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Unit 7 At Christmas 教学设计 教学内容:牛津小学英语6A Unit7 Part A&B 部分单词一、教学要求:1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词yours, mine, hers, his, ours, theirs。2、 能听得懂、会说、会读单词 a watch, a teapot, a wallet, a calculator, a skateboard, a hairdryer。3、 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 This one is from Grandma. Open it for me, please. Who are they from? They are from Grandma. Youre welcome.4、 能初步感悟重点句型Whose is it/are they? Its/Theyre mine/yours/his/hers/ours.5、 在教学内容中,体现健康教育的内容。二、教学重点:让学生能过在情景中能运用重点句型Whose is it/are they? Its/Theyre mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs.三、教学难点:学生能够在一定的情景下正确使用名词性物主代词。四、教学准备: 有关物品的实物,单词卡片,相关图片等。五、教学过程:Step 1 Free talk What date is it today?Whens your birthday? Did you have a birthday party last year? Did you get some presents? ( T: I think they were from your parents, relatives and your friends. )T: There are many holidays a year. I think you all got some presents on holidays. Now here are some presents for you. Would you like one? Step 2 Presentation1 Teach the new words:yours, mine, hers, his, ours, theirs,a watch, a teapot, a wallet, a calculator, a skateboard, a hairdryer让学生任选一个礼盒,然后打开此礼盒送给那位学生,并把相应的礼物送给学生,教师“ Its yours.”并教学单词。教师随机提问 Whose is it? 学生回答Its *s. 教师接着说Its his/hers . 反复出现,在单词教学中渗透名词性物主代词。媒体出示数个礼品盒T: Now, the presents are yours. Please tell me which one youd like. Ill give it to you. The first one, the second one, the ?S1(a girl): Id like the one.T: Lets open it.(鼠标点击打开)What is it? S: Its a (hairdryer)T: It can dry your hair. 教学新单词 hairdryer。Whose hairdryer is it?S: Its *s.T: Is it your hairdryer?S: Yes, it is.T: Yes, its my hairdryer. Its mine.(引导学生说)S1: T: Here you are.S1: Thank you. T: Youre welcome. Christmas is coming. You can give it to your mother.教学单词 mine 板书my hairdryer =mine朗读 Whose hairdryer is it? Its my hairdryer. Its mine.watch your watch =yours朗读 Whose watch is it? Its your watch. Its yours.教师拿出问Is this your watch? Yes, its my watch. Its mine. T: Its your watch. Its yours. Here you are.S: 板书及朗读wallet our wallet = oursWhose wallets are they? Theyre our wallets. Theyre ours.在一下几个环节中渗透教学“Who is it from? Who are they from?” Its from me. They are from me.教学单词 skateboard , her skateboard = hersWhose skateboard is it? Its her skateboard. Its hers.用法教学单词teapot, his teapot = hisWhose teapot is it? Its his teapot. Its his. 同法教学calculator。their calculator = theirsWhose calculators are they? Theyre their calculators. Theyre theirs.2 巩固新词 :猜词游戏。让学生读读句子,指名读,领读,齐读,小组读,男女读等等。Step 3 A Listen, read and say1 学习课文背景T: Boys and girls, do you like watching cartoons?S: Yes.T: OK. Now lets watch a cartoon. (媒体切入到Part A flash 页面)Show the questions: 1. Which holiday was it?2. What did they talk about?T: Lets watch and answer the questions.(The first passage.)学生观看后回答问题。2 初学课文对话部分T: There were some presents under the Christmas. What are the presents? Now, please open your books and read the dialogue, then circle the presents.学生回答“What are the presents?”3 朗读课文,完成表格。出示句型:Who is it from?/ Who are they from?它/他们是谁送的?Its from / Theyre from 它/他们是送的。T: Whose wallet is it? Lets read after the tape and find the answer.( Draw a rectangle.)T: Who is it from? Lets read the passage together.( Draw a triangle.)前两个齐读,后两个自由读。让学生试着问答。4 学生跟读课文,齐读,分角色读。5. 完成课文下面的连线题。Step 4 Consolidation1. 连线题。(日常用语)2. Play present cards.T: Look, I have some present cards. Lets play cards.I choose one card. I cant see the card. What present is it? Let me guess. Whose present is it? Who is it from?S: 学生牌面上的礼物回答教师的问题,提供相关信息帮助教师猜测。T: Is it ?S: Yes, you are right./ Sorry, youre wrong.教师猜牌,学生猜牌(全班活动),小组活动。Step 5 Homework1. Christmas is coming soon, make a Christmas Card for your friend. Then send it to your friend.2. Read and act the dialogue with you friend.3. Jim会送爸爸、妈妈什么礼物?爸爸、妈妈又会送爷爷奶奶什么礼物呢?请你想一想,然后编写一段对话。下节课交流。板书设计:Unit 7 At ChristmasWhose is it/are they? Who is it/are the from?Its/ Theyre from Its /theyre my = mine his = hisyour = yours our = oursher = hers their = theirs教后反思 本课是学生第一次学习名词性物主代词,是在教会了前三个物主代词 mine, ours, yours 及新句型。这个过程既通过整理家人的礼物复现了8个物品类单词,又通过物品整理自然引出Whose is it/ are they? 的句型,在回答的过程中呈现并学习名词性物主代词his, hers 。最后让学生通过前面的学习,自己说出theirs 这个名词性物主代词。从教到不教,整个教学过程循序渐进,水到渠成。 我认为,这部分的设计承接了本学习过程前面新学单词的一个巩固复习过程,又在复习过程中引出了新知的教授,一举两得。在学生的思维不被打断的情况下,继续学习余下的新内容。整个过程合二为一,体现了英语教学在用中学、在学中用、学了就用的课程理念,可以说设计巧妙而周到。但我在教学过后马上发现:这一环节作为巩固新单词的话,学生运用新单词来说话的机会并没有什么,有的只是教师在整理物品时新单词的复现。虽然这也是一种巩固方式,得效果没有让学生来用这些新单词来得好。所以,这里不妨设计成让学生模仿教师自己来整理物品。在教师的示范下,学生应该很快能运用课堂一开始学习的Whose is it /are they? 句型来整理物品。这样放手的教学,反倒能让学生巩固新单词的效果更佳。这是其一。 其二,在引出新知his,hers后,可以引导学生说说名词性物主代词的构成规律:以“s” 结尾的不加什么,其它结尾的加上“s”, 特例mine. 通过让学生自己体验感知新知得出规律,培养学生善于发现,善于总结的学习能力。让学生在学习新知过程中获得成就感,获得学习的快乐,才能长久保持学生在英语学习中的兴趣,为以后的学习打下扎实的基础。 第三,这三个教学步骤,充分体现了教师在教学过程中从扶到放的教学理念。第一步,提醒学生单复数答语的正确使用。第二步,让学生自己说出正确的答语,不加提醒。即使学生说错,也不


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