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安全成本和国际贸易竞争能力的关系的经济学分析一、导言“冷战后政治和经济条件已经发生变化, 和平与发展是在世界的主要主题。经济和贸易已经在国际贸易中成为重要的战略武器,即使环境保护、人权和劳动标准的条件被重政治和商业颜色所遮掩。在全球经济一体化的背景下,这是八十年代末,出现统一的安全和健康标准的趋势(HSHS)。 在过去的十年期间,发达国家有一直在忙把社会条款融入国际经济贸易的系统,在在发展中国家关心人权问题他们引起问题的劳动标准的旗下,即是说,他们提及的国家的安全、在国际贸易中生产性的问题,便成了在社会中的绿色保护。对于很长的时间,由于脆弱的经济基础设施、 生产性能力低、 缺乏资本,低工业技术、 落后的管理系统和监督,很多意外发生在工业和矿产企业,工人的事故伤害和死亡,职业疾病经常发生,在安全生产中还有很多问题,与发达国家比较,有我们不能达到的市民索赔国际劳工标准的差距,1安全条件是现在非常严厉。一些工业化国家如美国和欧洲联盟加速国际贸易的发展和发展中国家参与世界经济贸易获得越来越多的变化。 职业安全和健康的差异使发达国家在成本、 价格和贸易的竞争反面处于不利的位置上。他们认为这是不能接受的不公平,是由在发展中国家为了提高劳动力缺乏的状况而减少造成的生产成本造成的。他们对发展中国家采取按压并限制的措施。关于经济和贸易的许多国际会议和职业安全与健康,一些西方国家政府的专家和代表如美国和德国一次又一次提出这一问题。在北美洲自由的贸易区也有一些规定: 只有采取同一职业安全和健康的国家或地区,可以在自由贸易区出席参与国际贸易,他们所期望抵制的国家或地区,减少他们劳动保护 (低标准)的输入,他们想要制裁和责怪那些不愿意改善其坏的职业安全和健康情况国家或地区。而发达的国家都尽最大努力采取同样的活动并且国际劳动组织 (劳工组织) 来实施这一战略。20世纪90年代末,在国际职业安全 & 卫生标准一体化的影响下,国际劳动由组织试图把职业安全和健康标准管理系统 (OSHSMS)转变为类似的ISO 9000 和 ISO 14000。在 1999 年15 日世界职业安全和健康会议在巴西举行,一位校长指出的举行健康会议国际劳工组织: 国际劳工组织将像公约ISO9000 和ISO14000一样根据No. 155和No. 161去追求企业安全 &健康评价和标准化的管理体系,通过大量的参考资料评估的条件企业安全和健康质量。自 1999 年第三季度,国际劳工组织开始颁布国际化职业安全和健康文件,在 2001 年之前它出版职业健康安全体系的规范和它的目录。如今,HSHS不只是会议的标志了,也是国际行动同意采取的口号。派生的劳动标准如世贸组织就是国际组织中的重点之一 并且受到越来越多的国家关注。 安全生产将对中国和社会经济发展产生重要的影响。作者将通过相对的经济理论尝试分析安全成本与国际贸易的关系,理解为什么发达国家提及职业、安全、健康和劳动标准与国际贸易相融合,并进一步分析对策的优势和劣势,该方式把劣势转化为优势,寻求在发达国家和发展中国家之间安全投入和产品竞争,然后研究我们的国家的应对措施。二、安全成本和国际贸易关系的经济学分析根据发达国家的行动,涉及职业安全和健康标准一体化,国际贸易与劳工标准,我们深深地分析发现其优势和劣势,并寻求相对措施以实现安全生产和经济发展的双赢是很有必要的。在一个短的时间里,关于安全成本和国际贸易我们将采取经济学分析。对于出口企业,安全费用保护将会影响他们的产品价格,以及出口价格,这将会影响它们的相对优势。客观地说,有一些国家不敢在安全保护上采取行动,他们担心严格的安全保护将会影响其产品的国际竞争。A.安全的投资对出口货物总成本的影响增加安全投资,预防性充电或根据事故采取措施,对于出口产品的总成本,它或许会有以下的影响1) 如果我们采取一些售后措施处理意外事故和职业疾病,它会增加安全投资,因此,它会增加出口货物总成本。2) 如果我们减少在生产中事故的发生,通过安全生产造成的职业疾病,它是可能增加或减少安全投资,因而不能确定提高出口商品的总成本。但它需要高安全技术的条件下,高的一次性投资,高安全培训和较高的管理。在经过分析后,我们并不认为的双赢条件是实现经济发展和安全保护。 3) 如果我们缺乏安全投资,预防性收费或根据事故采取措施,有两种可能性: 第一,频繁的生产性事故、 职业疾病造成巨大的损失,影响共同生产,然后它可以威胁到本国出口,迫使企业要防止和控制事故,因此增加总成本 ;第二,生产性事故、 职业疾病导致一些损失,但它没有威胁到本国出口,因此可以不用采取措施减少总出口成本。 另外,安全保护是否可以影响其产品的竞争取决于他们的成本,以及它们的价值。B.在小的国家安全投资对出口货物总成本的影响 国际贸易是说小国家站在小配额在国际贸易中的国家他们不能影响国际在给定的价格贸易。如果小国家 (发展中国家)采取积极措施提高安全的投资,然后总成本包括生产成本、 意外事故,成本和职业疾病的预防成本,总成本将不是小的国家不能控制国际市场价格,他们是仅接收器,他们可以不弥补损失的价格上升,向上的总成本将会影响本机产品出口竞争。考虑到上述条件的小国家,我们可以注意到,并通过以下图 1 分析。在中图 1,X 轴表示给定的产品出口数量和 Y 轴表示的价格和成本的出口货物。DM 是外国的进口需求曲线国家将满足出口货物的小国家。小国家有不丰富的数量,出口数量将不会影响国际市场价格 (P0) 的这些出口的货物,因此,DM 是一个水平。 S 是小国家的出口供给曲线缺乏安全的投资,或不采取措施,防止事故、 职业疾病。它表明,出口数量的小国家是根据第 1 季度国际市场价格。生产小的盈国家是三角形 P0EA。 如果小国家采取积极的步骤增加的安全投资,然后总成本包括生产成本意外和占领的预防成本的成本疾病会了。如不能控制的小国家国际市场价格,向上总成本会影响本机产品的出口竞争。在图 1 中,安全保护对出口的不利影响小国家的竞争向左转 (从 S 到 S) 和出口量在下降 (从 Q1 到 Q2)。在与此同时,产生盈余的小国家下降到三角形B。 我们必须指出,如果发生意外,占领疾病会恶化本机安全,它可以直接威胁到出口货物的质量。出口竞争如果影响在小国家小国家不防止或控制安全事故,占领疾病。C.影响的越来越大的安全投资国家对出口商品总成本的计算国际贸易是说大国家站在国际贸易中的更多配额的国家他们可以影响在国际贸易中给定的价格。如果大国家采取积极的步骤,防止事故、 职业疾病的总成本会上升,这使国际市场供应不足,然后价格会波动,这样大的国家就可以弥补了向上的成本,增加的价格产品,并减少出口比赛的预防事故、 职业疾病。条件大的国家,我们可以注意到,并通过以下图分析。 在图 2 中,X 轴和 Y 轴显示相同的变量图 1。D 是外国的进口需求曲线国家将满足大国家的出口货物。作为大的国家有丰富的数量,出口数量将会影响国际市场价格的这些出口货物,因此,D 是右底部的一条曲线。 Sx 是不大的国家这样做出口供给曲线采取措施,防止事故,职业疾病国际市场价格是 Pl,出口数量是Q1,produce 盈余,大的国家可以获得的出口货物是 PlElA。 如果大国家采取积极的步骤,防止意外事故、 职业疾病的总成本包括生产成本、 费用的事故和预防成本占领的疾病,也会。但是大国家站在国际中的重要地位贸易、 出口数量的减少将导致给定产品的价格上升。在图 2,在大的国家的国际市场价格是从 P1 到P2。即是说,大的国家出口单位价格货物增加 P3P2,但这么大的事故损失各国承诺,占领疾病预防措施或控制的成本是 P3P1,其余 (P1 P2) 转到导入的最终用户。因此,防止事故,职业疾病使出口供给曲线移动(从 Sx 到 Sx) 和出口数量减少 (从 Q1 至第 2 季度),大的国家的生产盈余将减少从到 P2E2B PlElA,P2E2B 大于 PlCB (生产盈余的固定的国际市场价格)。 从图 2 我们可以看到: 如果大国家采取活动步骤增加安全的投资,然后总成本包括生产性费用、 成本的意外,和职业疾病预防成本将会丧失了将由最终用户在导入国家共享。的两个缔约方承诺的比例取决于供给曲线和需求曲线的形状。如果绝对的需求曲线的斜率大于的斜率供给曲线,在进口国的最终用户将进行更多的比例 ;相反,生产者在出口国将进行更多比例的总成本。 