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实验报告书课程名称: 信息管理学 实验题目: 实验一 iSchools调查 班 级: 信管 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 毛 平 成 绩: 批阅教师: 年 月 日一、实验目的1.了解iSchnols联盟的性质及其目前的68个成员学院2 重点了解伊利诺伊大学厄本那香摈分校(图节俯与信息科学研究生院)的情况;3初步了解其他学院的概况。二、实验内容与步骤1.登录iSchoo1联盟网站,点击页面左上方“About链接,进入联盟介绍页面(如图1所示),查看Charter,Meet Our People,Contact。完成作业(1)。2.返回iSchools联盟网站,查看页面中联盟成员学院的列表“members”-“iCuacus Members”(如图2所示)。完成作业(2)。3.登录University of Illinois(伊利诺伊大学-厄本那-香槟分校)的Graduate School of Library and information Science(/)(如图3所示),其学院在美国图书馆与信息科学研究生排名中连续多年排名第一。查看其页面上方About Gslis,Academics,Research。完成作业(3)。4.再选择你所感兴趣的另外三所学院,分别登录他们的学院网站,了解该学院的介绍,专业研究领域、课程设置等内容。完成作业(4)。图1 iSchools联盟网站首页图2 iSchools联盟成员列表图3 伊利诺伊大学-厄本那-香槟分校图书馆与信息科学研究生网站三、作业(1)整理iSchools联盟的介绍内容,包括:Charter,Meet Our People,Contact。(2)整理iSchools联盟成员学院列表的相关资料。(3)整理University of Illinois(伊利诺伊大学-厄本那-香槟分校)的Graduate School of Library and Information Science(/)页面相关内容,包括About Gslis,Academics,Research。(4)将查看到的另外3所学院的简介、专业研究领域、课程设置的内容进行整理。1、 联盟介绍内容:Charter宪章:这个宪章首次I-Schools党团投票通过,2005年7月。多亏了常见解决方案集团在本文档的宪章。自2014年以来iSchools合并,合同已经更新。修订历史:修订后的10月17日,2006;2009;2009;1月29日,1月9日,2009年2月11日,2014年11月Meet Our PeopleiSchools StaffDavid Fenske, Executive DClark Heideger, Director of CGuillermo Tirelli, IT Specialistgtirel.liiSchools Executive CommitteeiCaucus Chair: Michael Seadle, Head of School, Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universitt zu BerlinAssistant to the Chair: Ulrike Stckel, Research Assistant and LectureriCaucus Chair-elect: Ron Larsen, Dean, School of Information Sciences, University of PittsburghiCaucus Past.Chair: Harry Bruce, Dean, Information School, University of WashingtonGobinda Choudhury, Head of School, Mathematics and Information Sciences, Northumbria UniversitySam Oh, Head of School, Library & Information Science and Data Science Department, Sungkyunkwan UniversityDavid Fenske, ex Officio, Executive DirectorContactFor general or media inquiries about the iSchools and the iCaucus, email Ulrike Stckel.For general or media inquiries regarding the iConference, email Conference Coordinator Clark Heideger.For information on membership in the iSchools organization, email iSchools Executive Director David Fenske.2、 联盟成员学院1. Carnegie Mellon University: School of Information Systems and Management, Heinz College2. Drexel University: College of Computing and Informatics3. Florida State University: College of Communication and Information4. Georgia Institute of Technology: College of Computing5. Humboldt University of Berlin: Berlin School of Library and Information Science6. Indiana University: School of Informatics and Computing7. Pennsylvania State University: College of Information Sciences and Technology8. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey: School of Communication and Information9. Syracuse University: School of Information Studies10. Singapore Management University: School of Information Systems11. University of California, Berkeley: School of Information12. University of California, Irvine: The Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences13. University of California, Los Angeles: Graduate School of Education and Information Studies14. University of Copenhagen: Royal School of Library and Information Science15. University of Illinois: Graduate School of Library and Information Science16. University of Maryland: College of Information Studies17. University of Michigan: School of Information18. University of North Carolina: School of Information and Library Science19. University of North Texas: College of Information (USA)20. University of Pittsburgh: School of Information Sciences21. University of Sheffield: Information School22. University of Texas, Austin: School of Information23. University of Toronto: Faculty of Information24. University of Washington: Information School25. Wuhan University: School of Information Management In addition, for every ten iSchools not otherwise represented in the iCaucus, one representative to the iCaucus may be elected by iSchools who are not invited members of the iCaucus, for a two-year term.1. University College Dublin: School of Information and Library Studies (elected caucus 13-17)2. Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea:Library & Information Science and Data Science Department (elected caucus 14-17)3. University of Tampere: School of Information Sciences (elected caucus 14-15)4. Northumbria University: Department of Mathematics and Information Sciences (elected caucus 14-15)三、关于university of illinois About GslisWelcome to the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS), an iSchool with a tradition of excellence and innovation.Within this site youll learn more about GSLIS, a world leader in library and information science education, research, and practice. Nationally, our Master of Science in library and information science has been ranked number one by U.S. News & World Report since that magazine began ranking library and information science programs.As information output increases rapidly from year to year, there is a corresponding increase in the need for professionals who can help people manage information overload and who can connect people with the information resources and information technology that they need in order to achieve their goals, whether those goals are personal, community, corporate, government, or global.At GSLIS, excellent faculty educate the men and women who will become leaders in the information professions, shaping the way information is produced, analyzed, and preserved. That work, in turn, benefits society, from business to healthcare to the arts, from education to politics, from personal information management to international information exchange.We are proud to be at the forefront of library and information science, and we hope that you will choose to join us in this acutely and increasingly important field. If you do, youll find that no matter what your disciplinary background or your interests, there is an enormous opportunity here to do interesting and valuable work that will not only change the lives of others, but will change yours as well.AcademicsAt the heart of library and information science lives our ethic of service, empowerment, and social benefit. We do not shrink from the challenges of the world around uswe seek them out.GSLIS Dean Allen RenearGSLIS has long been ranked the top LIS program in the nation, with a reputation for providing the highest quality education at the masters and doctoral levels.Degree programsCoursesOur core courses provide a strong foundation for careers in LIS, and a broad array of electives allows students to design their own programs of study across all of our degrees.Our staff is here to help bridge the gap between students and technology in the classroom setting. We believe the technology you use should be as simple and stable as possible, so that you can focus on your studies.Instructional Technology and DesignLIS Virtual LibraryGSLIS students haveaccess to a variety of scholarly services, both onsite and virtually. Visit the LIS Virtual Library to search databases, browse new LIS titles, or IM a librarian with your questions.ResearchGSLIS is renowned for our world-class, groundbreaking research program. Our faculty, staff, and students are leaders in the field, recognized for their expertise and the impact of their scholarly contributions. Drawing on the resources of the University of Illinois, a preeminent public research university, as well as on collaborations with scholars around the world and corporate sector partners, GSLIS researchers conduct research in a variety of areas including data science, information retrieval, librarianship and much more. Major funders include the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Institute of Museum and Library Services, National Endowment for the Humanities, Google, and the National Science Foundation.Our Strategic Research VisionGSLIS researchers use multidisciplinary approaches to address key global challenges found at the intersection of people, information, and technology. Taken together, these six strategicvisions present a distinct imprint of the substance and impact of GSLIS research.Information is a vital human resource.We envision a world in which information is a fundamental human resource like food, energy, and transportation, with equitable access for all.History informs our identity and guides our information future.We envision global access to human cultural, scientific, and information heritage, learning from the past to inform tomorrows world.Libraries shape what we know and who we are.We envision libraries and information institutions that will shape the knowledge landscape of the future.Data science opens new windows to knowledge.We envision a world where people marshal data for discovery and insight, while preserving social values.Information literacy enables participation in the knowledge society.We envision empowered individuals creating and using information responsibly.Systems serve people.We envision a world where information systems make sense and serve people.Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship Our ResearchOur faculty are engaged in cutting-edge research projects and receive grants from some of the nations most prestigious funders, including the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Institute of Museum and Library Services, National Endowment for the Humanities, Google, and the National Science Foundation. Currently, our grant-funded research portfolio totals more than $2.5 million in award dollars.四、三所学院相关a. 武汉大学信息管理学院简介 武汉大学信息管理学院,前身是创建于1920年的武昌文华大学图书科。1929年,武昌文华大学图书科独立为武昌文华图书馆专科学校。1953年武昌文华图书馆专科学校并入武汉大学,建立图书馆学系。1984年,经原国家教委批准建立图书情报学院。2001年,更名为信息管理学院。学院现有教职工110人,其中,教授34人(含博士生导师34人),副教授34人,在校本科生916人,在校硕士生522人、博士生192人。 学院本科教育设有图书馆学、信息管理与信息系统、档案学、编辑出版学、电子商务、数字出版6个本科专业。其中图书馆学专业在19201956年是专科,1956年改为本科;信息管理与信息系统的前身是创办于1978年的科技情报学专业;文华图书馆专科学校于1934年设档案管理特种教席,1940年创建档案管理科,1947年停办,1984年重建,为档案学本科;编辑出版学的前身是1983年武汉大学与新华书店总店合作建立的我国第一个图书发行学专业;电子商务专业是2001年经教育部和武汉大学批准创办的自设专业;2012年新增数字出版专业。学院设有8个博士和硕士学位点(图书馆学,情报学,档案学,信息资源管理,古籍整理与保护,出版发行学,管理科学与工程,电子商务)和4个专业硕士学位点(图书情报硕士,出版硕士,工程硕士(项目管理领域、软件工程领域),工程管理硕士),两个一级学科博士学位授权点(图书馆、情报与档案管理,管理科学与工程。其中管理科学与工程是与经济管理学院等合作建设的),两个博士后流动站(图书馆、情报与档案管理,管理科学与工程)。图书馆学、情报学两个学科分别被批准为国家重点学科。在2003年高等学校与科研院所学位与研究生教育评估所组织的全国第二届学科评估中,学院图书馆、情报与档案管理一级学科被评为全国第一。 在社会各界和学校的支持与关怀下,经过几代人、九十多年的辛勤建设,学院形成了“开拓创造、务实创业、引领创新”的办学传统,为国家的经济社会发展和文化传承作出了重要贡献。专业研究领域电子商务与物流类竞争情报类档案管理类图书馆管理类编辑出版发行类新媒体类信息系统类信息分析与咨询类信息资源管理与服务类信息安全类舆情分析引导与危机应对类 课程:专业主干(核心)课程:c语言、信息管理学基础、数据结构、运筹学、信息经济学、数据库系统原理、信息系统、计算机网络、信息分析、信息组织、信息检索、信息计量学、信息服务与用户、Java语言程序设计、市场营销、专业英语、知识管理、信息资源管理、信息系统项目管理、组织行为学。 双语课程:信息检索、经济学原理 特色课程:信息管理与电子商务导论、信息资源获取与利用、信息系统设计与开发b. Nuiversity of wishington简介 Since joining the UMD iSchool as a faculty member in 2012, I have consistently been impressed by the scale and scope of the Colleges activities and impact. Whether promoting development of School Library Media professionals as change agents, making cybersecurity more usable, transforming legal practice by creating new e-discovery technologies, renvisioning the Masters of Library Science, realizing the future of archival educations and research, or creating new ways of engaging kids and communities in health, science, and technology, the UMD iSchool is at the forefront of thought and practice in the information professions. As the new Interim Dean, I am even more aware of how much impact you, the Colleges faculty, staff, students and alumni, have through your professional activities, teaching, and research. Over the next year, we will build on prior successes to lay groundwork for the next generation of iSchool research, education, and community projects. With more than $5 million in new funding and the largest graduating class ever, last year was an amazing culmination of Dean Jenny Preeces term. Already this year there are exciting developments such as:New directors for the Human Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) (Dr. June Ahn), the MIM Program (Dr. Kathy Weaver), and the MLS program (Dr. Paul Jaeger);Emerging efforts in Undergraduate Information Science education begun by Dr. Susan Winter and continued by Dr. Vedat Diker, andMany new faces as we are joined in the Fall by 220 new students, one of the largest incoming classes ever.I will also have the privilege to work with Keith Marzullo who will be joining the iSchool in July 2016 as Dean. Keith, an internationally recognized distributed computing scholar, educator, and research leader, beings to the iSchool a wealth of skills, contacts, and expertise that will allow us to increase the Colleges visibility, engagement, and impact.As with any significant leadership transition, there are many questions and concerns. At the same time, there are many exciting opportunities. As Interim Dean, I am looking forward