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比较与对照 比较和对照是认识事物的逻辑方法。比较的目的在于揭示两个或两个以上的人、观点或事物的相似性而对照的目的在于揭示两个或两个以上的人、观点或事物的差异。但是在许多情况下,两者经常一起使用。整体比较 将双方情况按一定次序,先集中写一方的几个方面,然后对应地写另一方的几个方面。其排列方式为:A1A2A3B1B2B3。此法适用于所比之点少,且每点内容比较简单,其优点是容易组织材料,因此常常为初学者选用。 请看下面范文:Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading Selectively Or Extensively? You should write at least 12o words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:(1)有人认为读书要有选择(2)有人认为应当博览群书(3)我的看法Reading Selectively Or Extensively? (1)When asked whether we should read selectively or extensively, people give different answers. (2)Some people think we should read selectively. (3)They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published every day. (4)It is impossible for us to read all the books. (5)Besides, they hold there are as many good books as there are bad books(6)Good books can give us pleasure and knowledge,while bad books can only lead us astray(7)Since we cant read all the books, and we shouldnt read bad books, we must read selectively (8)But others may not agree(9)They emphasize that todays society is not what it used to be(10)If we want to be successful, we must read widely and acquire knowledge in both natural science and humanities(11)They also maintain that reading extensively can help to enlarge our view and grasp the general knowledge in different fields(12)If a man knows much in one field but little in others, he may not be of great use to the society(13)Since we must have a wide range of knowledge, we must read extensively (1 4)In my opinion,we should read extensively first and then read selectively and dig into the subject we want to specialize in (1999年6月六级试题)点评:1结构分析 引言段是一个主从复合句,从句开门见山引出被比较的对象“读书要有选择”还是“应当博览群书”,主句提出人们对此有不同观点,为下文对两方进行比较做好了铺垫。在两个正文段落中,第一段讨论的是“读书要有选择”,第二句概述读书要有选择,接下来的四个句子讨论了读书要有选择的理由,有力的支持了第二句,第二个正文段转入了对“应当博览群书”的讨论,第八句概述了应当博览群书,接着作者提出了应当博览群书的两个理由,并逐一对其进行了具体说明,这些句子都有力地说明了第八句。结尾段表明了作者的态度在博览群书的基础上来有选择性的阅读自己专业的书籍。从以上分析我们可以看到本文结构严谨,具有很强的说服力,值得考生效仿。2语言特色 (1)第一句用的是when引出的简约状语从句,显示出句式的多样性,其主句是一种表达人们有不同看法的句式,所以本句颇具特色,值得考生模仿。 (2)本文中值得考生注意的语言亮点是选词的多样性,在表达“认为”时,恐怕大多数考生只会用“think。如果都用think,效果当然很差,本文作者除了用think外,还用了argue,hold,maintain,emphasize,最后表达作者观点时,用的是in my opinion其效果是显而易见的。 (3)本文所使用的过渡词语使用地道,在由“读书要有选择”转入“应当博览群书”的讨论时,用的是but,而在讨论“读书要有选择”时,用了besides,在讨论“应当博览群书”时,用了also来表示递进说明,增强了文章的连贯性。这些简单的词语人人都会,但是却常常没有用自己的作文中,实在太可惜了,确实值得考生学习。 从以上范文,我们可以看出整体比较文章的结构: 引言段:提出被比较的事物A和B 正文段:B的优点1 B的优点2 B的优点3 A的优点1 A的优点2 A的优点3 结尾段:平衡两种看法,提出作者看法或: 引言段:提出被比较的事物A和B及作者的选择A(也可在结尾段提出) 正文段:承认B的优点 B的缺点1 B的缺点2 B的缺点3 A的优点1 A的优点2 A的优点3 结尾段:再次重申选A而不选B 整体比较文章可按以下模板来写:模板一第一段:描述现状,提出要比较的事物及一种事物A的优点 (1)When asked the question whether A is better than B,(被比较的事物)people may give different answers(2)Some people appreciate the of A(A的优点)(3)For one thing,it (细节,说明A的优点)(4)For another thing,it (细节,说明A的优点)第二段:阐述另一事物B的优点 (5)But B is also attractiveimportantgood(B的优点)(6)To begin with,It offers (细节,说明B的优点)(7)Furthermore,it (细节,说明B的优点)第三段:提出双方的缺点(这部分可取舍) (8)However,each has its own disadvantages(A、B均有 缺点)(9)A has some problems such as and (A的缺点)(10)B also has some problems such as and (B的缺点)。