已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




一、单选题1根据INCOTERMS 2010的规定,适用于任何运输方式的贸易术语有( )。AFCABFASCEXWDDAT2属于商业信用性质的支付方式包括( )。AT/T BD/ACD/P DL/C3托收的当事人包括( )。A委托人B托收行C代收行D议付行4根据UCP600规定,遇法定节假日可顺延的期限有( )。A信用证效期 B装运期 C交单期 D汇票到期日5出口贸易融资的方式有( )。A打包贷款 B出口押汇C票据贴现 D提货担保6与INCOTERMS 2000相比,INCOTERMS 2010增加的贸易术语有( )。ADAFBDATCDAPDDDU7我国对入境货物的报检方式包括( )。A一般报检B流向报检C逆向报检D异地施检报检8到目前为止,以下哪些商品属于我国禁止进口的商品?( )A犀牛角B虎骨C仿真枪D受放射性污染的废旧金属9在出口谈判过程中,出口商提高价格让进口商接受的理由包括( )。A延长付款时间 B劳动力成本上涨C原材料价格上涨D缩短付款时间10调查客户的方法包括( )。A人员走访B邮件调查C电话调查D集点人群法11我国普惠制原产地证书的发证机构是( )。A贸促会 B出入境检验检疫局C制造商D出口商12以下属于德国安全认证标志的英文缩写是( )。AULBCCCCGS DPSE13在我国,进口许可证的有效期是( )。A1年B2年C3年D4年14根据INCOTERMS 2010的规定,DAT贸易术语下,买卖双方风险的分界点是( )。A装运港船舷B运输终端C目的港船舷D目的港船上15审核D/P项下单据的主要依据是( )。AL/C BUCPCCONTRACT DISBP16对出口商而言,以下支付方式风险从小到大的排列顺序是( )。AL/CD/PD/A装运前T/T后T/T 装运后凭提单传真件T/TBL/C前T/TD/P装运后凭提单传真件T/TD/A后T/TC前T/T装运后凭提单传真件T/TL/CD/PD/A后T/TD前T/TL/C装运后凭提单传真件T/TD/PD/A后T/T17以下哪种保险单据被称为“大保单”?( )A保险单 B保险凭证C预约保险单 D保险批单18A公司出口一批商品,用50个纸箱包装,每箱体积为40厘米50厘米60厘米,每箱毛重为38千克,如果班轮运费计收标准为W/M,每运费吨为50美元,则A公司需支付多少运费?( )A30美元 B95美元C195美元 D300美元19L/C项下汇票的受票人必须是( )。A开证申请人B通知行C开证行 D开证行或其指定银行20我国加工贸易合同审批的主管部门是( )。A发改委B银行C海关 D商务厅(委)21与“整箱/整箱”货物交接方式对应的英文缩写是( )。AFCL/FCL BFCL/LCL CLCL/LCL DLCL/FCL 22组织境外旅游是属于( )。A知识产权贸易 B服务贸易C货物贸易 D技术贸易23以下支付方式对出口商的风险而言从小到大的排列顺序是( )。AD/A30%装运前T/T+70%L/C at sightD/P at sight装运前T/TBD/AD/P at sight30%装运前T/T+70%L/C at sight装运前T/TC装运前T/TD/P at sight30%装运前T/T+70%L/C at sightD/AD装运前T/T30%装运前T/T+70%L/C at sightD/P at sightD/A24根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约的规定,发盘内容可以不包括( )。A品名B数量C检验D单价25美国保险商实验室标准检验标志的英文缩写是( )。ACCCBULCISODGS26The following are the basic functions of a bill of lading except to act as( ).Aa receipt for the goods from the shipping company to the exporterBa certificate of origin, which certifies that the goods were produced in a particular countryCa document of title to goods being shipped overseas Da quasi negotiable document27The following statements are how to use the INCOTERMS 2010 rules. Which one is correct?( )AIncorporate the INCOTERMS 2010 rules into your contract of sale.BChoose the appropriate INCOTERMS rule and specify your place or port as precisely as possibleCRemember that INCOTERMS rules do not give you a complete contract of saleDall of the above28In INCOTERMS 2010, two new Incoterms rules DAT and DAPhave replaced the INCOTERMS 2000 rules( ).ADAF,DES, DEQ and DDU BDAF,DES, DEQ and DDPCFAS, DEQ, DAF and DDUDDES, DDU, DDP and CPT29Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, the minimum amount for which the insurance document must indicate the insurance cover to have been effected is the CIF value of the goods plus( ), but only when the CIF value can be determined from the documents on their face.A5% B10%C20% D30%30The risk of shortage is considered to be the ( ).AFree of Particular AverageBWith AverageCGeneral additional risks DSpecial additional risks31According to INCOTERMS 2010, WHICH term means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination. The seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to the named place?