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学习风格测试 不符合-1分说不清-2分符 合-3分1.我常以图像或涂鸦装饰我的功课。2.如果我没有将事情写下来,我便会遗忘。3.我必须使用写下或者是地图,以找到新地方。4.如果有意识写下或图示一个新名字,我更容易记忆。5.考试时,我能够从笔记或书中,汲取图标信息应试。6.如果没有看见演说者的脸,我便很难去听他说什么。7.在教室里, 我会因为室外人的移动而转移注意目标。8.我比较喜欢用大量的幻灯片或是图片学习。9.当我买一个新电器时, 我比较喜欢先阅读说明手册。10.我能够边学习边听收音机,但不能边看电视边学习。11.即使从容不迫的书写,我手写的字并不整齐。12.当我阅读时默读或者朗读,能读的更好。13.如果有人给我指路,我会更容易找到一个新地方。14.我比较喜欢用简报的方式取代写文章来交课堂作业.15.当我做决定的时候,与别人商量会帮助我做决定。16.有时候我会弄混一些很像的词,如gun和gum。17.相同的内容,我比较喜欢听的胜过读它。18.我比较喜欢有大量讨论与客座讲者的课程。19.当我买一个新电器时,我喜欢别人告诉我如何使用。20.我会因为咳嗽、小声说话、或是椅子响而分心。21.我能够在没有说明与指导的情况下完成事情。22.如果能够动手做,我可以学得更好。23.听完或读完某人的文章后,我可能买下其光盘或书。24.当拼写字时, 我就写下这个字所有可能的拼法。25.如果有大量的休息,我会学得更好。26.当我起身绕一绕时,有助于我念书或回答问题。27.我四处绕绕就能够在新环境找到我要去的地方。28.我喜欢大量进实验室实验或实地田野考察的课程。29.学习新实验时, 我喜欢询问他人找出方法解决。30.当我在说话时会大量使用手势。第01-10题:视觉型第11-20题:听觉型第21-30题:触觉型当你完成了这30题后,将每一部份10题的答案加在一起。分数最高的那一个类型就是你所倾向的学习风格。如果你在某两种或三种类型的测试中是持平的或基本持平,说明你在这两种或三种类型上是一个综合性的。 所罗门学习风格量表所罗门学习风格自测问卷表1. 为了较好地理解某些事物,我首先 (a) 试试看。 (b). 深思熟虑。2. 我办事喜欢 (a) 讲究实际。(b) 标新立异。3. 当我回想以前做过的事,我的脑海中大多会出现 (a) 一幅画面。(b) 一些话语。4. 我往往会 (a) 明了事物的细节但不明其总体结构.。(b) 明了事物的总体结构但不明其细节。5. 在学习某些东西时, 我不禁会(a) 谈论它。(b) 思考它。6. 如何我是一名教师,我比较喜欢教 (a) 关于事实和实际情况的课程。(b) 关于思想和理论方面的课程。7. 我比较偏爱的获取新信息的媒体是 (a) 图画、图解、图形及图象。.(b) 书面指导和言语信息。8. 一旦我了解了(a) 事物的所有部分, 我就能把握其整体。 (b) 事物的整体,我就知道其构成部分。9. 在学习小组中遇到难题时,我通常会 (a) 挺身而出,畅所欲言。(b) 往后退让,倾听意见。. 10. 我发现比较容易学习的是 (a) 事实性内容。(b) 概念性内容。11. 在阅读一本带有许多插图的书时,我一般会 (a) 仔细观察插图。(b) 集中注意文字。12. 当我解决数学题时,我常常 (a) 思考如何一步一步求解。(b) 先看解答,然后设法得出解题步骤。13. 在我修课的班级中, (a) 我通常结识许多同学。 (b) 我认识的同学寥寥无几。14. 在阅读非小说类作品时,我偏爱 (a) 那些能告诉我新事实和教我怎么做的东西。 (b) 那些能启发我思考的东西。15. 我喜欢的教师是(a) 在黑板上画许多图解的人。 (b) 花许多时间讲解的人。 16. 当我在分析故事或小说时, (a) 我想到各种情节并试图把他们结合起来去构想主题。 (b) 当我读完时只知道主题是什么,然后我得回头去寻找有关情节。 17. 当我做家庭作业时,我比较喜欢 (a) 一开始就立即做解答。(b) 首先设法理解题意。 18. 我比较喜欢(a) 确定性的想法。(b) 推论性的想法。19. 我记得最牢是(a) 看到的东西。(b) 听到的东西。20. 我特别喜欢教师 (a) 向我条理分明地呈示材料。(b) 先给我一个概貌,再将材料与其他论题相联系。 21. 我喜欢(a) 在小组中学习。(b) 独自学习。22. 我更喜欢被认为是:(a) 对工作细节很仔细。(b)对工作很有创造力。23. 当要我到一个新的地方去时,我喜欢 (a) 要一幅地图。(b) 要书面指南。24. 我学习时 (a) 总是按部就班,我相信只要努力,终有所得。 (b) 我有时完全糊涂,然后恍然大悟。25. 我办事时喜欢 (a) 试试看。(b) 想好再做。 26. 当我阅读趣闻时, 我喜欢作者 (a) 以开门见山的方式叙述。(b) 以新颖有趣的方式叙述。27. 当我在上课时看到一幅图, 我通常会清晰地记着 (a) 那幅图。(b) 教师对那幅图的解说。28. 当我思考一大段信息资料时,我通常 (a) 注意细节而忽视概貌。(b) 先了解概貌而后深入细节。 29. 我最容易记住 (a) 我做过的事。(b) 我想过的许多事。30. 当我执行一项任务是,我喜欢 (a) 掌握一种方法。(b) 想出多种方法。 31. 当有人向我展示资料时,我喜欢 (a) 图表。(b) 概括其结果的文字。. 32. 当我写文章时,我通常 (a) 先思考和着手写文章的开头,然后循序渐进。 (b) 先思考和写作文章的不同部分,然后加以整理。 33. 当我必须参加小组合作课题时,我要 (a) 大家首先“集思广益”,人人贡献主意。(b) 各人分头思考,然后集中起来比较各种想法。 34. 当我要赞扬他人时,我说他是 (a) 很敏感的。(b) 想象力丰富的。35. 当我在聚会时与人见过面,我通常会记得 (a) 他们的模样。(b) 他们的自我介绍。36. 当我学习新的科目时, 我喜欢 (a) 全力以赴,尽量学得多学得好。(b) 试图建立该科目与其他有关科目的联系。37. 我通常被他人认为是 (a) 外向的。(b) 保守的。38. 我喜欢的课程内容主要是(a) 具体材料(事实、数据)。 (b) 抽象材料 (概念、理论)。39. 在娱乐方面,我喜欢 (a) 看电视。(b) 看书。 40. 有些教师讲课时先给出一个提纲,这种提纲对我 (a) 有所帮助。(b) 很有帮助。41. 我认为只给合作的群体打一个分数的想法 (a) 吸引我。 (b) 不吸引我。 42. 当我长时间地从事计算工作时(a) 我喜欢重复我的步骤并仔细地检查我的工作。(b) 我认为检查工作非常无聊,我是在逼迫自己这么干。 43. 我能画下我去过的地方 (a) 很容易且相当精确。 (b) 很困难且没有许多细节。 44. 当在小组中解决问题时,我更可能是 (a) 思考解决问题的步骤。 (b) 思考可能的结果及其在更广泛的领域内的应用所罗门学习风格分析表1. 在下表适当的地方填上“1” (例:如果你第3题的答案为a,在第3题的a栏填上“1”;如果你第15题的答案为b,在第15题的b栏填上“1”)。 2. 计算每一列总数并填在总计栏地方。 3. 这4个量表中每一个 ,用较大的总数减去较小的总数,记下差值(1到11)和字母(a或b)。例如:在“活跃型/沉思型”中,你有4个“a”和7个“b”,你就在那一栏的最后一行写上“3b”(3 = 7- 4,并且因为b在两者中最大);又如若你在“感悟型/直觉型”中,你有8个“a”和3个“b”, 则在最后一栏记上“5a”。活跃型/沉思型感悟型/直觉型视觉型/言语型序列型/综合型问题ab问题ab问题ab问题ab1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344总计总计总计总计(较大数较小数)+ 较大数的字母解释:每一种量表的取值可能为11a、9a、7a、5a、3a、a、11b、9b、7b、5b、3b、b中的一种。其中字母代表学习风格的类型不同,数字代表程度的差异。若得到字母“a”,表示属于前者学习风格,且“a”前的系数越大,表明程度越强烈;若得到字母“b”,表示属于后者学习风格,且“b”前的系数越大,同样表明程度越强烈。例如:在活跃型/沉思型量表中得到“9a”,表明测试者属于活跃型的学习风格,且程度很强烈;如果得到“5b”,则表明测试者属于沉思型的学习风格,且程度一般。在视觉型/言语型量表中得到“a”,表明测试者属于视觉型的学习风格,且程度非常弱;如果得到“3b”,则表明测试者属于言语型的学习风格,且程度较弱。学习风格测试 Directions: For each of the 44 questions below select either a or b to indicate your answer. Please choose only one answer for each question. If both a and b seem to apply to you, choose the one that applies more frequently. When you are finished selecting answers to each question please select the submit button at the end of the form. 1. I understand something better after I(a) try it out.(b) think it through. 2. I would rather be considered(a) realistic.(b) innovative. 3. When I think about what I did yesterday, I am most likely to get(a) a picture.(b) words. 4. I tend to(a) understand details of a subject but may be fuzzy about its overall structure.(b) understand the overall structure but may be fuzzy about details. 5. When I am learning something new, it helps me to(a) talk about it.(b) think about it. 6. If I were a teacher, I would rather teach a course(a) that deals with facts and real life situations.(b) that deals with ideas and theories. 7. I prefer to get new information in(a) pictures, diagrams, graphs, or maps.(b) written directions or verbal information. 8. Once I understand(a) all the parts, I understand the whole thing.(b) the whole thing, I see how the parts fit. 9. In a study group working on difficult material, I am more likely to(a) jump in and contribute ideas.(b) sit back and listen. 10.I find it easier(a) to learn facts.(b) to learn concepts. 11.In a book with lots of pictures and charts, I am likely to(a) look over the pictures and charts carefully.(b) focus on the written text. 12.When I solve math problems(a) I usually work my way to the solutions one step at a time.(b) I often just see the solutions but then have to struggle to figure out the steps to get to them. 13.In classes I have taken(a) I have usually gotten to know many of the students.(b) I have rarely gotten to know many of the students. 14.In reading nonfiction, I prefer(a) something that teaches me new facts or tells me how to do something.(b) something that gives me new ideas to think about. 15.I like teachers(a) who put a lot of diagrams on the board.(b) who spend a lot of time explaining. 16.When Im analyzing a story or a novel(a) I think of the incidents and try to put them together to figure out the themes.