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附录 A: 浅谈汽车制动系统及其发展趋势 制动系统作用是:使行驶中的汽车按照驾驶员的要求进行强制减速甚至停车;使已停驶的汽车在各种道路条件下 (包括在坡道上 )稳定驻车;使下坡行驶的汽车速度保持稳定。 对汽车起制动作用的只能是作用在汽车上且方向与汽车行驶方向相反的外力,而这些外力的大小都是随机的、不可控制的,因此汽车上必须装设一系列专门装置以实现上述功能。 汽车制动系统是指为了在技术上保证汽车的安全行驶,提高汽车的平均赞叹速度等,而在汽车上安装制动装置专门的制动机构。一般来说汽车制动系统包括行车制动装置和停车制动 装置两套独立的装置。其中行车制动装置是由驾驶员用脚来操纵的,故又称脚制动装置。停车制动装置是由驾驶员用手操纵的,故又称手制动装置。 行车制动装置的功用是使正在行驶中的汽车减速或在最短的距离内停车。而停车制动装置的功用是使已经停在各种路面上的汽车保持不动。但是,有时在紧急情况下,两种制动装置可同时使用而增加汽车制动的效果。有些特殊用途的汽车和经常在山区行驶的汽车,长期而又频繁地制动将导致行车制动装置过热,因此在这些汽车上往往增设各种不同型式的辅助制动装置,以便在下坡时稳定车速。 按照制动能源情况,制动系还可分 为人力制动系、动力制动系、和伺服制动系等 3 种。人力制动系以驾驶员的体力作为制动能源;动力制动系以发动机动力所转化的气压或液压作为制动能源;而伺服制动系则是兼用人力和发动机动力作为制动能源。此外,按照制动能量的传递方式,制动系又可分为机械式、液压式、气压式和电磁式等到几种。 在种类汽车制动系统中,制动器是汽车制动系中用以产生阻止车辆运动或运动趋势的力的部件。目前,种类汽车所使用的制动器都是摩擦制动器,也就是阻止汽车运动的制动力矩来源于固定元件和旋转工作表面之间的摩擦。 形式分类 鼓式刹车 鼓式刹车是一种传统的制动系统,其工作原理可以很形象地用一只咖啡杯来形容刹车鼓就像咖啡杯,当您 将五个手指伸入旋转的咖啡杯时,手指就是刹车片 ,只要您将五指向外一张,摩擦咖啡杯内壁 ,咖啡杯就会停止旋转汽车上的鼓式刹车简单点说是 由制动油泵 ,活塞 ,刹车片和鼓室组成 ,刹车时由制动分泵的高压刹车油推动活塞, 对两片半月形的制动蹄片施加作用力 ,使其压紧鼓室内壁 ,靠摩擦力阻止刹车鼓转动从而达到制动效果。 碟式刹车 同样 ,碟式刹车的工作原理可用一只碟子来形容,您用拇指和食指捏住旋转的碟子时 ,碟子也会停止旋转汽车上的碟式刹车是由刹车油泵 ,一个与车轮相连的刹车圆盘和圆盘上的刹车卡钳组成刹车时,高压刹车油推动卡钳内的活塞 ,将制动蹄片压向刹车盘从而产生制动效果。 碟式刹车碟式刹车有时也叫盘式刹车 ,它分普通盘式刹车和通风盘式刹车两种。 通风盘式刹 车是在两块刹车盘之间预留出一个空隙 ,使气流在空隙中穿过 ,有些通风盘还在盘面上钻出许多圆形通风孔,或是在盘面上割出通风槽或预制出矩形的通风孔通风盘式刹车利用风流作用 ,其冷热效果要比普通盘式刹车更好。碟式刹车的主要优点是在高速刹车时能迅速制动,散热效果优于鼓式刹车 ,制动效能的恒定性好 ,便于安装像 ABS 那样的高级电子设备鼓式刹车的主要优点是刹车蹄片磨损较少 ,成本较低 ,便于维修、由于鼓式刹车的绝对制动力远远高于碟式刹车 ,所以普遍用 于后轮驱动 的卡车上 . 盘式制动器 近年来,汽车速度在不断提高,货车和大客车的总重不 断增加。另外,轿车的重心普遍降低和广泛采用小直径宽断面的轮胎,使制动器安装位置受到限制,因此在重型货车和轿车上采用制动热稳定能较好的盘式制动器的日益增多。而盘式制动器可分为钳盘式制动器和全盘式制动器两种。 电控单元 ABS 防抱死制动系统是一种汽车电子系统,它包括一个电子控制单元、数个轮速感应器和一个内含电滋阀的阀门总成。电子控制单元通过轮速感应器传来的脉冲变动来掌握车轮的运行状况。当某一个车轮有可能产生抱死状态时,电子控制单元就会向电滋阀发出指令,使其通过快速开关来达到控制刹车,调整转速的目的。一般来说,这种快速开关阀门的动作每秒钟可达 12 次之多。某些高级车型的 ABS 可以拥有四套回路系统,即 “ 四回路 ABS” 。这种高科技产品主要有电子式和机械式两种类型。电子式安全系数较高,价格也高,原来只是配置在大型豪华轿车之上 ,现在,中小型普通轿车也开始配置;机械式安全系数较低,价格也低,一般只在商用车上使用。在我国,东风汽车公司自 1992 年开始组织开发ABS,并于 1995 年 12 月通过技术鉴定。四川车安技术开发公司研制的 “ 车安 ”牌 ABS,已经在部分微型车上使用。 ABS 已成为 20 世纪汽车科技的主流,所有汽车都配置 ABS 的时代已经为期不远。著名马克思主义教育家马卡连柯在谈到人的自制力时曾经比方说: “ 没有制动器就不可能有汽车 ” 。可见,汽车的制动系统与人自制力一样,都是须臾不可离开的东西。但是,传统的制动系统虽然可以起到紧急刹车的作用, 却容易导致汽车轮胎的抱死。当轮胎被抱死之后,由于惯性,汽车仍然会在路面上滑行一段距离。轮胎由滚动变为滑行,磨擦系数增大,附着系数降低,汽车横向位移,极易导致磨损、爆胎、侧滑、甩尾等事故的发生。为了克服传统制动系统的抱死现象,人们发明了 “ABS 防抱死制动系统( Anti lock Braking System)。该系统的原理就是紧急刹车时,既保持轮胎转动,又防止轮胎抱死,以维持最大的刹车力量;同时也对车轮进行迅速、准确、有效、安全的控制,使车轮的纵向附着系数达到峰值,侧向附着系数也保持较高状态,从而达到提高制动 速度、缩短制动距离、稳定制动方向、防止车轮抱死的效果。 维护 一级维护的时机一般按汽车生产厂家推荐或规定的行驶里程或使用时间进行。一级维护的间隔里程约为 7500km15000km 或 6 个月,以行驶里程或使用时间先达到为准。一级维护由专业维修工负责执行。其作业中心内容除日常维护作业外,以清洁、润滑、紧固为主,并检查有关制动、操纵等安全部件。 失灵处理 当发生制动失效时,司机首先要保持沉着冷静,切莫惊慌失措。正确的措施是:在根据 路况和车速控制好方向的同时迅速减档。高速档抢人直接档再迅速抢人中速档,这时发动机会有很大的牵引阻力使车速迅速降低,此时可以用手制动再迅速抢进低速档和最低档,然后用手制动控制车辆停住。如手制动效果不好也可利用山坡迫使车辆停下或低速控制车辆至平坦路段逐渐停下。上坡制动失效时应适时减入中、低速档。保持足够的动力驶上坡顶停车。如需半坡停车,应保持前进低档位,拉紧手制动,随车人员及时用石块、垫木等物品卡住车轮,如有后滑现象,车尾应朝山坡或安全一面,并打开大灯和紧急信号灯以引起前后车辆的注意和避让。这里,要 指出的是那种不减速就直接往山坡上靠的措施是极其危险的,高速剧烈的刮撞会直接损坏车辆并容易被山坡反弹造成碰撞和翻车,而且很多路段并没有山坡,所以利用发动机牵引阻力来控制车速才是明智和正确的,而现代车辆的变速同步装置也给快速强行抢档提供了方便性和可靠性。 此外,值得提及的是车辆在下长坡,陡坡时不管有无情况都应轻踩一下制动,它的好处在于一是检验一下制动性能,二是一旦发现制动失常可以赢得控制事故的时间,减少惊慌情绪,做到冷静控制车辆。其实这也称之为预见性制动。您千万可别小看这一脚预见性制动,车辆在行驶中各种故障都有 可能发生,制动失效也不例外,预见性制动可使我们在突发故障时化险为夷,转危为安。 动力性 我们在进行汽车交易的过程中,必须要进行路试,然而,在路试的过程中必须要考虑到车辆的动力性,那么,什么是汽车的动力性呢? 汽车的动力性就是指汽车在良好的路面上进行直线行驶的过程,可以由纵向的外力来进行决定相应的行驶性能,是能够达到平均行驶速度的要求。我们从这个定义当中就可以看出,对于道路来说,必须要是良好的路面,水平或是坡路都可以,运动方式可以采取直线行驶的过程,对于外力因素来说,可以由纵向的外力来决定运动的基础,使其能够达到一定的能力。对于运动能力来说,主要有三个方面的指标,比如汽车的最高车速,加速时间,以及 最大爬坡度 。在良好的水平路面上进行行驶的车辆,如果能够达到最高的行驶速度,我们就叫最高车速。对于加速时间来说,通常是在 原地起步的加速时间,以及超车加速的时间,这个时间表明了汽车的加速能力。 “t” 表示原地起步的时间,一般都是一档或是二档进行起步,逐渐进行换档位处理,如果行驶到一定的预定距离时,车速所需要的时间。就是原地起步的时间。超车的加速时间也可以用 “t” 来进行表示,最高的次高档位的一些车,其车速在 30 或是 4 左右,全力加速要在一些高速路上所用的时间表示。 