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智能交通在国内发展状况 智能交通是一个基于现代电子信息技术面向交通运输的服务系统。它的突出特点是以信息的收集、处理、发布、交换、分析、利用为主线,为交通参与者提供多样性的服务。 智能交通系统 1(IntelligentTransportationSystem,简称 ITS)是未来交通系统的发展方向,它是将先进的信息技术、数据通讯传输技术、电子传感技术、控制技术及计算机技术等有效地集成运用于整个地面交通管理系统而建立的一种在大范围内、全方位发挥作用的,实时、准确、高效的综合交通运输管理系统。 ITS 可以有效地利 用现有交通设施、减少交通负荷和环境污染、保证交通安全、提高运输效率,因而,日益受到各国的重视。 中国物联网校企联盟认为,智能交通的发展跟物联网的发展是离不开的,只有物联网技术概念的不断发展,智能交通系统才能越来越完善。智能交通是交通的物联化体现。 21 世纪将是公路交通智能化的世纪,人们将要采用的智能交通系统,是一种先进的一体化交通综合管理系统。在该系统中,车辆靠自己的智能在道路上自由行驶,公路靠自身的智能将交通流量调整至最佳状态,借助于这个系统,管理人员对道路、车辆的行踪将掌握得一清二楚。 智能交通系统具有 以下两个特点:一是着眼于交通信息的广泛应用与服务,二是着眼于提高既有交通设施的运行效率。 与一般技术系统相比。智能交通系统建设过程中的整体性要求更加严格这种整体性体现在: ( 1)跨行业特点。智能交通系统建设涉及众多行业领域,是社会广泛参与的复杂巨型系统工程,从而造成复杂的行业间协调问题。 ( 2)技术领域特点。智能交通系统综合了交通工程、信息工程,通信技术、控制工程、计算机技术等众多科学领域的成果,需要众多领域的技术人员共同协作。 ( 3)政府、企业、科研单位及高等院校共同参与,恰当的角色定位和任务分担是系统有效展开的重要前提条件。 ( 4)智能交通系统将主要由移动通信、宽带网、 RFID、传感器、云计算等新一代信息技术作支撑,更符合人的应用需求,可信任程度提高并变得 “ 无处不在 ” 。 关键技术研究 2011 年 4 月 27 日,部规划司在北京组织召开了由交通运输部科学研究院交通财政与金融研究所承担的物联网在智能交通应用中的关键技术研究课题开题报告专家评审会。部规划司刘凌主持了会议,国家发改委高技术司信息化处吴钰处长、工信部电子科技委张琪副主任、 RFID 产业联盟欧阳宇秘书长、中国交通通信信息中心杨洪义主任、部科教司信息化处 邹力处长、河南交通运输厅霍金花副厅长及安徽交通运输厅徐乃强副巡视员出席了会议。5 与会专家听取了课题组汇报的课题研究报告后,形成评审意见如下:一、物联网是国家战略性新兴产业之一,是国家信息化建设在更高层面、向更广领域的纵深发展。加快物联网在智能交通中的应用对于提高交通运输服务水平具有重要意义,开展本课题研究十分必要。二、本课题拟针对我国交通运输行业发展需求,以利用物联网技术提升交通运输行业信息化水平为主体,以物联网技术的特点和当前交通运输信息化发展中存在的主要问题为切入点,围绕物联网在智能交通应用中 的 “ 重点研究方向 ” 、 “ 关键技术需求、发展定位 ” 、 “ 顶层架构设计 ” 和 “ 标准体系 ” 以及 “ 政策保障 ” 等开展研究,提出交通运输行业物联网发展的对策和推进思路。 “ 开题报告 ” 的研究内容合理、研究目的明确、思路清晰,技术路线科学,研究重点与难点准确,可以据此开展课题研究工作。 与会专家一致同意开题报告通过评审,建议按专家意见进一步修改完善,并抓紧开展研究工作。 发展现状 面对当今世界全球化、信息化发展趋势,传统的交通技术和手段已不适应经济社会发展的要求。智能交通系统是交通事业发展的必然选择,是交通事业的一场革命。通 过先进的信息技术、通信技术、控制技术、传感技术、计算器技术和系统综合技术有效的集成和应用,使人、车、路之间的相互作用关系以新的方式呈现,从而实现实时、准确、高效、安全、节能的目标。 交通安全、交通堵塞及环境污染是困扰当今国际交通领域的三大难题,尤其以交通安全问题最为严重。采用智能交通技术提高道路管理水平后,每年仅交通事故死亡人数就可减少30%以上,并能提高交通工具的使用效率 50%以上。为此,世界各发达国家竞相投入大量资金和人力,进行大规模的智能交通技术研究试验。很多发达国家已从对该系统的研究与测试转入全面部 署阶段。智能交通系统将是 21 世纪交通发展的主流,这一系统可使现有公路使用率提高 15%到 30%。 美、欧、日是世界上智能交通系统开发应用的最好国家,从它们发展情况看,智能交通系统的发展,已不限于解决交通拥堵、交通事故、交通污染等问题。经 30 余年发展, ITS的开发应用已取得巨大成就。美、欧、日等发达国家基本上完成了 ITS 体系框架,在重点发展领域大规模应用。可以说,科学技术的进步极大推动了交通的发展,而 ITS 的提出并实施,又为高新技术发展提供了广阔的发展空间。 随着传感器技术、通信技术、 GIS 技术(地理信息系统) 、 3S 技术(遥感技术、地理信息系统、全球定位系统三种技术)和计算机技术的不断发展,交通信息的采集经历了从人工采集到单一的磁性检测器交通信息采集到多源的多种采集方式组合的交通信息采集的历史发展过程,同时国内外对交通信息处理研究的逐步深入,统计分析技术、人工智能技术、数据融合技术、并行计算技术等逐步被应用于交通信息的处理中,使得交通信息的处理得到不断的发展和革新,更加满足 ITS 各子系统管理者、用户的需求。信息采集与处理设备行业呈现如下特点: 发展特征 1、信息采集与处理方式的多样化 交通信息采集的方式分为人工采 集方式和自动采集方式。自动采集方式包括磁性检测器(包括感应线圈检测器、磁阻传感器等)、光学检测器(包括视频检测器、激光检测器)、微波检测器(包括微波检测器和雷达测速仪)、路面情况及测重传感器(雨雾检测器,路面结冰检测器,轮、轴重仪等)。随着科学技术的发展,自动采集技术得到了不断的研究、发展和应用。各种采集技术都有各自的优点和缺点,利用多种采集方式的进行组合采集交通信息是国内外研究的热点和焦点。 开发了信息的质量控制技术、多源交通信息融合技术、信息的多时间尺度预测技术、信息集成技术、信息压缩技术和存储技术等, 大大提高了信息的精度及信息提供的种类。 2、信息的内容及地理范围广 不同的交通采集方式采集的参数种类有限,例如感应线圈只能采集到交通流量、占有率、速度等固定地点的截面交通参数 ;视频检测器只能采集到交通流量、速度、占有率、排队长度等固定地点的交通参数;随着多种交通采集方式的组合,可以获得交通流量、速度、占有率、排队长度、行程时间、区间速度等截面和路段交通参数,丰富了交通信息的采集内容的同时也提高了采集地理范围的广度。 随着交通数据获取源的增加,交通信息用户对海量交通信息实时性需求的逐步提高。近几年,国内外逐渐 将分布式并行计算技术、高性能计算服务器以及高性能的数据处理算法应用于海量交通信息的处理之中,改善了信息的处理速度。 3、信息采集的精度和经济性提高 随着磁性和光学传感器工艺的提高、图像处理技术和定位技术的发展,交通信息的采集精度也不断得到提高。同时,随着近几年对交通检测器配置优化技术的不断深入研究,交通信息的采集在保证信息全面性和动态性的前提下,也提高了交通信息采集的经济性。这为ITS 系统的开发和应用奠定了基础。随着人工智能、统计分析、模糊逻辑、混沌理论等的逐渐成熟,逐渐开发出了一些基于这些理论及方法的交通 信息处理方法,大大提高了信息处理的精度及质量。 数据采集 IT 和通信技术的快速发展使得信息的发布不再是瓶颈,路边发布、手机发布、便携式终端发布、互联网发布、车载终端发布,等等,都具有巨大的应用市场。可见,要实现交通信息应用的爆发增长,如何获取原始交通数据并处理成精准的交通信息是其关键。 对于实时交通数据的采集 , 主要有两种方式:一种是静态交通探测方式,主要是利用位置固定的定点检测器或摄像机;另一种是动态交通探测方式。通常,用来采集交通流数据的定点检测器有感应线圈检测器、超声波检测器、雷达检测器、光电检测器、 红外线检测器等。动态交通探测方式是指基于位置不断变化的车辆或手机来获得实时行车速度和旅行时间等交通信息的数据采集方式。动态交通探测的典型方式包括异频雷达收发机、车辆自动检测、全球定位系统( GPS)装置及手机通信等。 线圈和摄像机(视频监控)是定点检测的典型手段。线圈是磁性检测器的一种变形,它依靠埋在路面下的一个或一组感应线圈产生的电磁感应变化,来检测通过的车辆的状况。该技术非常成熟,且精度较高,适用于交通量较大的道路。然而,其缺点也非常明显,即采集范围有限、损坏率高、施工成本昂贵、施工周期长。