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外贸英语讲稿 之 洽谈国际贸易外贸英语讲稿 之 洽谈国际贸易1Unit 1 lesson 2 洽谈国际贸易 / 1A price2Unit 2 lesson 2 2 price5Unit 3 lesson 2 price 38Unit 4 lesson 2 13样品 Sample10Unit 4 lesson 3 14样品 Sample13Unit 4 lesson 4 15样品 Sample16UNIT 5 LESSON 2 询价 Inquiry18UNIT 5 LESSON 3 2询价 Inquiry20UNIT 5 LESSON 4 询价 Inquiry22UNIT 6 LESSON 2 7报价 Offer25UNIT 6 LESSON 3 8报价 Offer28UNIT 6 LESSON 4 9报价 Offer31Unit 7 lesson 2 22订货 Placing Orders33Unit 7 lesson 3 23订货 Placing Orders35Unit 7 lesson 4 24订货 Placing Orders37Unit 8 lesson 2 18品质 Quality39Unit 8 lesson 3 20付款 Payment41Unit 9 lesson 2 25包装 Packing44Unit 9 lesson 3 26 包装 Packing46Unit 9 lesson 4 27包装 Packing48Unit 10 lesson 2 30 装船 Shipping51Unit 10 lesson 3 31装船 Shipping54Unit 10 lesson 4 32装船 Shipping56Unit 11 lesson 2 28保险 Insurance58Unit 11 lesson 3 29保险 Insurance61UNIT 12 LESSON 1 33索赔 Claims64UNIT 12 LESSON 2 34索赔 Claims66UNIT 13 LESSON 3 35索赔 Claims6910市场 Market7111市场 Market7212市场 Market7416品质 Quality7617品质 Quality7819 付款 Payment8121付款 Payment83报价 Offer85报价 Offer87商业谈判英语901.买卖过招第一回 Buy and Sell902.你来我往价格战 Buy and Sell943.把手言欢定合约 Buy and Sell984远来贵宾谈代工 Buy and Sell103Unit 1 lesson 2 洽谈国际贸易 / 1A price某家公司的营业部经理和财务部经理为新产品的定价持相反意见,而且各有说辞。- 英文正文 - A: I really think this price is too high. A price has to be based on costs and the profit you want. B: I know. But pricing has to be based on what customers want too, which differs from place to place and time to time. A: Yes, experience shows the same product is priced differently in different markets. But why so much higher in this market? B: There are many rich people in this area, so a skimming price is OK - and even needed, because they think only a high price means a good product. A: But the market prices for other similar products are much lower. Buyers will notice the flexibility in the price structure, and buy from other companies. B: I dont think so. I think the others will have to raise their price ceiling to make customers believe that their products are as good as ours. - 中文翻译 - A: 我真的认为这个价钱太高。价钱是要根据成本和你所想要的利润而定。B: 我知道。但是定价也须以顾客的需要为基础,而这种需要是会因时因地而异的。A: 没错。根据经验,相同产品在不同的市场会订出不同的价钱。但为什么在这个市场要订这么高?B: 这个地区多的是有钱人,所以最高利润价行得通,甚至可以说是必要的。因为他们认为只有高价位才能代表好产品。A: 但其它同类产品的市价就低了很多,购买者会注意到价格上的差异,转而购买其它公司的产品。B: 我可不认为。我倒觉得其它同行得提高价格的上限,让顾客相信他们产品和我们的一样好。 - 短语解说 - skimming price 最高利益获取价;吸脂价格skim,当动词,有撇取液体表面浮物的解释。而skimming在商业上则有其引申之意,指获取最高利益的定价策略。这种策略通常用在一项新产品刚上市时,因产物本身的特殊性吸引消费者,再加上尚无竞争对手,使得制造商哄抬价格,赚取最大可能之利润。skimming price即指厂家最高获利之价格。 market price 市价商品在市场上由供给与需求情形所决定的价格。 flexibility in the price structure 价位伸缩性flexibility,弹性。price structure则可解为价格幅度。flexibility in the price structure乃指某产品之既定最高至最低价钱的伸缩空间。structure,结构。 price ceiling 价位上限,最高价ceiling,原指天花板;引申为上限,经常用来指财经商业方面的最高幅度限制。相反词则为price floor最低价位、下限;floor原意为地板。 - 句型总结 - 根据经验显示 1. Experience shows that. 2. Its well-known that. 3. Its common knowledge that. 用这样的句子开头语通常是为了强调自己的论点是依客观的观察和实际经验而来,并非个人主观的想法或臆测。因此这说法听起来就比I think我个人认为.有说服力得多。Unit 2 lesson 2 2 price 一位供货商支持他的中间商对市面上价格的波动抱着以不变应万变的态度;但这样的价格策略真的最好吗?