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高 中 英 语 书 面 表 达 小 结 (1)高考书面表达重视能力已经是成熟的趋势。书面表达的命题已从单纯的单向思维表达逐渐进入到复合的多向思辨表述(典型的如北京卷书面表达中的开放作文,上海卷的作文以及广东卷中的任务型写作)。其主导思想进一步突出实用性和交际性,在语言组织上高考书面表达比以往更强调语言的运用,更注重语言使用的得体性、文章的整体性和流畅性。高考对英语书面表达的能力要求主要表现在对观察分析的能力、正确使用语法规则的能力、恰当选词和正确拼写的能力、语言连贯表达清楚的能力、语言得体的能力、灵活运用书面技巧的能力的考察。要想获得好成绩,必须掌握高考英语书面表达的解题步骤、即认真审题,明确要求、分析要点、编制提纲、依纲据点、扩展成文、反复检查,查漏补缺。当然,熟悉不同题材和体裁的书面表达的写作要求,有针对性地进行训练,这对于强化写作能力是至关重要的。本文试图对一些体裁的书面表达做一初步的归纳小结。记叙文的写作以记叙为主的表达方式,可以写人、写事。其特点是以事实为根据,对人、事、物的经历过程进行记叙。记叙文的主要命题形式为看图作文,格式有故事、日记、书信等。记叙文常包含三个主要部分,开头段:多是背景的介绍,交代时间、地点、人物等;主体段:讲述故事的情节,可以由一个或几个段落构成;结尾段:是对全文进行归纳、总结,得出结论或是故事得结局。做题步骤如下:首先要审题,审题时除了要观察画面上的人和物,还要特别注意确认图画所表现的故事情节、人物关系以及图画所反映的时间和地点,然后确定写作主题和主体时态 (一般以过去时为主),并根据要求确定中心人称;其次要看图打腹稿,选定5 - 7个要点,同时确定表达要点的词汇;最后组织全文写作顺序,记叙文需先交待时间、地点、人物,再写事件的经过。如1997年试题的第一句为:The other day my brother and l went to the cinema by bike或者先点明主题,再按时间顺序详述过程。如1992年试题的开篇句是:It was my grandmothers birthday常用的过渡词有:and, but, so, then, however, suddenly, finally以及状语从句的引导词。记叙文示例一:NMET 97下列图画描述的是你的一段亲身经历,请据此为一家中学生英文报的故事专栏写一篇短文。注意:1. 短文必须包括图画所表现的主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使其连贯、完整;2. 叙述必须用第一人称; 3. 词数100左右。生词:违章者offender n. 十字路口crossroads n.写作步骤1. 认真审题,仔细推敲每幅图的大意,整体把握一组图的连贯性理解及题目要求。2. 用简单句写出每幅图的主题句(谁做什么?) 范例如下: 1).My brother and I went to the cinema., 2).A young man and a girl stopped us. 3).A policeman caught us half an hour ago. 4).The policeman made us catch the next offender. 5).We had to wait here. 6).It is your turn to do the same thing.3.、扩展句子。对每幅图主题句进行扩写、补充每幅图的次要内容(时间、地点、方式、原因等)。范例如下: 1).One day my brother and I went to the cinema. We rode on the same bike. 2).When we got to a crossroad, a young man with a flag and a girl stopped us and said, “We are waiting for you.”. We were very surprised because we didnt know them. 3).The man said to us, A policeman caught us half an hour ago. 4).The policeman made us catch the next offender. 5).We had to wait here. 6).Now it is your turn to do the same thing. They went away. My brother and I had no choice but to stand here in place of them. 4. 整理成文。按情节发展先后,承上启下整理成文。范例如下: One day my brother and I went to the cinema. We rode on the same bike. When we got to a crossroad, a young man with a flag and a girl stopped us and said, We are waiting for you. We were very surprised because we didnt know them. The man said to us, A policeman caught us half an hour ago. The policeman made us catch the next offender. We had to wait here. Now it is your turn to do the same thing. They went away. My brother and I had no choice but to stand there in place of them. (103 words) 5.核对。对照各幅图,检查全文定稿。 记叙文示例二:下面六幅图描述了你班2月8 日去湖上滑冰的情况. 请根据图画内容写一篇日记. 注意: 1. 日记须包括所有图画的内容, 可适当增加细节, 使日记连贯. 2. 词数 100 120.February8th Sunday Fine It was cold today. All my classmates went skating on the lake. Mr. Zhang told us to be careful. While skating, I suddenly noticed something unusual. The moment I warned Xiao Ming to take care, the ice broke and he slipped into the water. Not knowing what to do, I anxiously called my teacher for help. Hearing my cry, Mr. Zhang rushed over and jumped into the icy water to save Xiao Ming, who was struggling. At last, he was saved and no sooner had the doctors arrived than he was sent to hospital. It was not long before Xiao Mings parents came. They expressed their thanks to Mr. Zhang. What a respectable teacher he is !示例(2)简析:这是一篇典型的记叙文范文. 其中可圈可点之处有三点. 