发展方向 ( 1)我国较好的经济环境为汽车零部件行业的持续发展提供有力保障 现阶段,经济全球化带动的国际产业分工有利于我国在全球配置资源;我国消费结构升级带动产业结构升级和城市化发展等内需因素增长强劲;我国经济体制改革进一步加快,政府在市场经济条件下的宏观调控能力和水平不断提高。这些长期有利因素将支撑我国宏观经济进入新一轮上升期,为汽车零部件行业的持续发展提供有力保障。 ( 2) 汽车行业的快速发展带动了我国汽车零部件行业的发展 未来几年我国汽车产销仍将保持较高的增长速度,汽车保有量也将持续增长,这为我国汽车零部件产业提供了一个广阔的发展空间。 ( 3)产业政策促进了我国汽车零部件行业的发展 近年来,我国加大了对汽车零部件行业支持的力度。 “ 汽车关键零部件开发制造 ” 被列入了当前国家重点鼓励发展的产业、产品和技术目录( 2000 年修订)。 2005 年 4 月 1 日起执行的构成整车特征的汽车零部件进口管理办法规定, “ 对具有整车特征的进口零部件将按整车征税。其中对汽车 制动系统 (制动主缸或气制动 阀、助力器总成、前制动器总成、后制动器总成、防抱制动系统ABS 的阀体和 ECU 总成)达到或超过进口件总界定数量 4,即视为构成总成 (系统 )特征 ” 。该规定有利于提高汽车制动系统产品的国产化率,而且跨国汽车公司和零部件企业为了减少进口关税,降低成本,也将增大在我国的生产、采购份额。 2006 年 12 月,国家发展和改革委员会发布了国家发展改革委关于汽车工业结构整意见的通知,该政策的实施有利于汽车零部件行业的有序发展及结构调整。 ( 4)全球化采购为我国汽车零部件行业提供了新的发展机遇 在汽车产业全球化过程中,我国汽车 零部件行业已开始融入国际大循环,进入全球采购体系。许多国际著名汽车制造企业及汽车零部件巨头大量从我国进口汽车零部件以满足本国的需要,这为我国汽车零部件行业提供了良好的发展机会。 ( 5)技术的发展拓宽了行业的发展空间 传统汽车制动系统和电子化技术的结合,将是未来汽车制动系统产品的发展趋势。拥有核心技术和自主研发能力的汽车制动系统企业将能获得更大发展空间。 附录 B: Introduction to automobile braking system and its development trend The braking system is used to make the running automobile were forced to slow down or even stop, according to the requirements of the driverAlready stopped the car in a variety of road conditions (including on the ramp) stability in car;Keep cars traveling downhill speed stability. Of automobile braking effect is only role and direction in the car and the car moving in the opposite direction of the external force, and the size of these forces are random, not to control, so the car must be installed on a series of special device to achieve the above functions. Automobile brake system is to point to in order to ensure the safety of car driving on the technology, improve the average car amazing speed and so on, and installed in the car braking device special brake mechanism.In general automobile brake system consists of two sets of independent of the crane brake and parking brake system of the device.Which is by the driver of the crane brake system to manipulate with their feet, therefore is also called the foot brake.Parking brake is by the pilot operated with the hand, so it is also called hand brake device. Function is to make the running of the crane brake system in the car to slow down or stop in the shortest distance.And the function of the parking brake is already stopped in all kinds of keeping the car on the road.However, sometimes in an emergency situation, two kinds of brake device can be used at the same time the increase of automobile braking effect.Some of the special purpose vehicle and often cars traveling in the mountains, long-term and frequent braking will lead to overheating of the crane brake system, therefore on these cars tend to add various types of auxiliary braking device, so that a stable speed in the downhill. According to the braking energy situation, the braking system can also be divided into human brake system, dynamic braking system, and three kinds of such as servo brake system.Human brake system in the drivers physical strength as the braking energy;Power brake system with engine power conversion by pneumatic or hydraulic pressure as the braking energy;And servo brake system is the combination of human and engine power as the braking energy.In addition, according to the braking energy transmission way, brake system and can be divided into mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electromagnetic wait for a few kinds. In the car braking system, brake is used to produce automobile brake system to prevent vehicle movement or movement trend of the force components.At present, the species used in automobile brake friction brake, is to prevent vehicle movement of brake torque is derived from the fixed