Unit 5 Animals Lesson 1教学设计方案-华夏小学冯玉佳.doc_第1页
Unit 5 Animals Lesson 1教学设计方案-华夏小学冯玉佳.doc_第2页
Unit 5 Animals Lesson 1教学设计方案-华夏小学冯玉佳.doc_第3页
Unit 5 Animals Lesson 1教学设计方案-华夏小学冯玉佳.doc_第4页
Unit 5 Animals Lesson 1教学设计方案-华夏小学冯玉佳.doc_第5页




第 周 第 课时课 题:Unit5 Animals-Lesson1教材简析爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈和天天、津津在宠物店,全家人看到宠物都很喜欢,纷纷表达自己想要什么的意愿。爷爷想要鹦鹉。奶奶想要小猫。天天想要小狗。津津想要小鸡。爸爸和妈妈正在看小鱼。学情分析学生们对顽皮可爱的小动物很感兴趣,在生活中常常遇到,学生学起来很容易理解和掌握。教学目标1.能听懂会说句子 “I want a puppy.” 能听懂会说5个动物单词 a bird a puppy a fish a chick a kitten2.通过创设语言情景使学生正确理解和运用所学知识,培养学生的听说能力。通过课堂活动(游戏、小组合作等)激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生运用语言的能力和技能。3.使学生喜欢小动物,并养成爱护动物的好习惯。教学重难点1.使学生熟练掌握和运用有关动物“Animals” 的单词和句子。2.使学生熟练、正确的认读单词,自如灵活的运用所学语言。教媒学体准使备用PPTpicturescardstape-recorder toy(animals)教 学 过 程导入(检查预习、复习)1.Warm upGreetings: T:Good morning, boys and girls.S:Good morning, Miss Feng.Classroom Song Shh! Be quiet. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. Shh! Be quiet. Raise your hand. Listen. Listen. Listen. Make a circle big and round, big and round, big and round. Make a line and then sit down. Colour. Colour. Colour.Colour Song 新授课:2.PresentationShow some new friends to the students. T: Today I will bring some friends to you. Are you happy? Do you want to know who are they?Touch and guess Put the toy of kitten in a small bag and let the students touch it and guess. After it well watch the VCR about kitten. Let the students clap and say “Look, look, a kitten.” Tell a story of Nemo. Nemo is a very famous fish. Hes very clever and brave.Lets watch the VCR about Nemo.教 学 过 程 Do the action of the fish and read the word one by one.Listen and guess. Listen the “wow” of this animal and guess. The bay of a puppy. Read the word group by group. Let all the boys read it and then let all the girls read it.Do the action and guess. It can fly in the sky. Can you guess?(A bird.) Let the students touch the picture and say the word.Describe the animal It looks like a bird. But it cant fly. Let listen first.(A chick.) Do the action and let the students do the same gesture and say.T: Do you like them? Do you want one of them?I want a Let the students choose their favorite animal use the sentence “I want a ” and give them the picture of this animal. (the picture is black and white.)3.PracticeThe puzzle game.The student should say out the word according to the numbers.Look at the picture part by part and guess.Lets chant. Look, look, a(animal)Have a competition.(Do the action and let the students guess)4. ProductionColoured your favorite animal and give the picture to your friend or teachers. (Draw and say)Use the sentence “A/anfor you. ”板书设计Unit 5 AnimalI want a Pictures: a kitten a fish a puppy a bird a chick作业布置必做:1.Listen to the tape and review the word & text. 2. Preview next page.选做:Find other words about animals as more as you can.教学反思随笔本课是Unit 5的第一课时,教学目标是让学生们学会用英语表达五个动物的名称:bird, puppy, fish, chick, kitten.相信很多学生都非常喜欢小动物,我就以介绍自己宠物店的新朋友的方式引出可爱的小动物作为本课的导入,让学生通过看、听、摸、模仿、猜等方式认识可爱的小动物们,学会小动物的英语表达形式,通过游戏等形式激发学生的学习兴趣,同时通过选择自己喜爱的动物朋友这一教学任务,引导学生用本课的功能句:I want来选择自己最喜欢的小动物作为自己的朋友,让学生在语言中巩固了所学词汇,最后让学生把动物朋友的图片涂上自己最喜欢的颜色送给自己的朋友,让学生运用 “Heres .for you”与同学进行交流,培养学生的语言技能。通过本节课的教学,我觉得:第一课时单词教学在注意词汇学习的同时,教师应


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