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实用标准文案哈利波特与密室我不能放你出来 海德薇I cant let you out, Hedwig.我不能在校外使用魔法Im not allowed to use magic outside of school.-而且 万一弗农姨夫 -哈利波特- Besides, if Uncle Vernon - Harry Potter!这下可好了Now youve done it.他在屋里 弗农Hes in there. Vernon?我警告你 管不住那死鸟 我就赶走它Im warning you, if you cant control that bloody bird, itll have to go.她憋坏了But shes bored.哪怕放她出来一两个小时也行If I could only let her out for an hour or two.帮你和你的怪胎朋友通信吗 别想了So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir.可是根本没人和我联系But I havent had any messages from any of my friends.一个都没有Not one整个暑假都是all summer.谁愿意做你的朋友Who would want to be friends with you?我觉得你应该知恩图报I should think youd be a little more grateful.我们把你从小拉扯大Weve raised you since you were a baby,供你吃穿given you the food off our table而且看你可怜even let you have Dudleys second bedroom还把达力的次卧给你purely out of the goodness of our hearts.别急 小宝贝 还得等梅森先生Not now, pumpkin. Its for when the Masons arrive.他们随时会到Which should be any minute.再来彩排一遍 好吗Now, lets go over our schedule once again, shall we?佩尼 梅森夫妇来的时候 你应该在Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be?客厅 亲切迎接他们的到来In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home.很好 达力 那你呢Good. And, Dudley, you will be.?在门前 等着开门Ill be waiting to open the door.非常好Excellent.你呢And you?我待在卧室Ill be in my bedroom,一声不吭 假装不存在making no noise and pretending that I dont exist.算你聪明Too right, you will.这次要是谈成 我的事业就更上一层楼了With any luck, this could be the day I make the biggest deal of my career.你可不许给我添乱and you will not mess it up.哈利波特 真是太荣幸了Harry Potter, such an honor it is.-你是谁 -多比 先生 家养小精灵多比- Who are you? - Dobby, sir. Dobby the house-elf.我无意冒犯Not to be rude or anything但是你来的可真不是时候but this isnt a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom.是的 先生 多比完全理解Yes, sir. Dobby understands.只是多比必须要告诉你Its just that Dobby has come to tell you很难启齿 先生 多比不知道从何说起It is difficult, sir. Dobby wonders where to begin.-你先坐下来吧 -坐下来 要我坐- Why dont you sit down? - Sit down? Sit down?对不起 多比 我不是想冒犯你Dobby, Im sorry. I didnt mean to offend you or anything.冒犯多比Offend Dobby?多比虽然听说你很伟大 先生Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir但还没有巫师请多比坐下来过 把我平等对待but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal.那是你没有遇到好巫师You cant have met many decent wizards then.没错 没遇到过No, I havent.我真不该这么说That was an awful thing to say.-坏多比 坏多比 -停下 多比 别出声- Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! - Stop, Dobby. Dobby, shush.多比 拜托了 快停下Dobby, please, stop.没什么 是猫的声音Dont mind that. Its just the cat.-坏多比 -停下 停 多比 求你了 安静点- Bad Dobby. - Stop! Stop, Dobby. Please, be quiet.你没事吧Are you all right?多比必须惩罚自己 先生Dobby had to punish himself, sir.多比差点说了主人家的坏话 先生Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, sir.-主人家 -多比服侍的巫师家庭 先生- Your family? - The wizard family Dobby serves, sir.多比只能永远服侍一个家庭Dobby is bound to serve one family forever.万一他们知道了多比在这If they ever knew Dobby was here.但是多比必须来But Dobby had to come.多比必须保护哈利波特 要警告他Dobby has to protect Harry Potter. To warn him.哈利波特今年不能Harry Potter must not go back to回到霍格沃兹魔法学校Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.有一个阴谋 会有很恐怖的后果There is a plot, a plot to make most terrible things happen.