element and rotating friction between the work surface. In the form of classification Drum brakes Drum brake is a kind of traditional braking system, its working principle is to describe vividly in a coffee cup. The brake drum is like a coffee cup, when you The five fingers into the rotating coffee cup, the finger is brake pads, as long as you will be five points to an outside, wall friction of coffee cup, coffee cup will stop rotating. Drum brakes on the car simply by the brake oil pump, piston, brake pads and tympanic cavity, stopped by the brake wheel cylinder of high pressure brake oil moves the pistons, exert forces on two pieces of brake shoe half moon, make its pressure tympanic cavity wall, on the friction to stop the brake drum rotation so as to achieve the effect. A disc brake Also, the working principle of disc type brake can be used to describe a plate, you with your thumb and forefinger rotating plate, plate will also cease to rotate. The car disc brake is by the brake oil pump, a connected with the wheels of the brake disc and disc brake calipers. When braking, high pressure brake fluid drive piston calipers, brake shoe pressure to the brake disc brake effect thereby. Disc type brake disc type brake disc brake, sometimes called it points common disc brake and disc brake two ventilation. Ventilated disc brake is set aside a gap between two pieces of brake disc, make the air flow through the gaps in some ventilated disc also drill out many circular vent on disk, or on the disk cut out of the tank ventilation or precast rectangle hole. Ventilated disc brakes with romantic role, the cold and hot effect is better than ordinary disc brake.Main advantage of a disc brake is in high speed brake brake quickly, cooling effect is better than that of drum brake, the braking performance of constancy is good, easy to install the advanced electronic equipments like ABS. The main advantage of the drum brake is the brake shoe wear less, low cost, easy maintenance, due to the absolute braking force of drum brake is much higher than disc brakes, so widely used in the rear wheel drive truck Disc brake In recent years, the car speed is improving, growing total weight of the truck and bus.In addition, the cars centre of gravity is generally lower and widely used in the cross section of the small diameter wide tires, make brake installation location is restricted, so in the thermal stability of used on heavy duty truck and car brake can better the increasing range of disc brake.The disc brake can be divided into pliers disc brake and full brake two kinds. Electronic control unit ABS anti-lock braking system is a kind of automobile electronic system, it includes a electronic control unit, a number of wheel speed sensor and an embedded electronic valve valve assembly.Electronic control unit through the wheel speed sensor of pulse changes to grasp the operation condition of the wheel.When one wheel may produce lock, electronic control unit will send instructions to electronic valve, to make it through the rapid switch to achieve control of the brakes, the purpose of adjusting speed.In general, the rapid switch valve can be up to 12 times per second.Some advanced models of the ABS can have four sets of circuit system, namely four loop ABS.The high-tech product mainly has two types, that is, electronic and mechanical.Electronic safety coefficient is higher, the price is high, the original is configured on large luxury cars, now, small and medium-sized ordinary cars began to configuration;Mechanical safety coefficient is low, the price is low, generally only used in commercial vehicles.In our