure n.揭露,被泄露的丑闻A whistleblower 告密者 a fraudster 骗子 a con artist 骗子A bribe 贿赂 a bonus 奖金 a commission 提成Fraud 诈骗 secrecy 保密 integrity 正直的A confidentiality agreement 保密协议 a cover up 隐瞒 a white wash 洗白1. Our company does nothing illegal. We are very law-abiding.2. Weve got a slush fund which is used in countries where it is difficult to do business without offering bribes.3. Their car looked so much like our new model, we suspect industrial espionage.4. They fired him because he was a whistleblower. He informed the press that the company was using under-age workers in the factory.5. He denied accepting a bribe when he gave the contract to most expensive supplier.6. I admire our chairman. Hes a man of his word and is greatly respected for his integrity.7. Many companies ask new employees to sign a confidentiality agreement to avoid future litigation problems.Controversial 有争议的 corruption 腐败 transparency 透明度 threats 威胁Regulation 规章制度 peer pressure 同辈压力companies in the oil and mining sector have been taking the issue of corporate responsibility much more seriously recently. They are worried about threats to their reputations due to rumours of corruption and bribery. Gocernment regulation and peer pressure from other companies has resulted in more transparency in the industry and less secrecy. The aviation industry has also received attention. Senior managers have been criticised for controversial decisions regarding payments to secure contracts.Unit 13Drawing board 计划阶段 prototype 雏形 brainwave 灵机一动 patent 专利证 Concept 观念 discovery 发现 setback 挫折阻碍 R&D(research and development)Breakthrough 突破 pioneers 开发者The idea of a lone inventor who makes a discovery or has sudden clever idea or brainwave is maybe a little our of date today. While these types of pioneers do still exist, these days companies often have large R&D departments - teams of people who are constantly innovating and perfecting designs. Perhaps they begin with a concept and then build a prototype, or working model. Sometimes during testing there is a setback when it becomes clear the design has a fault. At this point maybe it is time to start again or go back to the drawing board. More work is done and there is a breakthrough - a solution is found. The product can be retested and then, hopefully, manufactured. The company will apply for a patent for the design so that others cannot copy it and steal the idea.Unit 11缺乏社会责任感的企业无处藏身食品行业因导致肥胖而备受指责。手机运营商面临如何保护青少年免遭网络色情侵害的挑战。The food industry is blamed for obesity. Mobile phone operators are challenged to protect teenagers from online pornography.唱片公司因起诉在互联网上分享非法文档的音乐爱好者而遭受抨击。Record companies are attacked when they sue music-lovers for sharing illegal files on the internet.大企业纷纷被要求解释它们应对越来越多的社会、道德和环境问题的措施。Big business is being asked to explain its approach to a growing number of social, ethical and environmental concerns.美国的一家名为企业社会责任(BSR)的非盈利性咨询机构的首席执行官鲍勃邓恩说,企业对于BSR所提供的帮助的需求,现在达到了BSR成立九年以来的最高峰。向BSR缴纳年费的会员包括许多世界顶级的跨国公司。“were facing the greatest demand for our assistance that weve seen in our nine-year history,” says Bob Dunn, chief 微软、朗讯和联合技术和奥驰亚于今年都加入了BSR。作为卡夫食品和烟草巨头菲利浦莫里斯的母公司,奥驰亚集团一直是压力团体和民事诉讼的重点对象。Microsoft, Lucent and United Technologies have joined BSR this year, as well as Altria, a more obvious target for pressure groups and litigation, as the parent company of both Kraft Foods and Philip Morris.一些一直成功地躲避了聚光灯的行业现在也发现自己正成为注意的焦点。社会活动人士已经开始关注一些计算机和通讯公司在加工厂里的工作条件。Industries that until now had avoided the spotlight are finding attention is now focusing on them. Campaigners are beginning to show interest in working conditions in factories that make equipment for computer and telecommunications companies. 