什么恐怖后果 谁是幕后黑手What terrible things? Whos plotting them?不能说Cant say.-好的 明白了 你不能说 -别逼我说- Okay, I understand. You cant say. - Dont make me talk.-多比 多比 把灯放下 -坏多比- Dobby. Dobby, put the lamp down. - Bad Dobby.当他们打到第九洞的时候So when they arrive at the ninth hole.把台灯给我Give me the lamp.多比 停下Dobby, stop!-放开我 -给我进去别出声- Let me go. - Get in there and keep quiet.-你到底在捣什么鬼 -我只是在- What the devil are you doing up here? - I was just我刚要讲到笑点 就被你毁了You just ruined the punch line of my Japanese golfer joke.对不起Sorry.再吵我就让你生不如死 小子One more sound and youll wish youd never been born, boy.-把那门修好 -好的 先生- And fix that door. - Yes, sir.明白我为什么要回去了吧See why Ive got to go back?我不属于这里 我属于你的世界 属于霍格沃兹I dont belong here. I belong in your world, at Hogwarts.只有在那里我才有朋友Its the only place Ive got friends.连信都不给你写的朋友吗Friends who dont write to Harry Potter?我猜 他们应该有点忙Well, I expect theyve been.等等 你怎么知道他们没给我写信Hang on. How do you know my friends havent been writing to me?哈利波特可不要生多比的气Harry Potter mustnt be angry with Dobby.多比想 如果哈利波特以为他朋友忘了他Dobby hoped if Harry Potter thought his friends had forgotten him那哈利波特也许就不想回学校了 先生Harry Potter might not want to go back to school, sir.-把信给我 快 -不要- Give me those. Now. - No!多比 给我回来Dobby, get back here.多比 拜托了 不要Dobby, please, no.哈利波特必须保证不回学校Harry Potter must say hes not going back to school.我不能 霍格沃兹是我的家I cant. Hogwarts is my home.那不要怪多比了 先生 这是为了你好Then Dobby must do it, sir, for Harry Potters own good.到处都是 满满一地板It spread as far as the eye could see, all over the floor.一个水管工说 快看这水One plumber said, Look at all that water. 另一个水管工说 没错 这还只是最上面的水The second plumber said, Yes, and thats just the top of it. 梅森先生Mr. Mason弗农说你高尔夫打得很棒Vernon tells me that youre a wonderful golfer.我时不时玩一下I play. Occasionally.梅森太太Mrs. Mason你从哪儿买来这么好看的衣服where do you get your beautiful suits?我的衣服可都是量身定做的Oh, all of my suits are tailor-made.达力Dudley你是不是有什么话要说wasnt there something you wanted to say?-布丁 -布丁- Pudding. - Pudding?什么布丁What pudding?对不起 那是我的外甥 他脑子有问题Im so sorry. Its my nephew. Hes very disturbed.他一看到陌生人就慌张 所以我把他锁在楼上Meeting strangers upsets him. Thats why I kept him upstairs.那个 我们有冰淇淋Well, we have ice cream.你休想回到那学校了Youre never going back to that school.再也别想见你那些怪胎朋友了 永远别想Youre never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!你好 哈利Hiya, Harry.罗恩 弗雷德 乔治 你们怎么来了Ron. Fred. George. What are you all doing here?当然是来救你 快点 收拾行李Rescuing you, of course. Now, come on, get your trunk.你最好往后站一点You better stand back.快点行动Lets go.-什么声音 -那是什么- What was that? - What was it?波特Potter!爸爸 怎么回事Dad, whats going on?快 快 快Go. Go. Go.爸爸 快一点Dad, hurry up.-快点 -快啊 哈利 加油- Come on. - Come on, Harry, hurry up.佩妮 他要逃走Petunia, hes escaping!-抓住你了 哈利 -给我回来- Ive got you, Harry. - Come here!-快放开我 -休想 小子- Let go of me! - No, boy!你别想带着哪只死鸟走出这You and that bloody pigeon arent going anywhere.-放开我 -开车- Get off! - Drive!好的 这就开Right. Right!不 不 不 不No! No! No! No!爸爸Dad!该死Damn.差点忘了 哈利 生日快乐By the way, Harry, happy birthday.来吧Come on.进来 轻一点Okay, come on. Shh, shh.好了 进来Okay, come on.吃点这个没关系吧Think itd be all right if we had some?没事 妈不会注意的Yeah, Mum will never know.学校 家 牙医 监狱 失踪 魁地奇比赛虽然简陋了点 但总是个家Its not much, but its home.我觉得这里太棒了I think its brilliant.你们死哪去了Where have you been?哈利 见到你真好 亲爱的Harry, how wonderful to see you, dear.