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III. Text study Section A Being Honest and OpenNew Words & Expressionsdemonstrate vt. (1). show clearly 演示,证明You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer. 你得演示一下如何使用这台计算机。vi. (2). take part in a march or meeting to protest or to make demands 参加游行;示威Some 30,000 angry farmers are demonstrating in the central square.大约三万愤怒的农民在中央广场举行示威。 morality n. (1). moral values; right or wrong 道德Its not a question of morality but a question of conscience. 不是道德问题,而是良心问题。(2). quality; goodness 德行Ones morality often reflects his conscience. 人的品行常常与良心连在一起。 apply v. (1). give or have an effect; use for a purpose(使)产生作用, 适用于; 运用The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 安全驾驶的规则适用于每一个人。He knows the rule but does not know how to apply it to his work. 他知道这条规则,但不知道如何将它运用到工作中去。(2). request officially 申请She is applying for a job as secretary. 她正申请做秘书工作。(3). cause to work hard; devote 致力于The reason for his failure in the exam is that he didnt apply himself to his study. 他考试不及格的原因是学习不用功。 ensure vt. (1). make sure or certain 确保Come early to ensure getting a good seat. 早些来,以确保有个好座位。The novel ensured his name as a great writer. 这部小说使他获得了大作家的美誉。(2). make sure of getting; secure 担保A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview. 一封介绍信可以使你得到面试的机会。This medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep. 这药可保你睡个好觉。 Money is not enough to ensure happiness; a person must be at peace with himself, too. 钱不足以使人幸福,人必须保持心态平和。assure vt. (1). tell positively or confidently 郑重告知I assure you that this medicine cannot harm you. 我郑重告诉你,这药对你无害。(2). make (oneself) sure or certain; convince 使确信Before going to bed she assured herself that the door was locked. 睡觉前,她确保自己已把门锁上了。 protest v. (1). make complaint, object 反对;抗议They protested about the bad food at the hotel. 他们抗议旅馆里的食物质量太差。There was a large crowd in the square, protesting against the war. 广场上聚集了一大群人,他们是在抗议那场战争。(2). declare seriously 宣称We urged her to come to the party with us, but she protested that she was too tired. 我们力劝她和我们一道去参加晚会,但她说自己累了。n. 1. a statement that declines or objects 抗议If everyone refused to buy meat in protest, the shops would have to bring their meat prices down.如果大家都拒绝购买肉类以示抗议,商店就得将肉类价格降下来。(2). a serious statement 宣称The charged man was judged guilty despite his protest of not being at fault. 尽管那个被指控的男子宣称自己无辜,他还是被判有罪。 concede v. (1). yield 让与He conceded us the right to walk through his land. 他向我们做出了让步,同意我们在他的地盘上通过。(2). admit as true, often unwillingly 承认The government conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known. 选举结果一公布,政府就承认失败了。Everyone concedes that 2 and 2 make 4. 谁都承认2加2等于4。I concede that I had made a mistake. 我承认犯了个错误。clarify vt. make clear; explain 弄清楚;解释Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position. 感谢你给我写信并让我解释目前的处境。 progressive a. (1). moving forward continuously or by stages 连续的;一步一步的We see the progressive development of the city with our own eyes.我们亲眼看到这座城市在一步步地发展。(2). improving or changing according to new ideas 进步的;先进的This is a progressive firm that uses the most modern methods of operation in its business. 这家公司很先进,采用了最为现代的经营方法。 progressively ad. in a way of going from one to the next; step by step in sequence; bit by bit 逐步;逐渐Her homework became progressively worse. 她的家庭作业一次比一次差。The amount of the loan from the bank was progressively reduced. 银行的贷款一次比一次少。 dwarf n. a person of much less than usual size 侏儒Their second son is a dwarf. 他们的第二个儿子是个侏儒。vt. cause to appear small when compared (由于对比)使显得矮小,使相形见绌The new tall building dwarfs all the little shops. 这高大的新建筑使所有的小商店相形见绌。 external a. (1). (figurative) easily seen but not essential; on the surface 外在的;表面的Judged by his external appearances he was a quiet man, but he had a violent temper. 从外表看,他是个文静的人,但实际上他脾气很暴躁。(2). outside 外部的;外面的an external wound 外伤The medicine is for external use, not to drink. 这药是外用的,不可内服。 inevitable a. which cannot be prevented from happening不可避免的An angry exchange was inevitable because they hated each other so much. 他们很不喜欢对方,因此争吵不可避免。 inevitably ad. unavoidably; certainly 不可避免地Inevitably, the project is running into difficulties. 这个项目不可避免地遇上了困难。 preserve vt. (1). keep; protect保存;保护We need to preserve the forest. 我们需要保护这片森林。