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TOEFL听力必考的“十类经典句式”1 同意肯定类Multiply:历年TOEFL听力最常考的同意肯定类句式汇编:9l Well said.l Well done.l Me, too.l You bet.l Ill say.l And how.l I know.l why not!l Go ahead.l Sure thing.l It sure is.l No doubt.l So do I.l No objection.l Count me in.l There you go!l By all means.l Would I ever!l You might sayl Thats for sure.l As far as I know.l To say the least.l Great idea!l True enough.l Thats how I feel.l Now, thats an idea.l Well, thats the thing.l Is ice cold? = Does a bird fly?l No / Little / Small wonder.l I couldnt agree more.l It couldnt be better.l Doesnt (/Isnt ) it ever!l You can say that again.l Doesnt (/Isnt ) it, though.l Wont I! = Dont I! = Arent I!l I cant help thinking the same.l Thats just what I was thinking.l Good job. = Nice work. = Nice going.l Im of exactly the same opinion as yours.l I agree entirely/ absolutely/ with your opinion.l I am enthusiastic about what you just suggested.2 反对否定类l Never.l No way.l Forget it!l Come on.l Says who?l Not likely.l Cut it out!l I doubt it.l So you say.l Probably not.l Dont bet on it.l I dont see why. l Oh no, you dont!l I dont think so.l Give me a break.l Dont count on it.l Dont look at me.l Dont be too sure.l Not if I can help it.l I wouldnt say that.l I wont allow you.l You cant mean that!l You cant be serious!l I couldnt agree less.l Stop what you are doing.l Im not really sure about that.l I dont think that is a good idea.l Who says so? = Who says that?l Are you kidding? = Are you joking?l I dont agree with what you just said.l I really must take issue with you there.l Not in a million years.l I wouldnt if I were you.l You must be kidding. = You gotta be kidding me.1 以升调结尾的句子。3问寒问暖类问寒问暖类句式汇编:问候汇编:l Morning. l Hi, there! l Hey! l Whats up? l Whats new? l Whats the latest? l How are you doing? l How is everything? l Hows it going? l How are things with you? 回答汇编:l Im on top of the world. l Im full of joy of spring.)l Cant complain.(l Still alive, just.l Very well. l Couldnt be better. l Not much.l Could be worse. l I am very well indeed, thank you. 4建议类l How about the whole week? l Fancy having a party, then? l Why dont we take a taxi there? l We might as well walk there. l Do you think it would be an idea to sell the car? l Why not do it now? l Would 4 oclock be all right? l Lets go watch the fireworks tonight. l Youd better wrap it up before tomorrow. l If I were you, I wouldnt even think of it.l Would it make things go faster if you borrowed mine? l Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days. l How does tomorrow sound? l Lets go to the seaside. l Lets go shopping, shall we? l What about playing tennis, then? l How about staying indoors? l I tell you what: well go hiking. l May/ Might I suggest that you update your resume? l Would you care to join us, then? l Have you considered setting up your own company, then? l I suggest/ propose that you send him an E-mail instead of making a phone call. 谢绝类历年TOEFL听力最常考的谢绝类句式汇编: l Im sorry , but I cant. l No, thanks. l Oh, what a shameIm going to somewhere else. l Thanks, but unfortunately we already have plans. l Sorry, I cant. But thanks anyway. l Id love to, but Ive got an exam that afternoon. l Well, er, thats very kind of you, but I dont usually get up till ten on Sundays. l Unfortunately, Ill have class that day. However, thank you for thinking of me. l Im afraid Ive already promised to go fishing with John. But thank you very much all the same. l That would be nice, but Im afraid Im rather tied up. l Much to my regret, I have an important appointment with Mr. Sheila. l Much as I should like to, Im afraid Im already booked up for that day. However, thank you for inviting me. 责备类l You shouldnt have done it.l Why did you do that? l You might at least do that.(l You were supposed to do that. l Im tired of always cleaning the house by myself. Cant you help me? l Im upset about your behavior at the meeting. You shouldnt let criticism get to you. l That performance was nothing special. l Why didnt you do that? 7 鼓励类l You can do it! l Come on! l Stick to it! l Keep it up! l Keep at it! l Dont give up! l Never say die! l Im right behind you! l Youre doing fine! l Im very proud of you. l Thats better than I could do. l You have our backing. l Theres no reason to feel discouraged. l Theres nothing to be discouraged about. 8 抱怨类l Its more than I can bear. l I can no longer put up with it. l Im just about had enough. l Hey! For goodness sake! l Well, this is most unsatisfactory. l Im afraid the quality of the TV just isnt good enough. l Im sorry to say this, but the sea food is not at fresh. l Something must be done. l Im afraid Ive got a complaint about the walkman. l I have a complaint to make. l Would you mind not smoking here again? l Im dissatisfied with the food here. l Im not at all satisfied with the result. l Its not worth it. l Some friend he is. l Ive had it. l I cannot stand it. 9 道歉类l Oh, my fault for the failure. l How stupid/ silly/ clumsy/ careless of me to break the vase. l I feel bad about what I did/ what happened. l Im sorry I couldnt make it to the party last week. l Im terribly/ awfully sorry about the accident. l I didnt mean to hurt you. Will you forgive me? l Pl


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