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Unit OneText AWarming-up B. 1. armchair travelers 2. budget travelers 3. family travelers 4. business travelers 5. adventure travelers 6. luxury travelersComprehensionB. 1- f 2- c 3-d 4-a 5-e 6-bVocabulary & StructureA. 1. inhibitions 2. incredulous 3. endemic 4. eerie 5. exhilarated 6. lucid 7. decked out 8. awe-inspiring 9. plummeted 10. graciousTranslation A. 在一切生物中,要算蜂鸟体形最优美、颜色最鲜艳。经过工艺加工的各种宝石和金属是无法跟这个大自然的珍宝媲美的。大自然按照鸟类的大小把它列为最小号,真是“最小的绝妙珍品”。 这种小蜂鸟是大自然的杰作;大自然把其他鸟类只能分有其中一部分的种种天赋全部慷慨地给了它。这个小宠儿具有轻盈、敏捷、灵活、优雅以及羽毛绚丽等一切妙处。那翠绿的、艳红的、嫩黄色的羽毛闪闪发光。蜂鸟从不让它的羽毛沾染尘土,它生活在天空中,一刻也不碰到草皮。它总是在空中飞翔,从花丛飞向花丛;它像花一样鲜艳,又像花一样艳丽。蜂鸟靠花蜜为生,它只生活在四季鲜花盛开的地方。B. 1. After climbing up to the top of the mountain and looking afar from the vantage point, I saw laid out before me a spectacular view, which was one of the most awe-inspiring view I have ever beheld; but equally exhilarating was the fact that some distance away a hawk was soaring high, and then, for an instant, it suddenly plummeted down into the canyon.2. My fondest memory is of spending a few days with a family in a mountain village, dinnering with them and enjoying various dishes endemic to the region. It is of mellow sweetness to have watched them, decked out in their traditional garb, moving around the house. Of course, a stay there for some more days involves some degree of roughing-it.Writing 1 Paragraph 1 introduces the trip by describing the authors initial venture into the park. Paragraph 2 comments on the absence of tourists in the area through which the tour was passing. Paragraph 3 provides a few reasons why there were so few tourists, including the remoteness of the area and the effect involved in getting there. Paragraph 4 discusses the approach used by the eco-tour company and their focus on the culture, people, and customs. Paragraph 5 describes the hospitality of the traveler hosts, the Pemon Indians, and some of the activities in which they participated. Paragraph 6 reflects on the education and understanding that the tourists gained about the area and the culture. Paragraph 7 discusses the system of spirituality and beliefs of the Pemon tribe and the rare energy meridians of the area. Paragraph 8 concludes by stating that, while the trip was exciting for those who took it, the eco-tour style of traveling may not be for everyone. Unit TwoText AComprehension1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. DVocabulary & StructureA. 1. elaborate 2. prosecution 3. controversial 4. ammunition 5. compassion 6. response 7. hospitalized 8. surged 9. moderately 10. zealC. 1. incurably ill 2. bring about 3. grown fast into 4. winning an advantage 5. given 6. hidden, stealthy 7. struggled with 8. mild, not harshTranslationB. 1. Quite a few terminally ill patients would often like their doctors to administer lethal drugs to them to be relieved of suffering; there are also some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment since there is no hope of effecting an ultimate cure. This problem has lately boiled over into a fierce public debate in some European countries.2. Those who are opposed to Euthanasia believe that it is no different from murder and that it is unethical, while the pro-euthanasists contend that since the incurably ill consider their existence more of a torment and suffering, why not let them end their lives in a decent and humane way? We ought to respect the patients final decision.3. The fear that mercy killing will be abused or used unnecessarily is not groundless. But with effective measures rigorously taken by the government and the departments concerned, and under tightly controlled conditions in hospitals, this problem would most probably be resolved in the end.Unit ThreeText AVocabulary & StructureA. 1. backwards 2. a babe 3. chance 4. odds5. smites 6. splash 7. shinning 8. hastyB. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. G 5. D 6. F 7. H 8. E1. The plunge we take is no different from the gamble we are taking against chance, against destiny, and in the course of it we may realize ourselves as an added bonus. And as a consequence we would be either bled white or finally make a career after painstaking efforts, or in rare cases, be continuously blessed with an unhindered advance, and we would take great pride in our obtained success.2. If a man makes gambling an obsession, he will not only lose his property gained through years of toil, he will also lose his dignity and conscience. Therefore it is advisable that they beat a hasty retreat from such an indulgence and be away from the sea of troubles.3. On the bright side of the coin, we win in the struggle against destiny, and the odds are in our favor, then gambling is no longer a toxic drug, rather it is one against boredom and apathy, and may well preserve our good temper, patience and optimism, which will do us a world of good.Text BB. 1. depends 2. prides 3. volumes 4. numbers 5. blows 6. blueUnit 4 Text A Vocabulary & StructureA. 1. involved 2. touch 3. spoil 4. boost 5. get on 6. get in Dutch 7. flinging mud at 8. heart-heart 9. profusion 10. bit her tongue offTranslationA. 首先,教师应性情开朗,具有魅力。这不排除长相平平, 甚至面貌丑陋者,他们或许更具魅力。但过于冲动者、郁郁寡欢者、冷酷无情者、尖酸刻薄者、愤世嫉俗者、怨天尤人者,以及自以为是、居高临下者却定要排除在外。再补充一点:应排除平庸者和性情不良者。还是我以前书中所言:“乏味或许比残暴更加催残学生。”其次,教师不仅需要而且必须拥有同情心真正意义上的同情心;能够设身处地的亲听他人的心声,特别要能感孩子们所感,思孩子们所思,因为教师中多为中小学教师;还有与此密不可分的宽容当然,宽容的不是错误本身,而是人类脆弱与幼稚的本性,这才是诱使人们尤其是孩子犯下种种错误的根本。1 There are some successful people in every walk of life. On the one hand, their successes depend on their born genius, later effort and support from their family; on the other hand, their successes are attributed to virtues as a being. These successful people seldom contradict others unless in a life-and-death struggle. If necessary, they know how to swim with the tide and tailor their words to the tastes of other fellows. They will say things in season and do things in moderation2. They are marvelous at adapting themselves to the surroundings and good at pleasing the ears of other people. They are quite easy-going and will never fling mud at people. If they happen to have friction with someone, they will try to have a heart-to-heart talk with him in a placid mood. They will never do what they will bite their tongue off later on.Text BTranslationA. 但是有另外一些人他们把成功更多地归公于运气和机会而不是毅力。他们认为,就是因为是好的运气和机会,一些人比其他人更容易获得成功,尽管他们并不那么能干和称职。毫无疑问,运气和机会是加快成功步伐的某种因素,但仅仅是因素而已。事实上机会只能带来某种预示,从来不会自发成功,机会只有加上艰辛、持之以恒的努力才能使人获得成功。毕竟,成功通常降临到那些愿意的人,或者说那些愿意把握机会的人。于是,这些人可能得到运气的恩赐。B. Rich Devos is the starter (initiator) of the largest sales company on the globe,Anli as well asThe boss of NBA Orlando Magic and WNBA Orlando Miracle. To our admiration, he had the operation of heart transplant at the age of 70. What s there behind his success? His newly-published book Hope of Herat gives the key to the question, that is, optimism. He thinks an optimistic attitude is not a luxury; its a necessity. Optimism diverts our attention away from negativism and channels it into positive, constructive thinking. There is enough good and bad in everyones life ample sorrow and happiness, sufficient joy and pain to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism, but we should face our life optimistically for the good in life far outweighs the bad.Unit 5 Text A Vocabulary & structureA. 1. bane 2. anecdotes 3. mundane 4. stimulus 5. intriguing 6.epidemic 7. bout 8. pathologicalTranslation A. 笑有很多好处。笑把人们联系在一起。在一些紧张的场合,笑声可以使人们放松精神。所以应该多与别人分享欢笑。 笑还对健康很有好处。有位著名作家在他的书里记述了他用喜剧和欢笑来治疗癌症的事。在你笑的时候,你的横膈膜会上下运动,而你的淋巴液也会加速运动,这些都对你的健康有好处。笑可以减轻压力放松肌肉,还可以加强你与别人的联系,特别是当你与别人语言不通时。当彼此以微笑回应时,双方的联系就加深了。 英语里有两种说法,第一种是笑是会传染的,就像病毒和病菌一样。另一种是笑是一种良药。B. 1. The role of laughter is more complex than people have imagined. People laugh for a variety of reasons. People laugh not only when they feel good, but in response to mundane statements and in uncomfortable situations as well. For example, when people are surprised at funny-looking things, their natural reaction is laughter. Something seems awkward for a moment and people dont know what to do, so people laugh. Even in a threatening situation, laughter may serve as a way of calming down the tense atmosphere.2. Why do we laugh? A convincing explanation waits for more confirmation. But people all over the world are convinced that it is pretty good to laugh. Laughter enables people to keep mentally healthy and laughter functions as some kind of social signal to strengthen a social bond because studies have shown that people are more likely to laugh in social settings than when they are alone. and it can break down barriers and forge a connection with each other.Text B TranslationA. 