金融行业因为给一些国家有争议的项目提供贷款而感到压力。六月份,一些银行,包括花旗银行,巴克莱银行和荷兰银行,纷纷承诺不为有社会和环境问题的项目提供贷款。The financial sector has come under pressure over lending to controversial projects in some countries. In June, a group of leading banks, including Citigroup, Barclays and ABN Amro, promised to avoid giving loans for socially or environmentally questionable projects.今年,一些石油和矿业集团正受到来自于投资者、社会活动分子和英国政府组成的联盟的巨大压力,它们被要求公开其在一些国家的付款情况,其目的在于打击腐败。Oil and mining groups have come under strong pressure this year from a coalition of investors, activists and the UK government to make public their payments to some countries in an effort to fight corruption.与此同时,世界上一些最知名的鞋和服装品牌,包括李维史特劳斯、耐克和锐步等,已经通过美国公平劳工协会主动采取措施增加其供应链的透明度。Some of the worlds biggest footwear and clothing brands, including Levi Strauss, Nike and Reebok, have meanwhile taken voluntary measures through the US Fair Labor Association to increase the transparency of their supply chain. 他们在互联网上公布了第一批针对其供应厂商的独立审计报告,同时还公布了旨在改善低劣劳动标准的措施。They published on the internet the first independent audits of their supplier factories, along with the steps taken to improve often terrible labour standards.企业在其声誉面临现实的或潜在的威胁时通常会采取行动,卡夫七月份宣布减少其食品中的脂肪和糖的含量,限制每份食品的大小,停止在学校进行营销活动。Companies usually take action when they face a real or potential threat to their reputation, as when Kraft announced in July it would cut fat and sugar in its food, limit portion sizes and stop marketing in schools.一场针对卡夫食品中的脂肪酸过量的诉讼,在卡夫宣布将解决这个问题后很快就撤诉了。A lawsuit against Kraft over fatty acids was rapidly withdrawn after it said it would address the issue.但是,也有一些公司主动采取这方面的行动,他们意识到这样做能提高其竞争力。据邓恩说,寻求竞争优势是俄国、波兰、土耳其和南非等国家的一些公司开始热衷于企业社会责任的一个重要因素。a few companies are, however, taking a lead because they believe it will give them a competitive edge. Mr. Dunn says the search for competitive advantage is one factor creating interest in corporate responsibility among companies in countries such as Russia, Poland, Turkey and South Africa.在英国,发布社会和环境报告的企业数量在过去的两年中大幅飚升,也折射出这个趋势。据英国的两个著名的咨询机构SalterBaxter和Context于本月发表的一份题为方向的研究报告称,半数以上的富时250指数公司都发布这样的年度报告。In the UK, the trend is also reflected in the sharp rise in social and environmental reporting over the past two years. More than half the FTSE250 companies now produce annual reports , according to Directions, a study published this month by SalterBaxter and Context, two well-known UK consultancies.有些行业,包括宾馆业、休闲业以及软件和计算机服务业,依然在遮遮掩掩。然而,随着投资者的关注、政府的监管和来自同行的压力形成了要求披露更多信息合力,这些行业正沦为数量越来越小的少数派。Some sectors remain secretive, including hotels and leisure, and software and computer services. But they form a decreasing minority as investor interest, regulation and peer pressure combine to force greater disclosure. 十多年前,当第一份非财务性企业报表发布时,它的重点是环境问题。现在,在富时250指数公司中,有100家的报告均涉及环保、社会和道德问题。欧洲最大的50家公司中的40家也发布这样的报告。When the first nonfinancial reports came out more than a decade ago, they focused on the environment, social and ethical issues. Forty of the fifty largest European companies also produce reports. 然而,该研究发现,在美国标准普尔评级中最大的50家公司中只有22家发布这类报告。但是,仅仅依靠公司自发的行动能取得多大成就?政府应该承担怎样的角色?消费者能否实现如意算盘,既对企业提出如此高的要求,又不改变自身的生活方式?In the US, however, only 22 of the S&P top 50 reported, the study found. But how much can companies be expe4cted to achieve on their own? What is the role of government? Can consumers have it all, demanding such high standards of companies while refusing to change their lifestyle?Unit 12宜家帝国的核心螺栓英格瓦坎普拉德可不是一般的亿万富翁。这位宜家家具帝国的创始人乘坐经济舱旅行,开着一辆有十年历史的沃尔沃汽车,总是下午去买水果和蔬菜,因为这时价格往往便宜些。如果有人问他生活中有什么奢侈的消费时,他的回答是:我偶尔喜欢买一件高档衬衫或一条围巾,吃点瑞典鱼子酱。