这类数据的典型 代表有 “ 某城市环路微波检测历史记录数据 ” 、 “ 某城市道路交叉口检测历史记录数据 ” 。 视频监控则是利用摄像机作为记录设备,通过对一定时间段内的图像进行分析得出交通流的详细资料。对于交叉口交通状况的调查,常采用这种方法。这种方法的优点是比较直观,可以得到最完全的交通资料信息;缺点是成本高、数据整理工作量大(需要大量的图像处理工作)、有时可靠度较低(如大型车辆可能遮挡随行的小型车辆等)。这类数据典型如数据堂采集的 “ 交通视频数据库 ” 、 “ 车牌图片数据库 ” 等。 作为动态交通流信息采集的主要手段, GPS 技术在国外得到了广泛 的应用,国内也有优途、美慧等公司已经开发出可商用的产品。 GPS 是一种全球性、全天候的卫星无线电定位系统,可实时提供三维坐标、速度等空间信息,其特点是精度高,速度快,但实际应用中也有很多问题,主要表现在存在采集盲区(如高架下的道路采集不到 GPS 信号)、样本容量小、建设和运营成本高等。这类数据的典型如 “ 某北方城市出租车 GPS 位置数据 ” 、 “ 某南方城市出租车 GPS 位置数据 ” 等。 基于移动通信的交通信息采集技术利用手机网络中的信令信息来分析推算动态交通状况,其特点可以概括为道路覆盖范围广、数据采集成本相对较低、部署方 便、数据精度较高等。作为一种新兴的动态交通探测手段,该技术充分利用了现有的手机网络资源,其实用性正在美国、欧洲等国家得到论证和推广。 背景动因 汽车社会化 工业化国家在市场经济的指导下,大都经历了经济的发展促进汽车的发展,而汽车产业的发展又刺激经济发展的过程,从而这些国家超前实现了汽车化的时代。汽车化社会带来的诸如交通阻塞、交通事故、能源消费和环境污染等社会问题日趋恶化,交通阻塞造成的经济损失巨大,使道路设施十分发达的美国、日本等也不得不从以往只靠供给来满足需求的思维模式转向采取供、需两方面共同管理的技术和 方法来改善日益尖锐的交通问题,这些建立在汽车轮子上的工业国家在探索既维护汽车化社会,又要缓解交通拥挤问题的办法中,旨在借助现代化科技改善交通状况达到 保障安全,提高效率、改善环境、节约能源 的目的的 ITS概念便逐步形成。 环境可续化 工业化国家在工业化、城市化发展的进程中面临着日益严重的资源短缺与环境恶化问题,这一问题在发展中国家同样存在, 20 世纪 50 年代以来,生存与发展问题成为人类社会面临的最紧迫的任务, 1972 年联合国人类环境会议上通过了人类环境宣言。城市化生产力发展的一个必然结果,按世界经济发展的 规律,城市化水平达到 30%以上,将出现经济的飞速发展阶段,美国、日本、英国等发达国家,在 1990 年城市化水平达到了 75%、 77%、 89%,这些国家针对交通发展对资源和环境的影响,逐步调整交通运输体系与结构。这些国家都经历了为满足车辆发展的需求,而大力开发建设交通基础设施(如美国 1944 年规划的 7 万 km高速公路规划,经过 50 年一基本完成,但仍产生拥挤和阻塞),在大量土地、燃油等资源占用和消耗的同时,不但交通需求没有完全满足,而且还造成汽车尾气由于道路拥挤排放量剧增,不仅经济造成巨大损失,而且给环境带来恶劣影响 。 60、 70 年代以来,由于石油危机及环境恶化,工业化国家开始采取以提高效益和节约能源为目的的交通系统管理( TSM)和交通需求管理( TDM)同时大力发展大运量轨道及实施工交优先政策,在社会可持续化发展的目标下调整运输结构,建立对能源均衡利用和环境保护最优化的交通运输体系。 ITS 作为综合解决交通问题,保护社会经济可持续发展和与环境相协调的新一代交通运输系统,随着信息技术的迅速发展在发达国家孕育发展, 90 年代以后,成为世界范围内的重要发展趋势。 信息技术智能化 交通管理的科学化、现代化,一直是人们综合治理、解决 交通问题而追寻的目标,早期的交通信号控制系统装置采用了电子、传感、传输等技术实现科学管理,随着科学技术的发展,尤其是计算机技术科学以及 GPS、信息通讯的普及和应用,交通监视控制系统、交通诱导系统、信息采集系统等在交通管理中发挥了很大作用,但这些技术单纯是对车辆或道路实施科学化管理,范围单一,局限性、系统性不强。 80 年代后期以来 ,世界范围内的冷战结束,工业化国家用于军事和国防领域的卫星导航系统,信息采集与提 供系统,计算机控制与管理系统,电子与电子通讯技术等高新技术转向民用化,军事上的投入也大部分转移到民 用技术的开发和应用上,与此同时,包括我国在内的广大发展中国家借助和平、稳定的国际环境加快本国的经济发展,发展中国家经济的迅速发展促进了世界范围内产业结构发生巨大的变化,工业化国家的传统工业领域由于劳动力密集型的产业向发展中国家集中而失去明显竞争优势,开始酝酿开辟高新技术含量的产业市场,在这种国际环境背景下,代表一场信息革命到来的信号,引起全球的极大关注,这就是 信息高速公路 信息技术得到飞速发展,尤其是国际信息网络 internet建立,加快了全球经济一体化的进程, 1994 年开始,世界经济逐步进入信息革命 阶段。 信息产业应运而生, ITS 以信息技术为先导,融其它相关技术应用到交通运输智能管理上有其广大市场,工业化国家和民营企业纷纷投入到这一新兴的产业。美国政府于 1991 年开始投资对 ITS 的开发研究,仅美国高速公路安全局 1993 年的投资预算就达 2010 万美元;欧洲 19 个国家投资 50 亿美元到 EUREKA 项目。 发展战略 2012 年 7 月 31 日,中国第三届智能运输大会在北京开幕,交通运输部科技司相关负责人第一次对外解析了完成的 2012 至 2020 交通运输业智能交通发展战略。 8 智能交通作为当今世界交通运输发展的热点 ,在支撑交通运输管理的同时,更加注重满足民众出行和公众交通出行的需求,构建了一个绿色安全的体系。智能交通是未来交通系统的发展方向。经过十几年的研发和应用,中国智能交通技术在众多大型事件中发挥了积极作用。 新趋势 智能交通未来发展将更加关注公众出行、交通安全等民生需求,更加适合我国国情、地域和行业特点,更需要企业和社会力量的参与,并将自主创新与集成创新结合起来。 ” 交通运输部科技司副司长洪晓枫说。 智能交通是当今世界交通运输发展的热点和前沿,它依托既有交通基础设施和运载工具,通过对现代信息、通信、控制等技术的集 成应用,以构建安全、便捷、高效、绿色的交通运输体系为目标,充分满足公众出行和货物运输多样化需求,是现代交通运输业的重要标志。 在国外,日本的智慧道路系统、欧洲绿色智能交通、美国智能驾驶战略都是智能交通发展的有效实践。电子站牌、动态导航仪、电子不停车收费系统等智能交通应用也逐渐走进中国人的生活。 战略预测,从战略性新兴产业发展形势来看,截至今年上半年,我国手机用户超过10 亿,其中智能手机用户 2 5 亿,手机首次超过计算机成为第一大上网终端。移动互联的迅速发展也为智能交通提供了新的手段和发展机遇。 战略总 结了这些新形势并提出了中国智能交通发展的发展方向:在支撑交通运输管理的同时,更加注重为公众出行和现代物流服务;在为小汽车出行服务的同时,更加注重为公共交通和慢行交通出行服务;在关注提高效率的同时,更加注重安全发展和绿色发展;在借鉴国外、技术跟踪的基础上,更多面向国内需求等。 Intelligent transportation development condition in China Intelligent transportation is a service based on modern electronic information technology to transportation systems. Is a prominent feature of information collection, processing, distribution, exchange, analysis, and used as the main line, the diversity of service for the traffic participants. Intelligent transportation system (IntelligentTransportationSystem, referred to as ITS) 1 is the development direction of future traffic system, it is the advanced information technology, data communication transmission technology, electronic sensor technology, control technology