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HP StorageWorks 8Gb SAN Switch 配置手册及实例目 录第一分部:SAN 相关的重要概念第二部分,配置命令及实例第三部分: 附 HP StorageWorks 8Gb SAN Switch 的初始配置第四部分: 附 Brocade 光纤交换机划分 Zone 的案例及纠错第一分部:SAN 相关的重要概念1,SAN 是什么?SAN 英文全称:Storage Area Network,即存储区域网络。它是一种通过光纤集线器、光纤路由器、光纤交换机等连接设备将磁盘阵列、磁带等存储设备与相关服务器连接起来的高速专用子网。SAN 由三个基本的组件构成:接口(如 SCSI、光纤通道、ESCON 等)、连接设备(交换设备、网关、路由器、集线器等和通信控制协议(如 IP 和 SCSI 等)。这三个组件再加上附加的存储设备和独立的SAN 服务器,就构成一个 SAN 系统。SAN 提供一个专用的、高可靠性的基于光通道的存储网络,SAN 允许独立地增加它们的存储容量,也使得管理及集中控制(特别是对于全部存储设备都集群在一起的时候)更加简化。而且,光纤接口提供了 10 km 的连接长度,这使得物理上分离的远距离存储变得更容易.SAN 的一个概念是允许存储设备和处理器(服务器)之间建立直接的高速网络(与 LAN 相比)连接,通过这种连接实现只受光纤线路长度限制的集中式存储。SAN 可以被看作是存储总线概念的一个扩展,它使用局域网(LAN)和广域网(WAN)中类似的单元,实现存储设备和服务器之间的互连。这些单元包括:路由器、集线器、交换机和网关。SAN 可在服务器间共享,也可以为某一服务器所专有,既可以是本地的存储设备也可以扩展到地理区域上的其他地方。SAN 的接口可以是企业系统连接(ESCON)、小型计算机系统接口(SCSI)、串行存储结构(SSA)、高性能并行接口(HIPPI)、光纤通道(FC)或任何新的物理连接方法。2,什么是 SAN Switch?交换机是用于连接大量设备、增加带宽、减少阻塞和提供高吞吐量的一种高性能设备。3,什么是光纤交换机(FC SWITCH)?光纤通道交换机有着许多不同的功能,包括支持 GBIC、冗余风扇、电源、分区、环操作和多管理接口等。每一项功能都可以增加整个交换网络的可操作性,理解这些特点可以帮助用户设计一个功能强大的大规模的 SAN。光纤交换机的主要功能如下:自配置端口、环路设备支持、交换机级联、自适应速度检测、可配置的帧缓冲、分区(基于物理端口和基于 WWN的分区)、IP over Fiber Channel(IPFC)广播、远程登录、Web 管理、简单网络管理协议(SNMP)以及 SCSI 接口独立设备服务(SES)等。4,什么是 HBA 卡和 WWWN?这里所说的 HBA,全称 FC HBA,也就是 Fiber Channel Host Bus Adapter。在 FC 网络中,主机(如服务器)需要和 FC 网络、FC 存储设备(如 SAN)连接时,需要使用一种接口卡,就如同连接以太网需要以太网卡一样。这种接口卡就叫做 FC HBA,简称 HBA和以太网卡的 MAC 地址一样,HBA 上也有独一无二的标识,这就是 WWN(World Wide Name)。HBA 上的 WWN有两种:Node WWN(WWNN):每个 HBA 有其独有的 Node WWN Port WWN(WWPN):HBA 卡上每个 port 有其独一无二的 Port WWN。由于通讯是通过 port 进行的,多数情况下需要使用 WWPN 而不是 WWNN。 WWN的长度为 8bytes,用 16 进制表示并用冒号分隔。例如:50:06:04:81:D6:F3:45:42在Windows 环境,有一个工具软件可是方便查询HBA卡的WWN。FCHBA Test Tool v上图的服务器上有两张HBA卡。在SUSE9下:cat /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/1这个1可能是0,或者2,3等在SUSE10下:cat /sys/class/fc_host/host1/node_name 有时会是host2或者host35,什么 Domain id?domain ID 来区分交换机,所以一个 fabric 里的交换机 domain ID 不能一样. 一个 fabric 中的多台交换机的 domain ID 由 master 交换机(默认第一个启动的交换机)自动分配。查看命令 domainsshow swd77:admin domainsshow Number of domains: 116,什么是 Zone 在 SAN 光纤交换机中 zone 的概念相当于以太网交换中的 vlan.配置 Zone 需要涉及到三个对象的配置 Alias,Zone,Configuration。Alias 可以把设备的 WWN或 Domain,Port 声明为 Alias,用于更好更直观的标示设备。使用 Alias 的主要目的是方便用户的使用,想象一下记住一个人的身份证号和名字的区别就可以明白其中的道理,使用 Alias 就想给设备启名字一样。声明Alias 的另外一个益处是便于 Zone 中成员的更换。当 Zone 中的某个成员更换时,如果定义了 Alias,只要修改 Alias 的定义就可以调整 Zone 中的成员,而不用修改 Zone 的配置。 Zone 区域,Zone 内的设备可以相互访问,但不能访问其他 Zone 的设备。Zone 的成员可以有三种:“Domain,Port”;”WWN”;”Alias”。 Zone 对成员的数量没有限制,可以同时有多个类型的多个设备同时存在于一个 Zone 中。当一个wwn 被定义在 zone 中后,他的所有端口都会被包括在 zone 中。 Configuration 在交换机上的一套关于 Zone 的配置,或者说一系列 Zone 的集合。它可以包含一个或多个 Zone 作为它的成员。在一个SAN 网络中一般需要有多个 Zone 同时存在,这一套同时存在的 Zone 被存放在一个 Configuration 中。为了解决在交换机上,在不同的时间有不同的 Zone 的配置的问题,在交换机上允许同时有多个 Zone 的 Configuration 存在方便 Zone 配置的切换。 所有的 Configuration 配置中只有一个 Configuration 是生效的配置,被称作 Active Configuration。其他的都是待选方案,只有在他们成为 Active Configuration 后,他们的 Zoning 配置才会生效。 在交换机上配置 Zoning 的主要途径有两种: Telnet 和 WEB TOOLS。Zoning 的配置可以动态的进行,当使用 cfgEnable 指定某个配置成为生效的配置后,Zoning 的配置会立即在 SAN 网络中生效,隔离 Zone 间的相互访问。在交换机上新创建Zoing 的配置一般会按如下的方式进行问。SAN 交换机划分 Zone 的一些原则,以供参考。01. 不同的主机操作系统划为不同的 Zone.02. 磁盘设备和磁带设备划分为不同的 Zone.03. 根据不同的业务也可以划分为不同的 Zone.查看命令是zoneshow,下面是已经配置3个zone(maildag,bjfileserver,hypyperv)Effective configuration: cfg: bjstorage zone: maildag 50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c1 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c2 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c3 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c4 1,4 1,5 zone: bjfileserver 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c5 1,4 1,5 zone: bkhyperv 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c6 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c7 1,4 1,5第二部分,配置命令及实例前面,我们已经了解了一些基本的概念,现在就开始就结合实例来介绍一些相关命令help命令提示你如何操作。