在图 2 中,给定的入息总额出口产品中大国家在他们不这样做的条件是 P1E1Q1O采取积极措施,防止事故,职业疾病和是缺乏安全乱伦;虽然收入总额是P2E2Q2O 中,条件是它们采取积极步骤防止事故,职业疾病。PlElQlO 或P2E2Q2O,它指示更多的收入,它取决于产品的需求 (Ed) 1 弹性。如果教育署 即是说,价格上涨 1 ,需求将会小于1%。在这种情况下,价格上升将导致母马收入总额 如果我们采取积极的措施,以防止意外发生,职业疾病,无论是否可以影响在出口线路的就业吗?供应曲线的形状取决于生产成本。在图 2 中,如果大的国家不采取积极措施提高安全的投资,总费用是 AElQlO,如果大国家采取活动步骤增加安全的投资,总成本BE2Q2O。假设的雇员人数是出口货物的总成本成正比。然后所采取的预防措施造成的总成本的增加防止和处理事故和职业疾病的大的国家是对他们的就业很好。三.对发展中国家的启示国家在绿色安全壁垒方面,我们应反对一些国家保护国内落后产业的双重标准,同时防止以安全保护为借口干涉其他国家的内部政治。由于国内公众的需要,我们将制定内部和外部企业的安全标准。我们必须承认它是一个挑战也是机会。 借鉴国际经验 8,我们应建立和完善生产和法律安全监管体系,颁布和执行安全生产计划,建立强大的安全生产目的论 ;在此同时,我国出口企业应适应目标市场的发展趋势包括绿色安全生产、 研究和开发绿色、 安全的产品,是对安全保护和公众的健康,提高6、 7 国际贸易的竞争很有好处。 如今,中国属于快速发展的发展中国家,它达不到发达国家的一些安全保护的标准。我们相信随着生产力的快速发展我们将达到发达国家安全保障的标准。在一些发达国家中地区和城市,一些完整的企业正尽其最大努力影响国际市场价格。因此,当我们进行安全和国际贸易时我们应考虑制定适当总体规划。 此外,我们应该宣传企业安全文化、 我们的安全管理决策者、 管理人员和工作人员应意识到职业安全和健康标准一体化的挑战,在国际贸易中劳动的标准,增加责任和保持安全生产的必要性重要性,以便进入国际贸易的周期。我们将加强职业安全和健康的压力,在安全生产和监管加强系统和机制之间的关系;把安全生产达到法律制度的系统要求。四.结论1)小国家面临的进口需求曲线是一个水平。如果小国家采取积极行动增加安全的投资,然后总成本包括生产成本、 费用的事故和预防职业疾病成本,小国家的生产者将承担总的费用上升带来的损失。同时大的国家面临着右下水平的需求曲线。如果大国家采取行动防止或管理事故、 职业疾病,这将会导致成本上升,损失将由进口国的最终用户承担。 2) 在国际贸易中小国家如果他们增加安全投资,总成本会上升,一般来说,小的国家是国际价格的接收器,他们不能弥补价格上升,所以它可以影响出口商品。虽然大的国家采取措施,防止或处理事故,职业疾病将导致成本的上升,损失会由进口国的最终用户承担。它对其就业没有影响力,有时它是有利的。所以它对出口产品的竞争有很少或没有影响。3)大国家的出口产品如果 Ed 1,价格将会上升,这种情况收入总额将增加。因此,对他们采取提高安全投资和预防性的费用的条件下,虽然成本和价格将上升但收入总额将增加。所以提高安全投资是积极的。4) 发达国家技术、基金和人才有一些比较优势;作为发展中国家,劳动密集型产品低的出口成本是其比较优势之一。劳动标准的统一,将增加成本和负担,这将削弱他们的优势,导致的削弱或关闭发展国家的对外经贸。然而,发达国家可以把他们的成本转移到最终用户。 5) 如果发展中国家在国际贸易中的一条线或一些产品上拥有更多配额,出口的改变将会影响国际产品的价格,这种线或企业可采取职业安全和健康标准一体化和一步一步的达到国际标准。6) 从以上的分析,我们可以看到,发展中国家应该开放他们自己的经济和政治利益,强烈地反对不切实际的劳动标准的提高,因此,他们应该反对将劳动标准放入多国世贸组织的活动中。Economics An alysison Relations of Safety Cost and International Trade Competition AbilityWei Liu1, 2 and Zhenduo Liu11School of Business, North China Institute of Science and Technology, Beijing, China2Beijing Research for Science of Science, Beijing, C, AbstractThis thesis analyzes the actual influences tothe Harmonization of Safety and Health Standards (HSHS) and Labor Standard on the international trade, and discusses the relations between the safety protect cost and international trade competition ability by applying the basic theories of economics. It is concluded that the influence of safety protect cost of small countries in international trade on their international trade competition ability is great, but the influence of safety protect cost of big countries on their international trade competition ability is minor, big countries are more positive to increase safety invest. Finally, it is suggested that the developing countries should oppose the impractical exaltation of labor standards, and that Chinese export enterprises should adapt to the trend of green safety production in target market and realize intrinsic safety in work safety. Keywords Enlightenment, labor standard, produce surplus, safety protection cost, trade competition ability I. INTRODUCTION The conditions of politics and economy have changed after the “Cold War”, peace and development are the main topics in the world. The economy and trade has become the crucial strategic weapon in international trade, even environmental protection, human rights and the conditions of labor standard are veiled by heavy political and commercial colors 1, 2. Under the background of global economic integration, it was the end of 1980s that emerged the trend for Harmonization of Safety and Health Standards (HSHS) 3. During the past decade, the developed countries have been busy with putting the social clauses into the international economy