country, dongfeng automobile company organization development since 1992, ABS, and in December 1995, passed the technical appraisement.Sichuan car Ann technology development company put brand of ABS, have been used in some parts of the mini car.ABS has become the mainstream of automotive technology in the 20th century, all the car configuration ABS is of age.Famous marxist educator yves even ko when it comes to peoples self-control once say: no brake is impossible to have car.Visible, automobile braking system with self-control, is a moment not to leave things.However, the traditional brake system may have the effect of emergency brake, lock is easy to cause the car tyres.When the tire is lock, because of inertia, cars will still be a distance to slide on the pavement.Tires by rolling into a taxi, the increase of friction coefficient, adhesion coefficient is reduced, car lateral displacement, easily lead to wear and tear, flat tire, sideslip and spin the accident.In order to overcome the traditional braking system lock phenomenon, people invented the ABS anti-lock braking system(Anti - lock style System).The principle of the system is the emergency brake, keep both tire rotation, and prevent tire lock, in order to maintain maximum brake force;At the same time also on wheels for quick, accurate, effective and safe control, peak longitudinal adhesion coefficient, the wheel lateral adhesion coefficient also remain high, to improve the braking speed, shorten braking distance, brake direction stability, prevent the effect of the wheel lock. maintenance Level 1 maintenance time according to provisions of car manufacturers recommend or general range or the use of time.Level 1 maintenance interval mileage is about 7500 km15000km or 6 months, will be subject to range or use the time to achieve.Level 1 maintenance by a professional mechanic is responsible for the execution.The operational center content in addition to the daily maintenance work, give priority to with cleaning, lubrication, fastening, and check the braking security components, manipulation, etc. Failure handling When the brake failure occurs, the driver must first keep calm, dont panic.The correct measures is based on Road conditions and vehicle speed control the direction of rapid shift down at the same time.Top gear grab people directly file to rob a man medium-speed quickly, then will have a lot of traction resistance to lower the speed quickly, the hand brake can be used to quickly snapped into a low gear and the most cheap, then with the hand brake control vehicle to stop.If the hand brake effect is bad can also use the slopes forced the vehicle stop or control of the vehicle at low speed to the flat section gradually stop.Uphill brake failure should be timely reduction in medium and low gear.Keep sufficient parking power on top.Forward for the banpo parking, should maintain a low position, tighten the hand brake, the accessory personnel in a timely manner with rocks, the article such as stow-wood jammed wheel, if there is a sliding phenomenon, after the rear of the hill or security, and open the lights and emergency lights to attract the attention of the vehicles before and after and give way.Here, would like to point out that dont slow down the hillside by directly measures is extremely dangerous, high-speed severe blow into damaged vehicles and easy to rebound slopes directly cause collision and overturned, and many sections and no slope, so the use of engine traction resistance to control the speed of the cars wise and correct, and the speed of modern vehicle synchronizer to quickly grab file provides the convenience and