zonehelp提示你如何操作zone。zonecreate命令创建zone。命令如下:zonecreate zone_name,number;number。这里 number可以是域,端口号,也可以是wwn,还可以是zone的别名和Quickloop AL_PAs。交换机默认域为1,端口号从0-15。可以用switchshow来查看配置。重要的是记住必须用 cfgsave保存,和cfgenable让其生效。下面是一台24口的HP StorageWorks 8Gb SAN Switch基本情况,本是有24日,但只有购买了9个模块,16个License。swd77:admin switchshow switchName: swd77 switchType: 71.2 switchState: Online switchMode: Native switchRole: Principal switchDomain: 1switchId: fffc01switchWwn: 10:00:00:05:1e:d4:d1:01 zoning: ON (bjstorage) switchBeacon: OFFArea Port Media Speed State Proto=0 0 id N4 Online F-Port 50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c1 1 1 id N4 Online F-Port 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c2 2 2 id N4 Online F-Port 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c3 3 3 id N4 Online F-Port 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c4 4 4 id N4 Online L-Port 1 public 5 5 id N4 Online L-Port 1 public 6 6 id N4 Online F-Port 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c5 7 7 id N4 Online F-Port 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c6 8 8 id N4 Online F-Port 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c7 9 9 - N8 No_Module 10 10 - N8 No_Module 11 11 - N8 No_Module 12 12 - N8 No_Module 13 13 - N8 No_Module 14 14 - N8 No_Module 15 15 - N8 No_Module 16 16 - N8 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled.23 23 - N8 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled在交换机的连接情况如下(有些主机有两张卡),SAN 存储是HP MSA 2312FC:SAN Switch 1Domain ID:1WWWN:10:00:00:05:1e:d4:d1:01Slot01238HostWWWN-50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c1Host: Mailbox2aWWWN-50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c2Host: Mailbox2bWWWN-50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c3Host: Mailbox1aWWWN-50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c4Host: Mailbox1bWWWN-50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c5Host: bjfs01Slot456712Host L-PortHost: SAN-FC-A-01 L-PortHost: SAN-FC-B01WWWN-50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c6Host: bjhyperv1WWWN-50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c7Host: bjhyperv2无连接设备下面把用命令配置方法大概列一下telnet 00 username:admin password:password (默认密码)1.1 查看 zone 配置 (本例已经配置好)Cfgshowswd77:admin cfgshow Defined configuration: cfg: bjstorage maildag; bjfileserver; bjhyperv zone: maildag Mailbox1a; Mailbox1b; Mailbox2a; Mailbox2b; 1,4; 1,5 zone: bkfileserver bjfs01; 1,4; 1,5 zone: bjhyperv bjhyperv1; bjhyperv2; 1,4; 1,5 alias: Mailbox1a 50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c3 alias: Mailbox1b 50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c4 alias: Mailbox2a 50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c1 alias: Mailbox2b 50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c2 alias: bjfs01 50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c5 alias: bjhyperv1 50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c6 alias: bjhyperv2 50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c7Effective configuration:cfg: bjstorage zone: maildag 50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c1 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c2 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c3 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c4 1,4 1,5 zone: bjfileserver 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c5 1,4 1,5 zone: bkhyperv 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c6 50:01:43:80:05:67: 01:c7 1,4 1,5要取消原来的配置,可先禁止配置文件(cfgdisable),删除 zone(zoneremove),然后删除 alias(alicremove):实现上面的配置,相关步骤如下。