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翻译练习材料(一)Dear Sir:Your advertisement in this mornings Beijing Daily for a sales manager prompts me to offer you my qualifications for this position. Because your requirements closely parallel my working experience.As the enclosed resume indicates, I have had five years experience in marketing. I have turned in an above-average sales record for the past five years.Im quite happy in my present work, but foreign trade in your company sounds more appealing. I would like to have more promotion. Regarding salary, I would leave that to you, my present salary is 6000 Yuan RMB per month.Ill be glad to have an interview at your convenience, and can furnish references if desired.Yours trulyPolly LawrenceEnclosed:2翻译练习材料(二)Dear Mr. Levin:Edith Winters informs me of an opening in your secretarial staff, a position for which I should very much like to become a candidate.I understand you need a legal secretary with a rapid stenographic skill and the ability to handle a large volume of correspondence. Along with my degree in legal stenographic from Foothill Junior College, I have four years of stenographic experience in retail dry goods and in insurance. My shorthand speed is 145 words per minute. On my present job, I handle between forty and sixty letters everyday. Both at Foothill and on the job, I have had trained sufficient to prepare me to handle routine letters without supervision.My present job at Southwestern Life &Indemnity has been quite satisfactory, but, having taking my degree recently, I seek the further challenges and reward of a top-flight legal firm. Miss Winters enthusiasm for her work assures me that I would like the job. I hope the enclosed resume will help interest the firm in me.I can be in Los Angles for an interview any afternoon convenient for you. May I look forward to speaking with you about the position you have available?Yours sincerely Laura Edmond翻译练习材料(三) RESUME John A. William 2195 Park Avenue Monroe, LA 72102-3876 (318)322-8471Career Objective: Laboratory TechnicianEducation:1985-1989 University of Chicago, Chicago, I11.B.Sc., Majored in Chemistry Scholastic Average: B plus Minored in Mathematics, scholastic average: B plusScholarships: 1985-1987: Half-tuition scholarship1988-1989: Full-tuition scholarshipWorking experience: 1987-1988 Laboratory assistant, Chicago Downtown Hospital. Work involved blood, urine analysis; recording keeping. Average 10 hours per week during the school year. Worked full-time during summers of 1988 and 1989.1988-1989 Clerical assistant, Chemistry Department, University of Chicago.Extracurricular activities: 1988-1989 Chemistry club; Treasurer 19881988-1990 Womens Tennis Team; co-captain 1988,1989Scholastic Record- High School1981-1985 Centerville High school Scholastic Average: A minus Scholastic Recognition: In 1985, won Kentucky Science Fair prize.Extracurricular activities: Tennis Club:1981-1985 Orchestra: 1981-1993 Glee Club:1983-1985Personal: Age: 26 Health: Excellent Height: 180 cm Weight: 185 kgReference:Mr. Angela Sullivan, President, Chicago Downtown Hospital. P.O. Box 6003, Chicago, 479012 Tel:601-692-4367Dr. Ruth McGraw, Professor, Chemistry, University of Chicago,P.O. Box 8741, 356124,Tel;601-543-74061School, working, and personal reference available.