reliability. In addition, it is worth to mention is the vehicle next long slope, slope with or without the situation should be light step on the brake, it is the advantage of a test of braking performance, the second is once found brake disorders can control the time of the accident, win reduce panic mood, calm control vehicle.It also called predictive brake.You must dont look down upon the foot brake foresight, various fault can happen on the road vehicle, brake failure is not exceptional also, predictive brake can make us in sudden failure to turn, save the day. dynamic We are in the process of automobile trading, must want to undertake road test, however, in the process of road test must take into account the power performance of the vehicle, then, what is the cars performance? Automotive dynamics is refers to in a good process of straight on the road, can be determined by the longitudinal force to carry out the corresponding driving performance and is able to meet the needs of the average speed.We can see from this definition, for road, the road surface must be good, level or what can be, the process of exercise can take straight, for external factors, the basis of motion can be determined by the longitudinal force, enable it to reach a certain ability.For athletic ability, there are three main aspects of the indicators, such as a cars top speed, acceleration time, and the maximum gradability.At the levels of good running vehicles on the road, if we can reach the highest speed, we call the highest speed.For acceleration time, usually in situ acceleration time of start, and overtaking acceleration time, this time show that the acceleration of the car.T said situ start time, is a commonly or leg to start, gradually change gear processing, if to a predetermined distance, speed the time required.Time is put off.Overtaking the acceleration time of t can also be used to say, the second-highest gear of the highest of some of the car, the speed of around 30 or 4, to accelerate to said used in some highways. The development direction (1) Chinas good economic environment for the sustainable development of automotive industry to provide powerful guarantee At present, economic globalization driven resource allocation in the international industrial division of labor is beneficial to our country in the world;Chinas consumption structure upgrade domestic demand factors such as upgrading of the industrial structure and urbanization growth is strong;To further speed up the economic system reform in our country, the government in a market economy under the conditions of macroeconomic regulation and control ability and level enhances unceasingly.These favorable factors for a long time will tend to support the macro economy of our country has entered a new round of rising, for the sustainable development of automotive industry to provide powerful guarantee. (2) the rapid development of the automobile industry led to the development of the auto parts industry in our country In the next few years Chinas auto market will continue to maintain a higher growth rate, car ownership also will continue to grow, it provides auto parts industry in China with a broad space for development. (3) industrial policies to promote the development of the auto parts industry in our country In recent years, Chinas increased support for auto parts industry.Car key parts and components development and manufacturing was included in the current national focus on encouraging the development of the industry, products and technologies directory (revised in 2000).Perform on April 1, 2


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