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附录 A 机械制造技术是 研究 产品设计、生产、加工制造、销售使用、维修服务乃至回收再生的整个过程的工程学科 ,是以提高质量、效益、竞争力为目标 ,包含物质流、信息流和能量流的完整的系统工程。随着 社会 的发展 ,人们对产品的要求也发生了很大变化 ,要求品种要多样、更新要快捷、质量要高档、使用要方便、价格要合理、外形要美观、自动化程度要高、售后服务要好、要 满足人们越来越高的要求 ,就必须采用先进的机械制造技术。 1 先进制造技术的特点 1.1 面向 21 世纪的技术 先进制造技术是制造技术的最新发展阶段,是由传统的制造技术发展起来的,既保持了过去制造技术中的有效要素,又要不断吸收各种高新技术成果,并渗透到产品生产的所有领域及其全部过程。先进制造技术与 现代 高新技术相结合而产生了一个完整的技术群,它是具有明确范畴的新的技术领域,是面向 21 世纪的技术。 1.2 是面向 工业 应用 的技术 先进制造技术并不限于制造过程本身,它涉及到产品从市场调研、产品开发及工艺设计、生产准备、加工制造、售后服务等产品寿命周期的所有 内容 ,并将它们结合成一个有机的整体。先进制造技术的应用特别注意产生最好的实际效果,其目标是为了提高 企业 竞争和促进国家 经济 和综合实力的增长。目的是要提高制造业的综合经济效益和社会效益。 1.3 驾驭生产过程的系统工程 先进制造技术特别强调 计算 机技术、信息技术、传感技术、自动化技术、新材料技术和现代系统管理技术在产品设计、制造和生产组织管理、销售及售后服务等方面的 应用。它要不断吸收各种高新技术成果与传统制造技术相结合,使制造技术成为能驾驭生产过程的物质流、能量流和信息流的系统工程。 1.4 面向全球竞争的技术 20 世纪 80 年代以来,市场的全球化有了进一步的发展, 发达国家通过 金融 、经济、 科技 手段争夺市场,倾销产品,输出资本。随着全球市场的形成,使得市场竞争变得越来越激烈,先进制造技术正是为适应 这种激烈的市场竞争而出现的。因此,一个国家的先进制造技术,它的主体应该具有世界先进水平,应能支持该国制造业在全球市场的竞争力。 1.5 市场竞争三要素的统一 在 20 世纪 70 年代以前,产品的技术相对比较简单,一个新产品上市,很快就会有相同功能的产品跟着上市。因此,市场竞争的核心是如何提高生产率。到了 20 世纪 80 年代以后,制造业要赢得市场竞争的主要矛盾已经从提高劳动生产率转变为以时间为核心的时间、成本和质量的三要素的矛盾。先进制造技术把这三个矛盾有机结合起来,使三者达到了统一。 2 先进机械制造技术的发展 现状 近年来,我国的制造业不断采用先进制造技术,但与工业发达国家相比,仍然存在一个阶段性的整体上的差距。 ( 1)管理方面。工业发达国家广泛采用计算机管理,重视组织和管理体制、生产模式的更新发展,推出了准时生产( JIT)、敏捷制造( AM)、精益生产( LP)、并行工程( CE)等新的管理思想和技术。我国只有少数大型企业局部采用了计算机辅助管理,多数小型企业仍处于经验管理阶段。 ( 2)设计方面。工业发达国家不断更新设计数据和准则,采用新的设计 方法 ,广泛采用计算机辅助设计技术( CAD/CAM),大型企业开始无图纸的设计和生产。我国采用 CAD/CAM 技术的比例较低。 ( 3)制造工艺方面。 工业 发达国家较广泛的采用高精密加工、精细加工、微细加工、微型机械和微米 /纳米技术、激光加工技术、电磁加工技术、超塑加工技术以及复合加工技术等新型加工 方法 。我国普及率不高,尚在开发、掌握之中。 ( 4)自动化技术方面。工业发达国家普遍采用数控机床、加工中心及柔性制造单元( FMC)、柔性制造系统( FMS)、 计算 机集成制造系统( CIMS),实现了柔性自动化、知识智能化、集成化。我国尚处在单机自动化、刚性自动化阶段,柔性制造单元和系统仅在少数 企业 使用。 3 我国先进机械制造技术的 发展 趋势 ( 1)全球化。一方面由于国际和国内市场上的竞争越来越激烈,例如在机械制造业中,国内外已有不少企业,甚至是知名度很高的企业,在这种无情的竞争中纷纷落败,有的倒闭,有的被兼并。不少暂时还在国内市场上占有份额的企业,不得不扩展新的市场;另一方面, 网络 通讯技术的快速发展推动了企业向着既竞争又合作的方向发展,这种发展进一步激化了国际间市场的竞争。这两个原因的相互作用,已成为 全球化制造业发展的动力,全球化制造的第一个技术基础是网络化,网络通讯技术使制造的全球化得以实现。 ( 2)网络化。网络通讯技术的迅速发展和普及,给企业的生产和经营活动带来了革命性的变革。产品设计、物料选择、零件制造、市场开拓与产品销售都可以异地或跨越国界进行。此外,网络通讯技术的快速发展,加速技术信息的交流、加强产品开发的合作和经营管理的 学习 ,推动了企业向着既竞争又合作的方向发展。 ( 3)虚拟化。制造过程中的虚拟技术是指面向 产品生产过程的模拟和检验。检验产品的可加工性、加工方法和工艺的合理性,以优化产品的制造工艺、保证产品质量、生产周期和最低成本为目标,进行生产过程计划、组织管理、车间调度、供应链及物流设计的建模和仿真。虚拟化的核心是计算机仿真,通过仿真软件来模拟真实系统,以保证产品设计和产品工艺的合理性,保证产品制造的成功和生产周期,发现设计、生产中不可避免的缺陷和错误。 ( 4)自动化。自动化是一个动态概念, 目前 它的 研究 主要表现在制造系统中的集成技术和系统技术、人机一体化制造系统、制造单元技术、制造过程的计划和调度、柔性制造技术和适应现化生产模式的制造环境等方面。制造自动化技术的发展趋势是制造全球化、制造敏捷化、制造网络化、制造虚拟化、制造智能化和制造绿色化。 ( 5)绿色化。绿色制造则通过绿色生产过程 、绿色设计、绿色材料、绿色设备、绿色工艺、绿色包装、绿色管理等生产出绿色产品,产品使用完以后再通过绿色处理后加以回收利用。采用绿色制造能最大限度地减少制造对环境的负面影响 ,同时使原材料和能源的利用效率达到最高。 制造业特别是机械制造业是国民 经济 的支柱产业, 现代 制造业正在改变着人们的生产方式、生活方式、经营管理模式乃至 社会 的组 织结构和文化。由于 中国潜在的巨大市场和丰富的劳动力资源,世界的制造业正在向中国转移,中国正在成为世界的制造大国。我国在家电等若干产品的产量已居世界第一位。但是在自主知识产权的创新设计、先进制造工艺和装备及现代化管理等方面仍然存在很大差距,所以我们还不是制造强国。本文仅就机械制造 企业 目前 管理中存在的 问题 、如何利用信息技术提高管理水平、管理信息化的特点和技术 发展 趋势作一些 研究 ,供机械制造企业制定信息化方案时 参考 。 中国机械制造业经过几十年的 努力已经具有相当的规模,积累了大量的技术和经验。但是随着世界经济一体化的形成,由于中国潜在的巨大市场和丰富的劳动力资源,国外的技术、资金、产品大量涌入中国,中国企业面临前所未有的国内外激烈的竞争局面。竞争要求企业产品更新换代快、产品质量高、价格低、交货及时、服务好。这些市场竞争的武器与企业管理的模式、管理 方法 、管理手段、组织结构、业务流程密切相关。然而中国企业及人们的思想意识由于受到 30-40年计划经济的 影响 ,上述竞争武器与发达国家相比存在很大差距。 中国机械制造业管理的特点 : 机械制造业与其它制造业的管理具有共性也有个性;机械制造业本身随着生产类型,生产批量,生产组织方式不同其管理方法存在差异;中国的制造业与发达国家相比,由于企业文化、 法律 、制度的不同也有其特殊性。 械械制造业管理信息化的 发展 趋势 : 随着全球 经济 一体化进程的加快,新的管理模式和管理方法不断涌现, 计算 机和 网络 通信技术高速发展,特别是国际互联网络渗透到世界的每个角落。作为机械制造企业管理信息化的重要工具 -企业资源计划 ERP 系统,正在发生着深刻的变化和发展。下面 我们从管理思想、系统性能和软件开发平台三个方面讲述其发展趋势。 ( 1)管理思想的发展 1.在网络系统支持下,新的 ERP 系统将给世界带入这样一种境界:消费者或客户通过互联网络在 电子 商场了解产品性能、价格,通过电子商务给生产厂商下达订单;生产者通过 ERP 系统下达物料采购和生产制造指令,通过电子商务完成物料采购、支付活动;经过生产制造,最后将商品按时送交用户,在网上完成交易和结算。它使供应商、生产者、分销商、客 户,通过供应链紧密集成,物料不间断的流动,达到减少库存,最大限度减少经营成本,快速响应客户需求,提高企业市场竞争能力和经济效益。所以供应链管理 SCM,电子商务 EC 将必不可少。 2.由于市场竞争加剧,制造商要从过去的 “ 以产品为中心 ” 转向以 “ 客户为中心 ” 的经营策略。 客户关系管理 CRM 它为企业提供全方位的客户视角,赋予企业更完善的与客户交流的能力,是一种最大化客户收益率的方法。它在充分了解客户的特殊需求基础上,进行 “ 一对一 ” 的个性化服务,提高客户对企业的满意度和忠诚度,使企业取得竞争优势。其目的在于建立一个系 统,使企业在客户服务、市场竞争、销售及支持方面形成彼此协调的全新的关系。 CRM 既是技术,又是一种新型的管理哲理和机制。 3.支持敏捷制造和虚拟制造。 敏捷制造是使企业具有卓越的自适应能力,在多变的环境中占据竞争主导地位的总体战略。在经营管理范畴中其实现的技术手段包括:准时生产 JIT,精良生产 LP,并行工程 CE,业务流程再造 BPR,虚拟制造 VM 等。通过快速建模工具和 参考 模型库,加快业务流程再造的过程。采用基于浏览器 /服务的体系结构 和软构件技术,通过标准虚拟专用网 VPN 技术,完全可以构建虚拟制造的环境,支持虚拟企业和虚拟制造的管理需求。 4.企业绩效管理 EPM( Enterprise Performance Management)。 EPM 根据企业的战略目标和经营目标,设置各个部门的目标,并将这些目标层层分解为每个员工的目标,通过 ERP 系统采集其执行情况,并与分配的目标进行比较,以确定员工的报酬和奖励。并对整个公司、部门和员工的绩效进行 分析 。EPM 包括计划、管 理和分析的全过程。以建立完善的激励机制,促成公司目标的实现,提高企业的绩效。 5.ERP 要走专业化的道路。 鉴于不同行业在管理细节上存在较大差异,需要针对不同的行业特点、运作机理,设置相应的业务流程、搭建相应的组织结构并设计相应的软件架构去实现。不能指望用一个通用解决方案去适用所有行业,特别是在涉及到生产、销售、采购和成本这样的企业业务细节时,必须拥有专注于某一行业的方案才能有效解决不同应用环境的信息化问题。另外专业化的 ERP 软件产品其开发周期短、升级换代快、实施容易、成本低等特点。 制造技术不仅是衡 量一个国家 科技 发展水平的重要标志 ,也是国际间科技竞争的重点。我国正处于 经济 发展的关键时期 ,制造技术是我们的薄弱环节。只有跟上发展先进制造技术的世界潮流 ,将其放在战略优先地位 ,并以足够的力度予以实施 ,才能尽快缩小与发达国家的差距 ,才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。总之 ,在我国研究和发展先进制造技术势在必行 。 附录 B The machine manufacture technology mainly studies the product design, theproduction, the processing manufacture, the sales use, the serviceserves and even recycles the regeneration the entire process projectdiscipline, tak ing improves the quality, the benefit, the competitiveability as the goal, contains the material class, the information flowand Energy integrity systems engineering. Along with societysdevelopment, the people also had very sweeping change to the productrequest, the request variety have had diverse, the renewal to havequickly, the quality to have upscale, the use to have convenient, theprice to have reasonable, the contour to have artistic, theautomaticity to have high, the post-sale clothing to have to be good,want to satisfy the people more and more high request, had to use theadvanced machine manufacture technology. 1 advanced manufacture technology characteristic 1.1 the technologies of Facing 21st century The advanced manufacture technology is the manufacturetechnology most recent development stage, is by the traditionalmanufacture technological development, both maintained in the pastmanufacture technology active principle, and must unceasingly absorbeach kind of high-tech achievement, and seeps to product productionall domains and its the complete process. The advanced manufacturetechnology and the modern high-tech unified has produced a completetechnical group, it was has is clear about the category the new areaof technology, was faceing for the 21st century the technologies. 1.2 the technology of facing the industrial application The advanced manufacture technology certainly is not restrictedin manufacture process itself, it involves to the product from productlife cycle and so on market investigation and study, productdevelopment and technological design, production preparation,processing manufacture, post-sale service all contents, and ties themsynthesizes an organic whole. The advanced manufacture technologyapplication specially pays attention has the best actual effect, itsgoal is for enhance the enterprise competition and the promotion stateeconomy and the synthesis strength growth. The goal is must enhancethe manufacturing industry the comprehensive economic efficiency andthe social efficiency. 