床空了 不说一声 还开走了车Beds empty. No note. Car gone.你们可能会死掉 或者被人看到You could have died. You could have been seen.当然了 不是责怪你 亲爱的哈利Of course, I dont blame you, Harry, dear.他们想饿死他 妈妈 还封了窗户They were starving him, Mum. There were bars on his window.小心我封了你的窗户 罗恩韦斯莱Well, you best hope I dont put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley.来吧 哈利 该吃早餐了Come on, Harry, time for a spot of breakfast.吃吧 哈利 别客气Here we are, Harry. Now, tuck in.没错 多吃点Thats it. There we go.-妈妈 看到我的套头衫了吗 -有啊宝贝 在猫上面- Mummy, have you seen my jumper? - Yes, dear, it was on the cat.你好Hello.我做错什么了What did I do?金妮 她一暑假都在说你 真是烦人Ginny. Shes been talking about you all summer. A bit annoying, really.-早上好 孩子们 -早上好 爸爸- Morning, Weasleys. - Morning, Dad.-好一个晚上 九次突击检查 -什么检查- What a night. Nine raids. - Raids?爸爸在魔法部上班Dad works in the Ministry of Magic,禁止滥用麻瓜物品办公室in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office.爸爸超爱麻瓜 简直着了魔Dad loves Muggles, thinks theyre fascinating.吃吧吃吧Well, now.你又是哪位And who are you?对不起 先生 我是哈利 哈利波特Oh, sorry, sir. Im Harry, sir. Harry Potter.天呐 真是你吗Good Lord. Are you really?当然了 你的情况我们都了解Well, Ron has told us all about you,罗恩说的 他什么时候到的of course. When did he get here?今天早晨This morning.你的宝贝儿子们昨晚开车去萨里接来的Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night.真的吗 车子怎么样Did you really? How did it go?我是说 你们真是不应该 太过分了I mean that was very wrong indeed, boys. Very wrong of you.哈利 麻瓜你非常了解吧Now, Harry, you must know all about Muggles.告诉我 橡皮鸭子到底是干什么用的Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?那个Oh, um.一定是埃罗尔送信来了Well, thatll be Errol with the post.珀西 把信取来好吗Fetch it, will you, Percy, please?-埃罗尔 -他总是这么笨- Errol. - Hes always doing that.看 是霍格沃兹的信Oh, look, its our Hogwarts letters.他们把哈利的信也送来了Theyve sent us Harrys as well.邓布利多一定知道你在这 他无所不知Dumbledore must know youre here. Doesnt miss a trick, that man.-不会吧 -这些东西可不便宜- Oh, no. - This lot wont come cheap.光是咒语书就很贵The spell books alone are expensive.交给我们吧Well manage.要买这些 只有一个地方可去 对角巷Theres only one place were going to get all of this. Diagon Alley.好了Right.好了 哈利 你先来Here we are, Harry. You go first, dear.可是哈利从来没用过飞路粉 妈妈But Harrys never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum.什么飞路粉Floo powder?-罗恩你先来 给哈利做个示范 好- You go first, Ron, so that Harry can see how its done. - Yes.进去In you go.就这样Thats it.对角巷Diagon Alley.看到了吧 很简单 别怕 来吧You see? Its quite easy, dear. Dont be afraid. Come on.来呀Come on.进去吧 别碰着头In you go. Thats it. Mind your head.很好 现在 抓一把飞路粉Thats right. Now, take your Floo powder.很好很好Thats it, very good.现在 别忘记一定要说的非常清楚Now, dont forget to speak very, very clearly.对脚香Diagonally.-他刚说的什么 -对脚香- What did he say, dear? - Diagonally.我听也是I thought he did.别乱碰 德拉科Dont touch anything, Draco.遵命 父亲Yes, Father.马尔福大人 再次见到您太荣幸了Master Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again.马尔福少爷也是And young Master Malfoy too. Delighted.容我给您看看 新上架的 价廉物美的I must show you, just in today and very reasonably priced-我不是来买的 博金 我要卖东西Im not buying today, Borgin, Im selling.-要卖 -德拉科- Selling? - Draco.你也知道 最近魔法部经常突击搜查民宅You are aware, no doubt, that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids on private houses.甚至传说要立一部新的麻瓜保护法Theres even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act.