



非试卷类课程考核说明商务英语视听说课程考核说明一、课程名称:商务英语视听说二、课程性质及学分:专业基础平台课 2学分三、考核方式:随堂口试四、考核对象:国际经济贸易专业(本科)1202班五、考核目的:通过本学期商务英语课程的学习,此次考试旨在对学生掌握的课堂学习情况进行检测,对学生的英语能力表达进行评估。六、考核要求(一)考核内容考试内容:(Conversation + Knowledge Q & A)Conversation:主要目的为考核学生词汇量及口语表达能力。每班学生分为 A、B 两组。每组中学生采取自愿组合的方式再分为若干 小组,每小组人数2人。根据老师提前公布的英文情景话题, 随机抽取其中之一进行脱稿演示。要求考生每人话题内容不 得少于200词;用词准确,符合英语国家口语表达惯例;无 语法错误。Conversation考试时间为每组5分钟。(内容见附 1)Knowledge Q & A:在Discussion会话结束后进行。每位学生需随机抽取 回答两道问题进行回答,内容涉及本学期所学词汇、 句型翻译、商务小常识。知识问答环节部分每位考生 时间为2分钟。(二)评分标准本次考试总分为100分,考试成绩占学生期末总成绩的50%,平时成绩占期末总成绩50%;具体评分细则如下:内容充实(50),流利程度(20分)符合英语国家口语表达惯例(10),无语法错误(20)。(三)随堂口试考试要求考生必须带身份证或者一卡通,否则不准参加考试。考试时间:2014年12月第十五周、十六周 任课教师:郑凤阁附件1:Situation (70分起评)Work in pairs; make up a dialogue according to the following situation.You, a graduating student from Euriasia University of marketing studies, is applying for a position of MD in a company. Your interviewer, Mr. Luo is interviewing you.SituationThis is an organization chart of ADMT Corporation Ltd. Try to make a dialogue with your partner. Student A gives a brief introduction of ADMT Co.Ltd, Student B asks questions about the departments and responsibilities and Student A uses the information in the chart to answer. Situation(60分起评)Work in pairs. Use the following information to make a phone dialogue with your partner.Student AYou want to speak to Ms. Black of G&B Company. Ms. Black isnt in the office, so leave the following information:Your name;Cellphone number:Why you are calling: the changing conditions of your contract with G&B;How you can be contacted: You can be reached until 4 oclock at the above number. If Ms. Black calls after 4 oclock, she should call 856-0000. Student BYou are a receptionist at G&B. Student A would like to speak to Ms. Black but she is out of the office. Take a message and make sure you get the following information:Name and telephone numberask Student A to spell the surname;Message that Student A would like to leave for Ms. Black;How late Ms. Black can call Student A at the given telephone number.Situation(80分起评)Make up dialogues according to the following situations1.You are going to attend an exposition in London next month. Phone the booking. office of an airline to reserve a ticket for the travel.2.You are flying to Melbourne on business. Now you are at the check in counter, waiting to check in. Your partner plays the role of the check-in agent. 3.You work in a company which specialises in producing video cameras. You have been invited by one of your business associates to attend a trade exhibition in their country. As well as some personal belongings like clothes and a laptop computer, you have brought with you a video camera (which is dutiable) as a sample. Now you are going through customs. Design a dialogue between you and the customs officer.Situation(80分起评)Think of a new product youve bought lately and show it to the teacher. Tell students in your group about:a. The features and selling point of the productb. Why you decided to buy itc. How it works or tastes, etc.Situation(70分起评)You are about to take a v


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