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长坝中学卓越课堂 第 课时 长坝中学“双主互动智慧式”课堂导学案课题Unit1 Topic2 Section A课型听说 主备郭丽班级教师授课时间审核人学习内容1.学习含有just, already, yet, ever 和never 的现在完成时;2.讨论有关人口的问题;3.引导同学们关注人口问题,树立正确的人口观念。学习目标1.学习含有just, already, yet, ever 和never 的现在完成时;2.讨论有关人口的问题;重点难点学习含有just, already, yet, ever 和never 的现在完成时.教学过程学 案导 案可以用书中的图片引入。自学检测还,扔_ 很可能,大概_ 电影院_百货公司_ 附近的,邻近的_ 不再_ 迷路_给某人打电话_我也是。_1. 听力之前可以让学生简单预测一下将要听到的内容,让学生有心理准备,再带着问题来听。(注意培养听力技能)2. 将1b的听力任务改成阅读任务。3. 及时的巩固训练是内化语言的有效途径。合作探究1.根据图片猜测对话的大意。2.听1a录音,完成下列问题。(1) Where has Michael been?(2) Why doesnt Michael want to go there any more?3. 阅读对话内容,完成1b中的判断题。4.讲解文中的重点知识。5.根据对对话内容的理解,完成1c的改错题。6听力练习,完成2.7.巩固本课内容,完成3中的同义句。交流解疑1. I have just called you, but you werent in. 译:_点拨:call - 给打电话 链接:给打电话还可以说:_ /_/_ in - 在家 = _ 链接:不在家- _练习:昨天他给我打电话时我不在家。_ he _ me yesterday, I _ _.2. Ive never been there before, but I dont want to go there any more. 译:_点拨:before - 以前 (表示时间),在句中是副词(不是连词或介词),模糊时间状语,表示到说话时间为止之前发生的事,大多使用完成时态练习:我以前看过那本小说。_3. -I really hate to go to such a place. -So do I. 译:_点拨:So do I. - 完全倒装句,含义是:A如此,B也如此 结构是:so + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语练习:a. He likes playing the piano, _. (她也是) b. They are interested in Chinese culture, _. (我们也是)拓展:上述结构的否定形式为:Neither / Nor + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语 - A不是这样,B也不是这样。练习:a. I am not good at singing, _. (他也是) 学生先结合本节课所学内容独立完成,然后可以小组内进行讨论,并要求最后进行小组展示。当堂检测1. John has been in China for about two years. (对画线部分提问) _ Jane _ in China?2. I think it will rain tomorrow. (改为否定句) I _ it _ rain tomorrow.3. Jane has seen the film on TV. Maria has seen the film on TV, too. (改为同义句) Jane has seen the film on TV, _ Maria. 4. Have you returned the book _? Yes, Ive _ returned it. A. already, already B. yet, yet C. yet, just D. just, already 5. Jim, Maria _ just now, but you were not at home. A. called up you B. called you up C. calls up you D. calls you up6. I find it very important to learn English well. _. A. So I am B. So do I C. So I do D. So am I7. China is _ that my mother likes it very much. A. such beautiful a country B. so a beautiful country C. such a country beautiful D. such a beautiful country习题解释之前留一点时间让学生讨论,学生可以互相帮助.板书设计教学反思或后记安全小贴士长坝中学“双主互动智慧式”课堂导学案课题Unit1 Topic2 Section B课型听说 学科英语班级教师授课时间审核人学习内容1.继续学习现在完成时;2.学习高位数字表达法;3.讨论世界各国的人口。学习目标1.继续学习现在完成时; 2.学习高位数字表达法。重点难点1.继续学习现在完成时;2.学习高位数字表达法。教学过程学 案导 案由上节课的内容引出人口多的问题。自学检测1.一份有关人口的报告_2.增加8千万_3.发展中国家_4.发达国家_5.另外_6.执行计划生育政策_7.控制人口数量_1. 听力训练之前,分析题目,能更好地做出判断,并学会抓住关键信息。2.小组展示环节采用组间PK的方式,提升学生的竞争意识。3. 教师应根据实际给予不同程度的肯定与奖励, 以提升学生的自主探究能力。合作探究1.展示1a的图片,导入新课。2.放1a录音,完成1b中的连线。3.仔细阅读1a,回答下列问题。(1)What are they talking about?(2)Which country is growing faster?(3)What policy has China carried out to control the population?4.讲解课文的相关知识点。5.根据对课文的理解,再次阅读并独立完成1c。6.学习高位数字的读法,练习读2中的数字。7.小组内根据3中的信息讨论世界的人口。并派代表发言。交流解疑1. And it is increasing by 80 million every year. 译:_点拨:increase by _ 拓展:increase to _练习:a. Our pay has already increased_three times. b. Our rice output has increased _6 million tons this year. 2. It shows that the population in developing countries is larger than that in developed countries, doesnt it?译:_思考:你能解释一下句中的两个that吗?(1)_ (2)_3. -The population in developing countries is growing faster. -So it is.译:_点拨:So it is. - 半倒装句,含义是:A的确如此 结构是:so + 主语 + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 练习:- Its a fine day today. -_. (的确是这样)新知识点很多,根据学生掌握进度,再进行.结合例题。 当堂检测1. _ is the population of Russia? 143 million. A. How much B. How many C. What D. How2. There are _ students in our school. A. three thousands B. three thousands of C. three thousand of D. three thousand 3. Jenny always helps others. _. A. So is she B. So she is C. So does she D. So she does4. The population of China is _ than that of Japan. A. larger B. moreC. fewer D. less5. 