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非谓语动词检测卷(2)(时间50分钟;满分100分)班级_姓名_考号_得分_I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分30分) After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. That Friday after work, I drove over to pick her up.We went to a restaurant that, although not 1 , was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm 2 she were the First Lady. During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation nothing 3 but catching up on recent 4 of each others life. We talked so much that we missed the 5 . As we arrived at her house later, she said, “Ill go out with you again, but only if you let me 6 you.” I agreed. “How was your 7 ?” asked my wife when I got home. “Very nice. Far 8 my wildest imagination” I answered.A few days later, my mother died of a heart attack. It happened so 9 that I didnt have a chance to do anything for her. Some time 10 , I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant 11 from the same place where mother and I had dined. An 12 note said: “I paid this bill 13 . I wasnt sure that I 14 be there; but I still paid for two plates one for you and the other for your 15 .You will never know what that night 16 for me. I love you, son.”At that moment, I 17 the importance of saying in time: “I LOVE YOU” and to give time to our family. 18 in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they 19 , because these things cannot be 20 till “some other time.”语篇解读:本文通过讲述作者和母亲去吃饭的一次经历,和母亲的突然离世来告诉人们要多花些时间和亲人在一起,这比什么都重要。而不要等到子欲养而亲不待,让人抱憾终身。所以,无论多么忙,我们都应当和家人经常交流、共处,千万不要以各种理由把和家人交流、共处的时间一次次地推迟,因为生活中有些事情是不能往后推的,否则,有可能会留下终生的遗憾!1. A. grand B. comfortable C. shabby D. adequate【答案】A【解析】grand宏伟的,豪华的;comfortable舒服的;shabby破旧的;adequate尚可的,差强人意的。上下文存在让步关系,根据空后nice和cozy以及前面的否定意义可以判断前面指饭店不是很豪华,选A。我们去了一家虽不豪华却很优雅舒适的饭店。2. A. even if B. as though C. so that D. in case【答案】B【解析】even if即使;as though仿佛,好像;so that为了;in case万一。母亲和儿子在一起感觉非常骄傲,就仿佛和第一夫人一般,此处是一种假设语气,选B。妈妈挽着我的手臂,宛如第一夫人。3. A. unbelievable B. attractive C. addicted D. extraordinary【答案】D【解析】unbelievable让人难以置信的;attractive迷人的;addicted上瘾的;extraordinary非凡的。儿子和母亲的聊天没有什么大事,只是很随意,根据but的转折可知选D。4. A. accidents B. events C. coincidences D. conditions【答案】B5. A. bus B. appointment C. movie D. time【答案】C【解析】bus汽车;appointment约会;movie电影;time时间。从第一段After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie.可知儿子带母亲去看电影,故选C。我们谈得太尽兴以至错过了看电影。6. A. accompany B. order C. satisfy D. invite【答案】D【解析】accompany陪同;order命令,订购;satisfy使人满意,满足;invite邀请。从下文内容可知母亲打算准备请儿子吃饭看电影,选D。当我送她回到家时,她说:“我会再跟你出去约会,但必须是我邀请你。”我同意了。7. A. date B. dinner C. film D. mother【答案】A【解析】date 日期,约会;dinner 晚餐;film 电影;mother母亲。根据首段可知妻子让作者约母亲吃饭看电影,由此判断妻子问丈夫约会的情况,选A。8. A. from B. beyond C. beneath D. across【答案】B【解析】固定短语:beyond imagination“难以想象,超出想象”。“你们的约会怎么样啊?”回到家时我妻子问。“非常好。比我想象中要好得多。”我回答。9. A. actually B. abruptly C. absolutely D. awfully【答案】B【解析】actually实际,现实;abruptly突然;absolutely绝对地;awfully可怕地,十分。根据空后内容可知事情发生得非常突然,作者都没来得及做些什么,选B。几天后,妈妈由于严重的心脏病发作去世了。发生得如此突然以至我没有机会为她做任何事。10. A. before B. ago C. later D. after【答案】C【解析】before 在之前;ago在某段时间前;later后来;after在之后。从事情的发展可知此处指过了一段时间以后,选C。11. A. receipt B. bill C. reception D. administration【答案】A12. A. adapted B. additional C. attached D. admirable【答案】C【解析】adapted适合的,适应的;additional附加的,额外的;attached附着的;admirable 令人钦佩的,值得赞赏的。经过检验的;在收据上附带着一张便条来说明情况,选C。13. A. by chance B. on purpose C. for myself D. in advance【答案】D【解析】by chance 偶然;on purpose故意;for myself 为自己;in advance提前。根据后句内容I wasnt sure that I 14 be there; but I still paid for two plates可知母亲没等到和作者一起去吃饭,是提前支付了费用,选D。14. A. might B. should C. could D. would【答案】C【解析】母亲不确定自己是否能够再次和儿子一起吃饭,此处表示一种能能力,选C。15. A. son B. wife C. friend D. colleague【答案】B【解析】son儿子;wife妻子;friend朋友;colleague同事。从上句内容可知母亲不确定自己是否能够到场,但还是付了两个人的钱,由此判断她计划给作者和他的妻子预定的,选B。16. A. meant B. paid C. provided D. made【答案】A【解析】meant意味着,意思是;paid付款;provided提供;made制作。从上文第二段内容可知母亲对上次和儿子在一起吃饭感到特别开心,感觉那顿饭对她意味着很多,选A。一段时间过后,我收到一个信封,里面有我和我母亲一起吃晚饭的地方的收据。收据附着一张便条上面写道:“我提前付了款。我不确定我是否还能去哪儿,我付了两份,一份为你,一份为你的妻子。你不知道那晚对我来说意味着什么。我爱你,儿子。”17. A. advocated B. appreciated C. admired D. acknowledged【答案】B【解析】advocated提倡,鼓吹;appreciated感激,领悟;admired羨慕;acknowledge承认。从母亲的话和母亲的去世作者应该珍惜和家人在一起的重要性,选B。