已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




单元:Unit 7 课题:Protect the Earth 课时: 1 课型: 新授 【教学目标】(一)知识目标(1)学生能初步理解并且会听、会说、会读和拼写单词及词组coal Earth oil paper plastic wood reuse save protect the Earth most of our energy cut down(2)能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型We use toWe should save We should not(3)初步培养学生复述故事的能力。(二)能力目标(1)在阅读过程中,培养学生快速阅读,查找答案的能力和做批注的习惯。(2)通过小组讨论,同桌交流,汇报展示等方式,引导学生共同学习,培养合作习惯。(3)通过一系列读的活动,让学生逐步了解故事内容,顺利完成相应的任务,并尝试复述故事。(三)情感目标(1)通过学习学生学会热爱地球,保护地球。【教学重点】1. 在阅读故事的过程中,掌握新单词,词组和句型。2. 学生能运用句型We use toWe should save We should not3.通过学习学生学会热爱地球,保护地球。【教学难点】protect plastic project coal oil等词的读音。【教学准备】PPT课件、课件、图片等。【课前先学】1. Learn the new words by yourselves.查字典将Word Bank中的单词的音标,意思写下来,掌握其读音,为小组汇报作准备。protect / / Earth / / save / / coal/ / oil / / plastic / / 2. Read and write书本P70 填空【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. Preparation1. Check the preparation of the new words.2.Non-stop talking (进一步处理生词)3.T :Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss/Mr.T : I have lots of hobbies, can you guess what are my hobbies?S: Do you like singing?T: Yes, I do.T: Youre so clever, Iet us listen to the song “ Heal the world “ T: Who knows the name of the song?S1:. T:What does the song talk about? S2: T:Yes.We should protect our Earth.T: now lets watch a video called”Our home”, please watch it carefully and tell me what things can you see in this video?(play the video)S: I can see some animals, theyre in danger.S2: I can some air pollutionS3: I can some water, theyre dirty.S4: I can see the trees, theyve been cut down.S5: The earth is in danger. Animals are in danger/ Water is in danger.T: Yes, and also this(PPT presents the plastic bags and plastic bottles. )Step2.Presentation and practice T: today were going to learn” Protect the Earth”. T: First, Lets watch the story and circle the problems. What problems are mentioned in the story? S: The problem is water. S2: Trees are the problems. S3: We should save energy. S4: And plastic.T: You did a good job, boys and girls. Now lets watch the story again and tell the names of each story.T: Did you get it? Lets check.S1: The first is save waterS2: The second is save energy.S3: Next is save trees.S4: Dont use too much plastic.T: Well done, boys and girls, now lets try to fill in the blanks. Energy comes from_and_ Teach oil and coal(PPT presents oil and coal) _ comes from the trees Teach wood.T: Now lets read and judge, please read it by yourselves.S1: Water is useful,so we should not waste it. ( T )S2: We use water to clean the things every day. ( F )S3: There is much water in many places. ( F )S4: We should not reuse the water. ( F )T: Now we know water is useful, boys and girls, but why should we protect it and how? Please read and learn. 用直线画出原因(Why do we save water?)虚线画出方法(How do we save water?)S1: Water is useful. In many places, there is not much water.S2: We should reuse and save it.T: Wonderful, boys and girls, now lets listen to the tape and read after it.2.Save energyT: Now we know water is useful, what about energy? Please read and choose.S1:.Most of the energy comes from_B_.A. water and soil. B. coal and oil. S2. We should _ and we should not_.save energy; drive so muchdrive so much; save energyT: Now lets find out why should we save energy and how to save it. 用直线画出原因(Why do we save energy?)