恐怕纯血统越来越没有地位了Pure wizard blood is counting for less everywhere, Im afraid.我可不觉得Not with me.总之 我从家里带了些东西Anyway, I brought a few items from home that might prove,我不希望魔法部查到embarrassing were the Ministry to call.毒药之类的Just poisons and the like.看看这个Look at that.这个物件That particular item我是不卖的is not for sale.我明白I understand.它太独特了It has unique qualities.可不能落入坏人手中One wouldnt want to see it falling into the wrong hands.盒子留着吧You can keep the box.我刚说什么来着What did I say?别乱碰Touch nothing.-没错 -对不起 父亲- Exactly. - Sorry, Father.走吧Come on, were going.和你交易真是愉快 马尔福先生Its a pleasure to do business with you, Mr. Malfoy.欢迎再来Always a pleasure.你在找东西吗Looking for something?我没有No, I.我只是走错地方了Im just in the wrong place.对不起Sorry.谢谢Thank you.没迷路吧 亲爱的Not lost, are you, my dear?我很好 谢谢 我要去Im fine, thank you. I was just going跟我们来 我们帮你回去Come with us. Well help you find your way back.-求你不要 -哈利 -海格- No. Please. - Harry? -Hagrid!你在这鬼地方干什么 过来What do you think youre doing down here? Come on.翻倒巷你看起来真糟 哈利Youre a mess, Harry.在翻倒巷这破地方乱逛吗Skulking around Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place.可别让人在那看到你Dont want no one to see you there.人们会怀疑你在做坏事People will think youre up to no good.我迷路了 那个I was lost, I.等等 那你又在那里干什么Hang on. What were you doing down there then?我吗 我在找食肉鼻涕虫的杀虫剂Me? I was. I was looking for Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent.学校的卷心菜都快被吃光了Theyre ruining all the school cabbages.哈利 海格Harry. Hagrid.你好啊 赫敏Hello, Hermione.-见到你真好 -我也是- Its so good to see you. - Its great to see you too.你的眼镜又怎么了What did you do to your glasses?恢复如初Oculus Reparo.这个咒语我得记住I definitely need to remember that one.现在没事了 哈利 我可要走了Youll be all right now then, Harry? Right. Ill leave you to it.-好的 再见 -谢谢你 再见- Okay, bye. - Thank you. Bye.来吧 大家都担心坏了Come on, everyones been so worried.喔 哈利Oh, Harry.谢天谢地 你总算没有走太远Thank goodness. Wed hoped youd only gone one grate too far.女士们先生们,有请吉罗德洛哈特Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart.他总算来啦Here he is.妈妈超爱他Mum fancies him.借过一下 谢谢 让我过去 谢谢Make way there, please. Let me by, madam. Thank you.借过 小女孩 预言家日报的Excuse me, little girl. This is for the Daily Prophet.不会吧 哈利波特It cant be. Harry Potter?哈利波特Harry Potter!抱歉 女士Excuse me, madam.笑开心点 哈利 咱俩可是要上头版的Nice big smile, Harry. Together, you and I rate the front page.女士们先生们 多么激动人心的一刻Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is.当小哈利今早踏进丽痕书店When young Harry stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning来买我的自传会魔法的我时to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me本书已经连续第周问鼎which, incidentally, is currently celebrating预言家日报畅销书排行榜its th week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list他绝不会想到 也不会相信he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving我会把我的全套著作with my entire collected works免费送给他free of charge.来签名吧Now, ladies?哈利 把书给我 我来要签名Harry, now you give me those, and Ill get them signed.你们全都去外面等All of you wait outside. Thats it.你肯定挺享受 是吧 波特Ill bet you loved that, didnt you, Potter?大人物哈利波特 逛个书店都要上头版Famous Harry Potter. Cant go into a bookshop without making the front page.离他远点Leave him alone.哎哟 波特 你有女朋友啦Look, Potter. Youve got yourself a girlfriend.好啦 德拉科 友好一点Now, now, Draco, play nicely.波特先生Mr. Potter.