有没有隐忧呢? - 英文正文 - A: You know, I think its smart to stay with the same low price. Your customers will be pleased. B: We think that the basis price should stay low. Its wrong to raise prices just because market demand is going up fast. A: Right. With such competitive prices, your regular customers will buy only from you, and Im sure youll get a lot of new customers. B: Im just afraid we might start a price war. The bigger companies might lower their prices to try to take our customers away, and close us down. A: If later they try to compete with you by lowering their prices, I think the consumers would know they had loaded prices before, and would feel cheated. B: Well, I dont think the consumers would know unless someone tells them. - 中文翻译 - A: 我认为把价格维持在低价位真是明智之举。你的顾客群会满意的。B: 我们认为基本价应该维持在低价位,不能因为市场的需求攀升就哄抬价钱。A: 嗯,有这样的竞争价格,你的老主顾还是会向你们买,而且我确信你们还会吸引更多的新顾客。B: 只怕我们会展开一场价格战。大公司可能会降低价格,把我们的顾客拉走,甚至让我们倒闭。A: 如果他们过一阵子为了和你们竞争而降价,那消费者就会知道这些公司原来的定价高得不合理,而觉得受骗上当。B: 唉,但我可不相信消费者会明白这种事实,除非有人指出来。 - 短语解说 -basis price 基本价basis,基础。basis price是指未含其它附带或额外服务的价格。 competitive price 竞争的价格competitive, 原是竞争性的,在此暗示有竞争潜力的。一个能够在市场上与其它同类产品较劲的产品,其价格通常是属于较低或中等。 price war 价格战当各厂商销售商为促销产品,不计后果,竞相削价,而使得市价大乱,此乃为价格战。消费者在这场战争中通常扮演赢家,但如不懂看紧荷包,可能也会遭受损失。war,战争。 loaded price 附加费用价格loaded,有负荷的。这个名词是指过度超出产品成本的价格。通常是因为提供某种额外的服务(如特别包装、急件等),或者受销售策略影响,而把产品售价提高得极不合理。 - 句型总结 - 我担心 1. Im just afraid that. 2. My fear is that. 3. My only hesitation is that. afraid,害怕、不安。在此型中引申为我恐怕.,而that后面所引述的事情通常有否定意味。这也是经常表示不能完全同意的实用句型,尤其在商业谈判中很少有人会直接说No,而用此开头语表达心中疑虑。Unit 3 lesson 2 price 3买卖双方为了一批产品的价码磋商多回;这一次再晤面,都决定应该互让一步,也好顺利结束长期的谈判。 - 英文正文 - A: Cant we find a price thats within my companys reach? Negotiations have been going on too long. B: Agreed. But we need to find a price that is good for both sides. A: To be honest, if you keep holding off for a lower price we wont be able to make a deal, because we wont be able to make a profit. B: OK. You say your cost price is 100 for each unit, and you want a 20% profit. Thats 120 per unit. Would you accept a 7% profit if we doubled the order? A: That would mean a price of 107 per unit, which I think is still too low. If you can accept 110 per unit, we have a deal. B: An invoice price of 110? Ill have to check it with my boss, but I think we can accept those terms. - 中文翻译 - A: 应该谈出个敝公司能接受的价码了吧?!这次的谈判进行得够久了!B: 没错。但我们总要定一个对双方都有利的价钱!A: 说真的,您如果还想压低价钱,我们是很难谈出结果的,因为这样我们公司会一毛钱也赚不到!B: 好吧!您说贵公司成本价是每单项100元,还要维持20%的利润,那就是单价120元。如果我们订货量加一倍,您能接受7%的利润吗?A: 那就是每单项降低为107元。这价钱我认为还是太低。如果您可以接受110元,那就成交。B: 指发票价格吗?我得和老板商量一下,不过,我想这个条件可以接受。 - 短语解说 - cost price 生产价格、成本价格cost,成本、花费。这个说法即指产品在未附加任何其它费用之前的生产成本价格。另外,cost price也可解释为买下一批货时的进货价格,又称成本价格。 invoice price 发票价格invoice,发票、收据。发票价格即是针对一商品登记在供货商发票上的价格。 - 句型总结 - 老实说 1. To be honest,. 2. To tell you the truth,. 3. To be frank,. honest, 诚实的。这样子的句子开头语,经常可见于一般会话当中;就等于中文的:老实说,凭良心讲.。若要说明是对某人说真话,即直接用介词with。在商业谈判中,To be honest with you,.是常常听到的用语。Unit 4 lesson 2 13样品 Sample 买方收到寄来的样品之后,对品质感到十分满意。立即与卖方联络,提出订货的交易条件。 - 英文正文 - A: We have received your advance sample, and are very happy with it. Well be placing an order with you in a few days. B: Im glad to hear that. May I remind you that this was a keep sample? That unit will be added as part of the first shipment. A: Sure. And I should say that when we place an order, we always ask for a sale by sample agreement, so we can be sure of the quality. B: Thats fair. Our products are always as good as the samples we send. I can promise there will be no debasement of quality. A: Thank you. So I guess it would be OK if we ask that the goods must be of Good Merchantable Quality? B: If thats what you wish, there will be no problem. As I said, there is no difference in quality between our samples and our goods. - 中文翻译 - A: 我们已收到你们的先发样品,觉得非常满意。大概两三天后会下订单。B: 很高兴听您这么说。我想提醒您,这是留存样品。这个样品到时就算在第一批货里面。A: 当然。我也必须说明,我们下订单时,一向要求签署凭样品买卖的合约,这样才能确保产品的品质。B: 这很合理。我们的产品一定和送出去的样品一样好。我保证品质绝对不会降低。A: 谢谢!那我想应该没问题吧?如果我们要求货物符合良好适销品质的标准,B: 如果您想这样的话,当然没有问题。我说过,我们产品和样品的品质绝对相同,不会有差别。 - 短语解说 - advance sample 先发样品advance,预先前面。sample,样品,指代表买卖标的物之品质或外形的少量现货。与specimen一样。advance sample指订约之后,装运之前,卖方提供的样品;通常是生产中先完成的部份,以空运寄交买方。该样品若与契约中所规定的品质不同,契约可能因此取消。 keep sample 留存样品keep有保留、留存的意思。留存样品是指寄样者奇出货样时,自己亦保留同品质同规格的货样,以供他日比对、参考。 sale by sample 留存样品即以样品作为买卖标的物,约定品质并缔结买卖契约的方法。又分为凭买方样品、凭卖方样品及相对样品三种。 Good Merchantable Quality 良好适销品质简称为G.M.Q.,是个表示品质标准的用语。卖方只需保证交货物的品质良好即可,毋需另以其它方面证明其品质。多用于无法利用样品或无国际公认标准物可循的情况,如木材、冷冻鱼虾等。若买卖双方对货物品质是否良好适销而发生纠纷,通常由同业公会仲裁解决。- 句型总结 - 我必须说明 1. I should say that. 2. I must remind you that. 3. I would like to make it clear that. should,应该、必须。should的口气虽十分坚决,但仍不及must直接。这个句型主要用于要求或提醒重要事情时,that之后接所要表明的事项。Unit 4 lesson 3 14样品 Sample 买方样品是什么?卖方样品又是什么?到底双方应以何种样品作为标准,才能皆大欢喜呢?以下就是一篇有关寻求标准样品的对话: - 英文正文 - A: How do you usually find customers? I havent heard of your company before. B: Well, we usually send a sellers sample to companies we think we can do business with, to see if they like our products. A: What if my company sends you a buyers sample? Could you help us, or is that a problem for you? B: No, of course not. Please send us an original sample. Well take a look at it and see if we can make the same kind of product. A: That would be great. Weve been looking for someone to help us make a difficult product that is similar to yours, but it has not been easy. B: Well, after we look at the sample you send, well send you a counter sample as soon as possible to see if it is acceptable to you. - 中文翻译 - A: 你们通常是怎么开发客户的?我从来没听过贵宝号。B: 哦,是这样子的,我们通常会寄一份样品给认为能合作的对象,看他们是否喜欢我们的产品。A: 如果我们寄买方样品去,你们可会接受?能替我们服务吗?或是会有问题?B: 没问题,当然没问题。请你们寄一份代表样品过来,我们先看看,才知道是否能制造相同的产品。A: 这样太好了!我们一直留意找人帮我们做一件很难制造的产品,和你们的类似,不过一直没找到。B: 等我们看过你们寄来的样品后,我们会尽快寄出相对样品,看看你们是否能接受。 - 短语解说 - sellers sample 卖方样品由卖方所提出之样品。实务上多以此为原则,因卖方对买方之货品应负有保证责任之故。 original sample 原样,代表样品original 原物的、原本的。以样品交易时,卖方通常准备一式数份的样品,而其中提供给买方的那一份,称为原样;又因它是代表买卖标的物品质的样品,故又称为代表样品。至于卖方自己保存的一份则称为复样品。 counter sample 相对样品;对等货样counter意思是相对的。凭样品买卖的情形下,样品通常由卖方提供,但有时买方亦可主动提供,再交由卖方承制。此时卖方可根据买方的样品先行仿制或挑选相似的样品,请买方确认;这种应买方样品而提出的卖方样品即为相对样品。相对样品获买方确认后,日后交货即以此样品的品质及式样为准。 - 句型总结 - 如果,可以吗? 1. What if.? 2. Suppose. 3. What do you say if.? What if.这句型可运用于两种情况;一是提出建议,问别人意下如何,是否可行;二是表示恐惧忧虑,有万一之意。前者等于What do you think if.?。