and computer technology integration effectively applied to the whole ground traffic management system and establish a large range, all-round function, real-time, accurate and efficient integrated transportation management system. ITS can effectively use the existing traffic facilities, reduce the traffic load and environmental pollution, ensure traffic safety and raise transportation efficiency, thus, increasingly brought to the attention of the countries. China iot alliance between colleges believes that the development of intelligent transportation and the development of the Internet of things is cannot leave, only the development of the concept of Internet of things technology, intelligent transportation system will become more and more perfect. Intelligent transportation is traffic of embodiment. In the 21st century is the century of highway traffic intelligent, people are going to be used in intelligent transportation system, is a kind of advanced integration of integrated transportation management system. In this system, the vehicle driving on the roads free on their own intelligence, the intelligence of highway on its own to traffic flow to adjust to the best state, with the aid of this system, the whereabouts of management for road vehicles will hold. Intelligent transportation system has the following two characteristics: one is focus on the wide application of transportation information and services, the second is to improve both the efficiency of traffic facilities. Compared with the general technical system. In the course of the construction of intelligent transportation system more strict integrity. The integrity embodied in: (1) cross-industry characteristics. Intelligent transportation system construction in many industries, is the complex giant system engineering of social broad participation, resulting in complicated coordination problems between industries. (2) the technology characteristics. Intelligent transportation system is a combination of traffic engineering, information engineering, communications technology, control engineering, computer technology, and many other fields of science, need many technical personnel in the field of work together. (3) the government, enterprises, scientific research units and colleges and universities to participate, the proper role and task sharing is an important prerequisite for system development. (4) intelligent transportation system is mainly composed of mobile communications, broadband network, RFID, sensors, such as cloud computing to support a new generation of information technology, more in line with the application demand of people, which can improve the degree of trust and become everywhere The key technology research On April 27, 2011, the department of organization in Beijing held by the institute of the ministry of transport traffic fiscal and financial research institute of the key technology of the Internet of things application in intelligent transportation research topics opening report expert commenting. Department department of LiuLing presided over the meeting, the national development and reform commission high-tech company informatization office director wu said, the ministry of electronic science and zhang qi, deputy director of the RFID industry alliance Yang Hongyi OuYangYu secretary-general, China transportation &telecommunication information center director, department KeJiaoSi informatization Zou Li director, deputy director of henan province transportation hall HuoJinHua and anhui province transportation hall Xu Naijiang deputy director attended the meeting. The experts listened to the team after the report of the research report, form