1.3 controling production process systems engineering The advanced manufacture technology specially emphasized thecomputer technology, the information technology, Transmission induction the technology, the automated technology, the new material technology andthe modern system administration technology in the product design, themanufacture and the production organization manages, aspect the and soon sale and post-sale service application. It must unceasingly absorbeach kind of high-tech achievement and the traditional manufacturetechnology unifies, causes the manufacture technology to become cancontrol the production process the matter to flow,energy and theinformation flow systems engineering. 1.4 faces the global competition the technology Since the 1980s, the market globalization had the furtherdevelopment, the developed country through the finance, the economy,the technical method capture the market, dumps the product, the outputcapital. Along with the global market formation, causes the marketcompetition to change more and more intensely, the advancedmanufacture technology is precisely for adapts this kind of intensemarket competition to appear. Therefore, a national advancedmanufacture technology, its main body should have the world advancedlevel, ought to be able to support this country manufacturing industryin the global market competitive ability. 1.5 marketing competitions three essential factors unifications Before 20th century 70s, product technology relative quitesimple, a new product goes on the market, is very quick can have thesame function the product with to go on the market. Therefore, how themarket competition core does enhance the productivity. To 1980s after,the manufacturing industry had to win the market competition theprincipal contradiction already to transform from the enhancementlabor productivity into take the time as the core time, the cost andthe quality three essential factors contradictions. The advancedmanufacture technology these three contradictions organic synthesis,enabled three to achieve the unification. 2 .advanced machine manufactures technology development presentsituation In recent years, our country manufacturing industry unceasinglyused the advanced manufacture technology, but compared with theindustry developed country, still had in a gradual whole thedisparity. (1) managing the aspect. The industry developed country widely uses thecomputer management, takes to organize and the management system, theproduction pattern renewal development, has promoted the punctualproduction (JIT), the agile manufacture (AM), the fine profitproduction (LP), the parallel project (CE) and so on the newmanagement thought and the technology. Our country only the minoritymajor industry partially to use the computer assistance management,the most small businesses still were in the experience to manage thestage. (2) designing the aspect. The industry developed country unceasinglyrenews the design data and the criterion, uses the new design method,widely uses the computer-aided design technology (CAD/CAM), the majorindustry starts the non- blueprint design and the