美国马里兰大学的心理学教授罗伯特-布鲁文赞同笑也具有进化连续性的这一说法。他说,笑的起源来自于挠痒痒以及杂乱无章的游戏。布鲁文教授和其他一些科学家还对黑猩猩进行了相关的研究,他们发现黑猩猩的笑(声音类似于噪音)与人类的笑存在着某种联系。他说:“确切地讲,笑是一种游戏的声音,从最初的喘气的呼呼声(吃力的呼吸声)发展到人类的“哈哈”笑的声音。” 通过研究从大猩猩喘气的呼呼声到人类“哈哈”的笑声两者之间的转化,科学家发现,呼吸控制是人类语音和笑声出现的关键所在。B. There is the American saying: Laugh-and-the-world-laughs-with-you; Cry-and-you-cry-alone. It is the fact that many people love to be happy and enjoy laughing. Therere some reasons why we laugh. One reason is surprise. When I was surprised at funny looking things, my natural reaction is laughter. Also you might laugh because youre embarrassed. Something seems awkward for a moment and you dont know what to do, so you laugh. When you see people falling down, say, in China, I notice everyone laughs partly because of surprise, and partly because of embarrassment. But there are Western cultures that they dont appreciate if you laugh when they fall down. People in different cultures laugh for different reasons. In fact, what makes one laugh in comedy shows TV shows and movies in different cultures are very different. So everyone is different, and what makes you laugh its not always the same. The same is true with jokes in different cultures.Unit 6 Text A TranslationA. 孩子们是否应该去国外留学一直是一个热门话题。人们的观点大相径庭。有些人认为学生不适合去国外学习,首先,高昂的学费和生活费对大多数家庭是一个沉重的经济负担;其次在一个风俗和生活方式完全不同的国家生活学习不仅会有语言障碍并且会经历“文化休克”,这会使许多学生难以适应,最后,一些学生不够成熟,难以辨别是非而可能走入歧途。国外留学的推崇者们坚持国外留学是有益的。首先,国外学习能提供一流的教学设施和“学生为中心”的教学体制-一种比国内盛行的“以教师为中心”的教学方法更科学的教学方法。其次,远离父母亲可以迫使年轻人结交朋友、学会处理人际关系,这将让他们终身受益。再者,留学国外是一次感受异国文化、开拓视野的绝佳机会。就我个人而言,我赞成去国外留学因为利大于弊。 B. 1. After the scores of the matriculation are known, parents want to know more about universities home and abroad by reading prospectuses and surfing university websites, and do their utmost to choose an ideal institution of higher education for their children. Some parents even think that nothing beats seeing for themselves. They will take their children to see the campus, halls of residence, cafeterias. They make enquiries at such departments as Students Affairs Office to be better-informed. 2. Some universities in the U. S. are open to parents by setting up open days in order that parent can know more about academic administration, accommodations, food, workload, and job prospects. But there are some differences between their list of priorities. As a rule, children tend to listen to their parents because a bit of their parents wisdom and experience go a long way.Text B TranslationA. 学校现有建筑系等22个教学系(部、中心),环保应用技术研究所等20多个科研院(所)和科技服务机构。有43个本科专业,覆盖工科、理科、人文科学、商科、社会科学和农学等6大学科门类,各类在校生20000多人,其中全日制本科生15000多人、硕士研究生170余人。学校现有城市规划、环境工程、结构工程、世界史、防灾减灾、专门史、应用数学、应用化学、市政工程、伦理学十个硕士学位授权点,现有环境工程、结构工程2个省级重点建设学科;1个省级特色专业建设点城市规划与设计专业;2个省(部)重点实验室环境科学与工程重点实验室和结构工程重点实验室。B. The newly established university is an engineering-centered multi-disciplinary institution of higher education, covering such fields as engineering, science, liberal arts, and management. Concentrating on the undergraduate programs, concurrently with adult continuation education, the University takes an active part in developing postgraduate education and undertakes the responsibility of fostering practical and creative talents. The University upholds the teaching-centered ideologies to substantially improve its education quality. It strives to improve the quality of its undergraduate teaching by reforming training modes of human resources, teaching contents, and curriculum system, strengthening and standardizing its teaching administration, and further improving the teaching quality for the undergraduates. The University attaches great importance to fostering students practical ability and creativity and strives to enhance their overall abilities, and so far satisfactory results have been witnessed. Unit 7 Text A V & SA. 1. tyranny2. will fragment3. flock4. deem5. lament6. dissolve7. have a finger in every pie8. hark back to9. be relevant to10. be tailored to 11. carve out niches12. notch up B. 1. Languagesare vehicles of value systems and of cultural expressions and they constitute a determining factor in the identity of groups and individuals. Yet, it is reckoned, more than fifty per cent of the worlds 6000 languages are