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White FangChapter 11. As night fell, Henry and Bill heard the first cry.e.g. as darkness fell, night came. Nightfall daybreak2. Theyd (would) rather eat dinner, than be dinner. Prefer to do A rather than do B3. Even a fool dog shouldnt commit suicide like that, said Henry. take/end ones own life4. It was large for a wolf, and an odd reddish-grey color. It glared at them hungrily. glare at stare at glance at5. Later that day, a search party found Henry and the last of his dogs, crouching in his blankets, half mad with cold and fear. search sb/some place 直接的搜 搜身/搜某个地方Chapter 21.She-wolf had indeed led the pack on their desperate hunt for food. desperate: e.g. make desperate attempt/effort to save the boys life 不惜一切地 be desperate for help/a drink/money2.He was flooded with a fatherly instinct to feed his cubs, and he set off again to hunt. Affect sb suddenly or strongly. E.g. Memories of her childhood came flooding back. Be flooded with joy/complaint/sunshine She draw back the curtains and the sunlight came flooding in.3.This was his first lesson-that taking risks can be painful. Take/run a risk of doing sth.4.Then came a time when there was no food for the little family and One-eye and She-wolf grew weak with hunger.5.It was clear there had been a huge fight and that the most vicious of creatures, the lynx, was to blame. A vicious dog/kick/remark评论/look be to blame=be responsible for sth bad6.Motherhood is the most powerful force in nature. There would come a time when She-wolf would again take the left fork to the lynx lair-for the sake of her little grey cub. for the sake of=for sbs sake for the purpose of e.g. He gave up smoking for the sake of his health.Chapter 31. The little cub was growing up and he simply had to know what lay beyond. Simply=just (to emphasize sth.) what lay beyond: the world outside2. At first, he was almost blinded by the brightness of the big, wide world. But when nothing happened, he forgot to be scared. Be blinded by the sunlight a blinding flash/light 3.He fell right into a nest of chicks. At first he was terrified, but he was a born hunter and without even thinking, he began catching and eating them. Right: exactly (to emphasize sth.) a born teacher/writer/athlete4. That was another big lesson. Live things were food, but some of them could hurt.5. As he lay down, he felt a rush of air and a huge, winged creature swept past. A hawk! It had barely missed him.He barely/narrowly missed being killed 几乎丧命 / being run over by a car差点被压死A narrow escape 死里逃生Chapter 41.It was strange stuff, different from anything the cub had smelled or tasted before.2.The lynx was mad with rage at the loss of her child and she had tracked She-wolf to her cave. Wild and excited because of the violent anger 3.After a brief, vicious scrap, She-wolf put an end to her once and for all. Once and for all: finally and completely 一劳永逸地,永远地4.He was full of confidence from their victory over the lynx. 有/失去信心have/lose confidence in sb./sth lose heart 缺信心the lack of confidence5.The cub now knew another law of the wildeat or be eaten: kill or be killed. The law of the jungle弱肉强食 Chapter 51. Towering over him, the man bent down. He towered over his classmates. Tower over/above sth. much too higher than Bend bent bent 2. And when the man rubbed behind his ears, the cub felt all his fear melt away. Melt away: disappear slowly3. The noise died down. The dogs had deserved to be beaten. Die down: become less loud e.g. the excitement/gossip died down. 渐渐平息下来 Deserve vt. deserve a reward/ deserve to be sent to prison4. He was just gathering up the courage to explore, when a puppy, larger and older than he was, came swaggering towards him. Gather up the courage=pluck up ones courage鼓起勇气pluck up ones spirits 打起精神5. Then suddenly, without warning, Lip-lip leaped at him, slashing his leg.Chapter 61. He was never happier than when he was tormenting the newcomer. (happiest)2. As long as he stayed by her side, Lip-lip wouldnt dare come near. As long as; on the condition that 只要 引导条件状语从句3. All of a sudden, his mother was taken aboard too. All of a sudden= suddenly was taken aboard被带上船4. Wild with panic, the cub jumped in the water and swam after it.5. Grey Beaver called him back, but he was so scared of losing his mother, he didnt take any notice.be scared/frightened of sb/sth doing sth to do sth that从句Chapter 71. White Fang never forgot his mother, or stopped longing for the wilderness of his early cubhood, but by and by, he began to settle down. Long for sth: want sth badly 类似 be eager/thirsty/hunger/desperate for sth/to do sth2. A mad rush of anger rose in White Fang. A rush of cold air/ A rush of enthusiasm一股热情 / A rush of blood to the cheeks3. He leaped at the boys, snarling and snapping, and they fled in terror. Leap leapt leapt flee fled fled4. He had just learned a valuable new lesson. Protect your master and you will be rewarded. Learn a.lesson得到个教训 teach sb a lesson给某人一个教训5. He showed no mercy to the old bully. He was even at last. 怜悯某人show mercy to sb. /have mercy on sb 听凭某人摆布at the mercy of sb/sth Even 打平手 e.g. Both sides played wellit was an even contest. Even另有均匀的意思 even breathing even 偶数 单数odd 单号班怎么说?Chapter 81. While they stood stupidly wondering where he had gone, he would knock them off their feet.2. No one knew Beautys real name, but he was far from beautiful, and a cowardly, cruel bully. Far from the truth/satisfaction/a failure 远非。3. Every visit he brought whiskey for Grey Beaver, and one day he tricked him into selling his dog.4. Then he beat him without mercy.5. Big as he was, the other dog had had no chance. 此为一个句型: 形容词(原级)/不加冠词的名词+ as/though+主语+谓语=Although 引起的让步状语从句e.g. Child as he is, he knows much. Beautiful as she is, she is silly.Chapter 9 1.White Fang had moved more like a cat than a dog, slashing at the bulldog with his deadly fangs and leaping away. More like A than B 比起B来更像A 这里的cat指的是tiger2. A great weight was dragging him down, choking him. Choke him: make him unable to breathe/suffocate e.g. He choked to death on a fish bone.3. Those who had bet on Cherokee began o cheer. It looked as if the fight was over.4. Beauty was just about to give another kick when the newcomers fist landed in his face. 一拳打在脸上 句型 be about to do sth /be doing sth.when就要做某事时(就在此刻)突然。5. Coward that he was, Beauty slunk off without a word.Chapter 101. White Fang got up warily, expecting to be beaten at any moment.2.In a flash, White Fang struck out. in a flash=in a blink=in a split=Instantly strike out: 大打出手3.Matt leaped in, but too late, and Major lay bleeding in the snow.4. He dashed into the cabin and returned with a rifle.5.White Fang sprang sideways and tried to hide behind the cabin. Spring弹跳起来 He sprang out of bed to answer the door/ spring to his feetChapter 111. Bit by bit, he went up to the man, keeping his eyes firmly fixed up to the man. Bit by bit: gradually; little by little Fix ones eyes on/upon sth : gaze at2. For Scott it meant hours of hard work and patience.3. Scott was determined to use kindness to awaken White Fangs need to love and be loved. Be determined to do sth.=determine to do sth


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