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2011年下学期八年级期中测试卷 班级_ 姓名_一,根据题意,从选项中选择最符合题意的选项(30)( )1. The book is . Most of the teachers are in it. A. interesting, interested B. interesting ,interesting C. interested, interesting ( )2. do you play tennis? I play three times a week. A. What B. How C. How often ( )3. Whats with you? A. the matter B. the wrong C.about ( )4. You shouldnt anything for 24 hours. A. eat B. ate C. eating ( )5. There is with him. A. something wrong B. wrong something C. serious nothing ( )6. Whats she for vacation ? A. does B. do c. doing( )7. is he staying? -For a week. A. How far B. How often C. How long ( )8. “I just finished my last movie. ”She says. A. to make B. makeing C. making ( )9. Shes leaving Shanghai next week. A. to B. for C. at ( )10. Nina goes to see her grandparents . A. by foot B. on feet C. on foot( )11. In parts of the world ,things are different. A. other B. others C. the other one( )12. Can you come to my party?- Yes, . A. I would B. Id love C. Id love to ( )13. Im heavier than my brother. A. a few B. a little C. little( )14. Her best friend likes to do same things she does. A. the ,with B. the, as C. a,to ( )15. Thanks for me to your home. A. ask B. inviting C. to invite ( )16. My grandfather _ a bad cold and is _ last week. A.catches; in the hospital B.catches; in hospital C. catched; in hospital( )17. Although he is old, _ he does exercise everyday.A. but B. so C. /( )18. Thats interesting game. A. a B. an C、/( )19. Let me _ , please.A. play tennis B. play the tennis C. to play tennis ( )20. “Do Lucy and Lily have a nice room?” “Yes, .”A. she do B. she has C. they do ( )21.Dont forget _ bring your book school next time.A. to; in the B. in; to C. to ; to ( )22.The pig has four _.A. foot B. feet C. Foots( )23.Lucy will show us some new _ of hers.A. photo B. photos C. Photoes( )24.When is your birthday party?-Its _ Friday, June 13th. A.on B. in C.at( )25. Sam has _ hair than Tim. A.short B.shorter C.shortter( )26. I finished with Grandpa _.A. whole the day B. the whole day C. the all day( )27. On Wednesday, I have tennis _ with the team.A.train B.trainings C.training( )28.My hair is longer than _. A. her B.she C.hers( )29. Here is your pen. _.A. Thanks you B. Yes, its my pen C. Thank you( )30. Please keep _!Im trying to study.A.quiet B. quietly C.noisy二, 完形填空(15)AIn the U. S, Mothers Day is a holiday 46 the second Sunday 47 May. Its a day when children give their 48 cards, presents and flowers. One of the 49 way to celebrate Mothers Day is to give your mother the day off. Let 50 have a good rest while other members of the family do the housework. ( )31. A. in B. on C. at ( )32. A. in B. on C. at ( )33. A. parents B. mothers C. friends( )34. A. good B. well C. better ( )35. A. she B. her C. us BMiss Williams was a teacher, and there 36 thirty small children in her class. They were nice children, and Miss Williams liked all of them, but they often 37 clothes. It was winter, and the 38 was very cold. The childrens mothers always sent them 39 school with warm 40 and hats and gloves. The children came into the classroom in the morning and took 41 their coats and hats and gloves. They put their coats and hats on hooks on the wall, and they put their gloves 42 the pocket of their coats.Last Tuesday Miss Williams 43 two small blue gloves on the floor in the evening, and in the morning she said to the children,” Whose gloves 44 ?” but no one answered. Then she looked at Dick,” Havent you got blue gloves, Dick?” she asked him.” Yes, Miss,” he answered,” But those cant be 45 .Ive lost mine.”