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Oxford English 3AModule3 Unit1My schoolTopic: My schoolKittys school(1st Period)A visit to Kittys school(2nd Period)My school(3rd Period)单元教学目标一、语言知识目标:1. 在语境中,能正确认读、理解本单元的核心词汇:school, library, toilet, hallplayground, classroom。2. 在语境中,学习、理解和运用特殊疑问句:Whats this?对地点进行提问,并能用Its进行回答。3. 在语境中,学习、理解和运用一般疑问句:Is this/that?对地点进行提问,并能用Yes,it is./No.Its进行肯定及否定回答。4. 在语境中,了解学校的各个场所,通过各种活动体验学校中的快乐,并表达对自己学校的热爱。5. 学习字母o/ /的发音,并能正确朗读相关单词和句子。二、语言运用目标: 能用简单的语段介绍自己学校的某个场所。三、情感态度目标: 通过谈论校园丰富多彩的活动,体验学校生活的快乐,并表达对学校的热爱。分课时教学目标教学目标第一课时第二课时第三课时Kittys schoolA visit to Kittys schoolMy school语言知识词汇学习、理解核心词汇school,classroom,library, toilethall, playground的音、形、义。进一步复习巩固核心词汇的音、形、义,并能再语境中尝试运用。1.在语境中运用核心词汇。2.学习字母o在单元中的发音,并能朗读相关句子和儿歌。句型感知句型语句Whats this ?和Is this ? 的问答。在语境中理解This is I can的含义,并能运用句型对相关场所进行描述。在语境中运用核心句型。语言技能与运用1.能借助图片正确朗读和初步运用核心词汇school,classroom,library, toilethall, playground。2.能听懂并理解再构文本的基本内容。1.能正确认读核心词汇,并能再语境中进一步运用核心词汇描述学校中的各个场所。2.在语境中用句型I can描述学校的各种丰富的活动。1.能运用核心词汇和句型来描述自己学校的各个场所以及各场所的丰富活动。2.能听懂和理解文本内容,并能根据文本结构描述自己的学校。文化意识与情感态度通过Kitty的介绍,激发学生了解学校各个场所的兴趣。通过Kitty向Dora介绍学校的过程中,感受学校丰富的活动。通过学生在自己学校的丰富的活动,体会在学校的快乐,表达对自己学校的热爱。学习策略1.通过听、说、读的方式,在语境中学习核心词汇。2.通过角色扮演的朗读方式初步感知和理解句型。1.通过听、说、读的方式进一步理解文本内容。2.通过对各场所的活动描述,初步进行语用输出。通过已学词汇和句型,感受和描述自己学校的各个场所,并通过海报的形式呈现语用输出。分课时文本Period 1: Kittys schoolKitty: Look at the picture. This is my school.Dora: Whats this?Kitty: Its my classroom. Its clean. And this is the toilet. Its clean too.Dora: Is this the library?Kitty: No. Its the hall.Dora: Wheres the playground?Kitty: This is the playground. Dora: Its so big. Your school is big and nice. I like the school.Period 2: A visit to Kittys schoolLook ,this is my classroom. Its clean. We can read and write in it . I like my classroom. How nice!This is the hall. Its new. We can sing and dance in it. I like the hall. How happy!This is the playground. Its big. We can run and play basketball in it . I like the playground. How super!This is the library. Its beautiful. We can read books in it. I like the library. How nice!I like my school.Period 3: My schoolOur school is big and beautiful.This is our classroom. Its clean and bright. We can read and write. We like studying. How happy!This is our hall. Its nice. We can have a party. We can have a show. We like singing and dancing. How happy!This is the library. Its big and nice. We can read books. We like reading. How happy!This is our playground. Its big. We can run and jump. We can slide and swing. We like playing games. How happy!We are happy in our school. We like our school.本课时教学过程A visit to Kittys school (2nd Period)I Teaching Aims (教学目标)A. Language knowledge (语言知识):1. 能用一般现在时简单地描述学校的场所,如: This is my classroom.2. 能在正确的语境中运用“Whats this?/Is this the classroom?询问有关场所的信息。3. 能在语境中较熟练运用can句型来询问学校各场所开展的活动。4. 通过主体文本的学习,简单描述Kittys school。B. Language skills (语言技能):Listening:1. 能听懂关于询问场所的语句,如:Whats this? Is this the hall?2. 能听懂描述儿童节的相关语段内容。Speaking:1. 能正确运用单词说出学校的场所,如: This is the classroom.等。2. 能对学校的场所进行问答,如:Is this the classroom? Yes,it is ./No,it isnt. 3. 能简单地描述自己在学校某个场所的活动。如:We can read and write in it .Reading:能正确朗读A visit to Kittys school的语段。Writing:能用一个简单的语段描写自己的学校的一个场所。C. Language use (语言应用):1. 能对学校的某个场所进行简单问答。2. 能简单地谈谈学校某个场所的活动。D. Affection and attitudes (情感态度): 通过谈论学校不同场所丰富多彩的活动,体验校园生活的快乐。II. Text (文本内容):1. 主体学习文本: Look ,this is my classroom. Its clean. We can read and write in it . I like my classroom. How nice!This is the hall. Its new. We can sing and dance in it. I like the hall. How happy!This s the playground. Its big. We can run and play basketball in it . I like the playground. How super!This s the library. Its beautiful. We can read books in it. I like the library. How nice!I like my school.2. 预设输出语言: Look,this is .Its. We can . I like . How !本课时教学过程Teaching Processes:ProcedureContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationEnjoy a songWatch and enjoy欣赏歌曲,复习巩固动作的词语,又为引出本课时学习做铺垫。While-taskProcedureWords: ClassroomHallPlaygroundlibraryPatterns:Whats this?Its the classroom.Is this the classroom?Yes, it is/ No, it isnt.1. Look and say.2. Ask and answer.3. Read the paragraph通过学校的平面图复习回顾上一课时中学过的场所的词和句型对本课的部分主体文本进行感知。ClassroomHallplaygroundLibraryPatterns;What can you do in it ?We can 1. Listen 2. Say a chant.3. Read the paragraph4. Talk about the activities in the playground/library/classroom/hall5. Ask and answer通过听一听、读一读和chant 等形式来学习和巩固旧知。大量的图片和视频让同学们在进一步获得语用体验,结合自身体验,有话可说。通过猜一猜等的活动激发学生的学习兴趣。通过图片和角色对话,进一步加深语用体验Post-taskactivityWhole passage:Kittys school1. Read the whole passage2. Group work: Talk about Kittys school学生根据板书提示整体朗读主体文本,对本课内容进行整体回顾。学生谈谈自己的学校进行语用输出。A song:Our school is shining Sing the song通过欢快的儿歌让学生感受学校丰富多彩的活动,激发学生热爱校园的情感。Assignment1. Talk about Kittys Day with your friends.2. Finish the exercise on your workbook.Boa


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