虚线画出方法(How do we save energy?)S: Because there is not much coal and oil on earth.S2: We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.T: Yes, so I think we can ride bikes, now lets listen to the tape and read after it.3. Save treesT: Now we know water and energy are important, what else?S: Theyre trees.T: Yes, now please read by yourselves and then you can check with your deskmate.S1: Where does wood come from ?S2: Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things.S3: We should not cut down trees. S4: Why should we not cut too many trees?S5: Because trees help keep the air clean.T: Perfect, now lets try to fill in the blanks, boys and girls. _comes from trees. We use _ to make tables, chairs and many other things. We _cut down _trees because trees help _.4. Dont use too much plastic T: Now boys and girls, wood comes from trees, do the plastic come from the trees? S: No. T: So what do you know about plastic? You can have a group discussion. S: I know plastic bags S2: I know plastic bottles. S3 T: Good, now lets listen and answer, what can we use plastic to make? Should we use too much plastics?S1:We use plastic to make bags and bottles.S2: But use too much plastic is bad for our health. We should not use too many plastic bottles or bags.T: So what can we use? Please have a group discussion.S: We should use paper bagsS2: We should use glass bottles.S3; We should use.T: Yes, we should not use too many plastic, paper is better, now lets read after the tape.T: Now please get into a group and use the given words to say sth. about plastic.T: Ok, its time for reading, you can read by yourselves or get into a group.Step 3 . production and progress T: “Protect the earth” speech time is coming, here are the tips, boys and girls, 小组合作,每组选择文中的一个小主题.(可以借助板书)Why should we ?We should/shouldnt.切合主题,提出保护口号. T: We should protect the earth because she nourishes us.先让学生其在组内汇报课前对新单词的预习,接着进行小组预习汇报展示,提醒其余学生倾听、评价。学生若不能准确读出coal Earth protect plastic的读音,可在小组汇报时进行示范、纠正,小组汇报后再进行检测。通过与学生简单语言的交流引出主题,问题的设计要简练、有效。学生可能不太知道这首歌,教师可以适时介绍作曲者和演唱者,让学生了解这首歌曲。 运用多媒体,让学生预测所学内容,为下面完整的感知整篇文章做好铺垫。 这个环节是鼓励学生大胆表达,快速理解,引导学生共同学习,培养合作习惯的重要的环节。教师应该适时给学生一些鼓励。不认识单词可以用中文代替。读中活动是一节课最重要的环节。在这个环节,通过运用电脑课件、图片等辅助手段,从听、读、填、练、说等各个方面帮助学生由浅入深的理解课文。通过视听的方式把课文整体呈现给学生,提供了真实自然的语言情境,并提出简单、有针对性的问题以帮助理解文章大意。初读是一节课最重要的环节。在这个环节,通过运用电脑课件、图片等辅助手段,从听、读、填、练、说等各个方面帮助学生由浅入深的理解课文。学生可能经过半节课的学习,注意力有所分散。所以可以在学生表演之前出示评价标准,让学生对学生进行评价。这样能让学生养成认真倾听,互相学习的好习惯。个体有差异,设计不同层次的任务,让学生带着任务在预设的情境中进行语言交流,从而达到教学目标。只要勇于表达,有道理,教师应给予肯定。让学生养成认真倾听的好习惯。在教学过程中要紧密联系生活实际,引导学生热爱地球,保护地球。让学生收集一些相关的图片,了解相关话题。利用身边的塑料文具,水壶和教室里的木质桌椅,教授目标词汇。要求学生描述原材料的特性和用途。捕捉关键信息,学习第4段。让学生了解保护地球。学生可能经过半节课的学习,注意力有所分散。所以可以在学生表演之前出示评价标准,让学生对学生进行评价。这样能让学生养成认真倾听,互相学习的好习惯。拯救环境,拯救未来。作业设计1. Listen to the tape and read after it for at least five times.2. Try to retell the story.3.Finish the exercises book.教后反思单元:Unit 1 课题 The kings new clothes课时: 2 课型: 新授 【教学目标】(一)知识目标1进一步理解,掌握过去式的句子结构,运用过去时态来表达句型。2在理解故事的基础上,结合fun time中的句型,会正确表达并能声情并茂的表演这个故事。(二)能力目标1知道什么是过去式,掌握过去式的构成,会正确使用过去式进行英语表达。2. 通过小组合作学习,拓展故事内容。(三)情感目标 1能够在表演过程中体验到英语故事的乐趣,喜爱英语故事。2让学生体验故事表演的快乐过程中,明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。【教学重点】1通过语法板块,正确掌握过去式这个重要时态。2. 学会有步骤、有感情的讲英语故事,并能自然,声情并茂的表演。【教学难点】通过对课文中句型的分析,掌握过去式。【教学准备】 图片,录音机【课前先学】1. 读一读下列单词,并标出划线部分的音标visited_ walked_ lived_ were_showed_ looked_ was _ laugh_2.找出story time中的所有过去式的句子。【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. Preparation1. Free talk.2. Check the preparation of the .sentences.Step 2. Presentation & Practice1.T: Who can repeat picture 1?S: I.can try.板书:Long long ago,there was a king. One day,two men visited the king.T:Look carefully,can you find the sentences grammar?S:Yes.is(过去式)wasvisit(过去式)visitedT:Why do they use was/visited?S:Long long ago /one day2.T: Repeat the other pictures and find the grammar in your groups3.