1.2 创建别名alicreate “Mailbox1a”, “50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c3” alicreate “Mailbox1b”, “50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c4” alicreate “Mailbox2a”, “50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c1” alicreate “Mailbox2b”, “50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c2” alicreate “bjfs01”, “50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c5” alicreate “bjhyperv1”, “50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c6: alicreate “bjhyperv2”, “50:01:43:80:05:67:01:c7alishow 查看已经创建好的别名当然,我们 SAN 存储是接在了“第 4 个接口和第 5 个接口”,同样,你也可能为存储取别名。alicreate “SANFC01”, “1,4” alicreate “SANFC01”, “1,5”在我前所显示的配置中,我没有给 SAN 存储取别名,下面的配置仍不为此取别名。1.3 创建 zone(把别名或端口分配到 zone 中)由于每台服务器都需要访问SAN存储(端口4和5),所以每个ZONE都包含了这两个端口。zonecreate “maildag” , “Mailbox1a; Mailbox1b; Mailbox2a; Mailbox2b; 1,4; 1; 5” zonecreate “bjfileserver” , ”bjfs01 ; 1,4; 1; 5” zonecreate “bkhyperv” , “bjhyperv1; bjhyperv2 ;1,4; 1; 5”zoneshow查看已经创建好zone名1.4 创建 zone 配置文件(把 zone 加入到配置文件中)cfgcreate “bjstorage” , ” maildag; bjfileserver; bjhyperv”cfgshow查看已经创建好的zone配置1.5 使 zone 配置生效cfgenable “bjstorage”1.6 保存配置 cfgsave 第三部分: 附 HP StorageWorks 8Gb SAN Switch 的初始配置这部分我们介绍一下对一台新的 SAN Switch 进行初始配置(设 IP,时间等)。Power on the 8Gb SAN SwitchThe 8/8 and 8/24 SAN Switches use one power cord. The 8/40 and 8/80 SAN Switches use two power cords. To power on:IMPORTANT:The 8/8 and 8/24 SAN Switches do not have an on/off switch. Power is supplied as soon as you connect it to an AC power source.1. Connect the power cord(s) to a power inlet on the switch and to a power source. Verify that the cord(s) use a minimum service loop of 6 inches, to avoid stress.IMPORTANT:To protect against AC failure on the 8/40 SAN Switch or the 8/80 SAN Switch, connect each power cord to outlets on separate circuits.2. For the 8/40 and 8/80 SAN Switches, set the two AC switches to the ON position (1). Power is supplied to the switch as soon as the first power supply is connected and turned on. The power supply LEDs display amber until POST completes, and then change to green. The switch usually requires from 1 to 3 minutes to boot and complete POST.3. After POST completes, verify that the switch Power and Status LEDs light are green.Make a serial connectionAll basic configuration tasks require a serial connection:1. Connect the serial cable to an RS-232 serial port on the workstation, as shown in Figure 18. Figure 18 shows the 8/24 SAN Switch; however, this procedure is similar for all SAN Switches.NOTE:If the serial port on the workstation uses an RJ-45 connector instead of an RS-232 connector, remove the adapter on the end of the serial cable, and insert the exposed RJ-45 connector into the RJ-45 serial port on the workstation. 2. Close any serial communication programs running on the workstation.40 Installing and configuring an 8Gb SAN Switch3. Open a terminal emulator application (such as HyperTerminal on a PC or TERM in a UNIX environment) and configure the application as follows: In a Windows 95, 98, 2000, or NT environment: Bitsper second9600 Databits8 ParityNone Stop bits1 Flow controlNone In a UNIX environment, enter the following at the prompt:tip/dev/ttyb 9600 nlIf ttyb is already in use, use ttya instead and enter the following string at the prompt: tip /dev/ttya -96008Gb SAN Switch hardware reference manual 41Power on the switchOnce a serial connection is established, power on the switch:1. Connect the power cord to a