在下卢修斯马尔福 终于见面了Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last.请原谅Forgive me.你的伤疤是个传奇Your scar is legend.当然了 给你留下伤疤的那个人也是As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you.伏地魔杀害了我的父母Voldemort killed my parents.他只是个杀人犯He was nothing more than a murderer.你敢直呼他的名字 真是大胆You must be very brave to mention his name.或者说是愚蠢Or very foolish.惧怕他的名字 只会更加惧怕他本人Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.你一定是 格兰杰小姐And you must be Miss Granger.没错 德拉科说起过你 还有你的父母Yes, Draco has told me all about you. And your parents.都是麻瓜 没错吧Muggles, arent they?我猜猜 红头发 面无表情Let me see. Red hair, vacant expressions破旧的二手课本tatty, secondhand book.你们就是韦斯莱一家了You must be the Weasleys.孩子们 这里太乱了 我们出去吧Children, its mad in here. Lets go outside.-韦斯莱先生 -卢修斯- Well, Weasley senior. - Lucius.魔法部一定很忙吧 成天突击搜查Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids?希望你有加班费I do hope theyre paying you overtime恐怕就目前的状况看来 还没有but judging by the state of this, Id say not.魔法部都不给你份好薪水Whats the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard你就不要再给巫师蒙羞了吧if they dont even pay you well for it?看来我们对蒙羞的理解We have a very different idea大相径庭 马尔福about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy.显然Clearly.跟麻瓜厮混Associating with Muggles.你的家族还能够再堕落一点吗And I thought your family could sink no lower.工作时见Ill see you at work.学校见See you at school.差两分钟点了 快点:, come on, come on.火车马上就要出发了The train will leave soon.弗雷德 乔治 珀西 你们先过Fred, George, Percy, you first.好的Okay.亲爱的 你先请After you, dear.动作快点 金妮 给你找个座Come on, Ginny, well get you a seat. Hurry.我们走Lets go.你们俩怎么回事What do you two think youre doing?对不起Sorry.推车失灵了Lost control of the trolley.-为什么我们穿不过去 -不知道- Why cant we get through? - I dont know.通道好像封住了The gateway has sealed itself for some reason.火车十一点准时出发 来不及了The train leaves at exactly :. Weve missed it.哈利 如果我们穿不过去Harry, if we cant get through爸爸妈妈也就回不来了maybe Mum and Dad cant get back.还是去车旁边等着吧Maybe we should just go and wait by the car.有车The car.出发There we go.找到霍格沃茨特快专列就行了Now, all we need to do is find the Hogwarts Express.罗恩 你真的会开飞车吗Ron, are you sure you know how to fly this?没问题No problem.小心Look out!罗恩 我得提醒你一下Ron, I should tell you大多数麻瓜都没见过飞车most Muggles arent accustomed to seeing a flying car.有道理Right.好了Okay.糟糕 隐形助推器出故障了Oh, no! The Invisibility Booster must be faulty.飞低一点 先找到火车Come on, then. Lets go lower. We need to find the train.好吧Okay.我们必须得赶上火车All we need to do is catch up with the train.应该不远了吧We cant be far behind.-听见了吗 -快要赶上了- Do you hear that? - We must be getting close.慢着Hold on.哈利Harry!挺住Hold on!抓住我的手Take my hand!抓牢啊Hold on!太滑了 你的手都是汗Im trying. Your hands all sweaty.-总算找到火车了 -没错- I think we found the train. - Yeah.欢迎回家Welcome home.上升 上升Up! Up!失灵了Its not working!向上 罗恩 当心前面的树Up! Ron, mind that tree!停住 停住 停住Stop! Stop! Stop!我的魔杖 它断了My wand. Look at my wand.应该庆幸不是你的脖子Be thankful its not your neck.-怎么了 -我不知道- Whats happening? - I dont know.快 快开车Come on, go! Fast!斑斑 你没事吧Scabbers, youre okay.我的车The car!爸爸肯定要宰了我Dads gonna kill me.回头见 海德薇See you, Hedwig.先是家养小精灵去我卧室So a house-elf shows up in my bedroom接着我们又进不了站台we cant get through the barrier to platform /然后又差点被树砸死we almost get killed by a tree.


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