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Scenic Description Skills,5 basic traits of scenic description,1. Multiple perspectives 2. Sensory description 3. Dynamic and Static description 4. Rhetorical description 5.Containing Sentiment in Scenery,1. Multiple perspectives,It was early in the morning. The sun was just rising out of the eastern horizon and golden red was going out of the clouds and across the sky. The lakes, the trees and the bamboos looked as if they were all gilded. The ground was covered with young grasses and some little water drops stood on their tip with sunshine.,The subjects from the far to near from top to bottom from broad to narrow,The Sunshine Rock is the highest place on the island, so it has become the symbol of Gulangyu. Standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock, one can see the landscape of the whole Xiamen ands other small islands. The sky and the sea meet on the horizon. Its said that people can see clearly the Jinmen Island through telescope when the sun is shining. There are gentle waves on the sea and lots of people are swimming. At the foot of the Sunshine Rock is Shuzhang Garden with its picturesque scenery. The Forty-four Bridge spans over the water like a white dragon. What a beautiful picture!,From top to bottom,In the center stands the Monument to the Peoples Heroes. On the east is the Museum of Chinese Revolution and Chinese History and on the west the Great Hall of the People. The Qianmen Gate and Chairman Mao Memorial Hall sit in the south, with Tiananmen Tower in the north.,Different direction,2. Sensory description,Visual description Ex: It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see the landscape clearly. 天黑了,一轮巨大的月亮把道路照得通明,周围的景物可以看得一清二楚。 Tactile description Ex: The moss was soft and furry to the touch. 苔藓柔软而且摸起来像绒毛。 Taste description Ex: A sweet and fresh spring is flowing by the hillside. 一股清甜的泉水在山边流淌着。,Olfactory description Ex: By degrees, the light became impregnated with the perfume of the flowers. 夜色里渐渐地充满了馥郁的花香。 Auditory description Ex: Above the noise of the crickets, cicadas and frogs, water babbled and gurgled nearby. 在一片蟋蟀、知了、青蛙发出的噪音中,潺潺的流水在附近流淌。,3. Dynamic and Static,Dynamic Static,It was early in the morning. The sun was just creeping(爬) out of the eastern horizon(地平线) and golden red was penetrating (穿透) through the white clouds and across the sky. A gentle breeze came up, wrinkling(使起皱) the surface of the lake. Static Dynamic The spring morning is so quiet. Only birds sing cheerfully and restlessly.,Static Static,The lakes, the trees and the bamboos looked as if they were all gilded. The ground was covered with tender grass, on whose blades some dew drops were glistening(晶莹剔透) under the sunshine.,Dynamic Static,After rained in the empty valley, It become cold as it is Fall, Clear and bright moon cast its light on the pine woods, while creeks flow above the stones. 空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。明月松间照,清泉石上流。,4. Rhetorical description,Alliteration The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew The furrow followed free. 和风吹荡,水花四溅,船儿破浪前进。 Assonance The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowing herd wind slowly oer the lea. 晚钟殷殷响,夕阳已西沉; 群羊呼叫归,迂回走草径。,Onomatopoeia The chimneys rank on rank, Cut the clear sky. 明净的天空被一排排的烟囱切割得支离破碎。 Ecphonesis (Ecphonema) Never did sun more beautifully steep, In his first splendour valley, rock or hill; Neer saw I, never felt, a calm so deep! 晨曦映射金光万道, 普照幽谷、岩、山岗; 如斯静谧从未感到!,Simile The ground is as hard as stone after the drought. 长期干旱之后土地硬得就像石头一样。 Metaphor Inside, the crimson room bloomed with light. 那红色的房间里灯火辉煌。 Transferred Epithet The white silence seemed to sneer, and a great fear came upon him. 寂静的茫茫雪野好像在冷笑,一阵恐惧朝他袭来。,Personification Rough wind, that moanest Grief sad for song 嚎啕大哭的粗鲁的风,悲痛得失去了声音 Synaesthesia The gigantic snow-capped mountains were set off by the blue sky; several clouds cast their silver grey shadows on the white snow in the sun. 蓝天衬着巨大的雪峰,在太阳下,几块白云在皑皑雪峰间投下银灰的云影。,Hyperbole The winds from the east go tearing round the mountains like forty thousand devils. 从东方吹来的风如同百万个恶魔在山周围狂奔而过。 Oxymoron An atmosphere of dangerous calm could be felt throughout the mining region. 全矿区都可以感受到一种危险的平静气氛。,Parody This little island! This little gem set in a silver sea! 这座小岛!这个镶嵌在银色海水中的小宝石! (Famous quotations from Shakespeare: This precious stone in the silver sea.) Parallelism Everything has suddenly gone quiet. Birds do not chip. Leaves do not rustle. Insects do not sing. 刹那间,万物都突然沉寂无声,鸟儿不再鸣叫,树叶不再作响,昆虫也停止了欢唱。,5.Containing Sentiment in Scenery,Containing sentiment in scenery and blending sentiment with scenery(寓情于景),combines emotions in a particular natural scenery or life scene, and expresses emotion by tracing the natural scenery or scenes. “all words of scenes are all words of sensations.”/ “strong emotions are hidden in writing” 一切景语皆情语 Scenery is objective, and the author is sentient,To foil a sad mood with happy scenery To foil a happy mood with sad scenery To foil a happy mood with happy scenery To foil a sad mood with sad scenery,The scenery with subjective color is more vivid. The authors are not merely to describe the scenery, but to express their emotions.,A Heptasyllabic Quatrain Du Fu,Two yellow orioles sing in the green willows; A flock of white egrets surge up the blue sky. In my window is framed the snow-capped peak of Mount West. Close by my door are moored boats from faraway Wu.,The first two: The beautiful scenery of springcheerful mood The last two: The fresh sceneryinner complex emotion,Ode to the Humble Abode -Liu Yuxi,It doesnt matter if a mountain is high, It would be famous if a deity being in there. It doesnt matter if a lake is deep, It would be charmed if a dragon being in it.


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