第四段:作者选择 (11)It is easy to see that both A and B have their advantages and disadvantages. (12)As far as I am concerned,Id prefer A for I enjoy the and of A(作者的选择)模板二 第一段:(1)Both A and B are (被比较事物) Withmore and more people are able totend to (说明:第一句可参照因果分析中介绍背景的句式写) (2)Some people prefer A while others like B(人们不同的选择)第二段:(3)It is true that B is very importantattractivegood,but it cannot dois nothas its disadvantagesdrawbacksdemerits(引出作者不赞成事物观点的缺点) (4)First,it (B的缺点一)(5)(For example,) it (细节,说明缺点一)(6)Secondly,it (B的缺点二)(7)(For example,)it (细节,说明缺点二)第三段:(8)By comparison,A helps (引出作者选择事物观点的优点)(9)First,A (A的优点一)(10) (For example,)it (细节,说明优点一)(11)Secondly,A (A的优点二)(12)(For example,)it (细节,说明优点二)第四段:(13)In my opinion,A is more importantmore attractivebetter than BA outweighsdwarfs B(14)So Id prefer A(作者的选择) (说明:本模板中,也可先写作者选定的事物的优点,后写他不赞成的事物的缺点。第一段和第四段不变) Assignment:1. Title:Where to Livein the city Or in the Countryside城市生活与乡村生活Outline:(1)Conveniences of the city (2)Attraction of the countryside (3)Disadvantages of both (4)My preference2. 题目:My Favorite Form of Transport in Traveling我喜欢的交通工具提纲:(1)有的大学生喜欢乘火车旅游次开发 (2)有的则喜欢乘船旅游 (3)比较起来,我喜欢3Title:Physical Recreation And Intellectual Activities体育锻炼与智力活动Direction:Some people argue that physical recreation is more important than intellectual activitiesOthers believe the oppositeWhich do you think is more valuable to someone your age?4题目:Which Mode of Travel Do You Like?你喜欢团体游,还是自助游? 提纲:(1)有的人喜欢团体游(package tours) (2)有的人喜欢自助游(traveling on ones own) (3)比较这两种旅游方式,我喜欢的是逐点比较法 围绕某一点分述双方各自的情况,排列的方法是A1B1一A2B2一A3B3,。逐点比较法的优点是线索清晰,比较和对照的效果明显因而适用于较长文章,但所比之点也不能太多,一般以三、四点为宜。另外要特别注意适当并正确使用过渡词语。请看下面范文:Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words about Bicycles一an Important Means of Transport in ChinaYou should base your composition on the following outline:(1)为什么自行车在中国这样普及(2)和汽车的比较(3)自行车在中国的前途Bicyclesan Important Means Of Transport in China (1)Bicycles, beyond all doubt, are important means of transport nowadays in China. (2)Almost every family has one,or even more bikes (3)Compared with cars or buses,bikes have many advantages(4)First,it is convenient for people to ride bikes(5)They can ride bicycles at any time and to any places where wide roads and parking rooms needed by cars are not available(6)Second,the cheapness of a bike over a car is obvious(7)Despite the development of our car industry and the improvement in peoples living standard;it is still impossible for average people to afford cars(8)Third, people can get physical exercising through riding bicycles(9)Its unhealthful for modern man to spend much time sitting in a vehicle(10)Finally, riding bikes does no harm to our environment(11)Unlike cars and buses,bikes consume no fuel and discharge no smoke (12)Because of these unique advantages offered by riding bicycles over taking buses,bicycles have been and will still remain a very popular means of transport in China (1991年1月四级试题)点评:1结构分析 引言段用演绎法写成,第一句开门见山提出自行车是中国人的主要交通工具,第二句用具体事例说明自行车在中国的普及。第二段为正文段,第三句引出了全文的主题较之汽车,自行车有许多优点。第四、六、八、十句分别提出了自行车的优点出行方便、便宜、利于健康、利于环保,有力地说明了全文的主题。值得特别指出的是这四个句子不是想到什么就写什么,而是经过作者深思熟虑,按“层进”顺序提出,将最重要的优点环保放到最后,突出了重点,这点很值得考生们借鉴。加上在上述句子后面又各带有一个句子对汽车的弊端进行说明,大大增强了文章说服力。在结尾段作者只用了一个句子,非常干净利落地下结论自行车的上述优点将使其作为主要交通的地位得以保持。