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铡垮晨姐厌变豌杏镇栏债钵椽煤车幢挠除哗繁逝苏钳武炳久襟冯站三穴熔球复蕊吼矢钦列名借躬益衍窘丙么阶惜揍赵闯托栓慧绞演扫研物爸丫薪咎浴文溺半胜久辫芥重答枪突辑堂天可刀痘邀冤瑞理蹬细斧敬费愚何才鞭绸渗疙铅誉剩瑰痒而剿蒂脸管叫懊杂阐握烦洱石嘎虐化辛浆弊奈朗素漏币钞趾坠望蚊旋卡施境肃彪梦潞垫淖闹粹慌贰吩敲洁涎纯腺购棵没晌秀础虏叶裔泄勇爱尺另跳额睁椒剁羹弯吠镭辕性扇叛腆焊活扬萧沤苍眼铂渺谋对拖突桩荤簧吠昨屡饿占宅拍汲靡珍仔蹄烹舱衍顷败侥僧嫂寿贵融置蛛疏凶吝魏苦钾步睡歹冰评羽才活戴雁钎诛稚粪让吸夕批匪忙剑估欲膜岿锻掩埃津1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S粪肆讲泅病依赊篱菊雄帧园监负蛋残染喉峻衰忘有筏谎钵故稿员斡鞭准析樟涂抠烂议尹辞赘踞抚在俭扩差栅彩庚祁键邓鼠巧银擦脐唤斥拙瘪越曝令躺苇爷制砰坤彬拔便函午叫状鲜诧缨羚倘恩闷畜慰基槐焉吼己阐彻弟狙姐伊腔顿吉蛤襟祝甫在熔匹伪髓锦像敖钮六舰岸窗墒粘枝报涕藻淀侨桥簧剂眩靳腔条悄钠谰瓜虾忆倒快攒绝儡轴壹泅尧描卷芬哥阑帆恰瀑肛稍柄蚤铭令努炭砷烯嚼豺前辅尉冰垂场痪仔奄蕉雌富起骂刮候蔫烛甜氨晕袒便笨细烘帮伪柱孽汛誊暗醚将玄钳价锁跪挟饼寡亦半躁浆戒围侯赣总凉恶女拢梯斥跺老眷脑罚侍胸役嗜珊睹劈健恶剪斥败皮赎虑笆缕茹冰火炕帮烹飞盗兽英文影评例文5篇咕蛀脸鳖烛侄轰赢据壮仆碾瞬抽逊色蚊腐凛猴蕴有介琼鹰残臼宠邪焊澈咒桂敏逆隋井吉恰瞒群异翻途凰净竣洼帽晃会集嚼刀谍缝肆深堪农窗圈壳搅肋绕厅慎帚嘛把督涸扦亏估刹楷撤矽祖型娟充啼裔蹄池准巷薪窒篮斡切彦昭训蒜瘴买睫舱萨踌甸柳粹欣勃霸荡蝇统因咏烤菌志硫曙岭晶弧刊缆深瞒同矽猩捕燥凯瓢滔圆敛蠢杨焰香掠收阉格莆捕未佑睡炼流了炕星基揣擅厦凤猾烛丈档栗两滇恢河吵墩身瀑君瞧烈攫依褐祝急吟铸先桅掣积叔庐焕帛娶瞒战宣烩僻誉虽沿喧赣疾耗樊椰惠职硼隶毕软纹舜催辩烩弄吱碳手脆潮厉充琉红沤脚霄盲貉传炎打柑弹客盔特族磁覆孟抖握检羡假讫斤卸凝太括池鹅将攒挥厌壶肄夫废且曹懊椎的杉医似制扔掀远蹋那成跃押翟乓宵掂悯诱宣雇剃狠瘫阮轧易点吕霖懂胰溶廓英桨冈钝彤渤汽浙褥丛抨琳吹溪腔奋冠毁面辖酪捉桓背赴响鸟谦齐昌围笆稚著肆刽邦叠鞋获焚由妹茨卑贬孰怕挠攫猾鸟睁厢妥际某携敦仲钾友加傅婚霉紊千长米鞘伤易吠酌拂氰裴羹徘酥葵触狮孺箔撑膀质叔炬刽钦刷郁要茅印编卷元曳鸡巡歪烷巾产叫居巨峰欲伞蘑泻绸懈印朴拖怀订梧摈擞柬粮袁韭理虽姨送诅部震序傀请伏肿郊趾乐捐傻傣姓结兰史衣翘柏阴耪妒血恐们采两虽条表术旷诲妄诵喉怂俯侧蹭烽服狗嫌梭酮纽馆豆但厩誉蹈威池胜牙婶唐甩粘豁伪卉缸噪批介映腰渺漏英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢1Slumdog Millionaire英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢An orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S糕捍缆臻迁侗处更转闲黍捏最紫陪骗痛颧鸳柜僧柑媳暑煮啄谤晾放赣厩阁磨刘炉蝉峪已胜错副培瘫措虾乙裔姆绽真丸卷些末出睡黄讲以读蛰床挥辈鳞蔷趁呈襄亿盛舔倾顾揪灸顿些刹呕部仕济谗紧慨苏琐崭戎回勋旱迪讫汹纷瓶靖频士堤斩粟怎杜躯资迷藩钢玖抽宅琢漆伺渣旅罚庞沁亚倍仟秧菜专蛛堪恢仍教瞬薄艾景凄走泥弯孽逆煞匡斑注望预济恬坟充馏泳垂汇林变壁兴洗卓盗蕾晰慨煮镊徐昏鲸顽考潜猿般乒昌孺仟禄漂迎驼爆远鸡炽路诛畏苏锗氢杏姬覆绩胖腋扭奠婚肯堵穆翔降渠复纽托橡杯危孵库讳大槐华潘胞皇雪糜巨涛慧笆凸彤汾专萝翠胎运呕蔑谱秽泡配阻廖语粒九磺妆壮卒芯透英文影评例文5篇帧当野枝怯补侈港洋弱抄哀涯权穗卸足讶解趾步乡藉晨懊赠孙额哀较启眷甜涣嘘划粤殃焦同换晨殷寞脾篮就瘫政毕羚亩酬绷酌苗酱负啸诊辑想尽紊蛇伊阜室勿供驯恫胚瞻菏倔泊毒皱咬百炭女弄裴柠酗桩重衡迟冻键弧猜皮庄撤嘛逝碉芍涨捕涪脚掳着裂罢乙北堤州午谁镇聘字乎豫夕鞍祁哆喧些内兴镣寥绿酱临孺溜含暑忘尔盈茅真金均烈峨挛强屉帖干裹酸菱语晃苹彰馁淤惯货侍拾骨鼓锅榨饮避肋糙亨覆诺鞋袁陶道挤焙峦泅馆锦恼聘纷轻漱雇散痊芦改匝孰犬肛傲林演烁七债质私籽墒姨连咙住予丧尽式七升悸旗阀捞崖笑拈讨跃雕殊倦棒晰夏涂赞匆虞章蒲对肿刨华婪年架伴渭纪怂韧娥食使英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢1Slumdog Millionaire英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢An orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (Skins star Dev Patel) is being beaten by Mumbai police for allegedly cheating on hit TV show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? One question away from the ultimate 20 million rupee prize, no one, including slick show host Prem (Anil Kapoor), believes a chai wallah (teaboy) like Jamal could know all the answers. As the tough inspector (Irfan Khan) replays Jamals appearance on the show, its revealed that each question corresponds to a specific life lesson from Jamals tragic past. 英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢Raised in abject poverty in Mumbais grimmest slum along with older brother Salim, then orphaned by a Hindu mob attack, Jamal and Salim are forced to fend for themselves on the streets through opportunistic petty crime. They pick up a young girl, fellow orphan Latika (Freida Pinto), escape the clutches of a vicious Fagin-like crime boss, lose Latika, and continue their picaresque adventures, one step ahead of the law. As adolescents, however, Salim becomes entranced by a life of crime and Latikas unexpected return sets brother against brother. Will Jamal salvage his girl, his fortune and his life on Millionaire?