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Unit 13Were trying to save the earth!第2课时分层训练Section A2 3a4c .根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词1I think it is _(残忍的) to kill the animals.22017宿迁Most people in China couldnt _(买得起) cars twenty years ago. 3Reading in the sun is _(有害的) to your eyes.4The government has made some _(法律) to protect the wild animals.5About 70 million sharks are traded in this _(行业) every year. .从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空pay for, turn off, be harmful to, cut off, so far, take part in 1Please remember to _ the computer when you dont use it. It is a way to save energy.2We have learned twelve units _.3How much did you _ your books yesterday?4Have you ever _ an environmental project?5He had his finger _ in an accident at work.6Junk food _ humans health. .根据汉语意思完成句子1他们在山顶发现了一座古老的庙宇。They found an old temple _ _ _ _ the mountain.2她不能再忍受这里的噪声了。She can _ _ stand the noise here.3吸烟对你的健康没有好处。Smoking is not _ _ your health.4该采取行动了,但我们还没有做好准备。Its time to _ _, but we havent got ready.5不仅他,而且我们也喜欢这首歌。_ _ he _ _ we are fond of the song.单项选择()1.2018天津I am afraid we can not _to take a taxi. Lets go by underground instead. Arefuse Bafford Cforget Dfall ()2.2018广东It is said that the number of forest parks in Guangdong _ to more than 1,000 so far.Aincrease Bincreased Chas increased Dwill increase()3.2018河北Look at the picture. The top five TV plays _ in it. Alist Bare listedCwill list Dwill be listed ()4.2017黄冈Can you tell me how long you _ the Huawei mobile phone, Mr. Zheng?Nearly a year. It works very well.Awill buy Bhave had Chave bought Dhad had()5.After dinner, he used to _ computer games, but now he gets used to _. Aplay; walk Bplaying; walkingCplay; walking Dplaying; walk()6.2017呼和浩特_ Lucy _ you cant go to the party. One of you has to stay at home to look after your grandma. ANeither; nor BEither; or CNot only; but also DBoth; and ()7. 2018乌鲁木齐_ people prefer HUAWEI phones, and about _ of them are adults.AThe number of; fourfifths BA number of; fourfifthCA number of; fourfifths DThe number of; fourfive ()8. 2018河南Excuse me. Do you know_?Sorry, I dont know, either. Ahow to check out a book Bwhen will the concert begin Cthat there is a bank near here Dhow long the meeting would last .2017莱芜阅读理解How do you deal with plastic bags from the supermarket? Throw them away or recycle them? How about eating them?The bags are no harmful to the environment. Humans and animals can safely eat them. Indian company EnviGreen has made a bag with natural materials. It looks and feels just like plastic, but can be broken down(分解) easily.Ashwath Hedge who set up the EnviGreen company spent four years doing experiments(实验) with 12 natural materials. They include potatoes, corn, vegetable oil and bananas. He made the materials into liquid(液体) and used the liquid to make the bag.Although the EnviGreen bag is more expensive than a common plastic bag, it has many advantages. According to The Wall Street Journal, it takes 1,000 years for common plastic bags to break down. But an EnviGreen bag can naturally break down in less than 180 days. It also breaks down in less than a day in water, and in less than a minute in boiling water. Hedge_was_happy_to_show_it_in_his_interview;_he_put_an_EnviGreen_bag_in_water_and_ate_it_with_a_smile.There are more than 15,000 tons of plastic waste in India every day. But only 9,000 tons are processed. In China, 3 billion plastic bags are used every day. Maybe the EnviGreen bag could be a solution(解决方法) to the world problem of plastic pollution.()1.According to Paragraph 2, we can know the following EXCEPT _Athe EnviGreen bag can break down easilyBthe EnviGreen bag is made from natural materialsCthe EnviGreen bag can be eaten by humans and animalsDthe EnviGreen bag is a little harmful to the environment()2.The main idea of the third paragraph is “_”. AWhat Hedge thinks of the new bagBHow Hedge makes the EnviGreen bagCWho sets up the EnviGreen companyDHow long it takes Hedge to make the bag()3.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 shows that the EnviGreen bag _. Ais safe and can break down quicklyBis useful although it is more expensiveClooks and feels like a common plastic bagDwill be used more widely than a common bag()4.The EnviGreen bag breaks down fastest in _Ahot air Bcold waterCboiling water Dnatural air()5.From the last paragraph, we can infer(推断) _Aall of Indias plastic waste is processedBIndia has the most plastic waste in the worldCChina produces more plastic waste than IndiaDthe EnviGreen bag may help solve the problem of plastic pollution .2018南充根据短文内容及首字母提示补全短文Save Our Environment There is no doubt that global warming has become one of the biggest problems we face today. So its important for us to protect our environment.As middle school students, what can we do? First of all, try to take bicycles and public transportation to school instead of cars 1.b_ it will make less CO2 (二氧化碳). It can not only be good for our health, but also make it possible for us to get closer 2.t_ nature. Then, its necessary to 3.p_ up rubbish and put it into dustbins(垃圾桶). Planting more trees can also help a lot. However, we should never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classroom. 4.B_, why not reuse water and paper to live a lowcarbon life?I think its everyones duty to help our earth. And even the simplest activities can make a real 5.d_ to our environment. So dont put it off! Lets do what we can to protect our home. I believe we will make our world more and more beautiful.详解详析课内基础自测.1.cruel2.afford3.harmful4laws5.industry.1.turn off2.so far3.pay for4taken part in5.cut off6is harmful to .1.at the top of2.no longer3good for4.take action5Not only; but also课后巩固提升.1.B2.C3.B4.B5Cused to表示“过去常常”,后跟动词原形;be/get used to表示“习惯于”,后跟名词、代词或动名词,故答案为


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