学生自己观察,再小组讨论,尝试总结过去式。be动词am/is-was,are-were一般动词+ed以e结尾的动词+d4.随堂小测试5.T:Now,you have learn the text.lets have fun time出示图片和句型I like new clothes.Who can makefor me?Ask one to tryWork in groups and actStep 3. Production1. Prepare for repeat fun time in groups2.try to continue the story先让学生其在组内汇报课前对过去式句型预习,接着进行小组预习汇报展示,提醒其余学生倾听、评价。学生若不能准确读出动词过去式的读音,可在小组汇报时进行示范、纠正,小组汇报后再进行检测。学生可能不理解教师问题中语法的意思,教师可给出之前学过的现在进行时,使其理解。学生可能知道动词过去式,而忽略了什么时候用过去式,可作适当引导。学生可能出现的回答:动词后面+ed注意让学生发现以e结尾的单词是怎样的,如walk-walked,like-liked教师给出适当的引导。通过测试发现学生的问题进行巩固,调整。如果学生无法展开想象,教师可引导:1.The boy said the king isntwearing any clothes.If you are the king, what will you do?2If you are the king,tell me your feeling,再通过小组的讨论,进一步完善。指导学生续编故事,再小组表演,可从这样的过程引导学生掌握课文内容和基本语言。作业设计1. Remember the part of grammar words past2. Independent about the kingsnew clothes this story教后反思单元:Unit 1 课题: The kings new clothes课时: 3 课型: 新授 【教学目标】(一)知识目标1通过小诗和图片的呈现,帮助学生了解小诗的内涵。通过朗读,体会字母组合ar的发音规律和小诗的韵脚。2通过图片和简要的文字介绍,呈现中外文化的异同,帮助学生拓展视野,加深对中华民族优秀传统文化的认识和热爱。3通过趣味卡通故事,帮助学生强化语言知识,训练语言技能,着重培养学生的阅读理解能力。(二) 能力目标1能正确读出字母组合ar发音,并能够体会小诗的韵脚。2能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。3了解美国牛仔和苏格兰等外国文化,并能用英语做简单的介绍。(三)情感目标 1能够阅读并表演趣味故事,体验到学习英语的乐趣。【教学重点】1通过语音板块,正确掌握/a:/的发音。2能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事。【教学难点】1. 通过理解朗读故事,进一步掌握过去式。【教学准备】PPT课件、课件、图片等。【课前先学】 1. Summary the pronunciation of the underlined part. card Mark party park 2. Find out the meaning of the words and try to read. sentence quick next little turn think hard 【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. Preparation1. Free talk.2. Act out Fun time (group work).Step 2. Presentation & Practice1.T: Look at the picture, what did Mike get?S: A cardT: Who gave him the card?S: Mark.T: What did the card say?S: Come to my party at half past four in the park. (check pre-homework1)T: Can you try to say something about the picture?S: Mike got a card from Mark. The card said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.T: Can you tell me some other words?板书:/a:/ arm farm smart bar large garden car cartoon farther scarf.T: Can you use the words to make a poem?Example: This is my father. He has a car. He works hard on the farm.T: Please try to write a poem with your partners.2. T: Who is he?S: An American cowboyA Scottish manT: What is the American cowboy wearing?S: He is wearing jeans.T: What is the Scottish man wearing?S: He is wearing a kilt.T: Do you know them? What are they wearing? This is a Japanese girl. Shes wearing a kimono.This is a Chinese woman. Shes wearing a chi-pao.3.T: Look at the pictures.(check pre-homework2)What are Miss Fox and her students doing?How many sentences are there in the story?What are the sentences?Why do they have to start again?Step 3. Production & Progress 1. Read the story together.2. Lets act out the story.3. T: Can you tell a new story with your friends? Each one says one sentence.通过第二课时的学习,学生已经逐渐掌握过去式的用法,先让他们进行小组汇报展示,提醒其余学生倾听、评价并做出纠正。通过提问的方式让学生充分掌握小诗的内容,校对预习作业检验学生是否能够掌握单词的发音规律。让学生归纳有相同发音的单词,并通过教师的引导尝试用这些单词新编一首小诗,体会诗歌的韵律。由小组合作完成,观察学生的创作能力和协作能力。教师可以从旁指导。通过图片和简单的文字介绍体会其他国家的穿着习俗。划线部分的新单词可以由小老师进行领读,其他学生可以纠正,教师适当点拨。举例新的两幅图来进行拓展巩固,丰富学生的视野,加深对文化差异背景下不同服饰穿着的印象。由问题导入,让学生初步了解故事的内容。生词可通过对预习作业的校正进行简单教学。在理解故事的基础上,小组合作进行展示,并尝试用自己本课所学的知识创编一个新的故事,巩固了过去式的使用和阅读理解故事的能力。作业设计1. Make a collection of the poems2. Share the stories with other students.教后反思单元: Unit 1 课题: The kings new clothes 课时: 4 课型:新授 【教学目标】(一)知识目标1.