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Module 2假如你就读于一所国际学校,你校体育俱乐部要招募新成员。请你根据表格提示,用英语写一则50词左右的招募启事,要求格式正确、内容完整。Students wanted for the sports club要求1.爱好体育2.擅长球类运动。3.放学后有时间。联系人董华电话6382 9902Do you love sports? Yes? Can you play football, basketball, tennis? Yes? Do you have time after school? Yes? Come and join our sports club! You can play sports and make friends here. Its interesting. Please call Dong Hua at 6382 9902.练笔:请跟据下面的表格,简要介绍你们学校音乐俱乐部有多少人以及,每个人的特长Li xin: play the piano; sing anddanceLin tao: play the trumpet; sing and dance.Han mei: play the violin; sing and danceWan mei: play the guitar: sing and dance Wang bin: play the guitar; sing and dance I : play the drums; sing and dance Module3你和家人打算今年夏天到大连度假。你们准备在那儿呆一个星期,去海里游泳并享受美味的食物。你们打算过一个有趣的假期。请根据以上提示用英语写一篇不少于60词的作文。 My family are going on holiday to Dalian this summer. Dalian is a big and clean city. The weather there is very good. We are going to stay there for a week. We are going to go swimming in the sea and enjoy delicious food. We also want to make some new friends. We are going to have an interesting holiday there.练笔:介绍朋友的周末或者是自己的周末 Lucy ISaturday morningfly a kiteafternoonbuy some clotheseveninggo to a partySunday morninggo over lessonsafternoonhave a picniceveningwatch TV Module4 你梦想中的将来的学校是什么样子呢?轻易下面表格中的提示,以“My Dream School in the Future”为题写一篇短文,描述你梦想中的学校。My Dream School in the FutureIn the Future, the school will be very big and beautiful. There will be many computers in every classroom. And we can search information from Internet. The playground will be big. I can play football or play basketball there. Teachers are very kind friendly and may be they will play with us between the classes. Homework will be less, also we can send homework by email.练笔:同学们,未来的生活是遥远的又神秘的。你觉得未来的生活会是什么样子?请你充分发挥想象力,以Life in the future为题写一篇英语短文,从学习、日常生活等方面描述未来的生活,不少于60词。 Module 51.我想买一些衣服和水果,所以和朋友去了新开的超市。2.超市里的东西很便宜,因为今天是周末,很多东西都是半价。3.我发现那里的水果很新鲜,试穿的白色外套也很好,于是买了一件外套和2千克水果。I want to buy some new clothes and fruit, so I go to the new supermarket with my friend. The products there are cheap. Because today is weekend, many things are half price. I try on a white coat and find it is good. The fruit there is very fresh. So I take the white coat and 2 kilos fresh fruit. I pay for them and go home.练笔:越来越多的人熟悉和喜欢网购,因为和外出购物相比它确实有许多优点。然而也有一些人不喜欢网购,他们更喜欢去商场购物。你喜欢网购吗?请写一篇英语短文,阐述自己的观点并说明理由。60词左右。 Module 71. 介绍当时的学校名称、班级情况。2. 介绍老师或同学的名字、年龄、出生地。3. 他们的性格特征。The name of my primary school was ShiYan primary school. When I was in Grade One. There were 30 students in my class. My English tencher was Miss king . She was a beautiful young lady. She was strict but kind. She came from America. We all loved her. My best friend in primary school was Lucy . She was an active girl. She came from England. She was good at singing and dancing. We played and studied together. I love my life in primany school.练笔:迈克(Mike)是一个13岁的男孩,他出生在一座小镇里。那时候,他和父母住在一栋大房子里。镇里有许多孩子和他玩,他每天很快乐。请你根据以上内容写一篇英语短文,描述一下迈克过去的生活。可以适当发挥想象,不少于50词。 Module 9介绍乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的生平,内容包括:1. 他于1955年2月24日出生于California. 他的座右铭(motto):Stay hungry, stay foolish.2. 他于1972年高中毕业,在俄勒冈州(Oregon)上了一学期大学。3. 他于1975年4月1日建立(establish)了苹果公司,1985年退休(retire),1997年重返苹果,2011年8月24日再次退休。4. 他于2011年10月5日逝世。Steve Jobs was born on February 24th, 1955 in California. His motto was “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” He graduated from high school in 1972 and studied in a college in Oregonf for one term. He eatablished the Apple Company on April 1st, 1976 and retires from it in 1985. he returned to Apple in 1997. But he retired again on August 24th, 2011. He died on October 5th, 2011.练笔:请根据下面的提示,写一篇介绍乒乓球运动员张怡宁的英语短文,不少于60词。姓名:张怡宁籍贯:北京生日:1981年10月5日经历:1.五岁开始打乒乓球;2.1993年进入国家队;3.1998年第一次获得世界冠军;4.共获得四块奥运金牌;5.2009年结婚;6.2011年退役,赴美国求学。 Module 10假如你是露西,来自伦敦,上周和父母来到中国,昨天你们在北京旅行。请给你的朋友Jack写一封电子邮件,描述你们昨天的旅行情况。Dear Jack,Here I am in China. I arrived here with my parents by plane last week. Yesterday we visited Beijing. In the morning, we went to the Great Wall. We took many pictures there. In the afternoon, we went shopping. I bought some gifts. In the evening, we ate jiaozi in a big restaurant. I was tired but I was very ha


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