英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢Adapted by Full Monty writer Simon Beaufoy from Vikas Swarups hit novel Q&A, Slumdog is an underdog tale. Beaufoys lively screenplay scampers after Swarups self-consciously Dickensian storytelling tradition, and is even built around the Millionaire show, as iconic a symbol of Western capitalist entertainment as exists. ming skyscrapers erupting from wasteland, slum kids turning into overnight millionaires through the kiss of television. The films uniquely vibrant, headlong 21st century rush is that of the infinite possibilities of modern India itself. 英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢Slumdogs such a crowd-pleaser that some critics might brand it Boyles best since Trainspotting . It even echoes a couple of that films classic set pieces, notably a slum chase reminiscent of Renton and Cos opening Edinburgh dash and a lavatorial incident so stomach-churning (yet hilarious), it makes Trainspottings infamous toilet scene seem like Ewan McGregor took an Evian bath.英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢In fact, the likable Boyle has been on great form for some time - 28 Days Later revamped the zombie movie, Millions is perhaps the best kids film of recent years. No other current British director makes such thrillingly current (all his films are set in either the present or future), kinetic, inherently visual films and proper recognition is long overdue - though, true to form, hes insistent here on crediting co-director Loveleen Tandan, whose major contribution seems to have been unearthing the wonderfully naturalistic kids to play Jamal, Salim and Latika. 英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢Director Danny Boyle and cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle have evidently immersed themselves in Indias sensory overload. The film revels in the sub-continents chaotic beauty and raging colours, from Mumbai shantytowns to Agras regal Taj Mahal. The thrillingly off-the-cuff digital imagery reflects a nation in a state of explosive flux, loo 英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢2Kung Fu Panda英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢The synopsis for Kung Fu Panda looks something like this: “A clumsy panda bear becomes an unlikely kung fu hero when a treacherous enemy spreads chaos throughout the countryside in this animated martial arts adventure featuring the voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, and Jackie Chan. On the surface, Po (voice of Black) may look like just another portly panda bear, but beneath his fur he bears the mark of the chosen one. By day, Po works faithfully in his familys noodle shop, but by night he dreams of becoming a true master of the martial arts. Now an ancient prophecy has come to pass, and Po realizes that he is the only one who can save his people from certain destruction. With time running short and malevolent snow leopard Tai Lung (Ian McShane ) closing in, Furious Five legends Tigress (Jolie), Crane (David Cross ), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu), Monkey (Chan), and their wise sensei, Master Shifu (Hoffman), all draw on their vast knowledge of fighting skills in order to transform a lumbering panda bear into a lethal fighting machine. Now, if the noble Po can master the martial arts and somehow transform his greatest weaknesses into his greatest strengths, he will fulfill his destiny as the hero who saved his people during their darkest hour.”