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_问题 1 得 2 分,满分 2 分 In the beginning of 20th century, the seminal developments in the fields of philosophy and psychology that impacted literary creativity and criticism are Bergsons notion of _and Freuds theory of psychoanalysis. 所选答案: time 正确答案: time反馈:time 问题 2 得 2 分,满分 2 分 The statement that a sensitive young man is at first shaped by excessively powerful and oppressive forces of his environment but gradually realizes the pressure and rebels against it and tries to find his own identity mat well sum up the major theme of _. 所选答案: B. Joyces A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 正确答案:B. Joyces A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 反馈:Joyces A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 问题 3 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Muriel Sparks The Girls of Slender Means is set in a hostel in the city of _ in 1945 when the detonation of an unexploded bomb sets fire to the hostel, a moment when characters spiritual world is depicted in a biting satire. 所选答案: London 正确答案: London反馈:London 问题 4 得 2 分,满分 2 分 In The French Lieutenants Woman, is an existentially independent woman, as she said in the novel, “No limit, no blame, can touch me.” 所选答案: D. Sarah 正确答案:D. Sarah 反馈:Sarah 问题 5 得 0 分,满分 2 分 Modernism upholds a new view of time by emphasizing the time over the chronological one. 所选答案: Psychic psychological 正确答案: Psychicpsychological问题 6 得 0 分,满分 2 分 T. S. Eliots poem_, which is 433 lines long, is broadly acknowledged as one of the most recognizable landmarks of modernism, the first part of the poem is the Burial of the Dead. 所选答案: The Waste Land 正确答案: The Waste Land问题 7 得 2 分,满分 2 分 The statement “A demanding mother turns away from her husband and gives all her affection to her sons” sums up the main plot of D. H. Lawrences . 所选答案: C. Sons and Lovers 正确答案:C. Sons and Lovers 反馈:Sons and Lovers 问题 8 得 2 分,满分 2 分 presents in his works strong Christian nihilism, which is reflected explicitly by his famous saying “The dirty dog, he doesnt even exits!” in his play against the God, Endgame. 所选答案: A. Samuel Beckett正确答案:A. Samuel Beckett反馈:Samuel Beckett问题 9 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Which of the following novels was NOT written by H. G. Wells? 所选答案:C. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 正确答案:C. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 反馈:A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 问题 10 得 2 分,满分 2 分 The Old Wives Tale was written by . 所选答案:D. Arnold Bennett 正确答案:D. Arnold Bennett 反馈:Arnold Bennett 问题 11 得 2 分,满分 2 分 The theory of psychoanalysis put forward first by _exerts great influence over modern literature.所选答案: B. Sigmund Freud 正确答案:B. Sigmund Freud 反馈:Sigmund Freud 问题 12 得 2 分,满分 2 分 William Goldings Lord of the Flies deals with the conflict between the forces of reason and those of irrationality represented by . 所选答案: C. Jack 正确答案:C. Jack 反馈:Jack 问题 13 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Joyce seems to mean that the novel_ describes the mental activities of two Dubliners in a single day, while Finnegans Wake, his second novel, describes the sub-conscious world in which a man lives through a good part of his life. 所选答案: Ulysses 正确答案: Ulysses反馈:Ulysses 问题 14 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Between 1912 and 1922 there came a great poetry movement_ in England and America to express the modern sense of fragmentization and dislocation. T.E. Hulme is considered the first outstanding theorist of this movement. 所选答案: imagism 正确答案: imagism反馈:imagism 问题 15 得 2 分,满分 2 分 The Golden Notebook is considered to be _s masterpiece, taken as a milestone work in Feminist Literature. 所选答案: Doris Lessing 正确答案: Doris Lessing反馈:Doris Lessing 问题 16 得 0 分,满分 2 分 _represents the much more readable novelists of the stream of consciousness school. She is a fine artist, a woman of sharp sensitivity who, in one of her frequent mental depressions, committed suicide. 