



Unit 4 My classroom(襄阳市第一实验小学 丁成云)教学目标:1、能听说、初步认读关于教室物品的8个单词:classroom、door、window、desk、chair、blackboard、light and fan;2、能根据关于上述单词的指令,做出相应的动作:Close/open the door;clean the blackboard;turn on/turn off the fan;3、能运用上述单词简单介绍自己的教室。教学重、难点:1、blackboard、chair、light的正确发音;2、根据指令正确快速做出相应的动作。教学准备:1、8张单词卡片;2、一张大的空教室图及单词图片。教学过程:一Warm-up:T: Hello,boys and girls. Lets begin our class. Are you ready?Ss: Yes ,we are.T: Stand up. Lets sing a song together, OK? (师生合作sing Good Morning)T: Great.(走到一个生面前)T: Good morning ,.S1: Good morning, Miss Ding.(走到另一生面前,出示自己的phone card)T: Hello, this is my phone card. My phone number is .What is your phone number?S2: My phone number is T: Good.(走到第三生面前,寻找)T:Wheres your phone book? Is it in your pencil box? No, is it in your schoolbag?(生从书包找出自己的phone card)S2: In my school bag?T: The phone card is in your school bag. Whats in your schoolbag, XXX?(生一一展示自己书包里的东西)S:I have (师向全班学生展示该生的物品)T: This is a book. This is a pencil box, This is a crayon.(最后指着桌子) And this is a desk.二PresentationTeach desk.(Ss read one by one,利用单词卡)(指着椅子)Teach chair.(利用单词卡)T: Where are the desks and chairs? Are they in the school bag?T: Yes, they are in the classroom.(师将空的教室图贴在黑板)T: Look, whats in the classroom? T: One desk in the classroom?Ss: No(生数). One desk, two desks, three desks, T:Desk, desk, desk, desks.(同样的方法,chairs)T: Look, we have desks and chairs in the classroom. (将桌椅图贴在空教室) Whats in the classroom?Ss: Desks and chairs in the classroom.T: Whats in the classroom? (师问并张贴windows图)Teach windows.(师做挥汗状,Im hot. Open the windows.)(师做冷状,Im cold. Close the windows)T: Whats in our classroom?(师带领生数教室的窗户数)T: 4 windows in my classroom, and (师张贴blackboard) a blackboard.(teach blackboard,并在上面随意涂写,说I can write and draw on the blackboard. 然后再开始檫黑板。)(动作示范clean the blackboard)(T用力檫黑板后做挥汗装)I am hot. I open the windows. I am hot too. I open the door.(teach door)(引导生看图,并张贴door) In my classroom, we have desks, chairs windows, a blackboard and a door.T: Wonderful. What else in my classroom? Look, whats this? (张贴fan )(teach fan)T: How many fans?(师带领生边数边张贴,one fan ,two fans, three fans, four fans?最后一张张贴light)(teach light)(用关灯、开灯教授turn on ,turn off)三PracticeT: Look here.(利用单词卡复习单词)1. T: This time, I say the word, you say and point.2. 小组操练单词,测评单词3. 利用旋律,编 chant并动作 Door,door, door, close the doorWindow,window,window, open the window,Fan, fan, fan, turn off the fan,.四Task教师这个时候,应当是给学生演示怎么用简单的英语介绍自己的教室。可以拿一张国外的教室图片,给学生将:我到过泰国,我在那里教书,那里的教室和我们的一样吗?然后,出示图片,自己说一段话。T: Look at my classroom. I have one door, one blackboard, three fans ,two lights, four windows, many desks and chairs. OK,this is my classroom.(带领全班学生一起重复已经张贴好的教室图)What about yours? Whats in your classroom?请学生两人一组,互相说一说,然后请几组孩子在全班说,教师评价学生的输出情况。这个是学生看着自己的教室在说,后面的是进一步拓展。T: 你们对自己的教室满意吗?我们希望我们的教室是什么样子呢?请四人一组,设计一下你们心目中理想的教室吧。然后是小组活动,展示Use your fan,your desk,your chairdesig


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