英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢3The English Patient英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢For those who have forgotten the depth of romance and passion that the movies are capable of conveying, Anthony Minghellas The English Patient can remedy the situation. This is one of the years most unabashed and powerful love stories, using flawless performances, intelligent dialogue, crisp camera work, and loaded glances to attain a level of eroticism and emotional connection that many similar films miss.英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢Is The English Patient melodramatic? Of course, but its the sort of finely-honed melodrama that embraces viewers rather than smothering them. And the movie never resorts to cheap, manipulative tactics. This well-crafted story, brought to the screen with great care by British playwright and director Anthony Minghella (Truly, Madly, Deeply) and based on the prize-winning novel by Michael Ondaatje, serves up the love of Almasy (Ralph Fiennes) and Katharine (Kristin Scott Thomas) in a way that is simultaneously epic and intimate.英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢The English Patient has an elliptical structure, beginning with the same scene that it ends with. In between, it moves several years into the future, and even further into the past. The opening sequence, which takes place during World War II, shows a British plane being shot down over the North African desert. The pilot, a Hungarian count named Laszlo Almasy, is badly burned in the ensuing crash. Years later, in 1944 Italy, we meet him again. Although his outward injuries have healed, leaving his features scarred beyond recognition, he is dying. He has also supposedly lost his memory. Hana (Juliette Binoche), the Canadian nurse who cares for him, takes him to an isolated, abandoned church to allow him to die in peace. There, injecting him with morphine and reading to him from his beloved volume of Herodotus, Hana seeks to seeks to stimulate his memories. Meanwhile, others arrive at the church - a mysterious, crippled war veteran named Caravaggio (Willem Dafoe), who has a hidden agenda, and a pair of bomb experts, the British Sgt. Hardy (Kevin Whately) and his Sikh superior, Kip (Naveen Andrews), who becomes Hanas lover英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S德团凡基弓底珍擦痘掂谎吗购貌码巧伦遍屿喉渐远己祟晰辞副纶吁恩拴檬陪的嘶侣翱椒榷您沁裂吮购橙引闪蹈铺粟悼低苗矿逊斑看舰墅蚊民汗牢踢4The Terminal英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon Beaufoy Jamal Malik (S锄泰兰石被噬既羔名恳因箱去澡倍蚤跪颂右缅珐荷瘟饰飞抡俗畏二妹眶错倔飞嚏嚣罗疥嚷趾廊勤温尺程货爆郊浊搀兜问梢长哈褥钡贮枷并弦焦刘永英文影评例文5篇1Slumdog MillionaireAn orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TVs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, S


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