the trade system, Under the flag of “caring on the human rights in developing countries” they arouse the questions of “labor standards”, that is to say, they relate the nations safety, productive questions with international trade, it is a “green protection” in nature. For a long time, in view of weak economic infrastructure, low productive capacity, lack of capital, low industrial technology, backward management system and soft supervision, many accidents occurred in industrial and mineral enterprises, accidents of workers for injury and dead, occupation disease occurred frequently, There are many questions in safety production,comparing with the developed countries, there are the gaps that we can not reach the claims of “public international labor standard” 1, the safety conditions are very stern now. Some industrialized countries such as America and European Union note: with the rapid development of international trade and developing countries gaining more and more change to take part in the world economic trade, the differences of Occupational Safety & Health make the developed countries in the unfavorable position on the cost, price and trade competition. They think it is unacceptable for “unfair” which caused by reducing the productive cost for the lack of improving the labor conditions in developing countries. They take the same steps to press and restrict to developing countries. On many international meetings of Economy and Trade and Occupational Safety & Health, the government representatives and experts of some western countries such as USA and Germany put forward this question again and again 1. There are some stipulations in North American Free Trade Area: Only the countries or regions that take the same Occupational Safety & Health can attend the international trade with free trade area, they expect to resist the countries or regions that reduced the input of labor protection (low standard), they want to sanction and blame those countries or regions that are not willing to improve their bad occupational safety & health condition. The developed countries are do their utmost to take the same activity and pander International Labor Organization (ILO) to carry out this strategy. By the end of 90s in 20th, International Labor Organization tried to turn Occupational Safety & Health Standard Management System (OSHSMS) into similar scales as ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 under the influence of international occupational safety & health standard integration. On the 15th World Occupational Safety & Health Conference held in Brazil in 1999, one principal of ILO pointed out: ILO will pursue enterprise safety & health evaluation and standardized management system according to the No. 155 and No.161 convention like ISO9000 and ISO14000, evaluate the condition of enterprise safety & health according to the quality reference 1. Since the third quarter of 1999, ILO began to carry out internationalized occupational safety & health documents, it published the norm and directory of its OHSMS before 2001. Nowadays, HSHS is not only slogan of conference, but also the international agreeable action. And the derived labor standard is one of thefocuses in international organizations such as WTO, and more and more countries give more attention on it. Safety production will come into being important influence on the economy of China and the social development 4, 5. The authors will attempt to analyze the relation of safety cost and international trade by the relative