



Spring is coming I love spring,because it is a time to enjoy beauty of the nature . The weather in spring is sunny and windy. The wind is gentle. And the days are getting longer the sun rises earlier in the morning. The sunshine is warm. I like to sit in the sun. In spring,flowers are blossoming,the river begins to rain with our hope. I can go on a picnic with my family. I can play on the swings. Best of all, I need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots. I can play in my blouse. Everyone longs for spring. I hope that our life will be full of happiness and beauty like spring. Plants Now,the environment is changing, and the changes are very serious. We should do something to help. Planting plants is a good way. Plants help us fulfill our basic needs. Medicine ,clothing and food are all from plants. Plants can clean the air.they cover the soil,that way wind an water cant carry the soil away. They can stop the wind. Plants also make everything look beautiful. Flowers,grass,trees make our world colourful. Plants are important to us,we should protect them and plant more plants. As a person,its our duty to protect them. Tigers Tigers are a kind of fierce animal. They usually have orange fur and dark strips. They are symbols of strength and courage. They live in forests of Asia. The tiger is at the top of the food chain. The tiger helps keep the number of other animals in balance. But now, they are in danger of disappearing. Some people hunt and kill them for money. People have cut down a lot of trees as well. As forests disappear, tigers lose their homes. Lets do something to stop them from disappearing. Internet The Internet has changed the world. It plays an important role in our life. With the Internet,we can connect and share information in seconds. We can do so many great things online,such as shopping,reading, watching movies,making friends. It helps us get things done more quickly. But every coin has two sides. I dont think it is right to spend too much time on line. It is harmful to our health. Some people even lose themselves in computer games. The Internet can be a useful tool, but d


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