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(VOA慢速英语十一)坐过山车有益健康 可排出肾结石(1014)重点单词:expandikspndv.增加,详述,扩展,使 . 膨胀,roughrfadj.粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的pilotpailtn.飞行员,领航员,引航员vt.领航,驾association.susieinn.联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想measuremen.措施,办法,量度,尺寸v.测量,量disorderdis:dn.杂乱,混乱vt.扰乱themei:mn.题目,主题variablevribladj.可变的,易变的n. 变量,易变的东heedhi:dn.注意,留心v. 注意,留心violentvailntadj.暴力的,猛烈的,极端的听力文本:Roller Coaster Rides Can Help With Painful ConditionFrom VOA Learning English, this is the Health and Lifestyle report.Roller coasters are fast and exciting. But passing a painful kidney stone is not. The process is painful and can take a long time.But American researchers have found that a roller coaster ride just might help those suffering from a kidney stone. They say such rides help patients pass the stones with a 70 percent success rate.The findings come from researchers at Michigan State University. They published their findings in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.David Wartinger led the study. He says he became curious after hearing many stories of people who passed kidney stones after going on a fun ride at a theme park in Florida.Patients told him that after riding a roller coaster at Walt Disney World, they were able to pass their kidney stones. One man even said he passed three different stones after going on the ride more than once!To test whether the claims were true, Wartinger used a 3-dimensional model of a hollow kidney. Inside the model he placed three kidney stones, each no larger than 4 millimeters.Then he placed the man-made kidney into a backpack. The researchers put the kidney on Disneys Big Thunder Mountain roller coaster for 20 rides.There are many variablesWartinger found that where the person sits on the roller coaster can make a big difference.He said in the pilot study, sitting in the last car of the roller coaster showed about a 64 percent passage rate. Sitting in the first few cars only had a 16 percent success rate.Researchers decided to expand the study. They rode the same roller coaster with several kidney models. When sitting in the back car, the success rate of passing the stones was 70 percent.It also mattered where the stones were located in the kidney. The researchers found that stones located in the upper part of the kidney model were passed 100 percent.Another variable it depends what kind of roller coaster. When it comes to passing kidney stones, not all roller coasters are equal.The researchers used 174 kidney stones of differing shapes, sizes and weights to see if each model worked on the same ride and on two other roller coasters.They found that Big Thunder Mountain was the only one that worked. The other two roller coasters both failed the test.Wartinger said the other rides were too fast and too violent. The movement forced the stones against the side of the kidney. He said that the ideal roller coaster is rough and quick with some twists and turns.How common are kidney stones?About 300,000 people in the United States go to hospital emergency rooms with kidney stones each year.One common treatment for kidney stones - called lithotripsy - breaks up larger stones into smaller ones. But Wartinger said the treatment can leave many smaller stones. To solve this problem, he suggested riding a roller coaster after a treatment when the remnants are still small.Wartinger thinks roller coaster rides could also be used as a preventative measure. He said that a yearly ride on a roller coaster could even prevent stones from developing.You need to heed the warnings before going on a roller coaster, he said. If you have a kidney stone, but are otherwise healthy and meet the requirements of the ride, patients should try it.He adds that its definitely a lower cost alternative to other treatments.And riding a roller coaster is definitely more fun!Im Anna Matteo.词汇解析:1.Roller coasters 过山车We can have roller coasters, bumper cars and bungee jumpings.我们可以坐过山车,开碰碰车,玩蹦极跳。2.kidney stone 肾结石Some hospitals have opened pediatric kidney stone clinics.有一些医院甚至开设了儿科肾结石专科门诊。3.success rate 成功率He claims a 70 to 80 percent success rate.他声称成功率有七到八成。4.theme park 主题公园Li Wei goes to the theme park with his friends.李伟和朋友一起去了主题公园。内容解析:1.One man even said he passed three different stones after going on the ride more than once!more than once 不止一次He has been mugged more than once.他已是不止一次被抢劫了。Cutting school more than once in three months is a sign of trouble.3个月内旷课次数超过一次就可能有麻烦了。2.About 300,000 people in the United States go to hospital emergency rooms with kidney stones each year.emergency room 急诊室;急救室The emergency room was in disorder.急诊室里一片混乱。Alice leapt from the car and ran full pelt towards the emergency room.艾丽斯跳下车,拼命奔向急诊室。参考译文:坐过山车有益健康 可排出肾结石过山车的速度飞快并且非常刺激。然而,肾结石的治疗过程却痛苦不堪。肾结石治疗不仅痛苦,而且需要漫长的时间。美国研究人员发现,坐过山车可能会使肾结石患者受益。研究人员表示,研究人员表示,坐过山车可排出体内70的肾结石。该研究由密歇根州立大学的人员主导。他们将结果刊登在美国骨科协会杂志上。大卫瓦特林(David Wartinger)是该研究的负责人。他表示,听说人们在佛罗里达州主题公园坐过山车排出肾结石的事情后,他感到十分好奇。据肾结石患者称,在迪斯尼乐园坐过山车后,他们排出了体内的肾结石”。还有人说,坐过几次过山车后排出了3种不同的结石!瓦特林使用空心肾的三维模型来一验真假。他在肾脏模型内放置了三颗肾结石,每颗不超过4毫米。接着,他将人造肾放入一个背包。研究人员带着肾脏模型在迪斯尼乐园玩了20次巨雷山过山车。存在多重不稳定因素瓦特林发现,坐在过山车前排和后排的结果有很大区别。他说:“初步研究发现,坐在过山车靠后位置排出的肾结石约64。”而坐在前座排出的肾结石只有16。研究人员决定进一步探究研究。他们带着肾脏模型坐上同一辆过山车。这一次他们坐的位置稍微靠后,排出的肾结石达70。结石在肾脏中所处位置十分重要。研究人员发现,肾脏模型上方的结石排出率为100。另一个不稳定因素是过山车的类型。乘坐不同的过山车,排出肾结石的效果也不同。研究人员通过174颗“形状、大小和重量不一的肾结石观察,肾脏模型在巨雷山过山车与其他两种过山车的排结石效果。”他们发现“巨雷山是唯一能够起作用的”。其他两种过山车都测试失败。瓦特林说,其他过山车过于“迅速、猛烈”。压力迫使结石撞向肾脏的一侧。他说,理想的过山车路线应该是高低不


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