翻译练习材料(四)Dear Sir:It is a pleasure to recommend to you Mr. Joseph Marshall, who is my student, to be a candidate for a graduate scholarship in American Literature at your University.Mr. Marshall finished his undergraduate study as an English major Last June. His ability to listening, speaking, reading and writing is very good. I have taught his American literature for two years. So I assure you that he was a top student in my class. In addition to this, he is interested in American literature and Chinese literature particularly. Thus, he intends to study Comparative literature at your university.He is only 20 years old, his hard-working and quick mind will be helpful for his future success. He has been regarded as a reliable, industrious and persistent student by many teachers.If you would kindly offer him a scholarship at your university, you will be rewarded by his excellent academic ability and character. Yours Sincerely, Elizabeth Thander, Ph. D. Dean of English Department翻译练习材料(五)A: 借助词典翻译下面与颜色有关的词语1. red book2. red face3. red cap4. in the red5. pink slip6. blue blood7. feel blue8. go into the red9. call white black10. once ina blue moon11. pain the town red12. white-collar worker13. blue-collar worker14. blue-ribbon beer15. show the white feather16. roll out the red carpet17. black sheep of the familyB: 翻译下面的句子,注意颜色词的使用。1. He is green with envy.2. He is a green horn.3. You are yellow.4. He is purple with rage.5. When I said that, he saw red.6. This happens once in the blue.7. He is not black as he is painted.8. All theses were put down in black and white.9. I saw him for the first time in his true colours.C: 翻译下面成语与谚语, 注意fish 一词有关词语的使用。1 have other fish to fry2 big fish in the little pond3 Never offer to teach fish to swim.4 Theres as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.5 Venture a small fish to catch a great one.6 He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet. 7 The best fish smell when they are three years old.8 The best fish swim in the bottom.9 If you swear you will catch no fish.D: 翻译下面句子,注意其中的喻义与引申。1. daily bread2. out of bread3. bread and water4. break bread5. eat somebodys bread and salt6. break bread with7. cast ones bread upon the water8. bread and cheese9. bread and milk10. bread and butter period of life11. bread buttered on both sides12. eat the bread of affliction13. eat the bread of idleness14. half a loaf is better than no bread15. know which side ones bread is buttered on16. take the bread out of somebodys mouth17. quarrel with ones bred and butter18. put all eggs in one basket19. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.20. One mans meat is another mans poison.21. Its no use crying over split milk.22. You cant have your cake and eat it too.翻译材料(六)A: 词语的选义1. run across2. run away3. run back over4. run counter to5. run down6. run in7. run into8. run into debt9. run off10. run out11. run over12. run through13. run up14. run to seed15. run a race 16. run for presidency17. run into sbdys aid18. run aground19. run wild20. run to extremes21. run the streets22. run a hare23. run a car24. run a factory25. run messages26. run the water off27. run oil28. run to29. run on30. run somebody in to difficulties31. run the risk of32. run ones eyes down on a list33. run a simile too far34. run a fever35. run a sword through36. run a thread through an eyelet37. run ones head into a wall38. The idea runs in his mind.39. The street runs north.40. the news runs rapidly into the town.41. The machine runs well.42. The river runs east. B: (a)在上下文中选义1. He was badly wounded in the head.2. You should use your head a bit.3. He had a good head for mathematics.4. The dinner cost us five dollars a head.5. Prick with the head of a needle.6. He was standing at the head of the staircase.7. Lets discuss the question under five heads.8. The head of his bed was piled with books.9. Present at the meeting were the heads of governments of the four countries.10. Heads or tails?11. Where is the head?(b)1.这娃娃头真大。2.她正在梳头。3.他的女儿在山头上玩。4.一辆小车停在桥西头。5.让我从头讲起吧!6.他把铅笔头扔了。7.他是我们组的头儿。8.事情 不能只顾一头。9.我这还是头一次来杭州呢.10.他头天上午就来了。11.我们有30 头牛。(c)1.man and his wife2.officers and men3.his man Friday (鲁滨逊漂流记)4.man-of-war5.Be a man!