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1、 创建脚本文件创建shell脚本文件时,必须在文件的第一行指明所使用的shell,指明shell后将命令输入到文件中的每一行。#!/bin/bash在普通的shell脚本行中,英镑符号(#)用作注释。Shell不处理脚本中的注释行。但是shell脚本文件的第一行是个特例,#后面跟着感叹号告诉shell运行下列脚本的shell。Shell不会解析以#(#!开通的第一行除外)开头的行。richlocalhost $ cat test1 #!/bin/bash#This script displays the date and whos logged on datewhorichlocalhost $ ./test1 Sun Sep 18 09:15:53 CST 2011root pts/0 2011-09-18 09:00 (脚本的执行:给脚本执行权限chmod u+x test1 ./脚本名称 来执行脚本将脚本放到PATH变量中$PATH=$PATH:/home/bin并赋予变来那个执行权限(任何目录下都可以执行)2、 显示消息echo命令后面添加字符串,echo命令就能显示一个简单的文本字符串。echo命令即可使用双引号也可以使用单引号来标记文本字符串。如果要在字符串中使用它们,需要在一个文本使用一种引号类型,然后使用另一种类型标记字符串:echo This is a test to see if youre paying attenionThis is a test to see if youre paying attenionecho Rich says scripting is easy.Rich says scripting is easy.richlocalhost bin$ cat test1 #!/bin/bash#This script displays the date and whos logged on echo The time and date are:dateecho lets see whos logged into the system:whorichlocalhost bin$ ./test1 The time and date are:Sun Sep 18 09:50:07 CST 2011lets see whos logged into the system:root pts/0 2011-09-18 09:00 (如果想要echo命令结果和echo文本字符串在同一行,只需对echo语句使用-n参数即可richlocalhost bin$ cat test1 #!/bin/bash#This script displays the date and whos logged on echo -n The time and date are:dateecho lets see whos logged into the system:whorichlocalhost bin$ ./test1 The time and date are:Sun Sep 18 09:52:02 CST 2011lets see whos logged into the system:root pts/0 2011-09-18 09:00 (、 使用变量 通过使用以美元符号开头的变量可以从脚本中引进环境变量richlocalhost $ cat test2#!/bin/bash#display user information frm the systemecho User info for userid: $USERecho UID: $UIDecho HOME: $HOMErichlocalhost $ ./test2User info for userid: richUID: 501HOME: /home/rich注意:当运行脚本时,echo命令中的环境变量会被它们的当前值所代替。无论何时当脚本中发现英镑符号时,它就会认为您引用了一个变量,要显示一个实际的美元符号,必须在它们前面加上反斜杠符号richlocalhost $ echo The cost of the item is $15The cost of the item is 5richlocalhost $ echo The cost of the item is $15The cost of the item is $154、 用户变量 除了环境变量,shell脚本中允许在脚本中设置自己和使用自己的变量。设置变量可以暂时存储数据并在脚本中使用他们。 用户变量可以由不超过20个字符的字母、数字或下划线组成的文本文本字符串。用户变量区分大小写,在变量、等号和变量值之间不允许有空格。脚本中定义的变量在shell脚本中的生命周期内保留他们的值,但是当shell脚本完成时就被删除了。richlocalhost $ cat test3#!/bin/bash#testing variablesdays=10guest=Katieecho $guest checked in $days days agodays=5guest=Jessicaecho $guest checked in $days days agorichlocalhost $ ./test3Katie checked in 10 days agoJessica checked in 5 days ago没有美元符号,shell就会把变量理解为一个普通文本字符串。richlocalhost $ cat test4#!/bin/bash#testing a variable value to another variablevalue1=10value2=$value1echo The resulting value is $value2richlocalhost $ ./test4The resulting value is 10richlocalhost $ cat test4 #!/bin/bash#testing a variable value to another variablevalue1=10value2=$value1echo The resulting value is value2richlocalhost $ ./test4The resulting value is value25、 反引号 反引号允许将shell命令中的输出赋值给变量。必须将整个命令用反引号包围起来。richlocalhost $ cat test5#!/bin/bash#using the backtick charatertesting=dateecho The date and time are: $testingrichlocalhost $ ./test5The date and time are: Sun Sep 18 10:42:52 CST 2011常用案例,利用反引号来捕获当前日期,并用它在脚本中创建唯一的文件名richlocalhost $ cat date #!/bin/bash#copy the /usr/bin directory listing to a file logtoday=date +%y%m%d/bin/ls -la /usr/bin $HOME/log.