18. A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing【答案】D19. A. demand B. need C. deserve D. acquire【答案】C【解析】demand要求;need需要;deserve值得,应该得到;acquire获得,取得。家人是最重要的人,他们应该得到我们更多的关注,得到更多的时间,选D。20. A. put off B. called off C. taken off D. turned off【答案】A【解析】put off推迟;called off职消;taken off起飞,脱掉;turned off关掉。根据上文可知作者懂得了及时说“我爱你”的重要性,他也提醒读者“设有比你的家人更重要的了”所以不要把与他们共度的时光推迟到其某个时刻。那一刻,我明白了及时说出“我爱你”以及给予我们所爱的人他们应该得到的时间的重要性。生命中没有什么比你的家庭更重要。多花些时间陪陪你的家人,因为这些事情不能被推迟到“改天”。第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 21. 【2017届北京市东城区高三5月综合练习(二模)】 Reading is a good way _ (develop)a childs imagination at an early age.22. 【2017届北京市东城区高三5月综合练习(二模)】_(wave) a book in front of your face, youll feel the air moving against your face.23. 【2017届北京市海淀区高三5月期末练习(二模)】In Australia, many road signs are both in English and Chinese, _(make) it easier for Chinese tourists to travel.24. 【2017届江苏省南通、扬州、泰州、淮安四市高三下学期第三次模拟】 Most of the money for the reconstruction of the quake-stricken town has been allocated by thegovernment, the rest _(collect) from the coming charity concerts.25. 【2017届天津市河北区高三总复习质量检测(二)】 When it comes to_(speak)in public, no one can match him.26(2015河南濮阳市二模)Yes,and there are a lot of points of view when you listen to talk shows.I usually enjoy _ (listen) to them.27(2015辽宁瓦房店高级中学考前模拟)Taking a taxi is five times as expensive as _(take) a bus.28(2015甘肃民乐一中诊断)I then realized she had no arms or legs,just a head,a neck and upper body,_(dress) in a little white skirt.29(2015甘肃嘉峪关市一中六模)The price of tea _ (pick) in March is extremely high.30(2015宁夏大学附属中学二模)We have also formed a special support group to help young people stop _(smoke)【答案解析】21.to develop考查动词不定式,句意:阅读是培养孩子早期想象力的好方法。a way to do sth.一种做某事的方法。本题中的不定式作定语修饰way。22.Waving考查非谓语动词。句意:在脸前挥舞一本书,你就会感到空气在脸上流动。主语you和wave为逻辑上的主动关系,故用动词-ing形式引导条件状语。25.speaking When it comes to sth 是一固定句型,表示“当谈到.”,to 是属于介词。而此用动名词思。句意为“ 当谈到在公众场合演讲,没人能与他相比。”考点:考查固定句型【名师点睛】考查固定搭配。When it comes to 的用法(1) 后面接名词或接动词的ING形式(动名词)(2) when前面可以用逗号,整个跟着某个句子句子后面(用法有点像插入语)。也可以作为分句直接位于句首,整个部分后接逗号。1. Although she plays football well, when it comes to English, she is not so good. 她的足球玩得很好,就英语而言,她没学的那么好。2.When it comes to eating, Joey is full of joy.一谈到食物,乔伊就很高兴。 3. When it comes to fishing, John is an expert. 谈及钓鱼,约翰是个专家26listeningenjoy doing喜欢做某事。27taking这里taking a bus和taking a taxi进行比较。28dressed此处过去分词短语dressed in.相当于定语从句who was dressed in.。29pickedtea与动词pick之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。30smokingstop to do sth 停下来去做某事;stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情。根据语境可知“我们还成立了一个特殊的小组去帮助青少年戒烟”。stop smoking戒烟。II阅读 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A【安徽省合肥市2018届高三年级第一次英语联考】Summer Holiday Fun 2015!The summer holidays are upon us again. Here is our guide to summer holiday fun in Peterborough!Peterborough MuseumThe Age of the Dinosaurs is the museums main attraction this summer. Get up close to prehistoric creatures via some great hands-on exhibits!Watch out for monsters lurking around every ember!The museum is open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Saturday,and from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Sundays in August.Call 01733 864663 for details.Saxon Youth ClubSchool holiday fun:Young people aged 1319 will be able to produce their own music,compete in sports activities,or try their hand at cooking at Saxon Youth Club,Saxon Community Centre,Norman Road,Peterborough every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 pm. PLUS an aero ball tournament will take place on Thursday,12th August between 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm.Call 01353 720274 for details.Houghton MillThrough the Looking Glassa new production of the family favorite on Monday 30th,August. Bring rugs or chairs to sit on and a picnic if you wish to eat during the play. Gates open 5:30 pm,performance 6:30 pm8:30 pm. Tea room will be open until the end of the interval. Adult 10. Child 7. Family 20.Booking advisable on 0845 4505157.Farmland Museum and Denny AbbeyFarmland Games:From Wellie Wanging to Pretend Ploughing matches,come and join the Farmland