所选答案: Virginia Woolf 正确答案: Virginia Woolf问题 17 得 2 分,满分 2 分 The textual insinuation of Joyces Ulysses is parallel to Homeric epic_, thus revealing the vast difference between the grandeur of the ancient Greek hero and the pettiness of the degraded modern anti-hero. 所选答案: Odyssey 正确答案: Odyssey反馈:Odyssey 问题 18 得 2 分,满分 2 分 written by Iris Murdoch is remarkable for its meta-fictional structure, containing various narrators and narrative descriptions, and its multi-dimensional psychology. 所选答案: D. The Black Prince 正确答案:D. The Black Prince 反馈:The Black Prince 问题 19 得 0 分,满分 2 分 Virginia Woolfs novel , published in1925, made her reputation as an important psychological writer. 所选答案: Mrs. Dalloway 正确答案: Mrs. Dalloway问题 20 得 0 分,满分 2 分 _, which bears a strong thematic resemblance to “The Waste Land”, is generally regarded as the darkest of T. S. Eliots poems. 所选答案: The Hollow Men 正确答案: The Hollow Men问题 21 得 0 分,满分 2 分 William Goldings first novel_, which describes a group of boys working out their lives on an isolated island, paves the way for him to win the Nobel Prize in 1983. 所选答案: Lord of Flies 正确答案: Lord of Flies问题 22 得 2 分,满分 2 分 D. H. Lawrences poems fall roughly into three categoriessatirical and comic poems, poems about human relationship and emotions, and poems about . 所选答案: nature 正确答案: nature反馈:nature 问题 23 得 2 分,满分 2 分 . _ is the most outstanding stream-of-consciousness novelist of 20th century. 所选答案:C. James Joyce 正确答案:C. James Joyce 反馈:James Joyce 问题 24 得 2 分,满分 2 分 G. B. Shaws play Mrs. Warrens Profession is a realistic exposure of the in the English society. 所选答案:C. economic exploitation of women 正确答案:C. economic exploitation of women 反馈:economic exploitation of women 问题 25 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Which of following statements about Yeats is true? 所选答案:B. In a certain way, Yeatss experiments in drama anticipated the abstract movement of modern theater. 正确答案:B. In a certain way, Yeatss experiments in drama anticipated the abstract movement of modern theater. 反馈:In a certain way, Yeatss experiments in drama anticipated the abstract movement of modern theater. 问题 26 得 0 分,满分 2 分 “She frankly wanted him to climb into the middle class, a thing not very difficult, she knew. And she wanted him in the end to marry a lady.” is taken from D. H. Lawrences novel . 所选答案: Sons and Lovers 正确答案: Sons and Lovers问题 27 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Which of the following statements about D. H. Lawrence is NOT true? 所选答案: C. He was daringly innovative in the techniques of novel writing. 正确答案:C. He was daringly innovative in the techniques of novel writing. 反馈:He was daringly innovative in the techniques of novel writing. 问题 28 得 2 分,满分 2 分 In his poem “The Lake Isle of Innifree,” W. B. Yeats expressed his _. 所选答案: B. desire to escape the materialistic world 正确答案:B. desire to escape the materialistic world 反馈:desire to escape the materialistic world 问题 29 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Rudyard Kipling was the spokesman for imperialist sentiment. Which one is NOT his work? 所选答案:D. Dubliners 正确答案:D. Dubliners 反馈:Dubliners 问题 30 得 2 分,满分 2 分 In My Last Duchess, “She smiled, no doubt,/ Wheneer I passed her/This grew; I gave commands; /Then all smiles stopped together.” The last line of the above quoted passage implies that she_. 所选答案: A. was murdered at the order of the duke 正确答案:A. was murdered at the order of the duke 反馈:was murdered at the order of the duke 问题 31 得 0 分,满分 2 分 _is claimed as the best Irish poet since W.B.Yeats, and his work has been among the most profusely commented upon in the contemporary. The volumes of his verse include Death of a Naturalist (1966), The Haw Lantern(1987), and the spirit Level (1999). 所选答案: Seamus Heaney 正确答案: Seamus Heaney问题 32 得 0 分,满分 2 分 William Butler Yeats experienced a slow and painful change in his poetic creation, starting in the romantic tradition and finishing as a mature poet. 