production. Ourcountry uses the CAD/CAM technology the proportion to be lower. (3) makingthe craft aspect. The industry developed country morewidespread use high precise processing, the fine processing, the tinyprocessing, the miniature machinery and a micron/nanotechnology, thelaser processing technology, the electromagnetism processingtechnology, ultra model the processing technology as well as thecompound processing technology and so on the new processing method.Our country popular rate is not high in, still at develops, grasps. (4) automated technology aspect. The industry developed countrygenerally uses numerical control engine bed, processing center and theflexible manufacture unit (FMC), the flexible manufacture system(FMS), the computer integration manufacture system (CIMS), hasrealized the flexible automation, the knowledge intellectualization,the integration. Our country still occupied the single planeautomation, the rigid automation stage, the flexible manufacture unitand the system only uses in the minority business enterprise. 3 .our country advanced machine manufacture technology developmenttendency (1) globalization. On the one hand because international and inthe domestic market competition is more and more intense, for examplein the mechanical manufacturing industry, domestic and foreign hadmany enterprises, even is the well-knownness very high enterprise,falls the defeat in abundance in this kind of heartless competition,some going out of business, some are annexed. Many temporarily alsoholds the share in the domestic market the enterprise, can not butexpand the new market; On the other hand, the network communicationtechnology fast development impelled the enterprise to both to competethe direction which and cooperated to develop, this kind ofdevelopment further intensified the international market competition.These two reasons mutual function, has become the globalizationmanufacturing industry development the power, the globalizationmanufacture first technology base is the network, the networkcommunication technology enables the manufacture the globalization torealize. (2) network. The network communication technology rapid developmentand the popularization, have brought the revolutionary transformationfor enterprises production and management. The product design, thematerial choice, the components manufacture, the market developmentand the product sale all may different or surmounts the nationalboundary to carry on. In addition, the network communicationtechnology fast development, the acceleration technical informationexchange, strengthens the product development the cooperation and themanagement management study, impelled the enterprise to both tocompete the direction which and cooperated to develop. (3) hypothesized. In the manufacture process hypothesized technologyis refers face the product production process simulation and theexamination. The examination product workability, the processingmethod and the craft rationality, take optimizes the product themanufacture craft, the guarantee product quality, the production cycleand the most low cost as a goal, carries on the production processplan, the organization manages, the workshop dispatcher, supplies thechain and the thing flows the design the modelling and the simulation.The hypothesized core is the computer simulation, simulates the realsystem through simulation