Team. Collect your sporting stickers and create a colorful rosette that is fit for a winner!No need to book,just turn up between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm on Thursday,19th August. Suitable for children aged four and above,each child should be accompanied by an adult and all activities are included in the normal admission price. Tickets Cost: 7 per child.For further information,call 01223 810080.31. If you are interested in cooking,you can go to _.A. Peterborough Museum B. Houghton MillC. Saxon Youth Club D. Farmland Museum32. You want to watch the new play with your parents,so it will cost you _.A. 7 B. 17C. 27 D. 2033. Which of the following activities needs parents company?A. Playing farmland games. B. Watching the new play.C. Competing in sports activities. D. Visiting the dinosaur exhibition.【答案】31. C 32. D 33. AB【黑龙江省伊春市第二中学2018届高三上学期第一次月考】This story took place when I was about 12 years old.Hummingbirds(蜂鸟)are small birds only about 3 inches long.Each spring they migrate to America from Mexico and Central America.They spend summer here and then fly the 2,000 miles back in the fall.My Dad had just picked me up from school on one of the first cool days of fall.On our way home I saw a Hummingbird lying dead on the sidewalk.It had flown into the large plate glass and broke its neck.I picked up the tiny bird.I decided to take it home for burial.It seemed a shame for such a beautiful bird to be crushed by passers-by.Little did I know that Hummingbirds can go into a state of hibernation(冬眠)daring cold temperatures.While like this they might appear to be dead.As soon as the bird warms up,all of its functions will return to normal.About half way home I started to feel a small movement in my hands.I was quite startled.Evidently the hummingbird was NOT dead.The warmth from my hands was reviving(使恢复)the bird.When we got home Dad opened door for me and I stepped out of the car.I slowly and cautiously opened my hand.The hummingbird flew away to a nearby cornfield and wets thrilled to be on his way south again.One of the most amazing things about hummingbird migration is that,after such a long journey,so many of them find their way back to me exact same location every spring.So maybe he was one of the hummingbirds I saw again the next year sipping nectar(花蜜)from the feeder hanging on our back porch.34. Where do hummingbirds spend their summer?A. In North America. B. In Central America.C. In Mexico. D. In South America.35. What happened to the hummingbird the author picked up on his way home?A. It was almost frozen to death.B. It was killed bumping into the window.C. It was hurt and then fell into hibernation.D. It was lost on its way of migration.36. How did the author feel when he felt the bird move in his hand?A. Surprised. B. Please.C. Terrified. D. Puzzled.37. The authors purpose in writing the passage is to tell us_.A. some knowledge about hummingbirdsB. his experience in saving a hummingbirdC. to protect wildlife as much as we canD. hummingbirds can remember the person who save them【答案】34. A 35. C 36. A 37. B【解析】这是故事类文章。作者是描述了在他大约12岁的时候,在回家路上如何看见受伤的小鸟,把它捡起来,放在手里,蜂鸟在我温暖的手里复苏过来,我最后把小蜂鸟放飞。34. A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“.Each spring they migrate to America from Mexico and Central America.They spend summer here and then fly the 2,000 miles back in the fall.”可知每年春天蜂鸟从墨西哥和美国的中部迁移到美国,然后在秋天再飞回去。从地理位置可判断出墨西哥在美国的南方,所以蜂鸟在春天从墨西哥,经美国的中部,自然是到美国的北部度过夏天,在秋天再向南飞。故选A。36. A【解题剖析】此题属于细节理解中的(2)语言转述型。这是一类间接事实细节题,答案与题目在意义上从分运用了词义之间的转述关系,即正确选项是原文有关词语和句子的另一种表达。【答案定位】根据第五段中的“About half way home I started to feel a small movement in my hands.I was quite startled” 可知:大约在回家的半路上,我开始感到手上有一点小动作,吓了一跳。【推理关系】题干How did the author feel when he felt the bird move in his hand?文章内容.I was quite startled【答案】was quite startled(震惊的) A选项Surprised.(惊讶的) 与startled(震惊的)是同义转述。故选A。37. B推理判断题。从整个文章的描述可知,作者是描述了自己如何看见受伤的小鸟,把它捡起来放在手里,在我温暖的手里复苏过来,最后把小蜂鸟放飞,从中可知是讲述他救了小蜂鸟的经历。故选B。