一是关联词语的准确运用: 本文运用了各种不同语法结构的表达(黑体字部分,包括了分词短语, 时间状语从句, 连词短语)使得上下文的过渡非常自然. 其二是成功地运用了多种句型, 表达手段富于变化,体现了较高的驾驭语言的能力. 其三是运用了一些高级词汇, 这同样反映了作者对英语运用的能力. 这是一篇高质量的习作, 它很好地体现了英语教学大纲中对写作能力的要求以及高考中的评分要求, 即 : “ 应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性. ”图表类说明文的写作图表作文多以说明文和议论文为主,要求考生根据所给的图表、数据及标题进行分析、研究,阅读其中的文字和说明,弄清各种信息之间的关系,提炼和确定出文章的中心思想,然后进行分析、概括和归纳。步骤: 读图表 - 分析整理素材 - 列提纲 - 成文1 读图表: 通过比较的方法弄清图表中各类数字之间的关系, 找出一些可以提出看法的地方。 方法: a. 单项首尾比较 b. 综合首尾比较 c. 极值比较( 目的是对事物的发展趋势进行分析 )2 整 理: 对分析比较后得到的各数字之间的关系作归纳整理, 列出要点.3 列提纲: 分清段落, 确定全文主题句, 段落主题句及支持句的过程.4 成 文 : 在适当处加入连词, 连句成文.文章结构: 一般说明文通常分为三部分: 1. 引言 (主题句) 2. 正文 3. 结束语(1) 引言可以是一句话, 目的是点明文章的中心, 让读者了解文章要谈什么.确定主题句必须做到: 简明扼要,开门见山, 立意明确, 且紧扣图表信息.(2) 正文是文章的主要部分.(3) 结束语的作用是概括全文, 或提出建议或令人深思的问题等. 图表作文示例一北京市近几年内交通工具发生了较大的变化,请根据下表所提示,用英语写一篇约100词的短文,以便刊登在某一杂志上。题目已经给出(不计人总词数)。交通工具年份自行车出租车私人汽车公共汽车19961,000,00061,50017,0006,50020051,400,0080,00051,0006,600特点方便,键身快捷,价格合理富有便宜,慢,脏,拥挤参考范文:本文要抓住“变化”这个核心内容。首先通过读图表整理各项变化极其对应的原因。然后确定主题句:“There have been many changes in the means of transportation in Beijing in recent years。”,接着有条理地分别陈述各项变化,注意:1. 准确地运用表示变化和对比的句型; 2. 句型要有变化以避免重复. 最后, 根据内容提出合理的看法,评价或呼吁等等.(例如范文中的: Something must be done to improve the conditions of buses. )Changes In Means Of Transportation (交通) In BeijingThere have been many changes in the means of transportation in Beijing in recent years. From 1996 to 2000, the number of bicycles has increased by 40 percent, for it is convenient and a good form of exercise to ride bicycles. Over18,000 more taxis have appeared in 2000. More and more people like to take taxis because they can save a lot of time and the price is reasonable. The number of private cars is 51,000 ,which is three times as much as that in 1996. We can see more and more people are getting rich and can afford to buy cars of their own. The number of buses doesn t change much. Though it is cheap to take buses, they are slow, dirty and crowded. Something must be done to improve the conditions of buses.图表作文示例二根据下表提供的信息,写一篇100字的短文。Traffic accidents in the City A (2002,1 - 2002,12)Traffic Accidents Increasing in City A Traffic accidents are becoming increasingly serious in city A. The above chart shows that the number of people injured and killed in traffic accidents kept increasing during the year of 2002. In January there were only 25 people injured in traffic accidents, but in December of the same year the number of people injured reached 49, increasing by 96 %. As for the people killed in traffic accidents, there were 14 in December, up 180% over January. On the whole, the number of monthly victims of traffic accidents in 1992 went up from 30 to 63, an increase of 110%, and the chart shows a trend towards further increase in traffic accidents. There is an urgent need for the authorities concerned to bring the situation under control. (试与范文示例一做对比分析, 看看此文的篇章结构和句型的运用与之相似吗?)此类书面表达经常要用到与数字有关的一些句型, 教师在平时的教学中应注意收集, 归纳, 整理并有计划, 有步骤地对学生进行掌握这些句型的强化训练. 这样, 学生才有可能准确地表达相关内容, 较好地完成写作任务. 整理此类书面表达常要用到的句型如下: 数字句型各种数目概念表示法句型1。表示精确数字。(1) The cloth measures ten yards exactly. (2) It is now exactly ten oclock.(3) I shall be just seventeen years old on the 15th of next month.句型2。表示大约数字。(1) About twenty thousand people saw the match yesterday.(2) The price of the machine is some one thousand yuan.(3) During the past year or so, the production record of that factory has been raised to 200%.