(d)1. sophisticated man 2. sophisticated woman 3. sophisticated columnist4. sophisticated electric device5. sophisticated weapon翻译练习材料(七)翻译下面的词组,注意一词多义现象及词的搭配能力:1. old age 2. old man 3.old tree 4. old wine 5. old rags 6. old story 7.old friend 8.old hand9. old customs 10.old clothes 11.old society 12.the old country13. old days 14.old students 15. old civilization 16. old Chinese literature 17.heavy rail 18.heavy weather 19.heavy load 20. heavy industry21.heavy rain 22. heavy weapons 23.heavy water 24.heavy element 25. heavy oil 26.heavy loss 27.heavy hydrogen 28.heavy blow29. heavy burden 30. heavy feathers 31.heavy snow 32.heavy casualties33. heavy taxation 34.heavy traffic 35.heavy penalty 36.heavy smoke37. heavy offense 38.heavy sea 39.heavy crop 40.heavy applause 41. heavy money 42.heavy news 43.heavy metal 44.heavy heart45. heavy truck 46.heavy bomber 47.heavy responsibility 48. heavy duty-machine英汉词义对比英汉词语指称意义对比1、指称意义完全对等的现象(已有通用译名的专有名词、术语和表示日常生活中的食物的名词)表3-1英汉词语指称意义完全对等的情况示例英汉New York纽约earthquake地震speciology物种学microbiology微生物学radar雷达ant蚁antler鹿Emergency Room急诊室penicillin青霉素kangaroo袋鼠breakfast早餐历史遗产historical heritage长城the Great wall环境保护environment protection温室效应green house effect2.英汉词语指称意义部分对应的现象(在意义的概括上有广狭之分)表3-2英汉词语指称意义部分对应的情况示例1英义宽汉义窄marry娶;嫁uncle伯父;叔父;姑父;叔叔;伯伯等aunt伯母;婶母;姑母;阿姨;大娘等gun枪;炮英义窄汉义宽introduce; recommand介绍borrow; lend借factory; plant; mill; work工厂company; corporation; firm公司watch, clock表Play basket ball , play volleyball打球Fresh and dried fruits果品表3-3英汉词语指称意义部分对应的情况示例2英汉draw a nail拔钉子draw a tooth拔牙draw a gun拔枪draw a cork拔瓶塞表3-4英汉词语指称意义部分对应的情况示例3英汉draw a curtain apart拉开幕draw a bow拉弓draw a boat out of the water将船拉出水draw down the blinds拉上百叶窗翻译过程中,正确选择和确定词义可参照“语境原则”和“词类原则”3. 英汉词语指称意义完全不对等的现象31 完全音译法(complete transliteration)表3-5汉语完全音译法示例汉语英语阿司匹林asprin芭蕾ballet巧克力chocolate雷达radar扑克牌poker高尔夫golf卡拉karaoke探戈tango表3-6英语完全音译法示例英语汉语chi kong气功kowtow磕头taichichuan太极拳typhoon台风yamen衙门yin yang阴阳jiao zi饺子表3-7音译法规范示例1原文原译改译hysteria协识脱离歇斯底里Sphinx狮横克思斯芬克斯Suez苏彝士苏伊世Mozambique莫桑鼻沾莫桑比克北京PekingBeijing广州CantonGuangzhou表3-7音译法规范示例2原文原音译改译dictator狄克推多独裁telephone德律风狮横克思电话fair play费厄泼赖公正vitamine维他命维生素president伯里玺天德总统3.2 部分音译法(Partial Transliteration)表3-7音译法表3-9部分音译法示例1英语汉语rifle来复枪ballet芭蕾舞jeep吉普车sardine沙丁鱼表3-10部分音译法示例2英语汉语Warsaw Treaty Orgnization华沙条约组织The Republic of Indinesia 印度尼西亚共和国The State of Israel以色列国New Hyde Park新海德公园Paris Commue巴黎公社天安门广场Tiananmen Square遵义会议Zunyi Meeting唐代Tang Dynasty北宋Northern Song贵州省Guizhou Province北京人在纽约A Native of Beijing In NewYork英汉词语联想意义对比1、英汉词语联想意义相像的情况表3-11英汉词语(谚语)联想意义相像的情况英语汉语To fish in troubled waters浑水摸鱼To add fuel to the fire火上浇油Walls have ears.隔墙有耳Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁To look for s needle in the haystack大海捞针Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧A drop in the ocean沧海一粟2、英汉词语联想意义相悖的情况3、英汉词语联想意义空缺(不对应)的情况3.1联想意义空缺表3-12英汉词语联想意义空缺示例指称意义联想意义英语 goat色鬼汉语 山羊空缺英语 cock风标汉语 公鸡空缺汉语 八 六发达 发财英语 eight six空缺汉语 松树坚贞英语 pine空缺汉语 鹤长寿英语 crane空缺3.2 联想意义不对应表表3-13英汉词语联想不对应的情况示例英语/汉语联想意义汉语/英语the Trojan horse内部颠覆者空缺the heel of Achilles唯一致命弱点空缺the sword of Damocles临头的危险空缺Dutch courage酒后之勇空缺to meet ones Waterloo一败涂地空缺a covenant of salt不可违背的条约空缺狗咬吕洞宾不识好歹空缺四面楚歌四面受敌,孤立无援空缺助纣为虐帮助坏人做坏事空缺说曹操,曹操到不期而遇空缺八仙过海各显本领,互相竞争空缺身在曹营,心在汉。不专一空缺福如东海,寿比南山长寿多福空缺逼上梁山被逼反抗空缺暗度陈仓暗中活动空缺翻译练习(八)(老师用)文化背景不同(对比分析下面农谚)枯木死灰 withered wood and cold ashes骨瘦如柴 be lean as a rake对牛弹琴 cast pearls before swine滚石不生苔 A rolling stone gathers no moss众人拾柴火焰高 Many hands make light work竹篮打水一场空 Drawing water in a bamboo basket means drawing nothingHoist your sail when the wind is fair. 好风快扬帆Still waters run deep. 静水流深In the calm sea, everyone is a pilot. 海水平静,人人都可以当舵手。A small leak will sink a great ship. 小洞不补要沉大船。