



托马斯?汉普森(Thomas Hampson)不仅是当今世界拥有最美的嗓音之一的男中音歌唱家,还拥有超凡的表演能力。一站上舞台,他的心里就只有一件事:把人物演活,感动观众。因此,他在世界各大歌剧舞台和音乐会上的演出受到了观众和评论家的一致喝彩。一、享誉世界的歌唱家托马斯?汉普森(Thomas Hampson,1955-)美国男中音,1955年6月28日,出生于美国印第安纳州的埃尔克哈特,1977年毕业于东华盛顿大学获学士学位1978年曾赢得“洛特?莱曼”奖,1982年在圣路易斯歌剧院出演女人心中的古列尔摩一角引起广泛注意,一跃成为美国当代最杰出的男中音,演出于世界最负盛名的歌剧院。汉普森在华盛顿长大,师从过玛丽埃塔.科尔(Marieta Coyle)、伊丽莎白.施瓦茨科普夫、马提尔.辛格(Martial Singher)和霍斯特.龚瑟(Horst Gnther)。他以多才多艺著称,除在歌剧、轻歌剧、音乐剧、宗教作品领域均有建树外,他还在录音、研究以及教育领域获得了诸多成就。1980年,托马斯.汉普森在斯海尔托亨博斯国际声乐比赛中获得二等奖,并成为1981年首次在大都会歌剧院演员。在1992年,汉普森在华盛顿大学获得了学士学位。他在2003年录制的瓦格纳唐怀瑟收到了格莱美奖最佳歌剧录音,并被认为是美国领先的男中音。汉普森的歌剧曲目涵盖了广泛的角色。同时托马斯汉普森也是一个著名的艺术歌曲演唱家和独奏家。汉普森获奖无数,其中包括六次格莱美奖题名、两次爱迪生奖(荷兰)、两次法国唱片大奖、三次留声机大奖、古典回声将以及戛纳古典音乐奖。汉普森还拥有华盛顿惠特沃斯学院、旧金山音乐学院的荣誉博士头衔,并且是伦敦皇家音乐学院的荣誉成员,被维也纳国家歌剧院授予“室内乐歌手”的头衔,美国国家艺术协会为了表彰他在音乐教育领域取得的成就授予他奖章。托马斯?汉普森从罗西尼到威尔第和普契尼歌剧,从蒙特威尔弟到布里顿和亨策 ,演唱的歌剧剧目角色跨度广泛,他曾在罗西尼威廉?退尔、柴可夫斯基尤金?奥涅金、马斯内的维特中饰演主角,并曾参演了布松尼的浮士德博士、安布罗西?托马斯的哈姆雷特、威尔弟的麦克白、莫扎特的唐?乔凡尼、弗里德里希?采尔哈的施坦弗尔德巨人(世界首演)。同时,托马斯?汉普森还是颇受欢迎的民谣歌手和擅长演唱舒伯特、胡戈?沃尔夫、约瑟夫?马克思、施特劳斯、马勒作品的艺术歌曲演唱家。二、菩提树的艺术特色及大意菩提树是奥地利作曲家舒伯特创作的声乐套曲冬之旅中的一首歌曲。由于这首作品的旋律优美动听,情感表达细腻,因此它成为舒伯特创作的大量艺术歌曲中最受欢迎的作品之一。菩提树的篇幅不长,但是舒伯特在创作中注入了严密的逻辑思维。无论是歌曲的旋律、调性、结构、和声以及钢琴伴奏都严密地融合为一体。分析和学习菩提树创作的逻辑思维,能对舒伯特高超的创作手法有所了解,对学习作曲以及演唱和欣赏这首作品都会有很大的帮助。声乐套曲冬之旅的歌词全部选自诗人缪勒所写的诗歌,菩提树是其中的一段。这首诗歌有四段。第一段:个流浪汉来到一口古井旁,望着一棵生长在井边的菩提树,回忆起童年在树下度过的欢乐时光。第二段:望着菩提树,流浪汉对今日贫困潦倒的流浪生活发出感叹。第三段:凛冽的北风刮落了流浪汉的帽子,也打断了流浪汉的回忆。第四段:虽然外出流浪多年,流浪汉常常听见菩提树的召唤,并且期盼菩提树能带给他平安。三、歌唱中的艺术展现舒伯特根据歌词中的“流浪汉”的形象创作了一个呈示“A”乐段,这段音乐旋律简单而动听,带有伤感的情绪。第一句,歌唱家在演唱时起音非常含蓄、柔和,“Am Brunnen”几乎全用吸着的状态挂住高位“眉心”用mp(中弱)力度一气呵成;它是由两个平行乐句构成,前两句用的是“完全重复”的作曲手法,第二句,在前句含蓄、柔和的前提下,稍微的有所展开,声音线条更流动。后两句用的是“不完全重复”的作曲手法,第一句和第三句还形成了相“呼应”关系,可见舒伯特的旋律线条设计是非常细腻的。最后一句“zu ihm”完全挂住高位“眉心”使用半声,气息拉住,更加内敛、含蓄的吟唱出来。由于创作手法的简练,所以“A”段的旋律极其容易记忆。在“A”段,流浪汉在回忆美好时光时,用色彩明亮的大调性。而流浪汉回到困苦的当下时,用色彩灰暗的小调性。因此又产生了第二段-“A1”,这一段是把“A”的音乐一模一样的移到同名小调,使得旋律色彩突然变得暗淡。乐段“B”是一个调性不稳定的乐段,歌词描写的内容是:凛冽的北风吹来,直扑上我的脸,把头上的帽子吹落。一开始用的铿锵有力的声音,似乎表现出一种对困苦生活有力的抗争;中间句子延续这种有力的、连贯的、大线条的语句,最后一个音沉重的落在B音上,似乎暗示着对苦难生活的不屈服以及对美好生活的向往。这个乐段也是全曲的“黄金分割点”,因此舒伯特用了调性游离的手法来写作,使得这个乐段的调性极不稳定。虽然全曲都是使用高音谱号标记,但从“B”段的旋律行进及音色效果来看,男中音特别是“High-Bariton”高男中音特别适合演唱这首曲目,也许是男中音的浑厚、柔美的音质更能表现德意志民族内在的深沉、坚韧和含蓄。乐段经过三小节的间奏又回到“A”的旋律。似乎在提醒流浪汉再次回忆起往昔的美好时光,聆听家乡的呼唤回到故乡。歌词这样描述:如今我远离故乡,转眼有许多年,但仍常听见呼唤,到这里寻找平安!歌唱家第一句用更加深情、含蓄的语气,似乎充满了回忆的神情;第二句“und immer”又是用的半声起音,不过这次是用的pp(很弱)的力度,似乎是在用心聆听故乡的呼唤;第三句又稍作展开,气息增强,语句更显饱满,似乎强调自己已经离开家乡很多年;第四句“und immer”用极弱ppp开始,再慢慢加强气息和共鸣试图再次强调聆听到家乡的呼唤,最后一句“du f?ndest”高音落在e2上,这是一个对男中音来说进入头声区的标志音,对于大多数声乐基本功不扎实的声乐爱好者来说,会用强力fff用大气力把声音“冲”上去,但音色可能会“紧”、“挤”或听上去很干涩,但歌唱家却是不寻常的用一个半声一带而过,声音明亮、柔软、空灵;最后的反复尾声再次用打开的假声“du f?ndest”站住在e2上,仿佛预示着家乡才是我的归宿,直到意犹未尽的结束全曲。