( )ADAP BCPTCDAT DDDP32If the goods are consigned to collecting bank, after the importer satisfies the collections conditions, the collecting bank( )the bills of lading to the importer. Aendorses BdeliversCtransmits Dcarriers33Foreign trade can be conducted on the following terms except for( ).Aopen account Bdocumentary collectionCdocumentary creditDpublic bonds34The exporter or his agent is normally the person named as ( ) on a bill of lading or on an air waybill.Ashipper BunderwriterCconsigneeDguarantor35Which of the following payment terms eliminates the exchange risk, assuming the exporter invoices in foreign currency?( )Adocumentary creditBopen accountCD/ADnone of the aboveQuestions are based on the following passage:As a form of business entertaining, business meals are increasingly used to build up mutual trust and confidence. Westerners do an extraordinary amount of business of business over meals, from a quick breakfast to “working lunches” to cocktail receptions and formal dinners.When you host a business dinner, remember one crucial point: Youre in charge. Doing business over dinner is a good way to introduce yourself to clients, build relationships and seal the deal. Get it right, and it is duck soup. Get it wrong, and you are dead in the water. Always be familiar with the water. Always be familiar with the restaurant so there wont be any surprises. Show up on time, dress appropriately, dont drink too much, keep the conversation going, and youll be fine. As the host, everything falls to you. Extend the invitations to a business dinner at least one week in advance, and, for a breakfast or lunch, at least three days ahead of the scheduled date.Breakfast meeting rarely last more than an hour. They imply certain urgency and are often convenient during business travels. Lunch is usually best for getting to know a guest a bit better. People do not have to talk about business, of course. Afternoon tea, or coffee, is a relaxed way to spend 45 minutes or an hour talking about business. Dinner is a more formal business event. Generally, this is not a time to talk about business, but rather a time to get to know the other person and enjoy each others company.Business meals are multi-tasking jobs which can often turn out to be nightmares. If you want to make a lasting impression, then it pays to be on your best behavior at any such meal. Of course, you need to be knowledgeable in your field, but you also need the style and grace to see you through these events. During a typical business meal you must be a good listener, ask and answer questions intelligently, talk about your company confidently and appear pleasant and relaxed.Your mastery of good table manners comes in handy. It gives you the confidence of knowing that you can conduct yourself properly. After all, you are trying to have a conversation with your guest, not concentrating on which fork to use. Choosing the correct silverware from the variety in front of you is not as difficult as it may first appear. Always start with the knife, fork or spoon that is farthest from your plate and gradually work your way in. A simple rule to remember is that liquids are to the right and solids are to the left.Politely dining at the table is one of the codes of behavior that people in the West consider important. By mastering these skills, you become a better representative of your company, a wonderful host, and even more sought-after as a dinner guest.36According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?