the evaluation opinions are as follows: first, the Internet of things is one of the national strategic emerging industries, is the national informatization construction in the higher level, the deeper into broader areas of development. To speed up the Internet of things in the application of intelligent transportation is of great significance to improve the level of transportation service, it is necessary to research on this topic. Two, this topic proposed in view of Chinas transportation industry development needs, to take advantage of the Internet of things technology promote transportation industry informatization level as the main body, with the characteristics of the Internet of things technology and the main problems existing in the development of transportation informatization as the breakthrough point, on the Internet of things key research direction in intelligent transportation applications, the key technical requirements, development orientation , top level architecture design and standard system and policy to carry out the research, puts forward some countermeasures for the transportation industry in the development of the Internet of things and propulsion. Opening report reasonable research content, research purpose, clarity and technical route of scientific, accurate, and research emphasis and difficulty to carry out research work accordingly. The participating experts agree that opening report through the review, Suggestions according to the experts to further improve, and to carry out research work. Current situation of the development of In the face of todays world development trend of globalization and informationization, the traditional means of transportation technology and can meet the requirements of economic and social development. Intelligent transportation system is the inevitable choice of transport business development, is a revolution of the transportation enterprise. Through the use of advanced information technology, communication technology, control technology, sensor technique, calculator technique and system integration and application of the integrated technology effectively, make the interaction relationship between people, vehicles, road in new ways, so as to realize the real-time, accurate, efficient, safe, energy-saving target. Traffic safety, traffic congestion and environmental pollution is the current three problems in the field of international transport, especially in the traffic security problems. The intelligent transportation technology improves the management level of the road, after a year, only the road toll can be reduced by more than 30%, more than 50% and can improve the efficiency of transportation. To this end, the worlds developed countries to invest a lot of money and manpower, intelligent transportation technology research and test on a large scale. Many developed countries has risen from the study of the system and test into the comprehensive deployment. Intelligent transportation system will be the mainstream of transportation development in the 21st century, this system can make the existing highway utilization increased by 15% to 30%. Us, Europe and Japan is intelligent transportation system development and application of the best country in the world, from their development, the development of intelligent transportation system, is not limited to solve the traffic congestion, traffic accidents and traffic pollution problems. After more than 30 years of development, the development of ITS application have made great achievements. The United States, Europe, Japan and other developed countries basically completed ITS system frame, large-scale application in key development