software, guarantees the product design andthe product craft rationality, the guarantee product manufacturesuccess and the production cycle, in the discovery design, theproduction the inevitable flaw and the mistake. (4) automation. The automation is a dynamic concept, at present itsresearch mainly displays in the manufacture system the integratedtechnology and the system technology, the man-machine integrationmanufacture system, the manufacture unit technology, the manufactureprocess plan and the dispatch, the flexible manufacture technology andthe adaption presently melts production pattern aspect and so onmanufacture environment. The manufacture automation technologydevelopment tendency is makes the globalization, the manufacture isagile, the manufacture network, the manufacture hypothesized, themanufacture intellectualization and makes the green. (5) green. The green manufacture through the green production process,the green design, the green material, the green equipment, the greencraft, the green packing, the green management and so on will producethe green product, the product add-on uses later to recycle the useagain through green processing. Uses the green manufacture to be ablemaximum limit to reduce the manufacture to the environment negativeinfluence, simultaneously causes the raw material and the energy useefficiency achieves high. Machinery manufacturing industry, especially the manufacturing sector is a pillar industry in the national economy. Modern manufacturing industry is changing peoples ways of production and lifestyle, management patterns, and even the social structure and culture. Chinas huge market potential and rich labor resources, is the worlds manufacturing to China, China is becoming the worlds manufacturer. Chinas household appliance products in a number of ranking first in the world. But the independent intellectual property rights of innovative designs, advanced manufacturing technology and equipment and modern management, and other areas there is a big gap, so we do not create power. This article will present machinery manufacturing enterprises in the Management of the problem, how to use information technology to improve the level of management, Information management and technical characteristics of the development trend for some, for the machinery manufacturing enterprises develop information programs reference. Chinas machinery industry after several decades of effort has grown to a considerable size and has accumulated a great deal of skill and experience. However, with the integration of the world economy formed, because Chinas huge market potential and rich labor resources. foreign technology, capital and products into China, Chinese enterprises are facing an unprecedented internal and external situation of fierce competition. Competitive products require less the product of high quality, low price, prompt delivery, and good service. These weapons market competition and enterprise management mode and the method of management, management tools, organizational structures, business processes are closely linked. However, the Chinese enterprises and peoples consciousness due to 30 -40 years of the planned economy, These competitive weapons Compared with developed countries, there are very large discrepancies. Chinas machinery manufacturing management characteristics of machinery manufacturing