I hope that fate may preserve you from all harm. 我祈祷命运保佑你平安。(2). store 储存preserved eggs 皮蛋 preserved fruit果脯 mask n. a covering for the face, to hide or protect it 面具;面罩Each motorcycle driver has to wear a mask. 每个摩托车驾驶员都得戴面罩。vt. (1). put a mask over 戴面具The bank robbers masked their faces. 银行抢劫犯戴了面具。(2). hide 掩盖She tried to mask her feelings. 她试图掩盖自己的感情。A thick cloud masked the sun. 厚厚的云层遮住了太阳。 tough a. (1). hard; difficult 很难的These days are very tough. 这些日子很苦。The tough problem is how to raise the money needed. 难题是如何筹集所需要的钱款。(2). strong 结实的;有力的He is very tough and can carry this huge rock easily.他力气很大,能轻易地抓起这块大石头。 enrich vt. (1). improve 改善;改进It is important to enrich the soil before planting. 种植前先改良土壤是很重要的。(2). make rich or richer 丰富An education enriches your mind. 教育可以丰富你的思想。TV enriches life in some ways. 电视在某些方面丰富了生活。 yield v. (1). give up; quit 屈服;放弃He yields to temptation easily. 他很容易受诱惑。(2). produce 出产;生长于This research has been in progress since 1978 and has yielded many positive results. 这项研究自1978年以来一直在进行,并已取得了许多实际成果。This piece of land yielded a crop worth $500,000 last year. 这块地去年长出的庄稼值50万美元。 sell out (to) - let down ones cause, or ones side (to sb.) 背叛事业或立场She sold out to the other side and left us. 她背弃了我们,倒向了另一边。 They spoke of people who had sold out to the enemy. 他们提到了那些背叛投敌的人。demand of -expect (something) from (someone or something) 期待;要求Hard work will be demanded of students in this course. 这门课程要求学生用功去学。The increased population is demanding too much of the electricity supply. 人口的增长对电力供应的需求太高了。Hard work will be demanded of students in this course.这门课程要求学生下苦功去学。Have you any idea what a full-time political career will demand of you? 你知道专门从政要求你具备些什么吗? stand for -(1). hold (an opinion); mean or believe (something such as a principle) 主张;相信This decision goes against everything I stand for. 这一决定与我所主张的每一件事都格格不入。This party stands for equal treatment in employment and fair trading. 这个党主张平等就业和公平贸易。(2). accept or bear (something bad); bear with 承受;忍受If there is one thing I wont stand for, its being treated like an office boy.如果有什么事我不能忍受的话,那就是被人当作跑腿的使唤。What she cant stand for is that he smokes in her office.她不能忍受的是他在她的办公室里抽烟。(3). represent 代表What do these three letters stand for? 这3个字母代表什么? The letters PRC stand for the Peoples Republic of China. PRC这三个字母代表中华人民共和国。think of (1). take into account; have in ones mind 考虑;为.设想I cant go tonight, I have my mother to think of. 今晚我不能去,我还要照顾我母亲呢。When I said that, I was not thinking of her feeling. 我说那话时没有考虑到她的感受。(2). have thoughts concerning (something or someone) 回想,想起I cant think of his name, but he was a tall man with glasses. 我想不起他的名字了,不过他是个高个子,戴着一副眼镜。On her way to school Sandy was thinking of her brother Bill. 在上学的路上,桑迪想起了她哥哥比尔。(3). imagine (something or doing something) 想像Wed like to go to Paris this summer, but think of the cost! 今年夏天我们倒是想去巴黎,可是想象一下那花费吧! give (the) credit -give (someone) praise (for something) 赞扬He was given credit for his work. 他因工作出色而受到赞扬。He was given credit for his work. 他因工作出色而受到赞扬。You cant rely on him for assistance. 你不能指望他来帮助你。 engage in (1). (cause to) take part in or work at (something); make (oneself) busy in (something or doing something) 参与Is it wise to engage in active sports at your age? 你这个年纪还从事剧烈的体育运动,明智吗?The old lady engaged herself in making clothes for her neighbours children. 这老太太正忙于给她邻居的小孩做衣服。(2.) cause (someone or something) to be concerned in (something)(使)关心Be good enough to engage my aunt in conversation so that I can escape from this dull family party. 行行好,去和我婶婶说说话,这样我就可以离开这个无聊的家庭晚会了。 Language PointsThey had a simple saying hanging on their living-room wall: (Para. 1) hang on: hold something or someone tightlyDont hang the picture on that wall as it is facing the sun all day. 别把照片挂在那墙上,因为那墙整天晒着太阳。 Hang on tight; its going to be a rough ride. 抓紧;汽车要颠簸了。Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show. (Para. 1) Meaning: Life is like a field that is covered with fresh snow. When I walk on it, the snow shows every step of mine.Please notice that where here is a conjunction, meaning 1). at, to the place (at) which; 在任何地方Where I live there are plenty of sheep. 在我住的地方有很多羊。2). or/to any place at all that;去任何地方Go where you like. 去你喜欢的地方吧。3). while or whereas; but (=whereas) 而,但是They want a house, where we would rather live in a flat. 