(4) It s an hourss journey, more or less.句型(3). 表示“有余”“以上”等义。(1) Big battle ships of over ten thousand tons can be fully built in Shanghai.(2) I have known him more than ten years. (3) He has lived abroad above ten years.(4)In some factories the working day is not less than twelve hours.(5) Our college students are now required to learn at least one foreign language.句型(4). 表示“不足”之义(1) He may be under (below) thirty years of age.(2) The urgent work was completed in less than five hours.(3) The rent of the house is less than ( no more than ) one hundred yuan a month.(4) The old machine tool is used for at most fifteen hours a day.句型(5) 表示“总计” “总共”等义。(1) The total expenses amount to a thousand dollars. (2) (2) The cost adds up to (sums up to) $ 1,000.(3) The visitors totalled 2,500. (4) There are twelve persons in all in this room.(5) The various items(项目) come to two thousand five hundred yuan.句型(6). 表示数的增减。(1) The number of the students in this class increased from 50 to 54.(2) The number of participants (参加者)rose to 300,000.(3) The members of the association(协会)have decreased to (were deduced to) three hundred.(4) The population in this country fell to under 40,000,000.(5) The price of silk has dropped from sixteen to ten yuan per jin.(6) The population in this city has jumped above 300,000.句型(7)。 表示按比例变化。(1) I ask you to teach me every other day (every four days).(2) I went to Dover every third or fourth week. Mr Dick came over every other Wednesday.(3) This tea is sold for $ 60 per jin. (4) Ill give you some pills to be taken two at a time, three times a day before meals.句型(8) 表示倍数。(1) This country has doubled her annual output of steel during the post-war years.A. A is three (four,) times as big (high, wide ) as B. 或A is three ( four,) times that of B.(2) In our area now the grain output is four times that before liberation.(3) By that time we shall produce three times as much grain as we did in 1990.(4) This box is three times as heavy as that 或Beijing is ten times as big as my home town.B. A is three ( four, ) times + bigger ( higher,)+ than B.(5) The sun is a huge blazing ball, a million times larger than the earth.(6) This type of machine uses three times more fuel oil than that type does.(7) The grain output in that county is two times over that of 1999.(8) Agriculture output for 1998 was 51% up on 1990.C. A is three (four, ) times the size ( height, length, width ) of B.(9) The new building is four times the size of the old one. 句型 (9). 分数增加表示法 A + increase / rise / + ( to ) 倍数 + compared with B / B .(1) The numbers of pupils in this city has increased 6 times compared with 1986.(2) Now the industry of this country has increased over six times of the pre-war output.(3) Last year, the production of farm tools in the factory increased nine times compared with 1990.句型 (10). 分数减少表示法.(1) The invention of many new tools in our factory has reduced the cost of production by one third , while the output has gone up 160 percent.(2) The price of this kind of computers has reduced two fifths.(3) At that time industrial output in that country had sunk to ( fallen to) two thirds.书面表达中的并列连词根据英语教学大纲的表述,英语书面表达的要求是: (1)切中题意; (2)语言准确、得当; (3)条理清楚。最后一条就是要求学生会恰当地运用连接成分,使得上下文的逻辑关系得以体现,行文流畅。另外, 高考书面表达的评分标准中也明确提出: “ 要有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑.” 因此,在日常的教学和高考备考复习过程中教师应注意连词词义,用法的归纳及加强学生在连词的运用方面的训练。