所选答案: modernist modernism 正确答案: modernistmodernism问题 33 得 2 分,满分 2 分 In Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf adopted a writing technique called , in which the whole story was presented with the interior monologues of the characters. 所选答案: stream-of-consciousness 正确答案: stream-of-consciousness反馈:stream-of-consciousness 问题 34 得 2 分,满分 2 分 A typical Forsyte, according to John Galsworthy, is a man with a strong sense of , who never pays any attention to human feelings. 所选答案:C. property 正确答案:C. property 反馈:property 问题 35 得 2 分,满分 2 分 The modernist writers such as Dorothy Richardson, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are mainly concerned with the _. 所选答案: B. inner life of an individual 正确答案:B. inner life of an individual 反馈:inner life of an individual 问题 36 得 2 分,满分 2 分 As a literary figure, Leopold Bloom appears in _所选答案: B. Joyces Ulysses 正确答案:B. Joyces Ulysses 反馈:Joyces Ulysses 问题 37 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Which writer belongs to “stream-of-consciousness” school? 所选答案:C. Virginia Woolf 正确答案:C. Virginia Woolf 反馈:Virginia Woolf 问题 38 得 2 分,满分 2 分 By presenting a conventional hero as a villain, or a conventional villain as a hero, intends to give a shocking impression to his audience and challenge the conventional way of thinking. 所选答案:B. George Bernard Shaw正确答案:B. George Bernard Shaw反馈:George Bernard Shaw问题 39 得 0 分,满分 2 分 Sameul Beckett is an absurdist dramatist who is well known for his daring formal experimentation. His works are strongly suggestive of the two prominent literary phases modernism and postmodernism. The most famous of his plays is _written in 1952. 所选答案: Waiting for Godot 正确答案: Waiting for Godot问题 40 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Artistically, Samuel Beckett has come under the strong influence of , whose works parody the unsympathetic world and mans wretched lot. 所选答案: D. James Joyce 正确答案:D. James Joyce 反馈:James Joyce 问题 41 得 0 分,满分 2 分 In his famous essay “Tradition and Individual Talent” puts great emphasis on the importance of tradition both in creative writing and in criticism. 所选答案: T. S. Eliot 正确答案: T. S. Eliot问题 42 得 0 分,满分 2 分 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is s first novel. 所选答案: James Joyce 正确答案: James Joyce问题 43 得 2 分,满分 2 分 All of Joyces novels and short stories have the same setting of his native country Ireland especially the city of . 所选答案: Dublin 正确答案: Dublin反馈:Dublin 问题 44 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Modernism? 所选答案: C. to put more emphasis on traditional values 正确答案:C. to put more emphasis on traditional values 反馈:to put more emphasis on traditional values 问题 45 得 0 分,满分 2 分 _is Galsworthys masterpiece which gives a profound and true-to-life picture of the English society from the 80s of the 19th century up to the 20s of the 20th century. 所选答案: The Forsyte Saga 正确答案: The Forsyte Saga问题 46 得 0 分,满分 2 分 John Fowless novel _is a metafiction model of postmodernist form of writing fiction in the form of fiction, trying to use burlesque and parody as a means to reveal the discrepancy between the imitation and the original. 所选答案: French Lieutenants Woman 正确答案: French Lieutenants Woman问题 47 得 2 分,满分 2 分 To create his modern OdysseyUlysses, Joyce adopts a kind of _ style. 所选答案: mock-heroic 正确答案: mock-heroic反馈:mock-heroic 问题 48 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Which of the following statements about writers in 1920s is true? 所选答案:B. Freudian psychology influenced many modern writers.正确答案:B. Freudian psychology influenced many modern writers.反馈:Freudian psychology influenced many modern writers.问题 49 得 0 分,满分 2 分 Eliots poem, The Waste Land, is mainly concerned with the _of a modern civilization. 所选答案: A. spiritual breakup 正确答案:C. spiritual breakup 问题 50 得 0 分,满分 2 分 “The Bliss” is one of s famous short stories. She was skilled in psychological analysis, whose favorite technique is the flash-back. 所选答案: Katherine Mansfield 正确答案: Katherine Mansfield问题 1 得 2 分,满分 2 分 The following are the common characters shared by the three Bronte sisters EXCEPT . 