四、结语经过详尽的分析可以看出托马斯?汉普森在演唱舒伯特的艺术歌曲时对作品前期的诠释是极其严谨和全面的。把菩提树这首作品的旋律、结构、调性、和声以及钢琴伴奏都理解和领会、熟练的相当透彻。这首作品的篇幅不长,但是留给我们的启发很大的。认真详尽的分析歌唱家演唱的这首作品,对今天我们学习和欣赏德国艺术歌曲是很有帮助的。Thomas Hampson (Thomas Hampson) is not only in the world has one of the most beautiful voice baritone, also has the extraordinary ability to perform. One stop on the stage, his heart is only one thing: the characters live, moved the audience. Therefore, his performance in the worlds major opera stage and Concert by the audience and critics of the unanimous applause.A world famous singerThomas Hampson (Thomas Hampson, 1955 -) American baritone, June 28, 1955, born in Indiana, Elkhart, 1977 graduated from eastern Washington University received a bachelors degree in 1978 had won Lotte Lehmann? award, 1982 in St. Louis opera starred in the heart of a woman Guglielmo a angle caused by the extensive attention, jumped into the American contemporary most outstanding baritone, in the worlds most famous opera performances.Hampson in Washington grew up under the tutelage of Mary Etta. Cole (marieta Coyle), Elizabeth. Schwarzkopf, Martill. Singh (martial Singher) and Khost. Gong Joseph (Horst nther). He is famous for his versatility. He has made many achievements in the field of sound recording, research and education, as well as in the field of opera, light opera, musical and religious works.In 1980, Thomas. Hampson in Heer support won the second prize denbosch International Vocal Competition in, and become the 1981 debut at the Metropolitan Opera actor. In 1992, Hampson received a bachelors degree at the University of Washington. Wagner Don Wise he recorded in 2003 received the Grammy Award for best opera recording, and is considered to be the leading baritone. Hampsons Opera repertoire covers a wide range of roles. At the same time Thomas Hampson is also a famous art song singer and solo artist. Hampson has received numerous awards, including six time Grammy nominated, two Edison Award (the Netherlands), two French Record Award, three times gramophone award, the classical echo and Cannes classical music award. Hampson has Washington Whitworth college, San Francisco Conservatory of music of honorary doctorates, and is an honorary member of the Royal College of music in