按要求掌握本单元单词、句型和日常用语。2.理解过去式的用法,掌握单词的正确读音并能正确运用。3.能够在表演和复述故事的过程中体会语言的运用。4.掌握字母组合“ar”的发音规则。(二)能力目标1. 学会有步骤地阅读,展示自己的阅读体验和感受。2. 通过小组合作学习,品读细节。(三)情感目标 能够在阅读过程中体验到阅读的乐趣,喜爱阅读英语绘本故事。【教学重点】1.复习与巩固前三课时所学单词、句型和日常用语。2.熟练掌握一般过去式相关语法知识,并能正确运用。3.加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升。【教学难点】加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升【教学准备】PPT课件等。【课前先学】1.总结归纳一般过去时的变化规律及发音规则。2.写出下列词的过去式is are pick live shout walk 【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. Preparation1.Check the preparation of the new words.2.Free talk: Daily report.3.Review:Act out Cartoon time. 4.Finish some exercise about past tense 5.读一读下面的单词,注意划线部分的发音,并按读音规则分类laugh laughed like liked look looked walk walkedlive lived show showed point pointed shout shouted特殊is was are were/t/_/d/ _/id/_Step 2. Presentation & Practice1.Checkout timea.Read and writeb.Read the words. c.Finish the story.d.Read and learn the new words. e.Fun reading. 2.Circle and say a.Circle the correct words.b.Prepare your own story.c.Tell your story in groups.d.Choose the best story teller of the group and let him/her tell the story in class. Step 1. Production1. 动词过去式替换练习1. look looked 2. live lived3. stop stopped 4. carry carried5. hope hoped 6. trip tripped7. call called 8. finish finished9. want wanted 10.are were11.gowent 12.have had13.do did14.get e came 16.say said 17.see saw 18.put put19.eat ate20.take took21.read read2.Ticking time 学生进行自我评价先让学生其在组内汇报课前对先学内容的预习,接着进行小组预习汇报展示,提醒其余学生倾听、评价。学生可能不能很好地融入角色,可以给他们两分钟的小组活动时间讨论角色分配,并再加以练习。小组内朗读,让好的学生带动学困生一起积极主动地学习,培养他们互帮互助,合作学习的能力。学生可能急于寻求答案,而忽略了对绘本画面的欣赏,可作适当引导。注意学生语言的完整性,让其完整地说整个句子. g让学生总结变化规律和读音规则,教师可以适时总结提醒。作业设计1. Finish reading My Mum on the website and make a reading card. Http:/2. Share your ideas about the coming Mothers Day with your friends.3. Make a picture book about your mum.教后反思单元:Unit 1 课题 The kings new clothes课时: 5 课型: 复习【教学目标】(一) 知识目标1.按要求掌握本单元单词、句型和日常用语。2.理解过去式的用法,掌握单词的正确读音并能正确运用。(二) 能力目标1.能够在表演和复述故事的过程中体会语言的运用。(三)情感目标 1.能通过阅读童话故事,感悟其中蕴含的为人道理。【教学重点】1. 复习与巩固前三课时所学单词、句型和日常用语。2. 熟练掌握一般过去式相关语法知识,并能正确运用。3. 加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升。【教学难点】1.加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升。【教学准备】练习纸,挂图【课前先学】 复习本单元所学的单词、词组和重点句子【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整1. Preparation: Daily report.2. Presentation and practice:a. Do a dictation. 听写单词、词组和重点句子。b. Act out Cartoon time. c. Finish some exercise about past tense 选择合适的词填空The king ( likes liked) new clothes. The two men_ (wanted wants) (to make make ) new clothes for the king. The king was very happy. The two men (looked showed) the king his new clothes, and _(said pointed) to him, clever people (could couldnt) see them. Though(虽然) the king (sees saw) nothing, he still _(walked walks) through the street in his new clothes. A little boy _(see told) the truth(真相).a. review past tensework in groups小组内讨论,总结动词过去式的发音规则即变化形式3. ProductionThe Frog(青蛙) PrinceLong long ago, there was a little lovely princess(公主). One day, she 1 to a forest carrying her dear golden(金色的) ball. While(当) playing with the ball, it suddenly fell into the water and the princess 2 loudly. At that time, an ugly(难看的) frog turned up and told the princess he would help her to pick up the ball if she promised(承诺) him to make friend with him. The princess promised him and the frog dived(跳入) along into the river and 3 up the ball. However(然而), the princess didnt keep her promise and ran away. The frog went to the palace(皇宫) the next day


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