1. Both his father and his mother are doctors. (改为同义句) _ his father _ his mother _ a doctor. 6. The population of Germany is about seventy-eight million. (对画线部分提问) _ the population of Germany?7. If it doesnt rain, I shall go there. (改为同义句) I _ there _ it rains. 学生先独立完成,然后小组内可讨论。板书设计教学反思或后记安全小贴士长坝中学“双主互动智慧式”课堂导学案课题Unit1 Topic2 Section C课型阅读 学科英语班级教师授课时间审核人学习内容1.继续学习现在完成时;2.继续讨论有关人口增长的问题;3.引导学生树立正确的人口观念。学习目标1.继续学习现在完成时;2.继续讨论有关人口增长的问题;重点难点1.继续学习现在完成时;2.继续讨论有关人口增长的问题;教学过程学 案导 案回顾并继续谈论人口,引出人口问题。自学检测1. work well in doing_2.多亏了这个政策_3.一条很长的路要走_4.到目前为止_5.采取很多措施_6.控制人口数量_7.be known as_8.更少的生活空间_1. 做阅读训练之前,多指导学生的阅读技巧。2.可充分利用小组合作,增强学生的学习能力。3.写作技巧的指导。合作探究1. 阅读文章之前,回答下列问题。(1)Why does China carry out the one-child policy?(2)What social problems do you think Chinas population has caused?2.迅速阅读1a内容,给文章写一个标题。3.再次阅读文章,找出每段的中心思想,完成1b。 4.详读课文,完成1c中的表格。5.讲解课文的相关知识点。6.独立完成2中的填空练习,再小组内核对答案。7.小组内讨论3a中的相关问题,再准备写一篇作文。交流解疑1.and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China. 译:_点拨:one fifth - 五分之一 分数表达口诀:分子基数词,分母序数词,分子大于一,分母用复数试一试:1/2_ 2/3_特殊情况:(a) half_ / a quarter_拓展:几分之几的 - 分数 + of 练习:a. Two fifths of the students _ (be) from Europe. 译:_ b. Two fifths of water _ (be) from the river. 译:_2.So far, our government has taken many measures to control the population. 译:_点拨:so far -到目前为止, 常与现在完成时一起使用练习:a. So far, I _ (make) several good friends in my school.b. So far, China _ (have) the largest population in the world.3.It has worked well in controlling Chinas population. 译:_点拨:work well in (doing) sth.- 在做某事方面很有成效 区别:do well in - _=be good at练习:每天跑步对预防(prevent)流感很有成效。_学生先结合本节课所学内容独立完成,然后可以小组内进行讨论,并要求最后进行小组展示。当堂检测1. _ of the students are boys in our school. A. Two third B. Two threes C. Two thirds D. Second three2. The one-child policy has _ controlling Chinas population. A. been good at B. done well in C. taken care of D. worked well in3. Edison is known _ a great inventor. A. for B. as C. in D. on 4 ._ your help, I made great progress in math. A. Thanks for B. Thanks toC. Thank to D. Thank for5.同步练习册SectionC.学生先独立完成,然后小组内可讨论。讲解时应由学生来讲。板书设计教学反思或后记安全小贴士长坝中学“双主互动智慧式”课堂导学案课题Unit1 Topic2 Section D课型阅读 学科英语班级教师授课时间审核人学习内容1.复习巩固现在完成时;2.了解中国和加拿大不同的城镇生活;学习目标1.复习巩固现在完成时;2.了解中国和加拿大不同的城镇生活;重点难点1.复习并总结现在完成时;教学过程学 案导 案展示1中两副图,进行Free Talk.Do you want to live in a small town or a big city? Why?自学检测1.不到600人_2.互相帮助_ 3.过得开心_4.住得很远_5.中国的首都_6.一段悠久的历史_7.很多名胜古迹_8.公共交通_1. 做阅读训练之前,多指导学生的阅读技巧。2. 复习本话题的语法和重点句型时注意采用恰当的方法。(建议:可以学生在小组内先共同复习重点内容,老师最后进行点评并强调。)3.写作技巧的指导合作探究1.根据图片,进行Free Talk。2.阅读1中的短文,完成下列判断题T/F。(1). Sue lives in Beijing.(2). Fairmont has a population of fewer than 600 people.(3). The people in Fairmont often see friends because they live close to each other.(4). There are many fine places to go to in Beijing.(5). Li Ming doesnt like Beijing.3.再次仔细阅读,完成Page16的表格。4.小组内讨论下列问题并要求写成一篇短文,完成2.Q:Where would you like to live, a small town or a big city? Why?5.复习巩固现在完成时,完成Grammar。6.复习本话题重点句型,完成Functions.交流解疑1.I live in a small mountain town called Fairmont. 译:_点拨:called Fairmont - 过去分词短语作后置定语,还可以替换为: named / with the name of练习:那个名叫Jim的男孩是我弟弟。The boy _ _ is my brother.2. Fewer than 600 people live here.译:_少于_ 反义词为“多于”_3. They are careful with garbage and discourage cutting trees.译:_be careful with_学生先结合本节课所学内容独立完成,然后可以小组内进行讨论,并要求最后进行小组展示。当堂检测1. Have you improved your English _? Yes, I have. Ive _ improved it. A. already; already B. already; yet C. yet; already D. yet; yet2. China has a_ population. A. manyB. much C. lot ofD. large3. Have you been to the village _ Gum Tree? Its a beautiful place. Oh, really? I will go there some day. A. calledB. is called C. callsD. call4. I like to sing English son


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