



7下 Unit4 Integrated skills和Study skills部分精练一、根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词。1. He is waiting for us at the _ (拐角) of the street.2. We _ (应该) study hard from now on.3. There is too much _ (来往车辆) on the street.4. The _ (宝藏) is underground. Lets begin to look for it.5. Walk _ (在另一边) the house, turn right and you will see the post office.二、从方框中选择合适的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空。see, walk, take, turn, next to1. I _ the bus to countryside to see my grandparents tomorrow.2. There is a small bookshop near the third _ of the road.3. Id like _ to the supermarket for its very close.4. Im very happy _ you here.5. Jack lives _ me. We often go to school together.三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. I think Jim _ _ _ (将从经过) the bank.2. The green car stops _ _ _ _ (在交通灯那儿).3. _ _ _ (过桥), and you _ _ (看见) a large supermarket.4. Take _ _ _ _ _ _ (在第三个转弯处向左转), and youll see a big supermarket.5. Walk _ _ _ (沿着这条路), then turn right and youll get there.6. There is a clothes shop _ _ _ _ (在拐角处) the street.四、同义句转换,每空一词。1. Cross the road, and then turn left. _ _ the road, and then turn left.2. Can you tell me where the park is? Can you tell me _ _ _ the park?3. Turn left at the second turning. _ the second _ on _ _.4. You can go there by bus. You can _ _ _ to go there.5. Do you want to come? _ you _ _ _?五、完形填空。Mr Zhang and Mrs Zhang are having a holiday in Rome. Its their first time to come to this city. It is sunny today. They are _1_ in the street now. When they get to the _2_, they stop and look around. There are many shops on _3_ side of the street. Mrs Zhang wants to buy some souvenirs. When the _4_ light goes on, they walk _5_ the street and do some shopping in the shops. After that, they are _6_. They want to have a big meal, so they ask a local person how to get to the nearest restaurant. The person asks them to _7_ him because he is going to have a meal, too. On the way, they talk a lot about the city. The local person asks them, “_8_ dont you take a bus?” They say, “Walking is very interesting.” They walk _9_ the road for about ten minutes and arrive at a small restaurant. The restaurant is small but _10_. The food is also very delicious. They enjoy the local food there and become friends after the meal. ( )1. A. walkingB. running C. driving D. riding( )2. A. shopB. restaurant C. traffic lights D. hospital( )3. A. bothB. another C. each D. the other( )4. A. redB. green C. yellow D. black( )5. A. across B. along C. past D. through( )6. A. quiet B. worried C. sad D. hungry( )7. A. stopB. jump C. follow D. report( )8. A. WhatB. WhereC. Why D. How( )9. A. ontoB. into C. over D. along( )10. A. large B. tidy C. dirty D. high Unit4 Integrated skills和Study skills部分精练一、1. corner 2. should 3. traffic 4. treasure 5. past二、1. will take 2. turning 3. to walk 4. to see 5. next to三、1. will walk past the bank 2. at the traffic lights 3. Cross the bridge; will see 4. the third turning on the left 5. alo


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