(b) I just know what the themes are when I finish reading and then I have to go back and find the incidents that demonstrate them. 17.When I start a homework problem, I am more likely to(a) start working on the solution immediately.(b) try to fully understand the problem first. 18.I prefer the idea of(a) certainty.(b) theory. 19.I remember best(a) what I see.(b) what I hear. 20.It is more important to me that an instructor(a) lay out the material in clear sequential steps.(b) give me an overall picture and relate the material to other subjects. 21.I prefer to study(a) in a study group.(b) alone. 22.I am more likely to be considered(a) careful about the details of my work.(b) creative about how to do my work. 23.When I get directions to a new place, I prefer(a) a map.(b) written instructions. 24.I learn(a) at a fairly regular pace. If I study hard, Ill get it.(b) in fits and starts. Ill be totally confused and then suddenly it all clicks. 25.I would rather first(a) try things out.(b) think about how Im going to do it. 26.When I am reading for enjoyment, I like writers to(a) clearly say what they mean.(b) say things in creative, interesting ways. 27.When I see a diagram or sketch in class, I am most likely to remember(a) the picture.(b) what the instructor said about it. 28.When considering a body of information, I am more likely to(a) focus on details and miss the big picture.(b) try to understand the big picture before getting into the details. 29.I more easily remember(a) something I have done.(b) something I have thought a lot about. 30.When I have to perform a task, I prefer to(a) master one way of doing it.(b) come up with new ways of doing it. 31.When someone is showing me data, I prefer(a) charts or graphs.(b) text summarizing the results. 32.When writing a paper, I am more likely to(a) work on (think about or write) the beginning of the paper and progress forward.(b) work on (think about or write) different parts of the paper and then order them. 33.When I have to work on a group project, I first want to(a) have group brainstorming where everyone contributes ideas.(b) brainstorm individually and then come together as a group to compare ideas. 34.I consider it higher praise to call someone(a) sensible.(b) imaginative. 35.When I meet people at a party, I am more likely to remember(a) what they looked like.(b) what they said about themselves. 36.When I am learning a new subject, I prefer to(a) stay focused on that subject, learning as much about it as I can.(b) try to make connections between that subject and related subjects. 37.I am more likely to be considered(a) outgoing.(b) reserved. 38.I prefer courses that emphasize(a) concrete material (facts, data).(b) abstract material (concepts, theories). 39.For entertainment, I would rather(a) watch television.(b) read a book. 40.Some teac


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