and the management of other manufacturing industries common to have personality; machinery manufacturing itself with the type of production, production volume, production organization, its mode of management differences; Chinas manufacturing Compared with the developed countries, because of corporate culture, law, a different system has its particularity. Armed with firearms manufacturing management information with the development trend of global economic integration process is accelerated, The new management model and management methods are constantly emerging, computer and high-speed network communications technology development, especially Internet to infiltrate every corner of the world. Machinery manufacturing enterprises as a management information tool - the Enterprise Resource Planning system, is undergoing profound changes and developments. Now we are thinking from management, system performance and software development platform on three aspects of its development trend. 1.the development of management thinking of one. The network system support, The new ERP system will give this world into a realm : consumers or customers through the Internet in electronic malls understand product performance, price, through e-commerce for manufacturers to issue orders; Producer issued through the ERP system materials procurement and manufacturing orders through e-commerce completed materials procurement, pay; After manufacturing, the final products will be delivered on time users, the Internet completion of the transaction and settlement. It enables suppliers, producers, distributors, customers, supply chain through closer integration, uninterrupted flow of materials, reduce the amount of inventory, minimize operating costs, rapid response to customer demand, enhance market competitiveness and economic benefits. Therefore, SCM, e-commerce EC will be essential. 2. As market competition intensifies, manufacturers from the past to the product as the center to a customer-centric operating strategy. Customer Relationship Management CRM it to provide a full range of enterprise customers perspective, give enterprises more comprehensive exchanges with the customers ability to maximize customer is a yield method. It fully understood the special needs of customers, based on the one-on-one personalized services, enhance customer of the business satisfaction and loyalty, and enable enterprises to gain a competitive edge. Its purpose is to establish a system so that enterprises in customer service, market competition, Sales and support each other to form a new coordinating relations. CRM is both a technology and is a new type of management philosophy and mechanisms. 3. Agile manufacturing and virtual manufacturing. Agile manufacturing is the enterprise has a remarkable adaptive capacity, in volatile competitive environment to occupy the leading position in the overall strategy. In the area of management to achieve its technical means, including : JIT JIT, sophisticated production LP, concurrent engineering, BPR BPR, such as VM virtual manufacturing. Through rapid modeling tools and reference models for accelerating business process reengineering process. Based on the browser / server architecture and software component technology, a standard VPN technology, can build virtual manufacturing environ


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