从以上分析我们可以看到本文结构严谨,说服力强,值得考生效仿。2语言特色 (1)形式主语的应用是本文语言的一个亮点,本文三处用到高频句式It is+形容词for sbto dosth,特别需要提及的是第四句It is convenient for people to ride bikes在用convenient一词时不少学生按照汉语句式“我们很方便”写成“we are convenient to do sth”,这不符合英美人的表达习惯,值得考生注意。 (2)另外,本文中用了不少地道的语句,也值得考生注意。例如:beyond all doubt,be available,spend time doing sth(不少学生写的是spend time to do sth),do harm to(我们可以引伸出do good to)以及offer sbsth和afford sth(afford后面不必用to buy)等。 (3)注意本文所使用的过渡词语:在罗列自行车优点时用的是表示顺序的first,second,third,finally;表示转折时用的是表示让步的介词despite;而表示原因时用的是复合介词 because of,希望考生们能把这些简单的词语用在自己的作文中,以增强文章的连贯性。 从以上范文,我们可以看出逐点比较文章的结构: 引言段:提出被比较的事物(A和B)和作者的选择(A) 正文段:承认B的优点 B的缺点1 A的相应优点1 B的缺点2 A的相应优点2 B的缺点3 A的相应优点3 结尾段:再次重申选A而不选B 逐点比较的作文可按下面模板来写:第一段:描述现状,提出要比较的事物(A和B)及作者的选择(A) (1)There has sprung up a heated discussion about A and B(比较事物)(2)While some people think B is , Id like to prefer A(选择)第二段:承认B的优点,转入对B的缺点和A的优点的对照 (3)Of course B has many advantages(承认B的优点)(4)But it cannot (B的缺点一)(5)On the contrary,A can (A相应的优点一)(6)Besides,B (B的缺点二)(7)A (A相应的优点二)(8)B (B的缺点三)(9)However,A (A相应的优点三)第三段:结论:重申选A (10)From the above comparison,we can see that A is superior to/carries more weight than/outweighs/dwarfs B (11)So Id like to prefer A for its , and .常用句型: 1表示“相异性”的句型1) X is+形容词比较级than Y2)X is not asso+形容词as Y3)X is not the same as YX and Y are not the same4)X securesenjoysgains great advantagesuperiority over Y5)X is superior to Y6)X is quiteentirelytotallycompletely different from Y7)X and Y are differentunlikedissimilar in eg Plants and animals are different in strueture8)X is different fromdissimilar tounlike Y in9)X can be distinguished from Y by10)The main differenceOne of the differences between X and Y is that11)X,unlikeas distinguished fromas distinct fromas opposed to Y, eg Plants,unlike animals,are generally stationary12)X isdoeshas notas Y egPlants do not move as animals do13)X contrasts with Y in egPlants contrast with animals in having a narrower range of food14)X,butwhereaswhile Y(并列连词连接两个含有对照意义的分句)15)Xas againstas compared withas opposed to(of) Y eg Plants have a narrow range of food as against the wide range of food of animals16)X is just the opposite(to Y)(X与Y正相反) eg Animals have a wide range of food,while plants are just the opposite2表示“相似性的句型 1)X is asas Y 2)Both X and Y eg Both the camera and the eye have a lens 3)X is identical withthe same assimilar to Y in 4)X and Y are the samealikesimilaridentical in 5)X and Y are ofdohave the same eg The eye and the camera have the same functions 6)X and Y sharehavein common eg She and Reid share the same tastes and interests Tome and I have background in common 7)X,like Y,isdoeshas 8)X,as YJust as Y,so X eg The eye has a lens,as the camera doesJust as the camera has a lens,so does the eye 9)X resemblesequals Y in egJohn resembles his father in all his Wflys He equals me in strength 10)There is a resemblancesimilarity between X and Y in 11)X bears many striking resemblances to Y 12)X,similarlyIn the same wayLikewise,Y egIn the eye,the image is formed on the retinaSimilarly,in the camera,the image is formed on the film 13)X is to Y what A is to B(X之于Y犹如A之于B)3表示“最” 1)X isdoes


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