他们想要栋房子,而我们却宁可住公寓。They understood instinctively that integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that do not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. (Para. 2) Meaning: They knew by instinct that being honest means that one should have his own personal standard of right or wrong and know his limits, and that the personal standard should not be let down for ease or comfort, or altered by the present situation.Please notice that both the second and third that-clause, that is, that does not . and that is not . modify the word standard.Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today - and getting scarcer. Meaning: Unfortunately, integrity is in bad need now, and fewer people are honest.But it is the real bottom line in every area of society and a discipline we must demand of ourselves. (Para. 3) Meaning: But integrity is very important in every area of society, and it is education that is necessary to us.the bottom line: the most important factor; the main or essential point 重要因素;关键的东西The bottom line is that its not making any money. 关键是这不赚钱。The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of everybody. 关键是这不能使每人都尽力。Forget the detail and give me the bottom line. 细节就不要说了,说说关键的吧。Stand firmly for your convictions when confronted with personal pressure. Meaning: Dont give up your convictions in the face of personal pressure.when confronted with: when you are confronted with; when you are faced withconviction: n. very strong opinion or belief (This word was learned in Unit 4 B.)She will not go against her convictions. 她不会违背她的信念。. a surgical nurses assistance during her first day on the medical team . (Para. 4) Meaning: . a surgical nurses help during her first day when she worked among other members of the medical team .on: among (是).的成员;供职于on a team (是)一个队的成员I am on the committee considering new members for our club. 我是俱乐部委员会的委员,负责审查俱乐部新成员的资格。Think of the patient. (Para. 6) Meaning: Have the patient in your mind.Youll do just fine in this or any other hospital, he assured her. Meaning: You will do a good job in this or any other hospital, he told her positively.do fine: do a good job 干得很好fine: ad. (not formal) very well 很好It suits me fine. 它正适合我。The machine works fine if you oil it. 给它加点油,这机器就会工作得很好。Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs. (Para. 9) Meaning: Always give other people the praise that they merit.give (the) credit: give (someone) praise (for something) He was given credit for his work. 他因工作出色而受到赞扬。To give someone credit for a good quality means to believe that they have it. 称赞某人的好品质意味着相信他具有这种好品质。Cf.: get/take (the) credit: to be praised 受到赞扬The young boy took all the credit for drawing the picture even though his teacher had done most of the work. 小男孩因画了这幅画而受到了许许多多的赞扬,尽管这画多半是他老师画的。People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors - their looks or status - in order to feel good about themselves. (Para. 12) Meaning: People who dont have any real inner values rely on external influences such as their looks, status, clothes, etc. to make themselves confident or happy.genuine: a. real; true They welcome him with genuine enthusiasm. 他们以真挚的热情欢迎他。The sofa is made of genuine leather. 这沙发是真皮做的。Inevitably they will do everything they can to preserve this false mask, but they will do very little to enhance their inner value and personal growth. (Para. 12) Meaning: They will certainly do everything they can to keep the false appearance but will do almost nothing to increase their inner value or promote their personal growth.preserve: vt. 1. keep; protect We need to preserve the forest.我们需要保护这森林。We will do everything to preserve peace. 我们将尽一切努力维护和平。2. store preserved eggs 皮蛋Dont engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life. (Para. 13) Meaning: Dont do anything to hide things in your life that do not please you.Tough times never last but tough people do, . (Para. 13) Meaning: Hard times will come to an end sooner or later, but strong people will never be defeated by difficulties.In other words, face reality and be mature in your responses to lifes challenges. (Para. 13) Meaning: That is to say, when lifes challenges come, dont escape from them but meet them as a brave man.Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others. (Para. 14) Meaning: Self-respect and a sense of right and wrong are essential to ones honesty and essential to improving ones relationships with others.conscience: n. the sense of right and wrong Let your conscience be your guide. 凭你的良心办事。Her guilty conscience made her confess to her crime. 她的犯罪感使她供认了自己的罪行。component: n. a necessary or essential part A chemist can separate a medicine into its components化学家能分离出药物的成分。enrich: vt. 1. improve Ordinarily, these enriched courses are kept for special students. 一般说来,这些加深型的课程是为特殊学生开设的。2. make rich or richer Many foreign words and phrases have enriched the English language.许多外来词和短语丰富了英语。An education enriches your mind. 教育丰富了你的思想。relationship: n. 1. friendship or connection between people social relationships社会关系2. connection What is the relationship of clouds to rain? 云与雨之间是什么关系?A life of principle, of not yielding to the tempting attractions of an easy morality, will always win the day. (Para. 14) Meaning: If you have principles in your life, if you wont give up for some easy morality, you will be successful.the tempting attractions of an easy morality, .(Para. 14) tempting: a. drawing in ; inviting Having a lunch is a tempting idea. 吃中饭可是个很诱人的主意。tempt: vt. draw in; inviteYour offer of a job tempts me greatly. 你为我提供的工作机会真让我动心。attraction: n. 1. (figurative) drawing power; pullSports have great attraction for most boys. 对多数男孩来说,体育运动很有魅力。2. a thing that delights or attracts people The elephants were the chief attraction at the circus. 马戏中大象最吸引人。.will always win the day. (Para. 14) win the day: (also carry/gain the day) win in a competition, , etc.; be successful Good sense will always win the day in the end.有理智的人最后总是赢家。Cf.: lose the day: lose in a competition, etc. 失败;没赢. without having to check your tracks in a rear-view mirror. (Para. 14) Meaning: . without looking back with a regret at what you have done. Section B Web Site Resources: The Best Aid for CheatingNew words & Expressionsweb n. (1). computer network (计算机)网 World Wide Web 全球网(2). a net of thin threads made by spider 蜘蛛网(3). complicated network 复杂的网络 a web of radios 广播网络 cheat v. act dishonestly; treat someone by lying 欺骗He always cheats at cards. 他玩牌时老玩骗术。Students may be tempted to cheat in order to get into top schools. 为进入一流学校,学生可能忍不住作弊。n. a person who cheats 骗子 No one likes cheats. 没人会喜欢骗子。 nerve n. (1). threadlike part in the body that carries feelings and messages to and from the brain 神经(2). courage; strength or control of mind 勇气;胆量He is a man of nerve. 他是个有勇气的人。I meant to do it, but I lost my nerve. 我想干,但我没有勇气。(3). disrespectful manners 厚颜He had the nerve to say that I was a fool. 他居然有脸说我是傻瓜。 ultimate a. (1). greatest 最大的His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study out of the country. 他眼下最大的目标是出国留学。(2). the last or farthest distant; being at the end or happening in the end 最终的;最后的The ultimate cost of the job was over a hundred dollars. 这项工作的最后费用是100多美元。 link n. tie; connection 纽带Is there a link between smoking and lung diseases? 吸烟与肺病之间有没有什么联系?vt. join or connect 连接The road links all the new towns. 这公路将所有的新城镇都连接了起来。The fingerprints linked that man to the crime. 指纹将那个人与这件罪案联系了起来。 fake vt. (1). make or copy to trick 伪造;造假I thought the painting was old but it had been faked. 我以为这是幅古画,但却是赝品。The picture was faked by sticking together two photos. 这张照片是把两张照片拼在一起伪造的。(2). pretend 假装She faked illness so that she did not have to go to school. 她假装生病,这样她就不用上学了。n. a person or thing that is not what he/she/it looks like or sth. that is not real 假货;赝品His diamond ring looked genuine, but it was a fake.他的钻戒看起来像真的,但实际是膺品。I thought he was a minister but he was a fake and robbed me. 我以为他是个传教士,但实际上是个冒牌货,还抢了我的钱。The criminal had a fake identity card. 那个犯罪分子有一张伪造的身份证。 appropriate a. right for the occasion; proper; suitable; fitting 合适的,适当的Clothes of this kind are not appropriate for school wear.这种衣服不适合在学校穿。Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word. 在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。 reconcile vt. (1). make peace between; make friendly again 和解They quarrelled but now they are completely reconciled. 他们争吵过,但现在已和好如初。(2). find agreement between


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