



一、选择填空1. Michael tries to earn much money by hard work and save money _ travelling abroad. A. in hope of B. to hope C. in the hope of D. for the hope of2. _ indoors watching TV, I prefer to go hunting in the forests. A. Rather than stayB. Rather than to stayC. Rather than stayingD. Rather staying3. Can you imagine _ the dinner for his family? A. George to cookB. George to be cooking C. George cookingD. George is cooking4. Shall I begin the story? _, were all listening. A. All right B. Go ahead C. Yes, you will D. Certainly5. That car accident _ three people their lives.A. lost B. cost C. killed D. took6. Have you _ drinking? Not yet.A. been used for B. got used for C. been used to D. got used to7. The passenger _ a sign with his hand and the taxi began to drive towards him.A. had B. gave C. made D. did8. We all think it most foolish _ that mistake .A. for you to make B. of you to make C. for your making D. of your making9. The squirrel was so lucky that it just missed _. A. catching B. to catch C. being caught D. to be caught10. The Coast Guards reported _ a ship without hanging its national flag. A. to see B. to have seen C. seeing D. seen11. Well put off the outing until next week, _ we wont be so busy. A. when B. which C. what D. as12. Our class _ a wonderful folk dance, which caused a lot of applause(掌声)when it was over.A. put up B. put away C. put aside D. put on13. The rain will _ our plan for a picnic.A. affectB. influenceC. effectD. infect14. It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.A. thatB. until C. before D. when15. It was 1969 _ two Americans got to the moon by space ship.A. whichB. whenC. thatD. as 16. He is the only man _ for the position.A. likelyB. possibleC. probably D. possibly17. When _ about his plan, he said he hadnt made it yet.A. was askedB. askedC. was askingD. asking 18. If you _ to see Kate, what would you tell him?A. areB. will beC. mustD. were19. Religion has a great _ peoples behavior.A. faith inB. division into C. effect on D. protection against20. If the idea is wrong, the project fail, _ good the other ideas might be.A. though B. however C. whatever D. whichever21. My brother telephoned the airport to make _ of the time of the plane.A. right B. true C. sure D. real 22. Every possible test was carried _ to decide the nature of her illness.A. on B. of C. out D. through 23. We can accomplish our task in time _ we continue to work hard.A. as far as B. in the careC. as long as D. despite24. Sometimes my job is tiring, but _ I quite enjoy it.A. at random B. by and large C. in other work D. within easy reach 25. “Excuse me, could you tell me _ the nearest post office?” “Of course.” A. where is B. where is the way to C. where to go D. how to get to26. He was only in _ at that time.A. his 30s B. the 30s C. his thirties D. the thirties27. It was repairing old clocks that he _ his spare time at home. A. took B. used C. spent D. paid 28. Dried leaves continue to hang on the branches of some trees _ the new leaves appear. A. until B. that C. by D. from29. Ill start early, _ I oversleep. A. however B. unless C. whether D. though30. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _.A. not toB. not to doC. not do itD. do not to31. You dont need to describe her. I _ her several times.A. had met B. have metC. met D. meet32. At last he _ finish it in time. A. managed to B. tried to C. succeeded to D. got to33. Dried leaves continue to hang on the branches of some trees _the new leaves appear. A. until B. that C. by D. from34. Mrs. Smith warned her daughter _ after drinking.A. never to driveB. to never driveC. never drivingD. never drive35. It is dark, but he is _ in the office.A. already B. yet C. still D. also 36. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Green went to the market, _ some bananas and visited her cousin.A. boughtB. buyingC. to buyD. buy37. Hardly _ out at night.A. does she go B. goes she C. she goes D. she had gone38. Though _ he said was of little help to me, I thanked him all the same.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. who39. Youd better have a rest. Let us do it, _ you?A. doB. dontC. willD. will not40. I saw some foreigners _ in the reception room.A. seatingB. seatC. to sitD. seated41. _ the help of the teacher, Ive made great progress in my English study.A. UnderB. BelowC. WithD. Because42. We all know the truth _ there are air, water and sunlight, there are living things. A. in wherever B. that wherever C. where D. that43. Although she was frightened, she answered with a _ voice. A quietB. silentC. stillD. calm44. The headmaster asked me to_ him at his office. A. drop inB. call inC. drop in onD. call on in45. Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interests. A. anyoneB. whomeverC. whoeverD. no matter who46. The book, the cover _ has come off, is hers. A. whoseB. of whichC. in whichD. on which47. When my sister phoned me, I could not hear clearly what she was _. A. speakingB. talkingC. sayingD. telling48 Ive got my wallet stolen, and_ is worse, I lost my passport.( ) A so B that C what D which49 He had more dictionaries than_ for his work.( )


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