( )36A. haveB. had C. were( )37A. woreB. put on C. lost( )38A. sky B. weather C. whether ( )39A. for B. in C. to ( )40A. coat B. coats C. water( )41A. off B. on C. out ( )42A. on B. at C. in ( )43A. find B. found C. founded( )44A. is it B. are those C. are these( )45 .A. my B. mine C. Me三,阅读(40)A) 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)Three things are necessary for us to keep alive (活的). They are air, water and food. We eat food two or three times every day. We breathe (呼吸) air continually (不断地) day and night. If a man does not eat and food, he can live for about three weeks; if he is stopped from drinking, he can keep alive for about three days, but if he doesnt breathe, he can keep alive for only about three minutes. So we see that breathing is more important than drinking, and drinking is more important than eating.( ) 46. We cant live without air, water and food.( ) 47.A man can keep alive for about twenty-one days ifhe has water to drink and air to breathe.( ) 48. He can live for about three days if he only drinks water.( ) 49. If he is stopped from breathing, Hell die in a moment.( ) 50. Food is the least important of the three.B) 根据短文内容,完成选择填空1Many years ago, there was a family named Franklin. They lived in England. There were five girls and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1706 another baby boy was born. The boys mother and her husband gave the boy a name-Benjamin.Benjamin was the brightest of all the children. He could read when he was five and he could write by the time he was seven. When he was eight, he was sent to school.In school, Benjamin had been good at reading and writing but not good at maths.He read all his fathers books. And whenever (无论何时) he had a little money, he spent it on a book. He liked books. They told him how to do something. At that time he invented the paddles (浆形工具) for swimming.( ) 51. The Franklins lived in .A. EnglandB. America C. France( ) 52. There were children in the family.A. five B. sixC. eleven ( ) 53. Benjamin was born in the month of the year 1706.A. first B . sixthC. seventh ( ) 54. Benjamin was at maths when he was in school.A. good B. bad C. badly( ) 55. Benjamin much money books.A. spent, on B. cost, buyingC. took, buy 2Do you have to carry a heavy bag to school? Does it make your back (背部) hurt? Well, students at a high school in Kansas (堪萨斯州), America, have a meeting with their citys mayor to complain (抱怨) about their heavy bags. They say their bags are giving them headaches, and making their necks (脖子) and backs hurt. The mayor says he is very sorry. He says students may do more of their homework on the Internet (国际互联网) to give their back a rest.( )56. A heavy bag may make students .A. headache B. toothache C. A and B ( )57. Kansas is in .A. China B. America C. Australia ( )58. The students talk about their heavy bags to .A. the mayor B. their parents C. their teachers ( )59. “Mayor”in Chinese means .A.校长 B. 市长 C. 省长( )60. The mayor says .A. he has a headache B. he wants the students to do more homeworkC. he is sorry 3Mr Smith gave his wife money every Friday evening. His wife always spent it all the next Wednesday, so that for the next three days she had no money to spend at all. One day Mr Smith asked her,“ But how did you spend all that money?” She answered, “I dont know . ”So one Friday evening, Mr Smith gave her money together with an exercise book and a pencil. He said to his wife ,“Please write down how you spend the money . ”Next Tuesday, his wife had no money again. Mr Smith took the exercise book to see how she had spent it. “I have done what you told me ,”she said gladly. She had written “Friday, I got 18 pounds from Mr Smith. ”on the first page, and on the second page, she wrote ,“Tuesday, I have spent it all. ”( )61. Mrs Smith always spent all the money . A. the next day B. in four days C. on next Wednesday( )62. Mr Smith gave his wife an exercise book and a pencil and asked herA. to do homework B. to write down how she spent the money C. to draw a picture on it( )63. Mrs Smith was to do what Mr Smith asked her to . A. happy B. sad C. sorry ( )64. Mr Smith gave his wife money a week. A. once B. twice C. three times ( )65. The story tells us that Mrs Smith was not very . A. glad B. tall C. careful 四,翻译(10)66.我比班上的大多数同学要文静得多。Im _


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