幼儿园中班英语教案:Let’s go to the zoo(三篇).docx_第1页
幼儿园中班英语教案:Let’s go to the zoo(三篇).docx_第2页
幼儿园中班英语教案:Let’s go to the zoo(三篇).docx_第3页
幼儿园中班英语教案:Let’s go to the zoo(三篇).docx_第4页




教学资料参考范本幼儿园中班英语教案:Lets go to the zoo(三篇)目录:幼儿园中班英语教案:Lets go to the zoo一幼儿园大班上册英语教案:Go to the zoo二幼儿园大班英语教案she is my mother三- 1 -幼儿园中班英语教案:Lets go to the zoo一幼儿园中班英语教案一、活动目的1、通过游玩活动复习学过的动物类单词。如: tiger . panda. elephant. zebra等等。2、学习新单词“zoo” .3、能听懂会说Lets go to the zoo及其应答OK. Lets go.4、进一步提高幼儿学习英语的兴趣.二、活动准备1、各种动物图片2、录音机,磁带三、活动过程Step1: GreetingT:Hello,Im Miss Cao.C:Hello,Im xxx.T:Nice to meet you.C:Nice to meet you, too.Step2: Free talk句型同上Step3: Presentation and practice1.Review animal words. 重点学习Go,Go,Lets go.T:Today its a sunny day. Lets play together.OK?C:OK!T:Go,Go,Lets go. Oh, whats this? Do you know? Who can tell me?C:Its a tiger/panda/elephant/zebra/.(呈现图片)T:Why are they coming here? Where are their home?C:动物园.T:Yes,zoo.(呈现图片)2.Study“zoo”T:OK.This is a zoo. Follow me “zoo”.运用各种形式读(开火车、两人、男生、女生、齐读)升降调3.Study “ go to the zoo”. 运用顺口溜tiger,tiger,go to the zoo等4.初步学习Lets go to the zoo.及其应答OK.Lets go.(边唱边演示)5.Play a game师先示范:一生充当驾驶员,另外的小朋友们充当乘客Go. Go. Lets go. Lets go to the zoo.OK. Lets go. OK. Lets go.Go. Go. Lets go. Lets go to the zoo.OK. Lets go . OK. Lets go.Step4: EndingT:Im so happy! Are you happy?C:Yes.T:Its later now.Lets play next time.Goodbye,boys and girls.播放Goodbye歌曲四、活动结束1、评价2、总结 go to the zoo4 / 9幼儿园大班上册英语教案:Go to the zoo二通过本次活动,我班幼儿基本掌握:Go to. Go to the. After you! 等简单的对话。活动过程中幼儿对送小动物回家特别感兴趣,活动积极性也很高。在最后的Bus!游戏中对幼儿的礼貌用语也进行了培养。以后的活动里我会尽量用日常对话来进行,也能很好的养成幼儿的语言环境和英语的对话能力。活动目标:1.理解词语含义,发音准确。2.喜欢玩游戏,用英语玩角色游戏。准备:图片、汽车方向盘、售票员。活动过程:一.出示图片1. T: Morning kids.C: Morning2. T: Today its a sunny day?Lets play together ok?C: Ok!二.老师带领幼儿一同出去玩。走到图片A处T: Oh, whats it?C: panda fox dogT: 为什么它们都到这里来了,我们应该把它们送到哪里呢?C: 动物园。T: Yes zoo.C: Zoo.老师带领幼儿一起Go to the zoo.T: Ok, This is zoo. Go to the zoo.C: Go to the zoo.三.老师和幼儿又来到图片B处。T: What this?C: pig dog sheepT: 咱们把它们送到那里去呢?C: Farm!T: Yes, farm.C: Farm.老师带领幼儿Go to the farm.T: Ok, This is farm. Go to the farm.C: Go to the farm.四.游戏: Bus!T: 我们一起Go to the home!C: Ok!A: After you!B: Thank you.C: After you!D: Thank you.E: 活动结束。6 / 9幼儿园大班英语教案she is my mother三Teaching purpose: Use pronouns to identify people.Ask a Who questionUse adj to describe people.Teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughtyWho is this? It is me.Who is he? He is my father.He is handsome.I love my father.Teaching procedures:A: Revision1. Singing: Hello, How are you?I like coffeeTeddy Bear2. A chant: grandfather, grandfather, old,grandmother, grandmother, healthy,father, father, handsome,mother, mother, pretty,uncle, uncle, fat,auntie, auntie, slim,sister, sister, smart,brother, brother, naughty,I am lovely.3.Tonys family picture: Who is he? He is my father.a. The teacher asks and the students answer.b. Boys ask and girls answer.c. Girls ask and boys answer.4.Singing: Who is he?B: Presentationa.1. A picture of myself:T: Who is she? Ss: She is Miss Zhang.T: Yes, it is me.2. Teach the new structure: Who is this? It is me.3. A picture of our class: ( All the students ask together, andthe one whois in the picture should stand up and says: It is me.)Ss: Who is this? S1:It is me.4. A Game: Look at the screen and the one appear on the screenshould stand up and say the sentence.Tony, Tony, can you see?Tony, Tony, it is me.b.1. Go back to Tonys family picture.2. fatherfather, handsomemothermother, prettysistersister, smartbrotherbrother, naughty3. Draw the lines.naughty smart pretty handsome4. A Game: Who is handsome (pretty, smart, naughty) please cometo the frontthen chant together.e.g. Charley, Charley, handsome.Harry, Harry, handsome.5. Introduce Tonys family members:Who is he?He is my father.He is handsome.I love my father.6. Drill: He is my father.He is handsome.I love my father.7. Look at your own pictures then do pairwork:A: Wh


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