Unit 4 lesson 4 15样品 Sample以下这封书信是一个老客户以轻松平易的语气,向厂商谈交易条件。- 英文正文 - Thank you for your last delivery. Youll be pleased that the units you sent are selling well, and that the quality of the units match the buyers sample we sent you. Many of our customers have been asking about your new product, the Mini-Motor. We would like to test the market for them. Would it be possible for me to have six units, sale on approval, before placing a firm order? This is because we feel we cant place a sale as seen order, since we dont know anything about the product. We ask that the samples, and the later orders we may place, be sale or return. - 中文翻译 - 谢谢贵公司上次送来的货。你们一定很高兴,这批货销路很好,品质也完全符合我们寄给你们的买方样品。我们很多客户一直在问你们的新产品迷你汽车。我们想帮他们试一下市场的反应。可不可能先给我们六部当作试验买卖?在我们下订单之前。我们没有办法只凭检视就下订单因为我们对这些产品一无所知。所以,我们也要求,不管是样品或者以后所下的订单,都可以不合意就退货。 - 短语解说 -buyers sample 买方样品在订货生产的情况下,订货货物的样品多由买方提供,作为卖方生产的依据。卖方负有保证交付与样品相同货物的责任。 sale on approval 试验买卖approval 认可、同意。某些商品的交易中,卖方准许买方在一特定期间内使用或检验;若不满意,可以退货。试用期届满,买方未表示意见、货物也未退还时,则视为认购成立。 sale as seen 凭检视买卖此指买方以当场看到或以前所看到的情形,决定购不购买。卖方对于所出售商品的品质与适用性并不附带任何保证,此种买卖多用于拍卖时。与sale on seen同义。 sale or return 准许退货买卖return,退货;归还。准许退货买卖是指买方可以在某一期间内,仅付已销售部份之货款而退还其余货物的买卖条件。若无明确约定期限,则以一合理时间计算。简称S.O.R.或S/R.。 - 句型总结 - 你会对感到高兴 1. You will be pleased that. 2. I am sure you will be happy to hear that. 3. I am happy to inform you that. pleased,欣喜、满足的,与happy或satisfied同义。that之后衔接子句,说明值得高兴的事。这句型在商场上多用于通知好消息时。此句主词以You开头,表示自己很肯定对方一定会高兴,是熟朋友间的用法。UNIT 5 LESSON 2 询价 Inquiry 某零售商想向制造商打探新型计算机的详情。第一次接触时,买方应如何得到初步的数据呢? - 英文正文 - Our contacts in the computer industry speak highly of your new computer, the SuperWang. We would like to make an inquiry about it. Thats fine. We have some catalogs that give full details of the SuperWang computer. Ill send them to you today. If you dont mind, could you also send us some information about your other products? We might be interested in them as well. Certainly. And if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me anytime. Thank you. As soon as we have any further inquiries, Ill give you a call. Thank you for phoning, Mr. Smith. I hope we can do business together, and look forward to hearing from you soon. - 中文翻译 - 我们计算机界的朋友,对你们的新型计算机超级霸王评价很高。所以我想问一下这个产品的情形。太好了。我们有些超级霸王详细的目录数据,我今天就给您寄过去。如果您不介意的话,能不能也寄给我们一些贵公司其它产品的数据;我们可能也会有兴趣。当然可以。如果有任何问题,请不要客气,随时跟我联络。谢谢。只要我们想做进一步的查询,我会打电话通知您。Smith先生,谢谢您来电话。希望我们有机会合作,我就静候您的回音。 - 短语解说 - make an inquiry about 针对(产品)询价inquiry查询、询问,商用上为询价之意。指买方在采购前,为了对商品有更进一步之了解,而向卖方查询货物价格及其它交易条件(如品质、数量、付款方式等)的行动。inquiry也可拼为enquiry。 full details of 全部(交易)细节detail,详情、细节;在商业上另指交易细节,为特殊用法。交易细节是指买卖双方进行交易时必备的一些数据,包括品质、数量、价格、付款方式、交货时间、保险购买等项目。因此full details of.有两种含意:一为有关的全部详情;二为全部交易细节。解释凭上下文而定。 further inquiries 进一步的询价买方在询价之初,通常只要求卖方提供有关货物之一般性资料。经过评估比较后,若仍感兴趣则会提出进一步的询价。此时之询价已较具体,次数亦频繁,交易成功的可能性亦随之增加。further,进一步的。 - 句型总结 - 如果您不介意 1. If you dont mind. 2. If its acceptable to you. 3. If it is no trouble (to you). mind,介意。这是句客套话,说完这句话之后就可以接着提出本身希望的条件或将要执行的动作。这个句型的用意是在礼貌性的询问对方是否同意你的提议。UNIT 5 LESSON 3 2询价 Inquiry零售商以电子邮件发了一封询价信给供货商之后,第二天


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