



Unit 10 A birthday party 知识点梳理知识点梳理:I 词组:1.prepare for为做准备2.It sounds great!这听上去很棒!3.look forward to sth./ doing sth.期盼某物/做某事4.be free有空5.at my flat在我的公寓6.What a pity!多可惜啊!7.preparepreparationv.准备n.准备8.at three oclock in the afternoon在下午三点钟9.on Saturday afternoon在星期六下午10.sing Karaoke唱歌11.play chess下棋12.see you then到时候见13.have got something to do有些事要做14.need sth./to do sth.需要某物/做某事15.show sb. how to do sth.展示给某人看如何做某事16.icing sugar冰糖17.add A to B把A加入到B18.mix together把混合在一起19.stir the mixture搅拌混合物20.putin an oven放入烤箱21.mix-mixturev.混合-n.混合物22.bake it for 20 minutes at 180c调至180度考上20分钟23.a baking tray一个烤盘24.wait for等待25.on the top of在的顶部26.iceicingn. 冰n.糖衣27.Firstly,/Secondly,/Thirdly,/Next,/Then/After that,/Finally,首先,其次,第三,然后,接下来,之后,最好28.Would rather do/not do宁愿做/不做29.ask sb. about sth.ask sb. to do sth.询问某人关于某事请求某人做某事30.复:buy sth. for sb./sb. sth.为某人买某物31.decorate-decorationv.装饰n.装饰32.writewrotewrittencomecamecomehavehadhadsingsang-sunggivegavegiventeachtaught-taught写来举办唱歌给教33.write an e-mail to sb.写给一封邮件34.tell sb. about sth./to do sth.告诉某人某事/做某事35.give sb. sth./sth. to sb.给某人某物36.teach sb. (how) to do sth.教某人做某事II. 词性转换:1.prepare v.准备preparationn.准备 2.mix v.混合mixturen.混合物3.icen.冰 icingn.糖衣4.batteryn.电池batteriesn.(pl.)电池复数5.match n.火柴matchesn. (pl.)火柴复数6. 动词原形及过去式:singsang/ teachtaught/givegave/comecame/havehad/writewrote 7. 序数词变副词:firstfirstly/ secondsecondly/thirdthirdly III. 语言点/句型: 1. 时态:一般将来时 be going to /will do打算做/将要做-What are you going to do at the party?-Ill see you on Saturday afternoon at three oclock at my flat.2. 日常会话:打电话常用语:-Hello. This is Kitty. May I speak to ,please? -Hello, this is Peter speaking. 日常问候用语:-How are you? -Im fine, thanks. 表示祝愿用语:-Have a great party. Thank you.告别用语:Bye. /See you then/later/soon.3. 时间前的介词:at +具体几点钟;on +星期,日期,某天早中晚;in +月,季节,年份及泛指的早中晚。4. sound + adj. 听上去 连系动词+形容词, 之前有学过keep, look, taste, feel5. 句型:用祈使句发指令。-Firstly, make the icing.6. 表示顺序的副词,增加了由基数词变形而来的三个;then后无标点符号7. What ingredients do we need? 我们需要哪些原料?need sth./to do sth. 实意动词;否定式是助动词+not +need。要注意的是作为情态动词need + V-原形;否定形式是neednt8. To make a chocolate cake, To make为了要做提问用why9. Shall we/I ? 我们/我好吗?Lets do, shall we? 让我们,好吗?(Let us, will you?) 能允许我们(请求听话者),好吗?10. We dont have any batteries at home, so you need to buy some batteries. so作连词连接两句句子,表因果关系。11. Id like to do/Id rather do我想要/我宁愿 否定都是I wouldnt V. 小作文:Look at the pictures and write at least 50 words about the topic “A happy Birthday Party”. (看图并且以“一个快乐的生日派对”为题写一篇不少于50个词的短文) 5.00 p.m.16 OctoberWelcome to my birthday party范文:I had a wonderful time on 16 October. It was my fourteenth birthday. All of my good friends arrived at five oclock on that day afternoon. Sam gave me some sweets as a gift. Tom bought me a toy bear. I loved them so much. We had a barbecue in the garden. The chicken wings were so delicious. Everybody loved the food my mum cooked. How beautiful the birthday cake was! We sang and danced


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