( )APeople do not do business over a quick breakfast.BPeople do not talk business over lunch.CDinner is a period of talking about business.DA good command of table manners can make you communicate well with your guest.37It can be learned from the paragraph 3 that( ).AIf you are not on your best behavior at business meals, it will be very horrible.BBeing knowledgeable in your field is enough to do business.CBusiness meals are easy jobs.DDuring a business meal, you have to talk about your company all the time.38The word “conduct” in paragraph 4 probably means( ).Aorganize and do a particular activityBdirectClead or guideDbehave39Which statement is true according to the passage? ( )AStarting with the silverware which is near at hand.BEnd with the silverware that is farthest from you.CLiquids should be put to the right and solids are the opposite.Dnone of the above40If you want to do business well with others, you need to( ).Abe knowledgeable and be a good listenerBhave a good mastery of table mannersCpolitely dine at the tableDall of the above二、判断题1在外贸业务中,可转让信用证常用于中间商转售货物交易。( )2根据INCOTERMS 2010的规定,在CIFST术语条件下,卖方应负责装船费用。( )3根据UCP600的规定,当信用证条款与UCP600条款相矛盾时,以UCP600条款为准。( )4在出口业务中,样品制作费都是由出口企业承担。( )5根据UCP600的规定,保兑行可以将信用证修改通知受益人而不对其加保兑。( )6对产地和报关地不一致的出境货物,经检验合格的,产地出入境检验检疫机构出具出境货物通关单。( )7根据UCP600的规定,若信用证允许分批装运,可转让信用证可转让多次。( )8电放提单可通过背书流通转让。( )9根据URC522的规定,D/P项下提单可制作成以代收行为收货人的记名提单。( )10根据INCOTERMS 2010的规定,在EXW术语条件下,卖方应负责办理出口批文。( )11在我国,对未列入法检目录的进出口商品,无需向出入境检验检疫机构报检。( )12通过两艘船运输的同一批货物可以填在同一份报关单上。( )13根据ICC1990的规定,协会罢工险条款可以单独投保。( )14The subtitle of the INCOTERMS 2010 rules formally recognizes that they are available for application to both international and domestic sale contracts.( )15Pro forma invoice has legal status and its details are normally transferred to a commercial invoice.( )16若信用证中要求保险证明,则受益人可提交保险单。( )17进口环节税包括进口关税、进口环节增值税和进口环节消费税。( )18监管证件代码“A”代表出境货物通关单。( )19UCP600 is a code to standardize the conditions under which bankers are prepared to issue documentary credit.( )20Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, the minimum amount for which the insurance document must indicate the insurance cover to have been effected is the CIF value of the goods plus 20%, but only when the CIF value can be determined from the documents on their face. ( )三、简答1简述外贸业务员与外贸单证员的关系。2简述在一般货物贸易中,生产型外贸企业办理出口收汇核销和出口退税时分别需提供的凭证。3简述海运进口业务中换取提货单的一般程序。4简述构成有效发盘的条件和发盘撤回的时间限制。四、案例分析题12010年7月,山东银光科技有限公司(简称银光公司)从韩国KS公司进口1套双螺杆挤出机组,合同总额为130万美元。合同规定,10%预付款在合同签订后10天内T/T支付,90%合同金额采用即期信用证支付;交货期为收到预付款后3个月内,若卖方延期交货,每天需支付合同金额0.05%的违约金,违约金总金额不超过合同金额5%。银光公司支付给KS公司预付款后2个月,派技术人员赴韩国KS公司进行装运前预验收。产品验收不合格,银光公司不同意发货,并拒绝在装运前预验收报告上签字。经多次调试,产品仍不合格,且信用证已过效期。问:(1)银光公司应如何妥善处理上述情况。(2)从上述案例中,银光公司应吸取哪些教训。