theories of economy, understand the crucial reasons why the developed countries relate Occupational Safety & Health and labor standard integration with international trade, and further analyze the countermeasures its advantage and disadvantage, the way of turning the disadvantage into advantage, seek the different sources on the safety input and product competition between the developed countries and the developing countries, then research the relative counter-measures in our countries. II. ECONONOMICS ANALYSIS ON RELATION OF SAFETY COST AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE According to the action of developed countries that relate occupational safety & health standard integration, labor standard with international trade, it is necessary for us to deeply analyze and discover its advantage and disadvantage and seek the relative measurement to realize the win/win of the safety production and economic development. Here we will take the economics analysis on relation of safety cost and international trade in a short time. As for an export enterprise, the cost of safety protection will influence their products price as well as the export price, which will influence their comparative advantage. Objectively speaking, there are some countries dare not take active steps on safety protection, they worry about the strict safety protection will influence their product international competition. A. Influence of Safety Invest to the Total Cost in Export Goods Increasing the safety invest, preventive charge or taking measurement according to accident, occupation disease, as for the total cost of export product, it perhaps will have the following influence: 1) If we adapt some after-measurement to deal with accidents and occupation disease, it will increase negative safety invest, therefore, it will increase the total cost the export goods. 2) If we reduce the accidents in production, occupation disease by safety production, it is possible to increase or decrease the safety invest, thus it is uncertain to raise the total cost of export goods. But it need the conditions of high safety technology, high one-off invest, high safety training and higher management. In the following analysis, we do not consider the condition of realizing the win/win both economic development and safety protection. 3) if we are lack of safety invest, preventive charge or taking measurement according to accident, occupation disease, there are two possibilities: firstly, frequent productive accidents, occupation disease make tremendous loss, influence common production, then it can threaten native export, force the enterprises to prevent and control the accidents, thus increase the total cost; secondly, productive accidents, occupation disease lead to some loss, but it has no threaten to native export, so it can reduce total export cost without taking steps. In addition, whether safety protection can influence their products competition depend on their costs as well as their prices. It is more important that we should judge your countries in some products big countries or small countries.B. Influence of Increasing the Safety Investment in SmallCountries to the Total Cost in Export Goods “Small countries” in international trade mean the countries that stand small quotas in international trade, they can not influence the given price in international trade. If the small countries (the developing countries) takes active steps of increasing safety invest, then the total cost including productive cost, the cost of