下面是并列连词的一些归纳和运用的范例:一 并列连词 常用的单个并列连词有 and, but, or, yet , for , so, then, therefore, however, 等。一) And是意义最笼统的连词。 可以表示: 并列,列举 先后时间的事件 有因果关系的事件 1. Man and woman, old and young, all joined in the games. (表示并列,列举).又如:2. The vehicle was muddy and the carpet inside needed sweeping. 3. She caught Marks arm and pulled him to his feet. (表示先后时间的事件)4. I think you are a great family and Im glad Im going to join you. (表示有因果关系的事件)二) Or通常表示一种选择,此外还有其强调形式 or else.1. The new rules may not always be properly tested or they may simply be ignored.2. The weather wasnt so bad here, or else he was getting used to it.3. You can pay cash, send a cheque, or use your credit.三) But, yet, however, nevertheless是表示意思的转折的But 表示对比,引导的可以是意外的事或转折1. He tried hard but he was unsuccessful 2. Its difficult but worthwhile. 3. He failed, got into debt, but then found a job in another city. 4. She is very young but very experiencedYet (意义为 but )1.They have learned English for only a year, yet they can act English plays already.2.They did their best, yet they were defeated. 3. She has her weakness, yet (but) that doesnt mean she is not qualified for the post.However (比but更为正式的说法)1. Certainly he apologized. However, I wont forgive him 2. The text is rather difficult. It is, however, not beyond the reach of the students.Nevertheless1. He had failed several times, nevertheless he was sure he would succeed in the end.2. I dont know anything against that man; nevertheless I dont trust him.四) For, so, therefore 是表示因果关系的For1. Youd better put on your sweater, for its rather cold outside. 2. It must have rained last night, for the street is still wet.So (意义为 as a result)1. we hurried so we didnt miss the last train.2. He didnt want to be seen, so he carefully sauntered off in the opposite direction.Therefore1. He worked day and night, and therefore he was able to buy the big house.2. You are in the right, therefore we should support you.五) 常用的成对并列连词有:both and , not only but (also) , either or , neither nor 1. He both loved it and hated it. 2. They not only printed my letter but they paid me 5 yuan.3. Most of our flights have either taken off or landed by 13:30 pm.4. He dared show neither pleasure nor pain.二. 列举连接词First, second, third; firstly, secondly, secondly, thirdly 这是一些与时间有关的词, 都可以用来列举论点或理由.1. He was disappointed in the lack of action after his speech. “ First, I wanted the government to acknowledge what I had said, and they didnt. Second, I expected the local authority to try to do something about it. (列举论点)2. They are angry with me firstly because I went to the United States, secondly because I didnt come back after the war and thirdly because I came back. (列举理由)因为用 first, then, next 来表示数个事件发生的先后顺序, 所以在列举一系列的指令时,有时也使用它们。1 First, the organization sought and found young people with talent. Then they assessed (评估) them form other capacities.2. Let your arms slowly drift (旋转) down to your sides again. Then, slowly screw (旋,曲) them up into fists. Hold tight like that, and then relax again. Next, your back.通过以上的归纳,加上平时的针对性的单句练习,能使学生对连词的意义和用法有较准确的理解和把握。在此基础上可以在相应的书面表达训练中让学生有意识地运用这些连词,强化对连词的理解和把握,从而达到行文流畅的写作要求。请看下面连词运用范文示例。示例1。请根据下面的示意图写一篇关于移栽的短文。这是一篇较典型的说明文,文中要用到一系列指令性的话语来说明移栽的步骤。要使说明条理清晰有序,势必要运用到列举连词。范文如下:When a plant grows too large for its original pot, it needs to be repotted. This can be done quickly and easily if you follow the instruction


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