所选答案:C. unmarried 正确答案:C. unmarried 反馈:unmarried 问题 2 得 2 分,满分 2 分 The Oxford Movement reflected the desire of the perplexed Victorians to cling to the old faith in face of doubt and emotional stress. 所选答案:对正确答案:对反馈:T 问题 3 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Which one is William Makepeace Thackerays historical novel? 所选答案:A. The History of Henry Esmond正确答案:A. The History of Henry Esmond反馈:The History of Henry Esmond 问题 4 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Macaulays History of England was warmly received by his contemporaries because it had presented a faithful picture of historical events. 所选答案:错正确答案:错反馈:F 问题 5 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Which of the following is about the discussion of Tennysons aesthetic view of art and artistic creation. 所选答案:C. The Lady of Shalott 正确答案:C. The Lady of Shalott 反馈:The Lady of Shalott 问题 6 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Which one is NOT included in Trollopes Barsetshire novels? 所选答案:A. Autobiography 正确答案:A. Autobiography 反馈:Autobiography 问题 7 得 2 分,满分 2 分 opposed Darwins explanation of evolution, finding it too mechanistic, and he expounded his own theories in Evolution Old and New, Unconscious Memory, and Luck or Cunning. 所选答案:C. Samuel Butler 正确答案:C. Samuel Butler 反馈:Samuel Butler 问题 8 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Tess of the DUrbervilles, one of Thomas Hardys best-known novels, portrays man as .所选答案:B. having no control over his own fate 正确答案:B. having no control over his own fate 反馈:having no control over his own fate 问题 9 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Ruskins aesthetics and the Pre-Raphaelite artistic pursuits anticipate the Art-for-Arts Sake school represented By Oscar Wilds. 所选答案:对正确答案:对反馈:T 问题 10 得 0 分,满分 2 分 John Ruskins book entitled _ is actually not about painters; it is about the beauty of nature and the importance of the appreciation of nature.所选答案: Modem Painters 正确答案: Modern Painters问题 11 得 2 分,满分 2 分 s works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness towards self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for love, understanding and a full happy life. 所选答案:C. George Eliot 正确答案:C. George Eliot 反馈:George Eliot 问题 12 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Written in 1837-38, Charles Dickenss novel tells the story of an orphan boy, whose adventures provide material for a description of the lower depths of poverty in the city of London所选答案: Oliver Twist 正确答案: Oliver Twist反馈:Oliver Twist 问题 13 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Besides being a successful novelist, Charlotte Bronte is also gaining a reputation as a good poet. 所选答案:错正确答案:错反馈:F 问题 14 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Which one is NOT Charlotte Brontes novel?所选答案:A. Agnes Grey 正确答案:A. Agnes Grey 反馈:Agnes Grey 问题 15 得 2 分,满分 2 分 One of Charles Dickenss best works is_, which is written in the first person and is the most autobiographical of all his books. In writing the novel, Dickens threw into it deep feelings and much of his own experience in his younger days.所选答案: David Copperfield 正确答案: David Copperfield反馈:David Copperfield 问题 16 得 2 分,满分 2 分 The Victorian drama scene, did not quite regain its value until George Bernard Shaw came on the scene. _is among one of his most popular early works, the first of its kind to present a prostitue as its major character.所选答案: Mrs. Warrens Profession 正确答案: Mrs. Warrens Profession反馈:Mrs. Warrens Profession问题 17 得 2 分,满分 2 分 believes that mans fate is predeterminedly tragic, driven by a combined force of “nature”, both inside and outside. 所选答案:D. Thomas Hardy正确答案:D. Thomas Hardy反馈:Thomas Hardy问题 18 得 2 分,满分 2 分 Between 1859 and 1885 Alfred Tennyson worked this narrative poems based on the stories of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Those poems were gathered to


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