London, Vienna State Opera has been awarded the title of chamber music singer, the American National Institute of Arts and in recognition of the success he has achieved in the field of audio and Music Education awarded him a medal.Thomas? Hampson from Rossini to Verdi and Puccinis opera, from Monteverdi brother to Benjamin Britten and Henze, singing opera repertoire role span a broad, he had in Rossinis William? Draws back , Tchaikovsky Eugene? Onegin, Massenets Werther in the decoration, the play the leading role and Ambrosi and and has appeared in the Busongni Faustus? Thomas: Hamlet, Verdis Macbeth, Mozart Don Giovanni, Friedrich? Atzel ha Shi Tan verder giant (World Premiere).At the same time, Thomas Hampson or popular folk singer and good at singing Schubert, Hugo? Wolf, Joseph? Marx, Strauss, Mahlers artistic songs singer.Two, the banyan tree of the artistic characteristics and the effectTree is Austria composer Schubert his vocal divertimento Winter Journey in a song. Because the melody of this work is beautiful and delicate, it becomes one of the most popular works in Schuberts art songs.The banyan tree is not long, but Schubert in the creation of a tight logical thinking. Both the melody, the melody, the structure, the harmony and the piano accompaniment are closely integrated into one. Analyzing and studying the logical thinking of the creation of the banyan tree can understand Schuberts superb writing skill, and can help to learn the composition of music as well as singing and appreciating the works.Vocal divertimento Winter Journey lyrics from the poet Muellers poems, tree is one of them. There are four sections in this poem. The first paragraph: a tramp came to an ancient side, looking at the tree growth at the edge of the well and the bodhi tree, recalled the happy time of his childhood was spent under the tree. The second section: looking at the bodhi tree, the tramp of todays impoverished vagrant life sigh. The third section: the north wind blowing off the tramps hat, also interrupted tramp memories. Fourth paragraph: although go out for many years, tramp often hear the call of the banyan tree, and look forward to the banyan tree can bring him peace.Three, the art of singing in the showSchubert according to the lyrics of Tramp image created a show a passages, the music melody is simple and beautiful,


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