areas. We can say that the progress of science and technology greatly promoted the development of the traffic, and ITS proposed and implemented, and for high and new technology development has provided a broad space for development. As the sensor technology, communication technology, GIS (geographic information system), 3 s technology, remote sensing technology, geographic information system, global positioning system (GPS) three techniques) and the continuous development of computer technology, traffic information collection has experienced from manual collection into a single magnetic detector of a wide range of traffic information collection to multi-source collection way of historical development process of traffic information collection, at the same time of traffic information processing at home and abroad research gradually thorough, statistical analysis technology, artificial intelligence technology, data fusion technology, parallel computing technology is gradually applied to traffic information processing, the processing of traffic information is constant development and innovation, more meet the needs of each subsystem managers, ITS users. Information acquisition and processing equipment industry presents the following features: Development characteristics 1, the diversification of information acquisition and processing method Traffic information is divided into artificial acquisition method and the method of automatic acquisition methods. Automatic acquisition methods including magnetic detector (including induction coil detector, magnetic resistance sensor, etc.), optical detector (including video detector, laser detector), microwave detector (including microwave detector and radar), road conditions and weight measurement sensors (mist detector, detector road is icy, wheel, axle load meter, etc.). With the development of science and technology, automatic data collection technology has been continuous research, development and application. Various acquisition technology has its own advantages and disadvantages, using a variety of acquisition methods are combined to collect traffic information is the domestic and foreign research hot spot and focus. To develop the quality control of information technology, multi-source traffic information fusion technology, the information of multiple time scale prediction technology, information integration technology, information compression technology and storage technology, greatly improved the accuracy of information and type of information. 2, the content of the information and the geographical range Limited categories of different traffic sampling way of the parameters, such as induction coil can only be collected fixed location such as traffic flow, speed, share the cross section of traffic parameters; Video detector can only be collected traffic flow, speed, occupancy, queue length, the traffic parameters of fixed location; With the combination of a variety of traffic acquisition methods, can obtain the traffic flow, speed, occupancy, queue length, travel time and interval velocity of cross section and the road traffic parameter, enrich the traffic information collection and content as well as improve the collection and the breadth of the geographic range. With the increase of traffic data acquisition source, user demand for huge amounts of traffic information real-time traffic information gradually increase. At home and abroad in recent years, gradually will be distributed parallel computing technology, high performance computing server, and performance of the amount of data processing algorithm in sea transportation information processing, improve the information processing speed. 