12五、业务操作题浙江进出口有限公司外贸业务员丁燕收到某老客户Mat Garden and Leisure Limited经理Annie White的电子邮件,欲购塑料围栏(见下图),内容如下:发件人:anniewhitemat. com此框贴“塑料围栏”图案此框尺寸为5.7cm3.7cm收件人:日 期:主 题:Enquiry on Plastic Green Lawn Edging附 件:plastic green lawn edging. jpgDear Miss Gu,Thanks for your sample of Plastic Green Lawn Edging, item no. P0087 on Feb. 19, 2013. We would be appreciated if you would give us a quotation in USD/pc on FOB Shanghai, China and CFR Felixstowe, U.K. The order quantity is 30 000 pieces; The payment will be made by D/P at sight.Best regards,Annie WhiteMat Garden and Leisure LimitedAdd:31, Tim Road, Hunnington, Halesowen, West Midlands, B62 OEW U.K.Tel: 0044-121-6078075 Fax: 0044-121-6078076 E-mail: anniewhitemat. com丁燕立即通知供应商浙江塑料厂销售部赵经理报价,次日收到其报价如下:含税价RMB29.25/个,月生产能力100 000个,增值税率为17%;每6个装1个纸箱,每个纸箱的净重、毛重和体积分别为9千克、9.5千克和0.052米3,500个纸箱装120FCL;交货时付款;工厂交货。1若2013年2月26日的美元牌价按USD1= RMB6.20/6.22计;经查询,该塑料围栏的海关监管证件代码无,出口退税率为13%;国内费用为采购成本的5%;上海港至费里克斯托港(Felixstowe)的海运费为USD1200/20FCL;预期出口成本利润率为12%(按采购成本计算)。请分别核算FOB上海和 CFR费里克斯托的出口报价是多少?(计算过程中的数值要保留到小数点后3位,最后结果保留到小数点后2位。)22月26日,请你以外贸业务员丁燕的身份,根据Annie White电子邮件内容、出口报价核算的结果和以下信息,在下列方框内给Annie White用英文书写发盘函。(1)支付:采用即期信用证支付(2)交货:收到信用证后45天内交货(3)发盘的有效期:2013年3月6日前复到有效根据前面第一大题和以下业务背景资料,完成以下业务操作。通过几次磋商,2013年3月4日,浙江进出口有限公司与浙江塑料厂按RMB28.08/个的价格达成协议;与Mat Garden and Leisure Limited最终达成如下条款:(1)单价:4.70美元/个,FOB中国上海港,依据INCOTERMS 2010(2)数量:90 000个(3)支付:20%合同金额在合同签订后10天内电汇支付,余款采用即期付款交单方式支付。(4)运输:45000个塑料围栏在2013年3月装运,45000个塑料围栏在2013年4月装运;从中国上海港海运至英国费里克斯托港,允许转运。1若3月4日的美元牌价按USD1= RMB6.22/6.24计,核算:(1)换汇成本是多少?(2)出口1美元塑料围栏获得多少元人民币利润?(计算过程中的数值要保留到小数点后3位,最后结果保留到小数点后2位。)根据前面第一、第二大题业务背景资料,回答相关问题。3月7日,浙江进出口有限公司收到Mat Garden and Leisure Limited电汇的20%合同金额后,外贸业务员丁燕指示浙江塑料厂安排生产塑料围栏。13月21日,浙江塑料厂已完成第一批塑料围栏生产,请你以外贸业务员顾燕的身份,根据销售合同规定,设计第一批货物的唛头24月3日,外贸业务员丁燕顺利收到第一批货款后,在办理出口退税前,需要求浙江塑料厂开增值税专用发票。塑料围栏的法定计量单位为千克,请填制以下增值税专用发票的单位、数量、单价、金额和税额。货物或应税劳务名称规格型号单位数量单价金额税率税款塑料围栏/17%价税合计(大写):壹佰贰拾陆万叁仟陆佰元整 (小写): ¥1263600.0034月15日,丁燕按销售合同要求装运第二批塑料围栏后,向托收行交单,委托其向Mat Garden and Leisure Limited收款。4月25日,丁燕获悉,代收行在Mat Garden and Leisure Limited未付款的情况下放单,Mat Garden and Leisure Limited提货销售后破产倒闭,无力付款。请问,外贸业务员丁燕该如何处理该业务,为什么?根据以下业务背景资料,回答相关问题。浙江某进出口有限公司欲从法国进口自动络筒机(Automatic Winder),型号为PM1(见左图),到中国杭州销售。2012年11月19日,双方经过多次磋商后,签订合同。单价为USD150 000.00/台,CIF上海港;数量为4台,装4个40FCL;自动络筒机的HS编码为84454010,海关监管证件代码为ABO,进口关税税率为4%,增值税税率为17%。1经该公司外贸业务员郭伟查询,上海港报关和集港费用为RMB3 000/40FCL,由上海到目的地杭州的运费为RMB3 000/40FCL,其他费用为RMB2 000/40FCL;当日美元汇率按USD1= RMB6.21/6.23计;预期国内销售价格为RMB1 287 000/台。计算该笔业务的预期销售利润率。(计算过程中的数值保留到小数点后3位,最后结果保留到小数点后2位。)2双方达成的支付条款为:买方必须在2012年12月10日之前开立不可撤销的、即期议付信用证,信用证有效期直至装船后21天为止。请你以外贸业务员郭伟的身份,用英文书写该支付条款。根据前面第四大题业务背景资料,回答相关问题。2012年11月19日,浙江某进出口有限公司与Itela (Asia) Ltd.达成以下主要协议条款:1商品:自动络筒机,型号为PM12数量:4台3价格:150 000美元/台,CIF上海港,依据INCOTERMS 20104金额:600 000美元5运输:最迟在2013年3月31日装运,从法国主港至中国上海,不允许转运和分批装运6付款:买方必须在2012年12月10日之前开立不可撤销的、即期议付信用证,信用证有效期直至装船后21天为止7保险:由卖方投保8单据:(1)签字的商业发票一式三份,注明信用证号码和合同号码(2)装箱单一式三份(3)全套清洁已装船海运提单,做成空白指示抬头,空白背书,标注运费预付,通知买方(4)按发票金额110%投保一切险和战争险的保险单一式两份 (5)由制造商出具的品质及数量证明书正本各一份(6)装运后2个工作日以内通知买方已装船的传真副本一份(7)由制造商出具的证明一份,证实用于货物包装的木质材料已经过高温处理并加施IPPC专用标识,或证实包装采用非木质材料请你以外贸业务员的身份,于2012年11月25日向中国银行浙江省分行办理申请电开信用证手续,通知行是Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited,根据以上主要协议条款填写以下开证申请书:IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT APPLICATIONTo:Date:( )Issue by airmail Credit No.( )With brief advice by teletransmission( )Issue by teletransmission Date and place of expiry( )Issue by expressApplicantBeneficiaryAdvising BankAmountPartial shipmentsTransshipment


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