power inlet on the switch and to a power source.NOTE:The 8/8 and 8/24 SAN Switches use one power cord. The 8/40 and 8/80 SAN Switches use two power cords.2. To power on, set the two AC switches to the ON position (I). The power supply LED lights green and the switch runs the power-on self test (POST). The switch requires at least three minutes to boot and complete POST.3. After POST and the boot process are completed, verify that the System Status and System Power LEDs light green.4. When the terminal emulator application, which uses a serial connection, stops reporting information, press Enter to display the login prompt.5. Log in using the administrative account; the user name is admin and the default password is password. Create up to two simultaneous admin sessions and four user sessions. For more details, see the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS administrator guide and the Fabric OS command reference manual for the Fabric OS running on your switch.Set the switch IP addressYou can configure the 8Gb SAN Switch with a static IP address, or you can use a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server to set the IP address. DHCP is enabled by default. The 8Gb SAN Switch supports both IPv4 and IPv6.DHCPWhen using DHCP, the 8Gb SAN Switch obtains its IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway address from the DHCP server. The DHCP client can only connect to a DHCP server that is on the same subnet as the switch. If your DHCP server is not on the same subnet as the 8Gb SAN Switch, use a static IP address.Setting a static IP address1. Log in to the switch using the default password, (password).2. Enter ipaddrset to set the Ethernet IP address. If you are going to use an IPv4 IP address, enter the IP address in dotted decimal notation as prompted:Ethernet IP Address: 02If you are going to use an IPv6 address, enter the network information in colon-separated notation as prompted:switch:admin ipaddrset -ipv6 -add 1080:8:800:200C:417A/64 IP address is being changed.Done.3. Enter the IP addressing information, as prompted.Ethernet Subnetmask: Ethernet IP Address: 02Ethernet Subnetmask: 42 Installing and configuring an 8Gb SAN Switch4. Type off to disable DHCP when prompted.DHCP OFF: off5. Optional: Verify that the address is correct by issuing the ipaddrshow command at the prompt.6. Record the IP address on the label located on the port side of the chassis. Record the IP address on the pull-out tab on the port side of the switch.7. If the serial port is no longer required, log out of the serial console, remove the serial cable, and replace the safety plug in the serial port.Set the switch date and timeThe 8Gb SAN Switch maintains the current date and time inside a battery-backed realtime clock (RTC) circuit. Switch operation does not depend on the date and time. An 8Gb SAN Switch with an incorrect date and time value still functions properly. However, it is important that your switch shows the accurate date and time, because these are used for logging, error detection, and troubleshooting.1. Log in to the switch using the default password, (password).2. Enter the date command:date mmddHHMMyyThe values represent the following: mm is the month; valid values are 01 through 12. dd is the date; valid values are 01 through 31. HH is the hour; valid values are 00 through 23. MM is minutes; valid values are 00 through 59. yy is the year; valid values are 00 through 99. (Values greater than 69 are interpreted as 1970through 1999, and values less than 70 are interpreted as 2000-2069.) switch:admin date Fri