accidents, and preventive cost of occupation disease, the total cost will be up, as the small countries can not control the international market price, they are only the receivers, they can not make up for the loss by upward price, the upward total cost will influence native products export competition. Considering the above conditions of the small countries, we can note and analyze by following Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, axis X indicates the given product export quantity and axis Y indicates the Price and Cost of the export goods. DM is the import demand curve that foreign countries will meet the export goods of small countries. As the small countries have not abundant quantity, theexport quantity will not influence the international market price (P0) of these export goods, therefore, DM is a level.Fig. 1. Small countries in export and international market price. S is the export supply curves that small countries are lack of safety invest, or do not take steps to prevent accidents, occupation disease. It indicates that the export quantity the small countries is Q1 according to the international market price. produce surplus of small countries is triangle P0EA. If the small countries takes active steps of increasing safety invest, then the total cost including productive cost, the cost of accidents, and preventive cost of occupation disease will be up. As the small countries can not control the international market price, the upward total cost will influence native products export competition. In Fig. 1, the safety protections unfavorable influence on export competition of small countries turn left (from S to S) and the export quantity is drop (from Q1 to Q2). In the meantime, produce surplus of small countries drops to triangle P0EB. We must point out that if the accident, occupation disease will worsen native safety, and it can directly threaten the quality of export goods. Export competition will be influenced in small countries if the small countries do not prevent or control safety accident, occupation disease.C. Influence of Increasing the Safety Investment in Big Countries to the Total Costing in Export Goods“Big countries” in international trade mean the countries that stand more quotas in international trade, they can influence the given price in international trade. If the big countries takes active steps of preventing accidents, occupation disease, the total cost will be up, which make the international market inadequate supply, then the price will be fluctuated, so the big countries can make up for upward cost by increasing the price of product, and reduce export competitions of preventing accidents, occupation disease. As for the conditions of the big countries, we can note and analyze by following Fig. 2.Fig. 2. Big countries in export and international market price. In Fig. 2, axis X and axis Y indicate the same variable to Fig. 1. D is the import demand curve that foreign countries will meet the export goods of big countries. As big countries have abundant quantity, the export quantity will influence the international market price of these export goods, therefore, D is a curve of right-bottom. Sx is an export supply curve that big countries do not take steps to prevent accidents, occupation disease, the international market price is Pl, the export quantity is Q1,produce surplus that big countries can gain from the export goods is PlElA. If the big countries take active steps to prevent


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