$todayrichlocalhost $ lsbin date log.110918 test1 test2 test3 test4 test56、 重定向输入和输出richlocalhost $ cat test6richlocalhost $ date test6richlocalhost $ cat test6Sun Sep 18 10:56:38 CST 2011richlocalhost $ cat test6testingrichlocalhost $ date test6richlocalhost $ cat test6testingSun Sep 18 10:58:27 CST 2011richlocalhost $ wc test6 2 7 37richlocalhost $ wc test string test string 1 test string 2 EOF 3 8 40richlocalhost $ 7、 管道将输出命令重定向到另一条命令,而不是将命令的输出重定向到一个文件,这个过程成为管道传送。管道传送的符号是竖条操作符(|)richlocalhost $ rpm -qa | sort rpm.listrichlocalhost $ ls bin date log.110918 rpm.list test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test68、 数字计算expr命令允许处理命令行中的等式,但是很笨拙 richlocalhost $ expr 1 + 12richlocalhost $ expr 1+11+1在传送expr命令的字符可能被错误解析前,需要使用shell转义字符(反斜杠)来识别它们。richlocalhost $ expr 5 * 2expr: syntax errorrichlocalhost $ expr 5 * 210richlocalhost $ cat test6#!/bin/bash#An example of using the expr commandvar1=10var2=20var3=expr $var2 / $var1echo The result is: $var3richlocalhost $ ./test6The result is: 29、 是用括号Bash为一个变量制定一个数学值时,可以使用美元符号和方括号把数学等式括起来richlocalhost $ var1=$1 + 5richlocalhost $ echo $var16richlocalhost $ var2=$var1 * 2richlocalhost $ echo $var212使用方括号方法计算等式时,不必担心shel错误理解乘法符号或者其他符号。Shell知道它不是一个通配符,因为它在括号里。richlocalhost $ cat test7#!/bin/bashvar1=100var2=50var3=45var4=$var1 * ($var2 - $var3)echo The final result is $var4richlocalhost $ ./test7The final result is 500Bash shell只支持整数算法richlocalhost $ cat test8#!/bin/bashvar1=100var2=45var3=$var1 / $var2echo The final result is $var3richlocalhost $ ./test8The final result is 210、 浮点解决方案scale 变量的默认值是0。在设置scale值之前,bash计算器bc提供0小数位的答案。将scale变量值设为4之后,bash计算器显示为4位小数位的答案。-q命令行参数禁止bash计算器的冗余欢迎标语。richlocalhost $ bc -q3.44 / 50scale=43.44 / 5.6880quitrichlocalhost $除了普通的数字,bash计算器也识别变量。一旦定义了变量,可以在整个bash计算器中使用该变量。Print语句允许打印变量和数字。richlocalhost $ bc -qvar1=10var1 * 440var2=var1 / 5print var22quitrichlocalhost $ 11、 在脚本中使用bcrichlocalhost $ cat test9#!/bin/bashvar1=echo scale=4; 3.44 / 5 | bcecho The answer is $var1richlocalhost $ ./test9The answer is .6880richlocalhost $ cat test10#!/bin/bashvar1=100var2=45var3=echo scale=4; $var1 / $var2 | bcecho The answer for this is $var3richlocalhost $ ./test10The answer for this is 2.2222richlocalhost $ cat test11#!/bin/bashvar1=20var2=3.14159var3=echo scale=4; $var1 * $var1 | bcvar4=echo scale=4; $var3 * $var2 | bcecho The final result is $var4richlocalhost $ ./test11The final result is 1256.63600richlocalhost $ clearrichlocalhost $ cat test12#!/bin/bashvar1=10.46var2=43.67var3=33.2var4=71var5=bc EOFscale=4a1=($var1 * $var2)b1=($var3 * $var4)a1+b1EOFecho The final answer for this mess if $var5richlocalhost $ ./test12The final answer for this mess if 2813.988212、 退出脚本 为了向shell表明,命令已经处理完毕,每条运行在shell都使用一个推出状态。这个推出状态是介于0255之间的数值。当命令执行完成时,命令就会把推出状态传递给shell。Linux提供$?特殊变量来保存最后一条命令执行结束的推出状态。一条命令成功完成的推出状态是0.如果命令执行错误,那么推出状态机会是一个正整数。 Linux推出状态代码代码描述代码描述0命令完成成功128无效的推出参数1通常的未知错误128+x使用Linux信号x的致命错误2误用shell命令130使用Ctrl+c终止命令126命令无法找到255规范外的推出状态127没有找到命令richlocalhost $ date Sun Sep 18 14:38:16 CST 2011richlocalhost $ echo $?0richlocalhost $ asdf-bash: asdf: command not foundrichlocalhost $ echo $?127richlocalhost $ ./test1-bash: ./test1: Permission deniedrichlocalhost $ echo $?126richlocalhost $ date -tdate: invalid option - tTry date -help for more information.richlocalhost $ echo $?1richlocalhost $ exit命令允


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