



_语法专项复习(十五)状语从句I第一部分I 整体感知 状语从句是英语复合句的重要组成部分,其种类繁多,结构也较为复杂。纵观历届高考试题,状语从句也是考查的热点语法项目之一。同学们学习状语从句的重点在于对各种引导状语从句的关联词的掌握,难点在于意思相近关联词用法的辨析及某些词的特殊用法。II 高考真题1.(08全国II) A small car is big enough for a family of three _ you need more space for baggage.A. once B. because C. if D. unless2. (09北京) You may use the room as you like_ you clean it up afterwards. A. so far as B. so long as C. in case D. even if 3. (09湖南) _ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him. A. Although B. As long as C. If only D. As soon as4. (09陕西) My parents dont mind what job I do _ I am happy. A. even though B. as soon as C. as long as D. as though5. (09四川) Owen wouldnt eat anything _ he cooked it himself. A. until B. since C. unless D. whileIII 考点直击1. 九种常见的状语从句及其从属连词的选用; 3. 状语从句的省略;2. 时间、条件等状语从句中时态的正确使用; 4. 状语从句及其他从句的区别。IV 试着翻译翻译下列句子吧! 1. 应当鼓励老人到敬老院居住,这样他们可以享受到专业的照料和一流的设施。 _ _ 2. 如果我们继续无视广州日益增多的垃圾,有可能在不久的将来广州将成为巨大的垃圾场。 _ 3. 应该禁止饲养宠物,因为它们可能会传播疾病,有损市容。 _ _ 4. 当每个人充分意识到水资源的短缺,并采取有效措施,我相信我们一定能解决好这个问题。 _ 第二部分(一)时间状语从句 一、常引导时间状语从句的词有: 1. _ 2. “一就”:_ _Eg. We sent the injured to the First-aid Centre_ the accident happened. A. shortly B. hurriedly C. quickly D. immediately No sooner _ he _ to bed _ the doorbell rang. A. did; go; when B. had; gone; than C. did; go; than D. had; gone; when - Have you told Professor Smith the news? -Yes. I told him_ I saw him the other day. A. while B. the minute C. until D. suddenly The new secretary is supposed to report the manager as soon as he_. A. will arrive B. arrives C. is going to arrive D. is arriving 二、时间状语从句的要点&难点 1. when , while , as1)when _ I got to the station, the train _(已经走了) _ I lived there, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays. We were having a meeting _ someone broke in. 我们正准备出发,突然下起大雨来。 _ It was foolish _ you to take a taxi _ you could easily walk there in 5 minutes. 小结:when的用法: 2)while Dont talk so loud _ others are working. He likes pop music_ I _(喜欢古典音乐) _ the grandparents love the children, they are_ _ them. (严格要求)小结:while的用法: 语法专项复习(十五)状语从句II3)as Dont talk so loud _ others are working. _ time _ _(时光飞逝),college entrance examination is getting closer and closer. He hurried home, _(边跑边回头望) 小结:as的用法_【题组训练】用when, while, as 填空_ I was walking down the street, I noticed a police car in front of the store._ John arrived, I was cooking lunch._ he grew older, he lost interest in everything except gardening.How can he get good grades_ he wont study hard?I was wandering through the street _ I caught sight of a tailors shop._ the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems.2. till, until, notuntil Everything went well_ the accident happened. _ you told me I had no idea of it. 直到我做完了所有的作业我才睡觉。 I _ (倒装句) _ _ I finished all my homework _ _ go to bed. (强调句)_ _ _ _ I finished all my homework _ I _ _ _.3. since & before 1)since I _ her(没收到来信) since she _ (离开)China. It _ 3 years since he smoked. 2)before (翻译句子) We waited a long time before he came out. ( ) We hadnt run a mile before he felt tired. ( ) I must write it down before I forget it. ( ) Before I could get in a word, he had measured me. ( ) 我们可能两三年后才能再见面。_ 用不了多久我就会回来的。_【题组训练】用when, before, since, until 填空 Few people will pay full attention to their health _ they get certain incurable disease. Let me take down what you have said _ I forget. It may take ten years or more_ the scientists can find a cure for AIDS. It is several weeks _ my father got drunk last time. We were chatting happily on the Internet_the light went out. Three years had passed_ I knew it.三、时间状语从句专练 1. Failure is never pleasurable, but it can make a positive contribution to your life _ you learn to use it. A. since B. once C. until D. unless 2. I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers _ it was too late to tell them. A. as B. that C. until D. when 3. - How long do you suppose it will be_ he arrives at the small village? - Five hours or so. A. when B. before C. since D. after4. I learnt her hard-working and kind _ I got to know her in the bookstore. A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time 5. _ he came, he would bring us a lot of flowers. A. Every times B. Every time C. while D. As6. It was evening _ we reached the little town of Winchester. A. that B. until C. since D. before7. - Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? - Yes. He has never praised him_ he became one of the top students in his grade. A. after B. unless C. until D. when8. - What was the party like? - Wonderful. Its years_ I enjoyed myself so much. A. after B. before C. when D. since9. Several weeks had gone by_ I realized the painting was missing. A. as B. before C. since D. when10. _ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless 语法专项复习(十五)状语从句III(二)地点状语从句 1. 常引导地点状语从句的词有:_ We should go_ the Party needs us most. Youre free to go_ you like. 