C【安徽师范大学附属中学2018届高三上学期9月考】DFood production does great harm to our environment.There are many procedures involved in the manufacture of food that result in greenhouse gases and other pollutants.Some procedures require the consumption of large amounts of fossil fuels,such as the transportation and storage of food products.Other factors that cause great damage to our environment include the overuse of fresh water.The production of beef is more damaging to the environment than that of any other food we consume,Raising large numbers of cattle requires the production of large amounts of food for the animals.Its estimated that producing one pound of beef requires seven pounds of feed.Land use is also a problem.If the cattle are free-range cattle,large areas of land are required for them to live on.This has led to disastrous forest cutting and the loss of rare plants and animal species,particularly in tropical rain forests in Central and South America.Another problem specific to beef production is methane emissions (甲烷排放).Although many people are aware of the damaging effects of carbon dioxide,they dont realize methanes global warming potential is 25 times worse,making it a more dire problem.Unfortunately,beef consumption is growing rapidly.This is the result of simple supply and demand factors.Specifically,there are two main causes of demand that are encouraging the production of more supply.First,the increase in the world population means there are more people to consume meat.The second factor is socioeconomic advancement.As citizens in developing nations become financially stable,they can afford to buy more meat.Therefore,one way to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions is for people around the world to significantly cut down on the amount of beef they eat.38. The underlined word “dire” in Para.4 means .A. urgent B. commonC. typical D. avoidable39. Beef production is growing rapidly because .A. more people are in demand of beefB. developing countries raise more cattleC. more land is available to raise cattleD. the cost of raising cattle is relatively low40. The author writes this article to .A. describe the booming of the beef productionB. emphasize the advantages of beef productionC. condemn the deforestation of the rain forestD. argue for a decrease in beef consumption【答案】38. A 39. A 40. D【解析】本文是一篇说明文,从牛肉的生产过程中,喂养牛大量消耗食物、牛体内食物消化过程中又要产生大量甲烷释放到大气中,从而危害环境等方面加以阐述,从而提出作者观点,呼吁人们减少牛肉消耗,以达到保护环境的目的。第二节 【山东省枣庄市第三中学2017届高三9月质量检测】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。How Not to Be Awkward Not all of us are outgoing and ready to take the world by storm. 41 This usually happens when a person is still in his or her teen years and going through the socialization process. So, what can a person do to overcome this tendency to be awkward. Lets try to find answers to the questions.Stay in shape and dress up wellSometimes, awkwardness could be due to being overweight. When you are large in size, you tend to get very self-conscious. So, in order to avoid this, get into the habit of exercising every day. 42 If you look as if you have just stepped out of a 1980s film when actually it is 2011, there is no doubt that you are bound to feel awkward about yourselfBe optimisticAnother effective tip on how not to feel awkward is to always keep a smile on your face. 43 On the other hand, a smiling, happy and positive think person is appreciated by everybody. So, smile when you meet acquaintances or even strangers, say a cheerful “Hi!” and automatically some of your awkwardness will disappear completely!Participate in team activitiesThis one really helps. Awkwardness generally develops when a person remains isolated from others. So ,in order to change this situation, join groups. 44 Joining people in book reading sessions as well as debates will help remove your awkwardness. Choose any activity of your choice, such as playing team sports or joining a dance class, and soon you will find your comfort level around people increasing day by day!Develop your personalityBeing a book-worm or an Internet addict will not get you anywhere. For self-improvement, take up a hobby that adds meaning to your life. Learn singing or try adventure sports. 45 A. Learn how to end a


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