Ingvar Kamprad is no ordinary multi-billionaire. The founder of the Ikea furniture empire travels economy class, drives a 10-year-old Volvo and buys his fruit and vegetables in the afternoons, when prices are often cheaper. Ask him about the luxuries in his life and he says:“ From time to time, I like to buy a nice shirt and cravat and eat Swedish caviar.”坎普拉德先生是战后欧洲最杰出企业家之一。宜家创建于1943,当时仅仅从事邮购业务,现如今已经发展成为在全球31个国家经营,员工总数超过7万的国际化零售业巨头。Mr. Kamprad is one of Europes greatest post-war entrepreneurs. What began as a mail-order bu8siness in 1943 has grown into an international retailing phenomenon across 31 countries with 70,000 employees.宜家的销售额逐年上涨。宜家的产品目录是全世界印数最多的印刷品,每年达到不可思议的1.1亿册。坎普拉德先生也变得异常富有。根据美国福布斯杂志,他的身价达到134亿美元(87亿英镑),位列全球第17位。Sales have risen every single year. The Ikea catalogue is the worlds biggest annual print run an incredible 110m copies a year. And Mr. Kamprad has grown extraordinarily rich. He is worth $13.4bn and is the 17th richest person in the world, according to Forbes, the US magazine.宜家之所以取得了令人惊异的成功,首先是因为它那简单得令人难以置信的经营理念:向老百姓提供设计精美而又买得起的家具。其次就是坎普拉德本人,有魅力、谦逊、随和。他的思想和价值观绝对是宜家哲学的核心。The concept behind Ikeas amazing success is unbelievably simple: make affordable, well-designed furniture available to the masses. And then there is Mr. Kamprad himself charismatic, humble, private. It is his ideas and values that are at the core of Ikeas philosophy.坎普拉德先生因生活极其节俭而闻名遐迩。他清洗用过的塑料杯以便再次利用。前不久,他决定不再让那位已经为他理发多年的瑞典理发师继续为他提供服务,原因是在现居地瑞士他找到一位理发师,每次只收14瑞士法郎(6英镑)。这数字合理,他笑着说。Best known for his extremely modest lifestyle, he washes plastic cups to recycle them. He has just left his long-standing Swedish barber because he found one in Switzerland, where he lives, who charges only SFr14 for a cut. Thats a reasonable amount, he chuckles.宜家所有的高管都十分了解成本意识的重要性。公司不鼓励他们乘坐头等舱或商务舱旅行。最好的领导方式是以身作则,坎普拉德先生说过,让我坐头等舱,而让我的同事们坐旅游舱,是我绝对不能接受的。All Ikea executives are aware of the value of cost-consciousness. They are strongly discouraged from travelling first or business class. There is no better form of leadership than setting a good example. I could never accept that I should travel first class while my colleagues sit in tourist class, Mr. Kamprad says.他巡视宜家集团的店铺时,他总是要和员工们握手或拥抱,以此向员工传递一种伙伴的感觉,这种做法在瑞典绝不多见。叫我英格瓦,他对员工说。他不喜欢打领带,而是喜欢敞开衬衫的领口,这样的衣着方式也突显了他的不拘礼节和没有等级观念。As he walks around the groups stores, he expresses the feeling of togetherness physically, clasping and hugging his employees. This is very uncharacteristic of Sweden. call me Ingvar, he says to staff. The informality and lack of hierarchy are emphasized by his dress style, with an open-necked shirt preferred to a tie.在个人生活方面和事业方面坎普拉德先生都经历过艰苦的奋斗过程。他一直与读写困难症和其他疾病抗争。Mr. Kamprad has had both personal and business battles. He has fought against dyslexia and illness.他性格中很突出的一点就是对细节的偏执性关注。巡视他的商店时,他不仅和经理们交谈,还要和最基层的员工以及顾客们交谈。在最近一次视察宜家的六家瑞典门店时,他说,发现了100个需要讨论的细节性问题。One of Mr. Kamprads characteristics is his obsessive attention to detail. When he visits his stores, he talks not only to the managers but also to floor staff and customers. A recent visit to six of the groups Swedish stores has produced 100 details to discuss, he says.在他自己看来,他最大的优点就是选择正确的人员来管理他的企业。By his own reckoning, his greatest strength is choosing the right people to run his businesses.他下定决心不让宜家集团上市,因为股东的短期要求和企业长期的规划会有冲突。我讨厌急功近利的决策。如果你想实施长效的决策,上市后就很难了。进入俄罗斯市场时,我们就曾不得不决定要亏损十年。He is determined that the group will not go public, because short-term shareholder demands conflict with long-term planning. I hate short-termist decisions. If you want to take long- lasting decisions, its very difficult to be on the stock exchange. When entering the Russian market, we had to decide to lose money for 10 years.自1986年从集团总裁位置上退下来以后,坎普拉德先生就慢慢地从业务中淡出。尽管他承认自己非常不愿意完全退出,但他仍然坚持说自己是参与过多,过问的细节太多。