to working with every one of you to continue the traditions that have made the UMD iSchool a great place to study and work and to chart new directions that will serve the College, the University, and the larger iSchool community into the future.ProgramsMarylands iSchools fully accredited academic programs prepare students to succeed as information specialists in any setting, whether as librarians at a major research library, digital or traditional archivists at a nonprofit museum or analysts in the intelligence community.The iSchool offers a master of library science degree, a master of information management degree, a master of science in human-computer interaction and a doctoral degree. All are cross-disciplinary and combine theory and practical problem solving.Students can also select academic specialties within these programs, including a diversity concentration in the M.L.S program that trains information professionals to work with diverse populations in varied settings.The iSchool offers coursework at the universitys College Park campus, the Universities at Shady Grove and online.课程: College Park LBSC / INFM / INST Schedule Spring 2015 (1/26/2015 - 5/12/2015) DAYTIMECOURSE & SECTIONCOURSE TITLEINSTRUCTORROOMLBSC 785 0101Documentation, Collection, and Appraisal of RecordsR. PunzalanHBK 0109INST 621 0101Managing Information Technology Innovations in OrganizationsP.WangHBK 4115INST 630 0101Introduction to Programming for the Information ProfessionalN. ElmqvistHBK 0103INST 888 0101Doctoral SeminarP. JaegerHBK 4113LBSC 622 0101Information and Universal UsabilityM. SubramaniamHBK 0103LBSC 671 0101Creating Information Infrastructures K. LawleyHBK 2119LBSC 723 0101Advocacy and Support for Information ServicesM. SullivanHBK 0108INFM 600 0101Information EnvironmentsA. WigginsHBK 0109INST 767 0101Big Data InfrastructureJ. LinHBK 0105INST 728P 0101Information Professionals as Change AgentsB. ButlerHBK 0115LBSC 770 0101Bibliographic ControlT. SrikantaiahHBK 4115INFM 750 0101From Data to InsightsV. Frias-MartinezHBK 01152:00 - 4:45pmINST 627 0201Data Analytics for Information ProfessionalsY. TausczikHBK 4113INST 640 0101Principles of Digital CurationR. MarcianoHBK 2119INST 733 0101Database Design V. DikerHBK 0109LBSC 680 0101Principles of Records and Information ManagementP. WesterHBK 0109INFM 737 0101Information Management Capstone ExperienceK. WeaverHBK 01036:00 - 8:45pmINST 614 0101Information Literacy Inclusion Public GoodP. JaegerHBK 4115INST 702 0101Advanced Usability TestingV. RhoadsHBK 0105INST 742 0101Implementing Digital CurationR. SpanglerHBK 21191:30 - 4:00 pmINST 736 0101Computational Linguistics IIP. ResnikWDS 0104LBSC 684 0101Archival Arrangement and DescriptionK. HegerHBK 4113INFM 737 0201Information Management Capstone ExperienceK. WeaverHBK 2119INST 611 0101Privacy and Security in the Network WorldJ. VitakCHM 0115INST 644 0101Introduction to Digital HumanitiesK. KrausPHY 1402LBSC 707 0101Field Study in Library ServiceW. SimmonsHBK 0123INFM 711 0101Financial Management B. ButlerHBK 21196:00 - 8:45 pmINST 612 0101Information PolicyH. BergmanHBK 0109INST 631 0101Fundamentals of Human-Computer InteractionM. ChettyHBK 0105INST 641 0101Policy Issues in Digital Curation (Hybrid Course)K. ShiltonHBK 1112c. The university of texas at austin school of information简介 The challenges are greatWe live in an increasingly interconnected world of instant access to people, ideas, and data. The technologies of information are changing our behavior, our organizations, and our society. To understand the dynamics of our world, and to help shape a future that reflects social values, we need a form of knowledge that crosses disciplinary divides, bridges the arts and the sciences, and applies human insights to technological advances. This is the iSchool.The solutions are interdisciplinaryThe study of information extends beyond any existing field. Our world-class faculty has expertise in a range of disciplines, from computer science, psychology, and engineering to anthropology, history, communications, and more. We come together to study and educate people about the interactions of people and information; the processes of managing and organizing information for meaning and use; and the


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