有志者,事竟成。_ 2. 注意区分定语从句 & 状语从句 Youd better make a mark at the place_ you have any questions. (_ 从句) Youd better make a mark _ you have any questions. (_ 从句) 3. 【题组训练】 After the war, a new school building was put up _ there once been a theatre. A. that B. where C. which D. when I have kept the portrait_ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London. A. in which B. where C. whether D. when (三)原因状语从句 1. 常引导原因状语从句的词有:_ 2. 【题组训练】 - Why were you absent from the lecture? - _ I was ill. He must be ill, _ he is absent today. It must have rained last night, _ it is wet all over. _ everybody is here, lets begin our meeting. _ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better. A. For B. Now C. Since D. Despite(四)目的状语从句 1. 常引导目的状语从句的词有:_ 2. 【题组训练】 Ill speak slowly _ you can understand me. _ we might see the sunrise, we started early. Take your raincoat_ it should rain. He wrote the name down _ he should forget it.(五)结果状语从句 1. 常引导结果状语从句的词有:_ 2. 【题组训练】 Mike is _ _ honest boy _ we all believe him. Mike is _ honest _ boy _ we all believe him. (倒装句) _/_ we all believe him. It was _(这么好的天气) that we _(去野餐) He earned_(这么少的钱) that he couldnt_(养家糊口) It is surprising that _ little children can speak _ many foreign languages. The student always tells lies_ no one believe him. A. even if B. in order that C. so that D. because (六)条件状语从句 1. 常引导条件状语从句的词有:_ 2.【题组训练】 _ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. A. Unless B. As long as C. While D. Even though Youll fail the exam _ you study hard. _ you dont lose heart, youll succeed. _ that they refuse us, _ _ can we turn to for help? (七)方式状语从句 1. 常引导方式状语从句的词有:_ 2.【题组训练】 Do _ you are told to, or youll be fired. The old lady _(对待) the boy _ he _ her own son. I feel _ I _(发烧了) (八)让步状语从句 1. 常引导让步状语从句的词有:_ 2. 【题组训练】用(al)though, even though/if 填空 He is unhappy, _ he has a lot of money. _it was raining hard, _ they went on playing football. He said he would come; he didnt, _.(译为_) He should study hard _ he gets a good mark. 3. 用as 来完成句子 _(虽然他很年轻),he has rich experience. _(尽管他是个孩子),he knows a lot. _ _ he might(不管他怎样努力), he couldnt find a good job.语法专项复习(十五)状语从句IV4. 用wh-ever或 no matter wh-完成句子 Ill be your true friend, _(不论发生什么事) _(不管你是谁/在哪儿),you should obey the law. Im too busy to buy you a gift, so you can use the money I give you to buy _ you like. You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do.A. no matter what B. although C. however D. whatever Ill give the ticket to _ really wants to see the film. A. whoever B. whomever C. no matter who第三部分:状语从句中需注意的问题1. 时态The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as he_. A. will arrive B. arrives C. is going to arrive D. is arriving2. 状语从句中的省略 _(_ _) in Beijing, I paid a visit _ many famous places. Dont speak until(_ _) _ _.(有人跟你说话你再说) He often makes mistakes _ _ English. (说英语时) When _, the museum will be open to the public next year.A. completing B. being completed C. completed D. to be completed Come tomorrow _ (_ _) _.(如果可能的话) Copy the papers _ _(如有必要)状语从句综合练习 1. You may be allowed to watch TV_ you _ your homework. A. even if ; finish B. on condition that; have finished C. in case; finish D. in order that; will finish 2. -Have you been to the Great Wall? - Perhaps not in my memory._, it might have been during my early childhood. A. If any B. If so C. If ever D. If not3. Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeed_ other more well-informed experimenters failed. A. which B. where C. what D. that 4. So difficult_ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English. A. I have felt B. have I felt C. I did feel D. did I feel5. _ you decide to spend your holidays, one thing is certain, you will get to your destination, fresh and safe. A. Whatever B. Whoever C. Wherever D. Whichever6. Why not stay at home _ the road is so slippery after the heavy snow? A. since that B. after that C. then that D. now that7. During the reconstruction of the city, many modern tall buildings went up_ old shabby houses were torn down. A. where B. in what C. in which D. which8. Drilling oil wells was _ work that he couldnt finish it by himself. A. such difficult B. such a difficult C. so difficult a D. so difficult9. _ you send me an e-mail to say that you wont go camping, I will wait for you at the park. A. Whether B. If C. Unless D. When10. Youd better take a pen when you go to the meeting _ there is something important to write down. A. as if B. so that C. in order D. in case11. She opened her eyes with a start and was about to cry out_ she heard her father urgently telling her to keep quiet. A. while B. when C. before D. after12. They kept trying_ they knew it was hopeless. A. when B. unless C. as D. till13. Nobody knows


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