Mr. Kamprad has been slowly withdrawing from the business since 1986, when he stepped down as group president. He maintains that hi is still too much involved and in too many details , although he admits to a distinct reluctance to withdraw altogether.问题是:假如没有坎普拉德先生,宜家能否恒久存在?宜家是否太过于依赖其创始人?宜家控制权渐渐从坎普拉德先生转移到他的三个儿子手中以后,宜家帝国能否继续辉煌?The question is: can there be an eternal Ikea without Mr. Kamprad? Does the group depend too much on its founder? Will the empire continue, as control of Ikea gradually moves to Mr. Kamprads three sons? Unit 13宝洁创新机器的内情宝洁首席执行官A.G.雷富礼给宝洁的创新过程添加了创造力和严谨。A. G. Lafley, the CEO of Procter and Gamble, has brought a lot of creativity and rigor to P&Gs innovation process. 在过去的两年中,保洁公司把它的新产品命中率从70%提高到90%。这在宝洁所属的行业中非常了不起,据一家名为“信息资源“的市场调查公司的研究,这个行业一半的新产品的寿命还不到一年。“我关注宝洁18年了,” 德意志银行的分析员安德鲁肖说,“它现在的业绩前所未有的好。”During the past 2years P&G has raised its new-product hit rate from 70% to 90%. Thats terrific in an industry where half of new products fail within 12 months, according to market research firm Information Resources. In the 18 years that Ive followed Procter, says Deutsche Bank analyst Andrew Shore, I have never seen the company this good.内生增长,即企业不依靠并购,而是靠自身核心业务的扩大而获得的增长,是宝洁转变的根基。根据雷富礼的观点,内生增长加强了企业的创新能力。Organic growth meaning growth from core businesses, excluding gains from acquisitions is at the root of P&Gs transformation. According to Lafley, organic growth strengthens a companys ability to innovate.大型企业普遍致力于创新,不断发展其品牌,可口可乐,卡夫和联合利华就是个例子。据波士顿咨询公司最近对若干公司高管进行的一项调查,超过三分之二的企业高管优先考虑创新,但57%的高管对创新的投资回报感到不满意。Coke, Kraft and Unilever are just a few of the giants that are struggling to innovate and build the brands they already have. According to a recent Boston Consulting Group survey of senior executives, more than two-thirds say innovation is a priority, but 57% are dissatisfied with the returns on their innovation investments.拉夫雷有一个大公司创新模型:Lafley has a model for innovating in a big company:1. 保洁公司首席营销官吉姆斯坦格尔已经不像过去那样一来焦点小组访谈这样的传统消费者调查手段了。Jim Stengel, Procters Chief Marketing Officer, has cut his reliance on focus groups the conventional method for studying consumers. 他说:“你无法从中得到任何有真实见解的意见。”他还说,宝洁和它的对手们已经满足了消费者较为明显的需求,现在的机会仅在于满足消费者们尚无法表述清楚的需求。You dont really learn anything insightful, he says, contending that P&G and its rivals have already met consumers obvious needs and that todays opportunities lie in meeting needs that consumers may not articulate. 所以,他要求营销人员多花些时间在消费者家里,看看他们如何穿衣,如何清洁地板,了解他们的习惯和令他们沮丧的事情。So he has urged the marketers to spend lots of time with consumers in their homes, watching the ways they wear their clothes, clean their floors, and asking them about their habits and frustrations.2. 保洁公司共有7500名研发人员,分布在9个国家。为了从如此广大的地域手机反馈信息,公司鼓励员工把自己想到的问题贴到公司内部网站上。Procter and Gamble has 7500 R&D people located in nine countries. In order to collect feedback over this vast area, the company encourages employees to post problems on an internal website.拉夫雷对员工们在网站上分享的意见上进行评估,并在每个业务单位的为期半天的年度“创新回顾”会议上公开他自己的研究结果。Lafley evaluates the ideas that have been shared between employees. Each year he presents his finding in half-day innovation reviews for each business unit.3. 拉夫雷说,他的目标是让宝洁一半的创新来自公司外部,现在的比例已从四年前的20%上升到今天的35%。他解释说:“发明家在人口中是平均分布的,因此不仅可以在我们的实验室里得到发明,在车库里也同样可以得到。Lafley says that his goal is to get half of P&Gs invention from external sources, up from 20% four years ago and about 35% today. Inventors are evenly distributed in the population, and were as likely to find invention in a garage as in our labs, he explains.4. 宝洁从不未经市场测试就推出新产品。但消费者试用非常耗时,这种时间上的奢侈,对于宝洁高管们来说是越来越少了。Its not the P&G way to put out a product without test-marketing it. But consumer testing takes time a luxury that P&G executives increasingly dont have. 宝洁选美皇后苏珊阿诺德说:“我们没有


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