on the verge of becoming extinct. And, as a matter of fact, one language disappears on average every two weeks. Many factors contribute to language extinction. But the English language prevalent worldwide is certainly to blame and its hegemony is worrisome.2. There is overwhelming/compelling evidence that the United States is undoubtedly a global leader in many ways. While exporting its high-tech products and commercial artifacts, the United States is imposing American values on the world. Therefore, some people turn their noses up at globalization, fearing that it is in fact equivalent to Americanization. Such fears are not over-blown.Translation1. 见原参考译文2. The trend towards globalization began in earnest in the early 1970s when the system of fixed exchange rates, set up after World War II, was dismantled. This meant that the value of currencies would now be determined by the markets instead of individual governments. Over the next two decades, countries slowly began to remove their exchange controls. By 1990, nearly all worlds major economies had got rid of restrictions on how much money could be moved in and out of their countries. In theory, governments are free to set their own economic policies; in practice, they must conform to a global economic model or risk being penalized by the markets.Other factors contributing to the rise of globalization are communication technologies, and better transportation systems. These have enabled companies to grow into multinationals-producing goods on one side of the planet and selling them on the other. Unit 8 Text V & SA. 1. audacity2. opulent3. loiter4. in all sincerity 5. contrives6. enormity7. subservience8. condescend9. profile 10. deft B. 1. Owing to the fierce competition, he was compelled to be busy with his work all day long. He could hardly afford the time to phone his aged parents, to say nothing of going back often to take care of them. He never thought of his parents without feeling apologetic, knowing that he was unworthy of their kindness.2. It seemed to J. B. Priestley that wearing clothes properly was a full-time job. Therefore, he always cheerfully bagged and sagged as if he had slept in his suits. And he could not understand how a man could contrive to look neat and spruce and do anything else.3. The sober young man has a certain air of arrogance about him. It is incredible that you should have wrung friendliness out of him. Text B2. A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in terms of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.Unit 9 Text A V & SA. 1. undermining2. hinges on3. espouse4. inhabit5. paradox6. have stagnated7. predicament8. jeopardize9. wake up to10. inextricablyTranslation B. 1. At the global level, the environmental movement has already been under way for decades and the public awareness of environment protection has been correspondingly enhanced. In spite of this, the health of Mother Earth is still deteriorating at an unprecedented rate. Many people cant help wondering how long it will take for human beings to turn things around.2. Without abiding by the basic ecological principles, some underdeveloped countries have achieved rapid economic growth in the past decades but at the expense of the environment. To make matters worse, they have failed to put effective brakes on the overgrowth of their populations. As a result, environmental degradation and population expansion are driving an ever-increasing number of people into poverty.Text BV & S 1. epitomize 2. facilitate 3. took shape 4. gained a foothold 5. vintage 6. insulates7. par excellence8. glazed9. derelict10. nestlingTranslation1. (略)2. Green Olympics, Humanism Olympics and Technology Olympics are the three major themes of Beijings bid for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. Actively responding to the call of the International Olympic Committee, Beijing will make a prominent feature of environmental protection at her Olympic Games. Through bidding for and hosting the Olympic Games, Beijing aims to further speed up her environmental protection plans to enhance the environmental quality, perfect her urban infrastructure construction, improve the living standards of


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