3, to enhance the accuracy of information acquisition and economy With the improvement of magnetic and optical sensor technology, image processing technology and the development of positioning technology, traffic information acquisition precision has been improved. At the same time, along with in recent years, the deepening of the study on traffic detector configuration optimization, traffic information collection on the premise of guaranteeing comprehensive and dynamic information, and also improve the economic benefit of the traffic information collection. This laid the groundwork for the development and application of ITS system. As artificial intelligence, statistical analysis, fuzzy logic, chaos theory of mature gradually, gradually developed on the basis of these theories and methods of traffic information processing method, greatly improving the accuracy of information processing and quality. The data collection IT and the rapid development of communication technology makes the information release is no longer the bottleneck, the roadside release, cell phone, portable terminal, Internet, car terminal distribution, etc., have huge application market. Visible, in order to realize the application of traffic information exploded, how to obtain raw traffic data and processing them into accurate traffic information is the key. For real-time traffic data collection, there are two main ways: one is the static traffic detection method, main is to use the fixed point detector or camera position; The other is a dynamic traffic detection method. Usually, which is used to collect data of traffic flow point detector with induction coil detector, ultrasonic wave detector, radar detector, photoelectric detector, infrared detector, etc. Dynamic traffic detection method is based on the position of changing vehicle or cell phone to get the real-time speed and travel time traffic information such as mode of data acquisition. The typical dynamic traffic detection methods including transponder, vehicle automatic detection, global positioning system (GPS) devices, mobile communication, etc. Coil and video cameras (video) monitoring is a representative of the fixed-point detection means. Coil is a distortion of magnetic detector, it relies on a buried under the road or a group of induction coil of electromagnetic induction, to detect by the condition of the vehicle. The technology is very mature, and high precision, suitable for road traffic volume larger. However, its shortcoming is also very obvious, namely the limited collection scope, high damage rate and expensive construction cost, long construction period. Typical representative of this kind of data is loop microwave detecting history data of a certain city, in a certain city road intersection test history data. Video surveillance is to use the camera as a recording device, through the analysis of a certain period of image details of the traffic flow are obtained. For intersection traffic investigation, often using this method. The advantage of this approach is more intuitive, can get the most complete traffic information; Drawback is that the cost is high, the data collected from volume (work requires a lot of image processing), sometimes low reliability, such as large vehicles might shade accompanying small vehicle, etc.). This kind of data such as data typical hall collection traffic video database and the database of the license plate images, etc. As the main means of dynamic traffic flow information collection, GPS technology has been widely used abroad, domestic also has the optimal path, grace and other companies have developed commercially available products. GPS is a