Sep 29 17:01:48 UTC 2007 switch:admin date 0927123007 Thu Sep 27 12:30:00 UTC 2007 switch:adminAbout setting time zonesYou can set the time zone for the switch by name. You can also set country, city, or time zone parameters. If the time zone is not set with the new options, the switch retains the offset time zone settings. The tsTimeZone command includes an option to revert to the prior time zone format. For more information about the -old option, see the Fabric OS command reference manual.You can set the time zone for a switch using the tsTimeZone command. The TimeZone command allows you to perform the following tasks: Display all of the time zones supported in the firmware. Set the time zone based on a country and city combination or based on a time zone ID, such as PST. You can view the time zone settings. However, only those with administrative permissions can set the time zones. The tsTimeZone setting automatically adjusts for daylight savings time. Changing the time zone on a switch updates the local time zone setup and is reflected in local time calculations.8Gb SAN Switch hardware reference manual 43 By default, all switches are in the GMT time zone (0,0). If all switches in a fabric are in one time zone, it is possible for you to keep the time zone setup at the default setting. System services that have already started will reflect the time zone changes only after the next reboot. Time zone settings persist across failover for high availability.Set the time zone IMPORTANT:The following procedure describes how to set the time zone for a switch. You must perform the procedure on all switches for which the time zone must be set. However, you only need to set the time zone once on each switch, because the value is written to nonvolatile memory.1. Log in to the switch using the default password, (password). 2. Enter the tsTimeZone command as follows switch:admin tstimezone -interactive/ , timezone_fmtUse timezone_fmt to set the time zone by Country/City or by time zone ID, such as PST. The following example shows how to change the time zone to US/Central: switch:admin tstimezone Time Zone : US/Pacific switch:admin tstimezone US/Central switch:admin tstimezone Time Zone : US/CentralTo set the time zone using interactive mode:1. Type the tsTimeZone command:switch:admin tstimezone -interactive2. You are prompted to select a general location.Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.3. Enter the appropriate number or Ctrl-D to quit.4. At the prompt, select a country location.5. At the prompt, enter the appropriate number to specify the time zone region or Ctrl-D to quit.Synchronizing local time using Network Time Protocol (NTP)You can synchronize the local time of the principal or primary Fabric Configuration Server (FCS) switch to a maximum of eight external NTP servers. To keep the time in your SAN current, it is recommended that the principal or primary FCS switch has its time synchronized with at least one external NTP server. The other switches in the fabric will automatically take their time from the principal or primary FCS switch.All switches in the fabric maintain the current clock server value in nonvolatile memory. By default, this value is the local clock server of the principal or primary FCS switch. Changes to the clock server value on the principal or primary FCS switch are propagated to all switches in the fabric. For more information on using an NTP server, and IPv6 considerations, see the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 6.1.x admi


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