联想不同:不同民族不同比喻表达同一思想牛饮 drink like a fish山中无老虎,猴子称霸王 In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is the king胆小如鼠 as timid as a rabbit如鱼得水 like a duck to water多如牛毛 as plenty as blackberries一箭之遥 at a stones throw水中捞月 to fish in the air石沉大海 remain a dead letter半瓶子醋 half-baked蠢得像猪 as stupid as a goose守口如瓶 dumb as a oyster害群之马 black sheep挥金如土 to spend money as water醉如烂泥 drunk as a sailor掌上明珠 the apple of somebodys eye画蛇添足 gild the lily海底捞针 to look for a needle in a haystack热锅上的蚂蚁 like a cat in the hot tin roof湿得想落汤鸡 as wet as a drowned瘦得像猴子 as thin as a shadow一丘之貉 birds of a feather吹牛 to talk horse如履薄冰 to tread upon eggs棋逢对手 diamond cut diamond挂羊头卖狗肉 cry up wine and sell vinegar翻译练习(八)(学生用) 一、对比分析下面农谚枯木死灰 withered wood and cold ashes骨瘦如柴 be lean as a rake对牛弹琴 cast pearls before swine滚石不生苔 A rolling stone gathers no moss众人拾柴火焰高 Many hands make light work竹篮打水一场空 Drawing water in a bamboo basket means drawing nothingHoist your sail when the wind is fair. 好风快扬帆Still waters run deep. 静水流深In the calm sea, everyone is a pilot. 海水平静,人人都可以当舵手。A small leak will sink a great ship. 小洞不补要沉大船。二、连线下面词语(不同民族不同比喻表达同一思想)胆小如鼠 black sheep如鱼得水 to talk horse 多如牛毛 gild the lily一箭之遥 remain a dead letter水中捞月 drunk as a sailor石沉大海 as plenty as blackberries半瓶子醋 half-baked蠢得像猪 as timid as a rabbit守口如瓶 like a cat in the hot tin roof害群之马 like a duck to water挥金如土 diamond cut diamond醉如烂泥 cry up wine and sell vinegar掌上明珠 as stupid as a goose画蛇添足 dumb as a oyster海底捞针 the apple of somebodys eye热锅上的蚂蚁 to spend money as water湿得想落汤鸡 to look for a needle in a haystack 瘦得像猴子 as wet as a drowned一丘之貉 as thin as a shadow吹牛 to fish in the air如履薄冰 birds of a feather棋逢对手 to tread upon eggs挂羊头卖狗肉 at a stones throw 练习(九):(一)“把”字句1、牛奶把她吃胖了。2、大鱼大肉把我吃腻了。3、你把门锁好。4、他把孩子关起来了。5、学校把开学时间改在九月底了。6.、你把茶放在桌子上好了。7、他把头一扬,走了。7、那老头把腰板一挺,还不服输。8、你把她吓得哭了起来。9、大风把树刮得摇来摇去。10、这天气把我热的直冒汗。11、他把那人气的直跺脚。12、你把衣服洗洗。13、我把顺序捋捋。14、你把书拿回去看看。15、我把材料寄给你过目。16、我把个北京城跑遍了。17、他能把你怎样?18、你把个小伙子吓坏了。19、他不敢把你撵走。20、真把我饿坏了!(二) “是”字句1、一天是二十四小时。2、大栅栏是北京最窄、商店最多、行人最多的街道。3、雾是一种自然现象。4、邻居的孩子总是最坏的;邻居的老婆总是最漂亮的。5、成者为王,败者为寇。6、桌子上是书,椅子上是书,地上还是书。7、脑袋里满是鬼点子。8、桌子上摆着书,椅子上摆着书,地上也摆着书。9、脑子里装满了鬼点子。10、那年月,有钱人是天天过年。11、男孩子穿白衣服,女孩子是一色桔黄。12、 It feels like leather.13、You smell of wine.14、It looks good but tastes sour.15、The music sounds familiar.练习(十)词语的基本对等与不对等Translate the following sentences.1、 But I hated Sakamoto, and I had a feeling hed lead us both to our ancestors.2、 I gave my youth to the sea and I came back home and gave my wife old age.3、 You have a lucky star above you.4、 That little girl has a ready tongue.5、 The Senate has voted to support the Presidents defense plans.6、 Singapore lies near the equator.7、 The Capitol of Washington is the place where Congress meets.8、 He was rescued from the sea by a helicopter.9、 She studied computational linguistics at Oxford.10、 The children go to school in a minibus.11、 Your hosts are letting you into the intimacy of their home, so a coffee-table book about your area or some artifacts that typifies it would constitute a way of letting your hosts into some of the secrets of your own home.12、 Do you notice that death rates age 80, 90,100 are bottoming out?13、 But my two great isolating experiences have given me an almost mystical sense of identity with all suffering humanity.14、 When you want wisdom and insight as badly as you want to breathe, it is then that you shall have it.15、 These were all labeled as good eggs.16、 Their sexual identity, like that of all women competitors, had been officially confirmed by the “Olympic “femininity control clinic.”17、 On Taiwan there was little grace and less give-in.18、 He had married all his daughters and settled his sons.19、 He didnt get home until 2 oclock in the morning.20、 Rifles, pistols, and revolvers are guns.练习(十一)词语转换翻译句子,注意斜体词语的转译1. Let us take a serious, reasonable look at what the results might be if such a proposal were accepted.(转译成副词)2. We must make full use of existing technical equipment.


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