global positioning system (GPS) satellite radio, all-weather, can provide real-time 3 d coordinate, speed, such as spatial information, its characteristic is high accuracy, fast speed, but also has a lot of problems in practical application, the main performance in the presence of acquisition blind area, such as elevated road under the GPS signal acquisition is less than), small sample size, construction and operation cost is higher. Typical of this kind of data, such as a northern city taxi GPS location data, southern city taxi GPS location data, etc. Traffic information collection based on mobile communication technology in the mobile phone network signaling information dynamic traffic, according to the analysis of the characteristics can be summarized as the road wide coverage, data acquisition costs are relatively low, easy deployment, data precision is higher. As a new dynamic traffic detection means, the technology to make full use of the existing mobile phone network resources, its practicability is the United States, Europe and other countries get demonstration and promotion. The background factors Socialization of car Most industrialized countries under the guidance of market economy, has experienced the development of the economy to promote the development of the automobile, and the development of auto industry and stimulate the process of economic development, which is made up of these countries advanced automobile era. Of auto society, such as traffic jam, traffic accident, energy consumption and environmental pollution and so on social problem is getting worse, the economic loss caused by the huge traffic jam, road facilities was developed from past the United States, Japan and so on also have to rely on only supply to meet the demand of thinking mode to take both supply and demand of common management techniques and methods to improve the increasingly sharp traffic problems, based on automobile wheels industrial countries in exploring both car maintenance society, and to relieve the traffic congestion problem, to use modern technology to improve traffic conditions to achieve security, increase efficiency, improve the environment, save energy, the purpose of ITS concept was gradually formed. Sustainable environment, Industrialized countries in the process of industrialization, the urbanization development is facing increasingly serious shortage of resources and environmental degradation problems, the problem also exists in developing countries, since the 1950 s, the survival and development becomes one of the most urgent task facing the human society, the United Nations conference on the human environment in 1972 passed the declaration of the human environment. Urbanization is an inevitable outcome of the development of productivity, according to the law of development of world economy, the urbanization level of 30% or more, there will be economic rapid development phase, the United States, Japan, Britain and other developed countries, the level of urbanization in 1990 reached 75%, 77%, 89%, these countries in view of the traffic development influence on resources and environment, the gradual adjustment of transportation system and structure. These countries have been through in order to meet the needs of the development of the vehicle while developing the construction of transport infrastructure (such as the planning of the 70000 km highway planning in 1944, after 50 years was basically completed, but still produce crowded and blocking), in a lot of land, the consumption of fuel oil and other resource usage and at the same time, not only the traffic demand are not fully satisfied, but also cause the automobile exhaust emissions due to road congestion, not only cause huge economic losses, but also bring bad influence to the environment. Since the 60 s and 70 s, because of the oil crisis and environment deterioration, industrialized countries began to take in order to improve the efficiency and save energy for the purpose of the traffic system management (TSM) and traffic demand management (TDM) at the same time vigorously develop large volumes and the implementation of labor policy priorities, under the goal of sustainable development of society adjust the structure of transport, energy balance and utilization and environmental protection to establish the optimization of transportation system. ITS as a comprehensive solution to traffic problems, protect the social and economic sustainable development and in harmony with the environment of a new generation of transportation systems, with the rapid development of information technology in the development, the developed countries after the 90 s, has become an important development trend worldwide. Intelligent information technology Traffic management of scientific, modernization, has been a comprehensive and to solve the traffic problem, and to pursue the goal of traffic signal control system device adopted early electronic, sensing and transmission technology to realize scientific management, with the development of science and technology, especially computer science and GPS technology, the popularization and application of information and communication, traffic monitoring control system, the traffic guidance system, such as information acquisition system plays a big role in traffic management, but these technology is simple, the scientific management of vehicle or road implementation, the scope of a single, limitations, systematic is not strong. Since the late 80 s, the world within the scope of the end of the cold war, industrialized countries for military and national defense in the field of satellite navigation system, information collection and provide system, computer control and management system, electrical and electronic communications technology and other high and new technology to MinYongHua, military spending on most transferred to civilian technology development and application, at the same time, all the developing countries, including China, with the help of a peaceful and stable international environment to speed up the countrys economic development, the rapid economic development in developing countries to promote the industrial structure change dramatically in the world, industrialized countries traditional industries as a result of the labor-intensive industries to developing countries focus and lose competitive advantage obviously, brewing industry market open up new and high technology content, in the context of the international environment, representing a signals the arrival of the information revolution, cause the attention of the whole world, this is the information superhighway get the rapid development of information technology, especially the Internet to establish the international information network, and accelerate the process of the global economic integration, beginning in 1994, the world economy gradually stepped into the stage of the information revolution. Information industry arises at the historic moment, ITS with information technology as the forerunner, other related technology applied to intelligent transportation management has ITS broad market, industrialized and private enterprises have invested in this emerging industry. The U.S. government was started in 1991 investment for the development o


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